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            • 1.

              Do you enjoy drawing?
              Here you'll have fun drawing.I think you'll love"Sam's Happy Drawing".It is a great show and Sam is really helpful.He can teach kids some happy ways on how to draw different things.Sam often tells kids the history about the things they draw.Kids can also learn something about what they are drawing.
              "Fun Animals"is about birds and dogs.Sam shows how to draw them and how to look after them,too.
              In"Happy Dinosaurs(恐龙)",you can see many drawings about dinosaurs.Sam visited the History Museum of Boston (波士顿)and learnt how they lived,what they ate and how long they lived.
              In"Beautiful Stars",you'll find lots of stars in the sky.Sam drew them after he visited the Science Museum of Boston.It's about the stars.It tells us how far we are from the stars.They are really far away from us!
              Come and enjoy yourself,kids.You can draw in the happy ways Sam gives you.They will help you to become an artist.
              (1) "Sam's Happy Drawing"is a______.
              A. movie
              B. show
              C. book
              D. magazine
              (2) "Fun Animals"tells something about______.
              A. dinosaurs
              B. stars and the moon
              C. birds and dogs
              D. Sam
              (3) Sam learnt something about the dinosaurs in______.
              A. the art show
              B. the History Museum of Boston
              C. the school
              D. the Science Museum of Boston
              (4) The show will help kids to______.
              A. like museums
              B. like animals
              C. be a teacher
              D. be an artist
              (5) We know______ from the ad.(广告).
              A. kids can't learn anything from the drawings
              B. the stars were not very far from us
              C. "Sam's Happy Drawing"can show kids the happy ways to draw
              D. Sam can't draw any kinds of animals.
            • 2.
              For sale
              Three-bedroom house
              It's near No.1High school.
              There is a park,a library and a supermarket near here.Right price!
              Call Joe at 8682-5044.
              City English Center
              Good Engish teachers give classes from 8:00a.m.to 11:00a.m.on weekends.
              Classes are 50yuan an hour.
              Please call Lisa at 5354-5156from Monday to Friday.
              For Rent
              One hundred bikes
              All bikes are new and colorful.
              It's near the Center Hospital.
              Ten yuan a day.
              Call Mr.Li at 3384-3535every day.
              (1) You can ______ by calling 8682-5044.
              A. buy a house
              B. read in the library
              C. shop in the supermarket
              D. take a walk in a park
              (2) You can learn English at ______ on Saturday.
              A. 7:00a.m.
              B. 3:00p.m.
              C. 9:00a.m.
              D. 8:00p.m.
              (3) We may get the information(信息)from a ______
              A. textbook
              B. newspaper
              C. dictionary
              D. storybook.
            • 3.
              Hermelin the Detective Mouse
              Hermelin is a special little mouse. He was born in a box of cheese and lives in a building at 33Offley Street. He can read books and type notes on his typewriter. Most importantly, Hermelin can solve mysteries. And the people of Offley Street are in need of a detective!
              Again and again. Hermelin is on the case- the hidden hero. But when his neighbours invite him to a thank-you party in his honor and find out who Hermelin really is-a MOUSE!-will he still be welcome in Offley Street?
              Product Details
              Age Range(范围):5-8years
              Hardcover: 32pages
              Publishing Date: 5August 2014
              Language: English
              Product Dimensions(尺寸):10.9x9.6X0.5inches
              Detective Dinosaur
              First, Detective Dinosaur solves the mystery of the missing hat. Then he solves the case of the shoe which always makes a sound. Then he goes on night patrol(巡逻),and finds out a terrible shadow(影子) in a dark street. Can it be a monster(怪物)?Help Detective Dinosaur follow the clues and find out!
              Product Details
              Age Range: 4-8years
              Paperback: 48pages
              Publishing Date: 17January 1998
              Language: English
              Product Dimensions: 8.5×5.5×0.2inches

              (1) From the passage, we can know that the two books ______ .
              A. are for teenagers
              B. have the same pages
              C. are published in the same year
              D. have different sizes
              (2) According to the information above, the two detectives are ______ .
              A. animals
              B. heroes
              C. children
              D. adults
              (3) Which of the following is true? ______
              A. Hermelin lives in a small building at 33Offley Street.
              B. People in Oflley Street don't know who Hermelin really is.
              C. Dinosaur finds a monster in a dark street one night.
              D. Dinosaur follows the clues and finds out what the shadow is.
            • 4.
              Bird Talk includes everything you need to know to help keep your pet bird healthy and active.Get important information on bird healthcare,step-by-step training and caging tips.Readers also enjoy colorful photos,entertaining stories in each monthly issue (发行).
