优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              People in a hurry often (1)____things, and there are (2)____ of things at (3)____and found offices at airports and (4)____.At the New York City Lost and Found Office, there are also some very (5)___things. There are fifteen kilos of (6)_____---are they yours? And how do you lose a (7)___ boat on a train?
              (1) ________
              (2) ________
              (3) ​________
              (4) ​________
              (5) ​________
              (6) ​________
              (7) ________
            • 2.
                   A very important world (增长)of population on the of the world today is more than 6.5 billion. That is a  ___ number and we know it quite well. The important thing is not how large the population of the world is now, but is the rate(增长率)of the growth. It is about 1. 63 percent every year after the number of dead people has been taken away.Look at the second hand of your watch. Every second four babies are born in the world. Another baby! Another baby! Another baby! You can’t speak ___ enough to keep up with the birth rate. The population is growing faster and faster. So it goes on,hour after hour. In one day, people have to find food for over 350,000 mouths ___. This great growth of population will make a big problem —there will be as ___ as 7, 000,000,000 people on the earth. So this is one of the ___ problems you are going to see in your life.
              (1) ​将下列几个单词分别填入短文所缺的空格中。其中有一个是多余的。​
              quick, quickly, biggest, many, more,great



              (3) How many new babies are to be born in a minute from the passage?


              (4) What's the rate of the growth of population every year?


              (5) 请为本文选择一个最恰当的标题。( )

              A. The Number of Dead People

              B. The Growth of Population     

              C. The Food Shortage

              D. The Heavy Traffic

            • 3.


              dangerous two seem luck keep turn many good

              We are  (1)   to live in such a rich country. However,   (2)   of us usually waste some things. Wasting happens everywhere. It   (3)  to be a simple matter, but it hurts the earth a lot. Our earth is in  (4)  . As middle school students, we need to try our   (5)  to keep ourselves away from doing that.

              Electricity is one thing that we waste most. Lights, TVs, radios and other things are often   (6)   on even when no one is using them. We should turn them off when we do not need them. It takes us less than a second to do it. The   (7)   thing we often waste is water. Fresh water is so valuable that we shouldn’t waste it. It is only a simple stuff of  (8)   of a tap.


              I am sure everybody can do this easily if he wants to. Another big waste is food. My mother used to cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so much food. She thought I was right and now cooks only what we can eat.

              It is not right to be wasteful. I find there is a simple way of not wasting things. That is to use only what we need. Do not touch what we do not need. In this way, we can stop wasting. We only have one world, it is necessary for us to protect our homeland. Every one of us can do something to save the earth. It is also the best way to save ourselves.


              Harry Potter is a set of popular books created by J.K.Rowling in Britain. The books tell us some stories about a talented wizard(魔法师),Harry Potter. When he was eleven years old, he had an unhappy life. However, a strange letter changed everything. It said he was accepted by Hogwart’s—a magic school which was closed to the common people. All kinds of adventures happened to Harry from then on. He met Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger on his way to school. They became good friends later. Harry did well in his lessons and worked hard to play magic. Harry always had a positive(积极的)attitude when he faced the difficulties. With the help of his friends, he tried his best to beat the enemies. Finally, he came back with the world peace. Smile appeared on everyone’s face. If someone wants to know what takes place in the magical world, he will have to read the set of books by himself!


            • 4.

              “Without music, life would be a mistake,”famous German philosopher (哲学家) Friendrich Nietzsche said over a century ago. Music is a (A) big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music classes to control budgets (预算).

              For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it fired (解雇) over 1,000 teachers. Among (B) them, 10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other (C) ________,(D) such as China and Britain, music class is not thought to be as important as classes like science, math and history. That’s partly because music is not seen as a very important life skill, and it doesn’t use an exam system (体系). many students(E )忙于schoolwork,so parents and students choose to focus on subjects that are tested more often.

              However, learning music is beneficial (有益的) in many ways.

              Playing music is not as simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development program. When making music, you need different abilities to work together. For example, when playing the piano, people see music notes and decode (解码器) them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time.

