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            • 1.


                  This happened in London. It was November and the weather was very wet and cold. A Frenchman had caught a very bad cold. He coughed day and night, so he decided to go and get some medicine for his cough. As he did not know much English, he took out his dictionary and looked up the word “cough”. But the dictionary did not tell him how to pronounce(发音) the word. He thought it over and remembered that he had learned the word “plough”. He remembered that it was pronounced[plau]. So he thought that c-o-u-g-h must be pronounced [kau].

                  Then he put on his coat and hat and went to a chemist's shop(药店).When the man in the shop asked him what he wanted, the Frenchman said, “I want something for my‘cow’ , please.” The man in the shop looked at him. Had he heard him correctly?

                  “I beg your pardon, sir?” he asked.

                  The Frenchman repeated, “I want some medicine for my‘cow’.”

                  “For your cow?” asked the man, “are you a farmer?”

                 “A farmer?” said the Frenchman in surprise, “What makes you think I'm a farmer? I come from Paris. I'm not a farmer.”

                  “But where is your cow?”

                  “It's here!” answered the Frenchman. He put his hand on his chest(胸口) and began to cough. “Here it is,”  he said, “I've a very bad ‘cow’ here.”

                  Then the man in the shop understood what the Frenchman meant. He wanted some medicine for his cough.

              (1) The Frenchman said, “I want something for my‘cow’, please.” Here by the word ‘cow’ he meant _______.


              A. cow      B. cough    C. medicine    D. cold


              (2) What made the man in the shop think the Frenchman was a farmer?


              A. The Frenchman looked like a farmer.


              B. The word ‘cough’ was pronounced [kau] by him.


              C. The Frenchman said he came from a farm in Paris.


              D. We can't learn about it from the story.


              (3) Which of the following is TRUE?


              A. The man in the shop had heard the Frenchman correctly.


              B. The man in the shop didn't understand the Frenchman clearly at first.


              C. The Frenchman told the man in the shop he had a very bad cow.


              D. The Frenchman asked for some medicine for his cow.
            • 2.

              Many young people from America, Canada, Japan, etc like taking photos of them by themselves. A girl named Helene Meldahal from Norway also likes taking photos of her by herself. However(然而), her photos are so different.

                  Before she takes photos, she always draws some interesting pictures on the mirror(镜子) in her bathroom. And it usually takes her about half an hour to finish(完成) every picture. Sometimes, she draws her favorite cartoon characters, like Logger Vick(光头强), Ikkyu(一休哥) ... Sometimes, she draws some lovely animals. Also, there are many other pictures. Then she takes photos with these pictures.

                  At first, she just left a message(信息) to her roommates on the mirror with the lipstick(口红). One day when she did the same thing, she got the idea of drawing some pictures on the mirror and taking photos with them.

              (1) Where does Helene Meldahal come from?

              A. Norway. B. Japan. C. Canada. D. America.

              (2) What does Helene do before she takes photos?

              A. She draws a Logger Vick.

              B. She cleans the mirror.

              C. She draws pictures on the mirror.

              D. She has a bath in the bathroom.

              (3) How long does it take Helene to finish every picture?

              A. About 15 minutes. B. About 20 minutes.

              C. About 30 minutes. D. About 40 minutes.

              (4) The underlined word "characters" means “________” in Chinese.

              A. 汉字 B. 人物 C. 活动 D. 性格

              (5) What's the best title for this passage?

              A. A clever girl

              B. A girl and her roommates

              C. A beautiful artist(艺术家)

              D. A girl and her lovely photos

            • 3.

              According to the “World Happiness Report”, people who live in Denmark(丹麦)are the happiest in the world. Why? Because they know the secret to happiness —“hygge”. But what is “hygge” ?

              The Danish(丹麦的)word “hygge”(pronounced “hoo-ga”)is often translated in English as “Coziness. But coziness paints only part of the picture. It's also about spending peaceful time in a quiet environment with no calendar. It’s about spending time alone or spending time with family.

              Danish people are very good at “hygge”. For example,they create a “hygge” environment by burning candles in classrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. According to some reports, Danish people burn more candles every year than people from any other European country.

              However, “hygge” isn’t just about creating a nice and warm environment;It is best enjoyed with family members and friends. With up to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter, Danish people spend more time indoors as a result, and they often get together for a meal or hot drinks, without the distraction(使人分心的事物) of technology or the stress of daily life.

               Still can't understand what “hygge” is? If you're reading this in a comfortable chair, with a few candles around you, that sense of coziness you're feeling might just be “hygge”.

