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            • 1.
              It was winter,and Mrs.Smith wanted to do a lot of shopping.She waited until it wasSaturday,when her husband was free,and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everythingand to carry for her what she would buy.They went to a lot of shops,and Mrs.Smith bought everything she could think of.She often stopped and said,"I.ook,Peter!Isn't that beautiful'?"
              Mr.Smith then answered,"All right,my dear.How much is it?"And he took out money to pay for it.
              It was almost dark when they came out of the last shop,and Mr.Smith was tired.He was thinking abouta nice drink by the side of a warm fire at home.Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said,"Look at that beautiful moon,Peter."
              Without stopping,Mr.Smith answered immediately,"All right,dear.How much is it?"Then he took hiswallet out of his pocket.
              (1) Mrs.Smith went shopping ______
              A. in summer
              B. when her husband was busy
              C. on Sunday
              D. on Saturday
              (2) Why did Mrs.Smith take her husband to the shops? ______
              A. Because he was always free.
              B. Because he liked shopping,too.
              C. Because she wanted him to pay money.
              D. Because he could give her good advice.
              (3) Mr.Smith wasafter they left the shops. ______
              A. tired
              B. excited
              C. hungry
              D. hot
              (4) What can we learn from Mr.Smith's words during the shopping? ______
              A. He had tots of money.
              B. He was not interested in shopping.
              C. He wanted his wife to buy lots of things.
              D. He was always thinking about drinks.
              (5) When his wife said"Look at that beautiful moon",Mr.Smith ______
              A. wanted to buy the moon
              B. didn't really know what his wife was saying
              C. didn't like the moon
              D. didn't like tile idea of buying the moon.
            • 2.
              Holmes said,"Somebody sent a letter with five pips (桔核) in it from India,and arrived seven weeks later to kill John's uncle.Then they sent five pips from Scotland and arrived three days later to kill John's father.Now they have sent five pips to John from London!"
              "The letters are all from sea ports (海港).The writer was on a ship when he wrote the letters,"I replied.
              "Very good,Watson!And John's enemy is in London already!"
              "Well,I hope they won't kill young John,"I said.
              But they did.The next morning,we read in the newspaper that a policeman found him die near Waterloo station.Holmes was very angry about it.
              "He came to me for help and those men murdered him!I'm going to find them,if it's the last thing I do!"he said to me,and he hurried out of the house.
              At night,when he came back,he was tired,but pleased,he said,"I know the names of John's enemies!And now I'm going to send them a surprise!This will frighten them!"He took five pips from an orange and put them in an envelope (信封).On it he wrote"S.H.for J.C."
              "I'm sending the pips to captain James Calhoun.His ship is called the Star.He and his men are sailing back to Georgia,USA."
              "How did you find him,Holmes?"I asked.
              "Ship's papers,"he said,"I've looked at hundreds of them today.Only one ship,the Star,was in the three ports at the right times,this morning the Star left London to sail back to Georgia.I found out that the captain and two of his men,all Americans,weren't on the ship last night,so I'm sure they killed John.When they arrive in America,they'll get the pips and then the police will catch them!"
              (1) Holmes was ______ about John's death.
              A. curious
              B. angry
              C. crazy
              D. worried
              (2) The Star left London for ______ .
              A. Canada
              B. Australia
              C. India
              D. America
              (3) Who do you think the underlined letters"J.C."stand for? ______
              A. James Calhoun
              B. James Columbus
              C. John Calhoun
              D. John Columbus
              (4) Which order is correct according to the story? ______
              ①John came to Holmes for help.②John received a letter with five pips.
              ③John was killed.④Holmes sent five pips to J.C.
              A. ③①④②
              B. ③④①②
              C. ④①③②
              D. ②①③④
            • 3.
              One day Mrs. Wilson went shopping with Tracy and Ben. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping centre.
