优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              This is a picture of Dongdong's family.The girl in red is Dongdong's sister,Kate.She likes music.She can dance and sing.The boy in green is Dongdong.He likes sport.He can play football and basketball.Yao Ming is his favourite sport star(明星).The man in black is Dongdong's father.He is an engineer.He can play computer games.The woman in yellow is Dongdong's mother.She is a teacher.She likes reading very much.She can speak English and French.
              (1) There are ______ people in Dongdong's family.
              A. five
              B. two
              C. three
              D. four
              (2) ______ can play basketball.
              A. Dongdong's father
              B. Dongdong's mother
              C. Dongdong
              D. Kate
              (3) ______ is in red.
              A. Dongdong's mother
              B. Dongdong's father
              C. Dongdong's sister
              D. Dongdong
              (4) From the passage,we know Yao Ming is a(n) ______ .
              A. teacher
              B. engineer
              C. sportsman
              D. student
              (5) ______ can speak English and French.
              A. Dongdong's sister
              B. Dongdong's mother
              C. Dongdong's father
              D. Dongdong himself.
            • 2.

              Last Wednesday, Mr. Chen took his class to the Space Museum. There   (1)   many things about space there. First, the children saw a film about space travel. They saw   (2)   the space shuttle(航天飞机) took off in space and later landed on earth   (3)  . It was very exciting and the children felt they were traveling in space   (4)  !

                After the film, Mr. Chen took   (5)   to see some models of rockets(火箭)   (6)   the space shuttle. The models looked very real, but they were much   (7)  . Then the children saw some moon rocks(岩石). Two   (8)   landed on the moon in 1969. They put an American flag(旗) there. Then they took some rocks back to the   (9)  .

                  (10)   the children left, they also watched a video show about people living and working in a space lab. The people could stay in the space lab for months.


              (1) A. is                                     
              B. are                                   
              C. was                                  
              D. were


              (2) A. how                                
              B. what                               
              C. when                               
              D. which


              (3) A. too                                  
              B. already                           
              C. again                               
              D. badly
              (4) A. itself                               
              B. ourselves                       
              C. oneself                            
              D. themselves
              (5) A. their                               
              B. them                               
              C. they                                 
              D. theirs


              (6) A. or                                    
              B. but                                   
              C. and                                  
              D. then
              (7) A. small                              
              B. smaller                           
              C. big                                    
              D. bigger
              (8) A. Americans                    
              B. Englishmen                   
              C. Australians                    
              D. Chinese
              (9) A. moon                             
              B. star                                 
              C. earth                               
              D. sun
              (10) A. After                               
              B. As soon as                     
              C. Until                                
              D. Before
            • 3.
              阅读理解(词数:140;建议用时:8 分钟)
              Hilary is a Vietnamese (越南的) girl but she and her family are in Canada now.In January or February,her family and other Vietnamese families celebrate (庆祝) Tet together.It has the same date as the Chinese New Year,but some things are different.On that day,Vietnamese children don't go to school.On that day,many Vietnamese families come to visit Hilary's family or they go to visit other families.On that day,ladies wear red and yellow because those are the colours of their national flag.All the men wear black.They go to church(做礼拜).The church can be a building or someone's house.There they eat cakes and fried rice for dinner.Then children get red envelopes(信封).There is usually about 10or 20dollars in them.Later people go home and watch TV.

              (1) Where does Hilary live now? ______
              A. In China.
              B. In the U.S.
              C. In Canada.
              D. In Vietnam.
              (2) Tet is ______ .
              A. an exam in Vietnam
              B. a Vietnamese festival
              C. a special envelope
              D. a kind of TV program
              (3) What don't Hilary and her family usually do on Tet? ______
              A. Visit other Vietnamese families.
              B. Go to school.
              C. Eat cakes and fried rice.
              D. Go to church.
              (4) On Tet,all the men wear ______ clothes.
              A. red
              B. black
              C. red and yellow
              D. black and yellow
              (5) Which of the following is TRUE? ______
              A. Hilary is from Vietnam.
              B. Every child can get 20dollars on Tet.
              C. The colours of the flag of Vietnam are red and black.
              D. Hilary celebrates Tet at school with her friends.
            • 4.
              A doctor was once teaching a class of medical(医学的)students at a famous hospital in Edinburgh.An injured man was brought in.and the doctor turned to one of his students and asked him,"What's wrong with this man?"
              "I don't know.sir,"the student answered."Shall I examine him and find out?"
              "There's no need to examine him,"said the doctor."You should know without asking questions.He has hurt his right knee.Didn't you notice the way he walked?He hurt it by burning it in the fire.You see his trouser leg is burnt away at the knee.This is Monday morning.Yesterday was fine,but on Saturday the roads were wet and muddy(泥泞的).The man's trousers are muddy all over.The man fell down on Saturday night."
              The doctor then turned to the man and said,‘‘You had your pay on Saturday and went to a public house and drank too much.You got muddy and wet on.the way home.Because you had drunk too much,you fell on the fire and burnt your knee.1s that right?"
              "Yes.sir."said the man.
              (1) The medical students were having a lesson ______ .
              A. at the library
              B. in a classroom
              C. at a well-known hospital
              D. in a medical school
              (2) The man hurt his knee ______ .
              A. on Monday
              B. on Sunday night
              C. on Saturday night
              D. yesterday
              (3) How did the doctor know that the man burnt his knee? ______
              A. From the way he walked.
              B. By seeing his trouser leg was burnt away at the knee.
              C. By seeing the man's trousers were muddy all over.
              D. Both A and B.
              (4) Which is the right order according to the passage'? ______
              ①He burnt his knee. ②He got drunk.
              ③He fell down and got muddy. ④He had his pay.
              A. ①②③④
              B. ④③②①
              C. ③④①②
              D. ④②③①
              (5) From the passage we know that ______ is very important for medical students.
              A. watching and thinking
              B. taking good care of others
              C. learning from others
              D. teaching.
            • 5.
              Ellie Simmonds is a swimmer who has achondroplasia(软骨发育不全). She was born in 1994in England. She started swimming when she was five years old.
              She gets up at 5:30a.m. and has a quick breakfast. She always has training between 6:00and 7:30a.m. She has more training after school between 3:30p.m. and 5:30p.m. After dinner, she does her homework and reads textbooks for the next day. Then she may talk with friends online and watch TV before going to bed at 9:30p.m. Ellie joined the 2008Summer Paralympics(残奥会) as the youngest British athlete. She won two gold medals then. Ellie won two gold medals, one silver medal and one bronze medal at the 2012London Paralympics. Her performances were excellent.
              Ellie said, "Other athletes and I hope people can be inspired(受到鼓舞) by us and get into sports."