              (1) Which place has the happiest people?

              A. America      B. Denmark.    
              C. Switzerland      D. France

              (2) How do Danish people create a “hygge” environment?

              A. By painting their houses.
              B. By cleaning up bedrooms

              C. By burning candles
              D. By shopping online.

              (3) What does the word “ coziness” mean in Chinese in the last paragraph?

              A. 舒适 B. 友善 C. 奢侈 D. 密切

              (4) What is the best title for the passage?

              A. World Happiness Report      
              B. The Danish winter activities

              C. The Danish burn candles
              D. The Danish secret to happiness

            • 4.

              “Can I take your order?” Night after night, I had to say this as I worked in my family’s restaurant. My father was a great cook. He wanted me to cook with him, but I didn’t like cooking. Because of the restaurant, my father was always busy. He never had time to play soccer with me.

                   During my high school and college years, I worked with my family at night. But I always avoided the kitchen. I couldn’t wait to graduate(毕业) so I could move away from the family business(生意). Several days before my graduation day, my father and I started

              looking at new cars. Finally, we found the right car. I was sure that my father would give it to me as my graduation gift.

                   On my graduation day, my father gave me a book as a gift. It was his old cookbook.I was so angry that I give it back to him and ran out of my house. I soon moved away and started my own business. Although I often saw my father during holidays, we never talked

              about the graduation gift. Then one day, I got a call that my father was ill. I went to see him because I was very worried.

                   That night , I looked through my father’s books and saw the cookbook that he had given me years before. I carefully opened the cookbook and went through it. Then I found something that made me cry. It was a check(支票) for $30,000dated (注有日期)the day of

              my graduation.  And the piece of the car my father and I chose all those years ago was $30,000.

              (1) What can we know about the writer’s father from paragraph 1?

              A. He liked to clean the kitchen
              B. He was a wonderful cook

              C. He played soccer with his son a lot
              D. He wanted to buy a big restaurant

              (2) What does the underlined word “avoided” in paragraph2 mean in Chinese?

              A. 重视 B. 避开 C. 检查 D. 改造

              (3) When the writer saw the check in the cookbook, he probably felt____ .

              A. excited        B. angry           
              C. sorry         D. relaxed

              (4) What would be the best title for the passage?

              A. The new car                       
              B. How to be a good father

              C. The family cookbook               
              D. How to be a good son

            • 5.

              We can enjoy a two-day weekend every week. Maybe two days are too short, but we can try to plan the time well. Here are some ideas.

              ★Get up early.

              The weekend is not only a time to sleep in. Some of us get up for lunch! That’s too bad. You can have more free time if you get up early.

              ★Do the homework early.

              We have to spend much time on our homework. You can feel better if you do your homework early. You can do homework on Saturday morning. And then you can play well. I often do my homework on Saturday morning, so I don’t have to worry about it on Saturdays or Sundays.

              ★Go out for fun.

              Think about what you like to do. Plan a sports activity like playing football in the park. You can also visit a museum, a zoo or a park.

              (1) From the passage, we can know the writer is a__________ .

              A. teacher B. student C. parent D. doctor

              (2) “sleep in” in the passage means ________ .

              A. go to bed late                         
              B. go to bed early                                       

              C. get up later than usual in the morning      
              D. get up early

              (3) The second idea is about ________.

              A. the right time to get up                
              B. the best time to do homework

              C. the outdoor activity for weekends   
              D. the good place for weekends

              (4) It’s not a good idea to visit a(n)________at weekends.

              A. Internet Bar      B. park C. museum D. zoo

              (5) What’s the best title (题目) for the passage?

              A. Get Up Early    B. Do Homework Early
              C. Go Out for Fun   D. Plan a Weekend Well

            • 6.

              There are many classic (经典的) cultures in China. All of them have a very long history. Here we introduce some of them.

              Chinese Handwriting

              Chinese handwriting is a special art to Asian culture. Brush handwriting is much loved around the world. Wang Xizhi is very famous for his handwriting. He made a great difference to the development of Kaishu.

              Chinese Folk Music

              China has a colorful culture. It is connected with Chinese ancient stories. Chinese folk music has a long history. One of the classics, Shijing,included some folk songs in 15 different areas from the West Zhou to Spring and Autumn Dynasty. Traditional Chinese musical instruments include guqin, guzheng, pipa, erhu, xiao and so on.