              "Why do you buy things here?" Tracy wanted to know. "Because they are cheaper here than at the corner store near out home." Mrs. Wilson said, "Help me check the prices, please."
              The Wilsons were not rich and Mrs. Wilson was always careful with her money. She looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought lots of things in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said, "We don't think you saved money by going to the supermarket."
              "Of course I did." Mrs. Wilson said, "Everything was cheaper there."
              "We know." The children said, "But we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The taxi fare was more than the money that you saved!"
              Mrs. Wilson added everything up. Her children were right.
              "We done." She said, "Next time we'll do the shopping nearby."

              (1) The things at the corner store were ______ than those in the supermarket.
              A. cheaper
              B. nicer
              C. more expensive
              D. better
              (2) Mrs. Wilson ______ in the end.
              A. spent more money
              B. paid less money
              C. lost some money
              D. saved a little money
              (3) From the passage we know the children were ______ .
              A. happy
              B. clever
              C. tired
              D. lazy
              (4) Mrs. Wilson will ______ .
              A. never call a taxi
              B. go on buying things in the supermarket
              C. buy things near her home
              D. not go shopping with her children
              (5) The best title for the passage is ______ .
              A. Cutting Price
              B. Corner Store
              C. Supermarket
              D. Shopping
            • 4.
              Tony Wheeler was born to travel.His father worked for an airline.For the first 16years of his life,Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries.
              In the early 1970s,Tony met a young woman named Maureen.They
              soon married.Before getting jobs,Tony and Maureen wanted to travel.They took a year long trip from England,through Asia,to Australia.On
              the trip,they visited places like Iran(伊朗),India,and so on.
              When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia,people asked many
              questions about their trip.To answer these questions,Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap.The book told people about different countries'weather,customs (风俗),and places to see.But unlike other travel books then,Tony Wheeler's book also talked about places most
              tourists did not go.He also wrote about unusual things to see and do.The book was very popular.
              Tony and Maureen started a company called Lonely Planet.They
              continued travelling.They wrote books for each place they visited.Today,800people work {or Lonely Planet.The company has over 650books.Tony Wheeler,the great traveller,still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.
              (1) Tony Wheeler and his wife ended the year-long trip in ______ .
              A. England
              B. Iran
              C. India
              D. Australia
              (2) Tony Wheeler wrote the book Across Asia on the Cheat to ______ .
              A. make money for his next trip
              B. tell people about his new company
              C. draw people's attention to his family
              D. answer people's questions about his trip
              (3) How was the book Across Asia on the Cheap different from othertravel books then? ______
              A. It was longer and more popular.
              B. It was the first travel book in the world.
              C. It talked about places most tourists did not go.
              D. It talked about a country's weather and customs.
              (4) Which of the following is TRUE about Tony Wheeler's company? ______
              A. His father started it.
              B. It is an airline company.
              C. Hundreds of people work for it.
              D. It has no books about travelling.
              (5) The passage mainly talks about ______ .
              A. a great traveller and his books
              B. a tour of different countries
              C. a great writer and his family
              D. different kinds of companies.
            • 5.
              Kim Bogue,a keeper in California,worked overtime to save money for a trip to Thailand to visit her family and friends.She saved over 900dollars and was planning to buy a ticket,but she lost her purse with all her money and credit cards.
              Kim looked through the garbage and all the buildings where she worked but came up empty-handed.She went home heartbroken.She believed that she had lost her money forever.While Kim was at home,sad and depressed,a homeless man was searching through the garbage looking for things to sell.As he was looking through a garbage bag,he found something wrapped in a plastic bag.
              The homeless man,who did not want to be identified,at a homeless shelter.The homeless man came to Sherry Wesley with the wad of money and said,"This probably belongs to someone that you work with,can you find the owner?"Sherry Wesley works in one of the buildings that Kim cleans and she knew Kim had lost her purse.