              (1) How old is Ellie Simmonds now (2014)? ______
              A. 17.
              B. 20.
              C. 21.
              D. 19.
              (2) How many hours does Ellie train every day? ______
              A. For one hour and a half.
              B. For three hours and a half.
              C. For four hours and a half.
              D. For two hours.
              (3) How long does Ellie sleep every day? ______
              A. For eight hours and a half.
              B. For seven hours.
              C. For eight hours.
              D. For nine hours.
              (4) How many medals did Ellie win? ______
              A. 3.
              B. 4.
              C. 5.
              D. 6.
              (5) Which of the following is true? ______
              A. Ellie was born in 1994.
              B. Ellie hardly watches TV.
              C. Ellie had trained for 12years before 2008.
              D. Ellie got more gold medals in 2012than in 2008.
            • 6.
              I n eed your help,please.I can't find my daughter.She is 9years old.Her Flame is Mary.She has a round face with two big brown eyes and a small nose.She has short and yellow hair.She is of medium height and she is thin.She is wearing a white T-shirt and a red skirt.She likes to play with little dogs.There is an apple in her hands.
              Please h elp me.If you see her,please call[3etty at 568-9898.Thank you very much.
              (1) What's the name of the girl? ______
              A. Mary.
              B. Betty.
              C. Jenny.
              D. Joan.
              (2) How old is the girl? ______
              A. Three years old.
              B. Nine years old.
              C. Six years old.
              D. We don't know.
              (3) What does the girl look like? ______
              A. She has a round face.
              B. She has two big black eyes.
              C. She has a small nose.
              D. A and C.
              (4) What color are the girl's clothes? ______
              A. Her T shirt is white and her skirt is blue.
              B. Her T shirt is red and her skirt is brown.
              C. Her T-shirt is yellow and her skirt is black.
              D. Her T-shirt is white and her skirt is red.
              (5) If you find the girl,you can ______ .
              A. tell the police
              B. take her to your home
              C. call 110
              D. call Betty.
            • 7.
              One Sunday, Jim went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a sweater. He didn't like it, so he returned it to the storekeeper. Then he tried on a Tshirt that had the same price as the sweater. Jim was satisfied(满意) with the Tshirt, and he left the store with it. Before he climbed on his horse to go home, the storekeeper and the assistant ran out at the same time.
              "You didn't pay for the Tshirt!" said the storekeeper.
              "But I gave the sweater in exchange for the Tshirt, didn't I?" replied Jim.
              "Yes, but you didn't pay for the sweater!" said the storekeeper.
              "But I didn't buy the sweater." said Jim, "I am not so stupid to pay for something that I have never bought."