              Issues per year:12 Our price:$13.99
              Cover price:$47.88
              Art on paper is an art magazine devoted to works on paper.Art on paper presents current information about exhibitions and the marketplace.Each issue contains news,reviews of current and recent museums and exhibitions,as well as published artists books and limited-edition prints.
              Issues per year:6 Our price:$45
              Cover price:$80.00
              Disney Adventures is for children aged 7to 14who are eager to learn.This magazine focuses (集中) fun and action-packed adventure covering the world of entertainment,real life,comics,sports,and technology.
              Issues per year:10 Our price:$14.95
              Cover price:$29.90
              Mother Earth News is a country lifestyle magazine to help readers with the how-to information of home building and home improvement,organic gardening,small business,development,outdoor recreation and wood-working projects.
              Issues per year:6 Our price:$18.00
              Cover price:$23.70
              (1) If Ellen is very interested in organic gardening,she's most likely to order.______
              A. Bird Talk B. Art Paper
              C. Disney Adventures D. Mother Earth News
              (2) Which of the following is TRUE about Bird Talk?______
              A. It can teach a bird how to talk
              B. It is for children under 14.
              C. It is published once a month.
              D. It contains news and recent museums.
              (3) Why are the children eager to read Disney Adventures?______
              A. Because it's cheap.
              B. Because it focuses on fun and action-packed adventure.
              C. Because there is how-to information of home building on the magazine.
              D. Because it contains news and exhibition.
              (4) From the passage we know.______
              A. Bird talk's cover price is$13.99.
              B. Children and adults love to read Disney Adventures.
              C. Art on Paper can help readers know current information about exhibitions andthe marketplace.
              D. Mother Earth News is a city lifestyle magazine.
              (5) The purpose (目的) of the passage is mainly.______
              A. to get readers to order the magazine
              B. to introduce four magazines to readers
              C. to compare (比较) the prices of four magazines
              D. to provide readers with more fun.
            • 5.
              Welcome to Our English Club!
              Date:January 18th,2017
              Place:Academic Hall(学术报告厅) in Yichun Experimental Middle School
              Teachers:Chris Roman from the USA and some English teachers
              Students:Boys and girls from the Eighth Grade
              Activities:Singing an English song,learning something about Mr Roman's hometown,talking about students'hobbies and friends and dream jobs,playing a game etc.
              ★Everybody should be on time.
              ★Everybody should keep quiet.
              ★Everybody needs to bring a pen and a piece of paper.
              ★Everybody should actively participate(参与) in each activity.
              Come and join us!
              (1) When is the English club?______
              A. At 16:00,December 18th
              B. At 18:00,January 18th
              C. At 16:00,January 18th
              D. At 17:00,December 18th
              (2) Students can take part in the activities expect(除了)______.
              A. dancing
              B. singing
              C. playing a game
              D. learning
              (3) Which of the following is TRUE?______
              A. Students can talk loudly.
              B. Only boys can take part in the activity.
              C. Students can get to Academic Hall at 18:30.
              D. There's a foreign teacher called Chris coming to school.
            • 6.
              The Palace Museum(故宫)
              Attraction:It is most famous place of interest in China.In the old days,it was the palace for emperors.
              Ticket price:60 yuan for adults,20 yuan for students.
              The Louver Museum(卢浮宫)
              Attraction:It has nearly 35,000 works of art,including Mona Lisa and Venus.The Louver was once homes of the emperors.
              Ticket price:8.5 Euros for adults,free for students.
              The Metropolitan Museum of Art(大都会艺术博物馆)
              Location:New York,the USA
              Attraction:It is one of the world's largest museums.It has a great collection of American art.
              Ticket price:25 dollars for adults,12 dollars,free for children under 12.
              The Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood(贝斯纳尔格林童年博物馆)
              Location:London,the UK
              Attraction:It is famous for its collections,such as teddy bears,dolls,dollhouses,model trains and so on.
              Ticket price:Free
              (1) The Louver Museum is in ______ .
              A. France
              B. China
              C. England
              D. American
              (2) Mr.Li wants to take his 10-year-old son to the Metropolitan Museum of Art,he needs to pay ______ .
              A. 12 dollars
              B. 25 dollars
              C. 37 dollars
              D. 50 dollars
              (3) It is best for children who love dolls to visit. ______
              A. The Palace Museum
              B. The Louver Museum
              C. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
              D. The Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood.
            • 7.
              New Student Talent Show
              Don't miss the New Student Talent Show.It will show the talent of new students.The show will be on Friday.September 15th,2017,from 7:00p.m to 8:30p.m.Are you interested in sharing your talent?