              Kim was amazed when she heard the good news."I couldn't believe it when they called me,"she said" He has a very big heart.If someone else had found the purse,the money would be gone."As a reward,Kim gave the man 100dollars.The homeless man gave half of the money to Sherry Wesley and asked her to donate it to charity for him.

              (1) Kim worked overtime tosavemoney for ______ her family and friends in Thailand.
              A. helping
              B. visiting
              C. giving
              D. getting
              (2) While Kim was at home,sad and depressed,a homeless man found ______ by accident.
              A. the garbage bag
              B. something to sell
              C. the purse Kim lost
              D. nothing important
              (3) From paragraph 3,Sherry Wesley was a ______ who worked at a homeless shelter.
              A. volunteer worker
              B. homeless man
              C. building cleaner
              D. blindness
              (4) At the end of the story,the homeless man gave ______ dollars to charity.
              A. 90
              B. 100
              C. 50
              D. 80
              (5) The sentence in the last paragraph"He has a very big heart."means ______ in Chinese.
              A. 他很贪心
              B. 他有野心
              C. 他很高尚
              D. 他心胸宽广.
            • 6.
              I've been planning this trip for weeks.This blog is to tell my friends what I've done while I'm in Italy for 4weeks.
              Week 1
              I've been in Italy since Tuesday lunchtime.I'm in Venice now.This afternoon,I've been rowing.Most people go on the canal in the gondola but I wanted to be different.Tonight I met someone in the hotel.He's from England too.We're going out to listen to some jazz music.
              Everything's going well so far.Weather is great.Not too hot.Not too cold.
              Week 2
              I've been in Milan for the past three days.Everybody here loves to shop.And eat.There're lots of restaurants-my favourite is a little pizza restaurant.I've been here twice already!I've also been to the Duomo.That's the 4th largest church in the world.
              Week 3
              I'm in Rome now,but I've visited lots of little towns on the way.I went to the Colosseum.Wow!There was a large crowd waiting to get in.The place is amazing.It's been there since 80AD.73,000people could have seats there for big events.
              Week 4
              Naples.I went out of the city to have a visit.It rained.I've come back to the hotel now to get dry and pack for the journey home.
              (1) What did the writer do on his way to Rome from Milan? ______
              A. Shopping.
              B. Going to a church.
              C. Rowing the boat.
              D. Visiting many small towns.
              (2) Which place does the writer think amazing? ______
              A. Venice.
              B. Milan.
              C. The Duomo.
              D. The Colosseum.
              (3) What didn't the writer do in Venice? ______
              A. Listening to some jazz music.
              B. Rowing the boat.
              C. Buying some souvenirs.
              D. Meeting someone in the hotel.
              (4) Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? ______
              A. The writer visited Venice in the first week.
              B. The writer's favourite restaurant in Milan is a little hamburger restaurant.
              C. The Duomo is the fourth largest church in the world.
              D. The Colosseum has been there since 80AD.
              (5) The gondola is probably a kind of ______ .
              A. fruit
              B. boat
              C. car
              D. hotel.
            • 7.
              Jane went to Scotland(苏格兰)for her holiday.Two days ago,she sent a letter and a postcard to her family.
              Jane said in her letter."How are you all?I miss you very much.I visited a lot of places.I went to Edinburgh(爱丁堡)by train.I stayed there for three days and then l went to the mountains.I met a lot of young people there and now they are my friends.I also saw many famous lakes.I find that Scotland is more beautiful than(比)England(英格兰).And the restaurant is very nice.I'm having a wonderful time here now."
              (1) Jane sent ______ to her family.
              A. a letter
              B. a postcard
              C. some presents
              D. a letter and a postcard
              (2) In her letter Jane said ______ .
              A. she met many young people in the mountains
              B. she was in the mountains for three days
              C. she went to the mountains three days ago with her mother
              D. she went to the mountains by plane
              (3) Jane said that ______ .