              Chinese Painting

              Chinese painting is one of the oldest traditional Chinese painting forms in the world. Most of the Chinese paintings in ancient China were done on paper or silk. Traditional Chinese painting includes mountains and water, figures (人物), flowers and birds. The highest form of Chinese painting is mountains and water.


              Weiqi, called “yi” in ancient China, is a smart board game between two players with a history for over 3,000 years. The game can be treated as the beginning of all ancient chess games. It was introduced to Korea about 2,000 years ago and was popular among the higher classes.

              (1) A. Chinese handwriting             
              B. Chinese folk music 

              C. Chinese painting                 
              D. Weiqi

              (2) The ______ is a traditional Chinese musical instrument.

              A. guitar B. violin C. piano D. erhu

              (3) The highest form of Chinese painting is ______.

              A. birds          B. mountains and water 
              C. oil painting       D. flowers

              (4) The underlined word “ classes” means ______ in Chinese.

              A. 班级               B. 阶层              
              C. 课堂          D. 种类

              (5) Classic Chinese cultures ______.

              A. have a long history              
              B. are not welcomed by the higher classes:

              C. are popular only in China     
              D. are the beginning of the world culture

            • 7.

              If the food in a supermarket is not fresh anymore or is near the “sell-by date”, it goes into trash bins too. Every day, a large amount of food is wasted.

              To cut down on food waste, France passed a new law last month. If forbids(禁止) supermarkets to throw away unsold food. Instead, they must donate it to charities. For food that isn’t safe for humans to eat, it can be used as animal feed(饲料). If not, the supermarkets will face fines of up to 75,000 euros(around 542,200 yuan)or two years in prison. The law also encourages educational programs for schools and businesses about food waste.

              France is the first country to make a law that forbids wasting food, but it is actually a worldwide problem. According to the United Nations, each year 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted all over the world, and just 25 percent of that food could feed all the hungry people in the world.

              The good thing is that people around the world are trying different things to deal with the food waste problem. Galdakao, Spain, puts a public fridge in the center of town. Anyone can drop off food and anyone can come and take them. A supermarket in Canada, Loblaws, encourages people to buy “ugly food” by selling them at lower prices, so they won’t end up being wasted. In China, we also have the “clear your plate” campaign(光盘行动). This means you should eat everything on your plate or take away the food you haven’t eaten up.

              (1) The word “sell-by date” in Paragraph 1 means “_______ ” in Chinese.

              A. 销售期 B. 购物节 C. 保质期 D. 制造商

              (2) According to the new law in France, how do supermarkets deal with their unsold food?

              A. They should throw it away as soon as possible.

              B. They can donate it to poor people.

              C. They can take the food home and cook it for dinner.

              D. They must give it away to charities.

              (3) How much food could feed all the hungry people in the world each year?

              A. 0.325 billion tons. B. 0.975 billion tons.

              C. 1.3 billion tons. D. About 1.6 billion tons.

              (4) In Spain, a pubic fridge is put in the center of town in order to_____.

              A. help people not to waste food

              B. encourage people to buy “ugly food”

              C. have people clear your plate

              D. keep food as animal feed

              (5) From the last paragraph, we can learn that________.

              A. food waste problem was becoming more serious.

              B. people’s attitude(态度) towards wasting food is changing

              C. every country should make a law to forbid wasting food.

              D. a large amount of food is wasted every day.

            • 8.

              One morning, a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held a sign which said, “I am blind. Please help me.”

              There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on it. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could see the new words.

              Soon the hat began to fill up. More people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Are you the one who changed my sign in the morning? What did you write?’’

              The man said, “I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.”

              What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.”

              Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

              Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day. But the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.

              There are at least two lessons we can learn from this simple story.

              The first is: Treasure what you have. Some else has less. Try your best to help those who need your help.

              The second is: Be creative. Think differently. There is always a better way.

              (1) From the passage we know that ______.

              A. the boy always has a hat on his head
              B. the man is one of his neighbours

              C. the boy is blind and needs help
              D. the boy works for the man

              (2) According to the passage, which of the following is true?

              A. The hat began to fill up after the man wrote some words on the sign.

              B. The man took away the few coins from the hat.

              C. The boy pretended to be blind, for he didn’t want to go to school.

              D. Nobody wanted to give coins to the boy.

              (3) The underlined word “recognized” in the passage means _______

              A. 知道 B. 懂得 C. 理解 D. 辨认出

              (4) According to the writer, from this simple story we can learn ____________________

              A. Be careful not to be blind!
              B. Be creative. There is always a better way!

              C. Be kind to the blind!
              D. Don’t always get, but offer!

            • 9.