              (1) How did Jim get to the store? ______
              A. On foot.
              B. By bus.
              C. On a horse.
              D. The story doesn't tell us.
              (2) How many people were working in the store? ______
              A. Two.
              B. Three.
              C. Four.
              D. Five.
              (3) How much was the Tshirt? ______
              A. $35.
              B. It had the same price as the sweater.
              C. It was higher than the sweater.
              D. We don't know.
              (4) What did Jim actually(实际上) pay for? ______
              A. The sweater.
              B. The Tshirt.
              C. Nothing.
              D. The sweater and the Tshirt.
              (5) What do you think of Jim from the passage? ______
              A. He was stupid.
              B. He was greedy(贪婪的).
              C. He was honest.
              D. He was kind.
            • 8.
              Yang Jiang,the famous woman writer and translator is well-known to us all.
              She was born in Beijing in 1911.originally named Yang Jikang.As a baby she liked laughing.Her parents let every daughter develop their character freely.which is rare at that time and even at present.Jikang,therefore,had a happy childhood in the 1920s
              She graduated from university and went to Tsinghua University as a postgraduate(研究生)in the 1930s.There she met Qian Zhongshu:they fell in love and married.
              In the l940s,she started to use the name Yang Jiang as her pen name.Since then she was commonly known as Madam Yang Jiang.
              In the l950s,she worked for Peking University,and started to learn Spanish.She was the first to translate Don Quixote《堂吉诃德》)into Chinese.
              She began to write short novels in the 1980s.The novel The Old Wang(《老王》)written in 1984was selected as the passage in our middle school text book.
              Besides,her famous works After Baptism(《洗澡之后》)and We Three(《我们仨》)also became a household name in China.
              Sorry to hear that Madam Yang died at Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing,on May25,2016.
              Such was Madam Yang,the best wife and the most talented woman!Her legend is still continuing!
              Yang Jiang

              Born:in Beijing in 1911
              Original name:Yang Jikang
              (1) ______ :Yang Jiang
              Her husband:(2) ______

              In the 1930s,graduated from university
              In the 1950s,worked for Peking University,started to learn
              (3) ______
              In the 1980s,began to write (4) ______
              Famous works The Old Wang,After Baptism (5) ______
            • 9.
              Two boys decided to dig a deep hole behind their house.As they were working,a man asked what they were doing."We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth,"one of the boys said happily.
              The man began to laugh and told them not to do that because he thought that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible.After a while,one of the boys picked up a jar full of spiders,worms,and all kinds of insects.He removed the cover and showed the wonderful things to the man.Then he said confidently,"Even if we can't dig all the way through the earth,look at what we found along the way!"
              Their goal was far too big,but it did cause them to dig and cause them to move in the direction they had chosen.
              But not every goal will be fully finished.Not every job will end successfully.Not every hope will come to pass.Not every love will last.But when you have a goal,perhaps you can say,"Yes,but look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!"It is the level of joy you find in the journey,which is the most important.
              (1) What did the two boys decide to do? ______
              A. They decided to find some insects.
              B. They decided to find a job.
              C. They decided to dig a hole.
              D. They decided to catch some insects.
              (2) What did the man think about the boy's words? ______
              A. They were a little boring.
              B. They were a little funny.
              C. They were kind of smart.
              D. They were a little interestin9.
              (3) What does the underlined word"confidently"probably mean in Chinese? ______
              A. 骄傲地
              B. 自信地
              C. 大声地
              D. 愤怒地
              (4) What did the boys find during their digging? ______
              A. They found lots of jars.
              B. They found lots of gold.
              C. They found lots of insects.
              D. They found some goals.
              (5) The author wants to tell us that ______ .
              A. everyone is sure to win if he has a goal in his life
              B. people should work harder at their goals in their life
              C. people can get angry if they can't achieve their dreams
              D. we can get joy when we try to do something even if we can't achieve our
            • 10.
              Tim was a little boy of nine years old.He was busy last Saturday morning,because he went to the park with his friends to paint.
              He returned home at about half past twelve,but nobody was in.He found that there was a note on the table.It read:
              We've gone to your grandparents'.Please cook lunch for yourself.If you are free this afternoon,you may come to join us.
              Tim didn't want to follow his parents everywhere.He felt so good that he could be a real big boy and look after himself.
              Thinking there was nothing important out there,he cooked some noodles for himself and also helped himself to some apple juice.
              Then he started to do some housework.He was really a good helper to his mother.When his mother was away,he would always find some housework to do,like sweeping the floor and washing the dishes.He felt it quite right for him to do some housework at weekends.
              In the late afternoon,his parents came back.He asked them what happened.
              "Why?You forget?It's Grandmother's birthday today."
              "Uh,gee!I simply forgot!I must telephone Grandmother."
              He picked up the phone.
              "I'm terribly sorry,Grandma,that I forgot about your birthday.Anyway,anyone will forget one thing or another.So I won't get worried if you forget my birthday next Tuesday."
              (1) Who was in when Tim returned home from the park? ______
              A. Nobody.
              B. His mother.
              C. His grandfather.
              D. His father.
              (2) Why didn't Tim go to his grandparents'in the afternoon? ______
              A. He was busy in the afternoon.
              B. He didn't see the note on the table.
              C. He didn't want to see his grandmother.
              D. He didn't want to follow his parents everywhere. ______
              (3) What is TRUE about Tim?
              A. He was free last Saturday morning.
              B. He hated to do some housework.
              C. He forgot his grandmother's birthday.
              D. He cooked dinner for himself.
              (4) At the end of the story,Tim reminded(提醒) his grandmother not to forget ______ .
              A. his father's birthday
              B. his mother's birthday
              C. his grandfather's birthday
              D. his birthday.