              New students who want to audition for the show can:
              1)Submit a video audition to get connected@byui.edu.
              2)Join the Talent Show Audition on Thursday,September 14th,1:00-3:30p.m in the Manwaring Center Dance Studio(MC302)

              If you have any questions about the show,write an email to getconnected@byui.edu.or call the Student Support Office on (208)484-9671.
              (1) The new Student Talent Show is on ______ .
              A. Monday
              B. Thursday
              C. Friday
              D. Sunday
              (2) How long will the show be? ______
              A. For an hour
              B. For one and a half hours
              C. For two hours
              D. For two and a half hours
              (3) What does the underlined (划线的) word"submit"mean? ______
              A. 下载 B. 查看 C. 提交 D. 出售
              (4) Which of the following is true? ______
              A. Students can watch the show on September 14th
              B. Students can call (208)484-9671to join the audition
              C. getconnected@byui.edu.won't answer questions about the show.
              D. The audition will be held in MC202
              (5) The passage is about a ______
              A. school activity
              B. TV show
              C. singing club
              D. dance party.
            • 8.
              Address:28Bridge Street
              Food:fried chicken,French fries,hamburgers,porridge
              Soup:vegetable soup
              Big Pizza
              Address:102Ting Street
              Food:beef pizza,mutton pizza,
              fruit pizza,vegetable pizza
              Room Wanted
              Look for a room for two people.
              Quiet and clean.
              Under¥400a month.
              Actors Wanted
              Can work with others.
              Can sing and dance.
              Work time:every day
              Want to be an actor?
              Call Mr.Zhang at 78567767.
              (1) If you'd like hamburgers,you can ______ .
              A. call 13956789123
              B. call 62550011
              C. call 88819056
              D. call 78567767
              (2) Where can you eat ice-cream? ______
              A. In KFC.
              B. In Big Pizza.
              C. Italy.
              D. A and B.
              (3) Mr.Tang needs ______ .
              A. a room for two people
              B. a dirty room
              C. an actor
              D. a room for over¥400a month
              (4) From the passage,we can know an actor can ______ .
              A. work with others
              B. sing
              C. dance
              D. A,B and C
              (5) Probably we can find the four ads(广告) in a(n) ______ .
              A. movie
              B. book
              C. newspaper
              D. story.
            • 9.
              A Baby Carer Wanted
              Do you like children?Do you have free time in the afternoon?We need a baby carer for our son.He is five years old.Hours are 3:00p.m.to 6:00p.m.from Monday to Friday.Sometimes you have to work on the weekend.We'll pay you $10 each hour.
              For the job,you will:Watch our son,read to him and play with him.
              You will work at our house.We live in the Central Road.
              Please call Mr.Wang at 588-996-66.
              (1) If you want to get the job,you ______ .
              A. must come early in the morning
              B. must sing well
              C. must cook meals
              D. must like playing with children
              (2) The baby carer will work for ______ hours on Monday.
              A. five
              B. four
              C. two
              D. three
              (3) ______ is not a part of the job.
              A. Teaching the children English
              B. Working at he children's house
              C. Taking care of the children
              D. Reading books to the child
              (4) The baby carer can get ______ a day.
              A. 10
              B. 20
              C. 30
              D. 40
              (5) From the passage we know that ______ .
              A. The child is less than (不足)ten years old.
              B. The baby carer must be a college student.
              C. The baby career must work six days a week.
              D. The baby carer can get more pay on weekends.
            • 10.
              Clubs(俱乐部)for Children
              Clubs Activities People Time
              Music Singing,
              13~16years old Saturday afternoons
              Sports Swimming,skating,
              playing balls
              15~20years old Sunday mornings
              Model Making model
              5~8years old Saturday afternoons
              Art Drawing,
              paper cutting(剪纸)
              8~13years old Saturday mornings
              Book Reading,
              telling stories
              3~6years old Friday afternoons
              (1) If you like playing basketball,you can join the______ club.
              A. sports
              B. art
              C. model
              D. music
              (2) Children at the age of twelve can learn to______in the club.
              A. sing
              B. play tennis
              C. draw pictures
              D. swim
              (3) A 15-year-old girl can learn to dance on______.
              A. Friday afternoons
              B. Saturday mornings
              C. Sunday mornings
              D. Saturday afternoons
              (4) If your brother is seven years old,he can join the______club.
              A. book
              B. model
              C. art
              D. sports
              (5) Five or six-year-old children can______on Friday and Saturday afternoons.
              A. tell stories and make models
              B. draw and make model planes
              C. read and sing
              D. cut paper and play basketball.