              To encourage reading, a Chinese company placed over 10,000 books around the underground, in taxis and on planes in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The activity earned the support of many Chinese stars. The “book-dropping battle,” however, won little praise. Instead, the movement drew much criticism(批评).

              Some books were left untouched. Around the underground, passengers thought the books were left there to save the seats. Some books were taken away by cleaners. People also complained that they couldn’t get to the books—the carriages were too crowded.

              The movement led to a hot debate.

              Most people thought it could do little to encourage reading. “I think the best result is that people take selfies(自拍)when they pick up the books and write a post in WeChat. After that, they will just bring the books back home and place them on their bookshelves,” wrote one Weibo user.

              Some pointed out that while Watson was a great reader, the Chinese stars who supported the movement didn’t seem to be reading much. Isn’t it embarrassing that the movement is supported by stars who don’t read a lot?

              Murong Xuecun is a famous Chinese writer. He thought the book-sharing campaign was not at all a bad thing. “In the past years, the Chinese economy(经济) has been developing rapidly. Everybody is busy with work. They don’t have time for reading,” said Murong.“However, just because Chinese people don’t read regularly, it doesn’t mean we should do nothing to encourage reading, ” Murong added.

              (1) What’s purpose of The “book-dropping battle” ?

              A. To encourage people to read.

              B. To test how much people like reading.

              C. To find out people if give back the books.

              D. To encourage people to take public transport.

              (2) What result of “book-dropping battle” isn’t mentioned in the passage?

              A. Some books were thought to save the seats.

              B. Some books were taken away by cleaners.

              C. People couldn’t get to the books because of the crowded.

              D. Some people thought it affected the traffic.

              (3) The underlined word “debate” means _____ in the passage.

              A. 阅读    B. 争论    C. 兴趣     D. 风气

              (4) The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _______.

              A. “book-dropping battle” works little

              B. Most people like taking selfies

              C. people prefer reading in WeChat.

              D. Weibo users prefer reading books

              (5) What is Murong Xuecun’s idea about “book-dropping battle”?

              A. Book-sharing campaign may effect the economy

              B. Chinese people are too busy to read books.

              C. We shouldn’t give up encouraging reading,

              D. Developing Chinese economy is more important than reading.

            • 10.

               We can express thoughts and feelings and send sounds and pictures on our smartphones today. We canˈt send tastes, smells or touches.But some scientists in Britain are trying to develop a way for smartphones to do that.

               To give users a sense of taste, Adrian David Cheok and some other scientists designed two electrodes (电极 ). "You put these two silver electrodes in your mouth, and you put your tongue in between and then your tongue will get a virtual taste perception(虚拟的味觉) in your brain,"said ProfessorCheok .They have already created sour, salty, sweet and bitter tastes.

              A device(设备)called "Scentee" allows users to have the sense of smell. Scientists put"Scentee "into a smart phone and can spray (喷射)small clouds of fragrance, including flowers, fruits and coffee. Professor Cheok says the person speaking can activate(激活) the device.ˈˈScentee ˈˈholds a container(容器)with about 100 different smells. The container must be replaced when all the smells run out.

               The sense of touch comes from a ring-like device. It is connected wirelessly (无线地) to the smartphone. “I can be in London and my friend can be in Tokyo, and I can squeeze (挤压)my finger and then theyˈll get a squeeze on their finger through the Internet. It’s a way of touch communication with small mobile devices,”Professor Cheok said.

                Professor Cheok hopes devices like these will someday be added to houses. He says they may change the future of long-distance communication.

              (1) Where could the passage most probably be taken from?

              A. A story. B. An advertisement.

              C. A science novel. D. A science magazine.

              (2) Adrian David Cheok and some other scientists are tryiny to make smartphones_____________

              A. smaller B. send sounds and pictures

              C. send tastes,smells and touches D. much cheaper.

              (3) According to the second paragraph, the tongue will get a virtual taste perception by___________

              A. putting the smarthone into the mouth.     
              B. touching two electrodes in the mouth

              C. touching the device called"Scentee "
              D. connecting to a ring-like device wirelessly.

              (4) What does the underlined word"fragrance" in Paragraph3 mean in Chinese?

              A. 痛苦 B. 权利 C. 力量 D. 香味

              (5) Whatˈs the main idea of this passage?

              A. How smartphones work

              B. The history of long-distance communication .

              C. Future smartphones can send tastes, smells and touches.

              D. Smartphones make peopleˈs communication convenient.