              (F)Music has a special connection with (有关,联系)science as well. You can see that many (G) ________ are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck was talented in playing the piano.

            • 5.

               " Can I have a glass of hot water?" This is a very (A) common question for Chinese customers in a restaurant. But if you go abroad, you may find that meals in the West tend to come with tall glasses of ice water. Are you curious(好奇的) about this difference?

                 For most Chinese people, drinking hot water is part of everyday life. More importantly, it is strongly connected with traditional Chinese medicine. One idea suggests that water of a warm temperature is (B)对健康有益处, especially for the stomach. It also helps to stop digestion(消化) problems.

                 But for many Western people, they drink cold water even in (C) ________. One possible reason is that in Western countries people can drink water directly from the tap, rather than having to boil it. And it's not only drinking water that they have cold. After exercise, it's OK to jump into a cold shower, to bring the heart rate down.

                 However, (D) there is one thing agreed by both the East and the West: One can cool down by drinking a hot drink in summer. (E) As sweating is a good way to cool off in summer, hot drink makes you hotter and you begin to sweat.

                 Of course, it doesn't matter if you drink hot or cold water. The more comfortable your body (F) ________, the better it is.

            • 6.

              Life in the 2100s will be very different fromlife today. Between then and now (71) m_________changes will take place. What will they be?

                 Computers will be smaller and more useful, and there will be at (72) l_________one in each home. And computer studies will be one of the most important (73) s_________in schools then. People will work (74) f_________ hours than they do now, and they will have more (75) f________ time for relaxing, such as sports, watching TV and traveling. More people will go to other countries on holiday.

              Food will be changed, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. There will be less living (76) s_________for cows and sheep. So meat will be more (77) e_________. Maybe no one will eat it every day, they will eat (78) f_________and vegetables instead. Maybe people will be healthier.

              Work in the (79) f_________will be different, too. (80) B________robots do much dangerous and hard work, there will be less work for people to do. This will be a problem.

            • 7.

              I live in a town not far from the city. My n ___51___ are kind and helpful. Some of them are v___52___. They often meet at the community c____53_____ to help someone in need.  For example, my computer is b ____54____, some volunteers will come to my home to c ____55___ it. If I am feeling not well, the d ____56___ at the Health Centre will come, and they will make me feel b ____57____. I think I am very l ____58____ to live in a place like this. I often go to the city centre by underground. At the weekend, my friends and I usually visit our local c____59____ to watch films.

              The f____60___ here is also very delicious(美味的), would you like to try some?

            • 8.

              One day a girl found two starving(快要饿死的)songbirds while she was walking in the woods. She took them home and put them in a small cage.(A)She cared them with love and the birds grew stronger. Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great love for the birds. One morning the girl left the door to the cage open. The larger of the two birds flew from the age. The girl was so frightened that he would flyaway. As the flew close, she caught him tightly in her hands. Her heart felt glad at her success in catching him. When she(B)________her hands she stared at the dead bird. Her deep love had killed(C)him.

                  She could feel the bird's great need for freedom. He needed to fly in the clear, blue________(D).she let the other bird fly out of the cage. He circled once, twice. three times.

                  Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It(E)唱动听的歌that she had never heard.

              The fast way to lose love is to hold it tightly. the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

            • 9.

              Healthy Eating

              Healthy eating is important to us. What and how can we eat to keep healthy?

              First, we must have enough food, never too much or too little. The food must be clean and we should cook it properly.

              Second, it’s very important for us to keep a balanced diet. We have to eat Different kinds of foods such as rice, bread, meat, fish, eggs, milk, fruit and vegetables. Rice and bread give us energy. Meat, fish, eggs and milk help our bones grow. Fruit and vegetables make us healthy.

              Third, we should eat regularly. It’s said that half of the students don’t have a regular breakfast or don’t eat anything in the morning. It is bad for their health. In fact, a good breakfast keeps us strong.

              In short, we should not only eat enough food and healthy food but also eat regularly.