              A. she visited many lakes
              B. she visited some rivers
              C. she didn't visit any lakes
              D. Scotland wasn't beautiful
              (4) Jane thought that ______ .
              A. England was more beautiful than Scotland
              B. Scotland was more beautiful than England
              C. England was smaller than Scotland
              D. Scotland was as beautiful as England
              (5) From Jane's letter we know that ______ .
              A. she didn't like England
              B. she didn't make any friends
              C. she enjoyed herself very much
              D. she didn't like the trip at all.
            • 8.
              Raising chickens seems a difficult task for teenagers.Gracie Goodpasture,from Virginia,US,not only raises them,but also tries to breed(喂养) the"perfect chicken".And she even won an award for her love of science.
              Gracie started breeding chickens in her third grade at Steward School.At first,she worked on some farms for her school project.But later,the 14-year-old started to have some ideas of her own.
              "Some have thicker eggshells(蛋壳),and they're hearty(健壮的) throughout the winter,"said Grade.
              Since then,the young science lover started to try to find the healthiest free-range(散养) chickens.And she ended up breeding a type that now bears her name.
              The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) gave the 2015Angela Award to Gracie Goodpasture.Her interests don't end with chickens and eggs.She is also into building robots and testing preservatives(防腐剂) in fast foods.In her words,she wants to go to Virginia Tech for poultry(家禽) sciences in the future.
              79.Where is Gracie from?
              80.In which grade did Gracie start breeding chickens?
              81.What did Gracie find about some chickens'eggshells?
              82.When did NSTA give the Angela Award to Gracie?
              83.Why does Gracie want to go to Virginia Tech in the future?
              ______ .
            • 9.
              A small man goes to the cinema.He buys a ticket and goes in.But after two or three minutes he comes out.He buys a second ticket and goes in again.After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket.Two or three minutes after that he comes out a third time and asks for another ticket.But the girl says to him,"Why are you buying all these?Are you meeting friends in the cinema all the time?"
              "No,I'm not doing that."the small man says,"But a big woman always stops me at the door and tears (撕掉) my tickets up."
              (1) The small man goes to the cinema to ______ .
              A. see a film
              B. watch TV
              C. meet his friends
              D. have a rest
              (2) The small man ______ a ticket.
              A. takes
              B. buys
              C. brings
              D tears
              (3) After a few minutes the small man ______ again and buys a third ticket.
              A. gets
              B. tears up.
              C. comes out
              D goes in
              (4) "No,I'm not doing that."means ______ .
              A. He isn't seeing a film
              B. He isn't meeting his friend
              C. He wants to buy the tickets for the big woman
              D the big woman doesn't let him in
              (5) From the story we can guess(猜) ______ .
              A. the small man is the first time to go to a cinema.
              B. the big woman at the door doesn't like him.
              C. the small man is afraid of the big woman.
              D. the small man doesn't want the big woman to tear his ticket up.
            • 10.
              My name is Zhen Zhuo.Today is my birthday.I'm nine years old.My mum and dad get a big cake for me.I like it very much.It's on the table now.There are some other things on the table,too.They are some apples,orange juice,chicken and some fish.I'm thirsty(口渴的) now.I'd like some orange juice.My friends Du Ke and Bai Jie are coming.Listen!They are knocking at the door.I have no time to drink(喝).I must open the door now.

              (1) Zhen Zhuo is ______ .
              A. twelve
              B. ten
              C. nine
              D. fifteen
              (2) There is/are some ______ on the table.
              A. eggs
              B. apples
              C. candy
              D. ice cream
              (3) Du Ke and Bai Jie are Zhen Zhuo's ______ .
              A. sisters
              B. cousins
              C. classmates
              D. friends
              (4) Zhen Zhuo is ______ now.
              A. healthy
              B. thirsty
              C. full
              D. sad
              (5) Zhen Zhuo's ______ are knocking at the door.
              A. parents
              B. sisters
              C. friends
              D. brothers.
