优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               Look ____  (1)  ____ the picture. It's a picture ____  (2)  ____ my room. I have ____  (3)  ____ bird (鸟). ____  (4)  ____ name is Polly. I look after it every day, but it's not ____  (5)  ____ the picture. You can't see it there. Can you see a cat? It's ____  (6)  ____ my chair. The cat and the bird ____  (7)  ____ in different (不同的) rooms. They can't live in the same room. My books are on my desk. My pens and pencils are ____  (8)  ____ my bag. ____  (9)  ____ bag is behind the door. My bed is beside the desk. ____  (10)  ____ the morning, I put everything in good order (次序).

            • 2.

              There is a princess (公主). On  (1)   birthday, she gets a gold ball from her father.

                 One day, the princess is  (2)   with her ball. But the ball falls into the pond(池塘).

              “I lost my gold ball!” She cries. A small frog comes to the princess. “I can get your ball back.” the frog says, “ But you must promise (承诺) to be my   (3)  .” “OK.” says the princess,

              “I will do that.” Then the frog gets the ball back.   (4)  the princess just runs away and doesn’t want to be the frog’s friend.

              In the evening, as the princess eats her   (5)  with her family, the frog comes to them.” Good evening,” he says, “I want the princess to   (6)  my friend. She promises me.” says the frog. “I can’t be friends   (7)  a small fat frog!” says the princess. “A promise is a promise.” says her father. So the frog sits on the table and   (8)  with the princess. After dinner, the frog says, “A real friend will  (9)  me sit on her bed.” Then the princess puts the frog on her bed. When the frog sits on the bed, something interesting happens (发生). The frog turns into a boy!   (10)  is he? He is a prince (王子).


            • 3.

               My name is Alice. I   (1)   two brothers. Their (他们的)  (2)  are Peter and Paul. Peter and Paul like   (3)  , and they eat chicken for lunch every day. But I like vegetables and fruit. Vegetables and fruit are good for my health (健康). I eat   (4)   every day. So I am healthy.

                  Peter and Paul also   (5)  dessert. Their favorite (最喜欢的) dessert is  (6)  . But ice cream is not good for their health. They can’t  (7)   ice cream every day. My favorite food  (8)  apples and tomatoes. I eat apples fo r   (9)  every morning and tomatoes for dinner every  (10)  .

            • 4.

              There are three people in my family, my parents and I.

              My name is Li Yan. I’m a middle school   (1)  . I am thirteen years old. I’m   (2)  China, so I can speak   (3)  . I can speak a little English, too. My father is a teacher in a   (4)  . He can speak Chinese, English   (5)   Japanese. He teaches Japanese. He likes   (6)  . He can swim and play table tennis. My   (7)   is a secretary.   (8)   works in a factory. She   (9)  only speak Chinese. She likes music and she can sing and play the   (10)  .

            • 5.

              Good morning, boys and girls. I am  (1)  American  (2)  . My name is Bill Smith. Bill is my first name, and Smith is my  (3)  name. I am 14 years old now. I am from  (4)  .

              Here is a photo of my family. Look! There are  (5)  people in my family. This is my father.   (6)   name is Frank Smith. He is a  (7)   and teaches English in my school from Monday to Friday. This is my mother. She is 39 years old. She is a doctor and she is very busy every day. She often goes to work in the early  (8)  and comes back home very late. That is my  (9)  Kate. She is only 5 years old. My parents and I love her very much. Her favorite  (10)  is pink. My family members are very kind. I love my family.

            • 6.

              I have a good friend.   (1)   name is Bob. He is 13. He is an English   (2)  . He and I are in the same school, but we are not in the same   (3)  . I’m in Class One, and he’s in Class Two.

              He likes   (4)  . He thinks basketball is   (5)  . He   (6)   two basketballs. We always  (7)  basketball with our classmates after school. Bob also likes soccer. And   (8)  too. I have a soccer ball.   (9)   is it? It’s under my chair .We can play soccer at school. We   (10)   it’s great to play sports.

            • 7.

               Sam and Helen's grandparents collect ____  (1)  ___ everything. There are eight doorbells on their front door!

                 "This silver doorbell is my ___  (2)  ___," said Helen. She pushed. __  (3)  ___ and soon Grandpa opened the door.

                 "Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter! "he said.

                 "____  (4)  ___ started collecting doorbells, Grandpa'?" asked Helen.

                 "Your grandma, "he answered. "She loves ___  (5)  ____ And I like collecting newspapers."

                 They went inside and saw newspapers ___  (6)  ___.

                 "Hello children!" called Grandma. "Let's __  (7)  ___ some tea."

                 The children ____  (8)  ___ her into the living room and saw lots of toys there. There was ___  (9)  ___ space for the children to sit down.

                 "__  (10)  ___ toys are these?" asked Helen.

                 "They're ___  (11)  ___," said Grandma. "We __  (12)  __ like collecting toys."

                 "But remember," said Grandpa, "we have a lot of __  (13)  __ time! You have your school work to do, ___  (14)  ___ you shouldn't spend too much time __  (15)  ___ things!"

            • 8.

              Chinese schools often have parents’ meetings. They help   (1)   know about their children’s school work.

              In our school, the parents’ meeting is on the first   (2)   afternoon of a new school year. The next day is weekend,   (3)   teachers and parents have enough time for a good talk. The meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. and most parents can come after   (4)  .

              On parents’ evenings, teachers talk   (5)   parents. Teachers meet one or two of the parents at a time. These meetings are very short, maybe five or ten   (6)  . These face-to-face talks are very   (7)   for teachers, parents and students.

              In our school, students can listen to the talks. They can sit near their parents.   (8)   do you feel when you hear your teachers and parents talk about you? I do feel   (9)  , because I am good at all my   (10)  .

              What about parents’ meeting in your schools?
            • 9.

              May, Joe and Roy are talking about  (1)  they want to do when they grow  (2)  .May says,“I want  (3)  a writer.I’m going to write a lot of books.” 

              “I’m going to be a famous  (4)  ,” says Joe.“I’m going to play basketball in summer  (5)  football in autumn.” 

              “Oh,yes,” says May.“I also want to become a famous tennis star.”

              “That  (6)  good.  (7)  I think I am going to be a doctor and a carpenter(木匠).I’m going to  (8)  a cabin (木屋) myself,and I can live in it in winter,” says Roy. 

              “I am going to live in a lighthouse (灯塔) by the sea,” says Joe.“Then I can go  (9)  every day.” 

              “I want to own a castle (城堡),” May says in the end.“Tennis stars always  (10)  a lot of money.” 

            • 10.

                Mr. Green is my English teacher. He comes from America, but he can  (1)   both English and Chinese very well. He is good with us,   (2)  we all like him.

                  Mr. Green   (3)    at Zhongshan Road with his family. In the morning, he always goes to work with his children together, because they are in the  (4)   school. And Mrs. Green stays at home and does some  (5)   every day. After eating lunch at home, she usually visits her friends in the  (6)   . In the evening, Mr. Green and his children come home from  (7)  . At night, the children always do homework in the study. Mr. and Mrs. Green often sit near their children and   (8)  books. Then they watch one talk show  (9)   TV for 30 minutes. They all like talk shows, because they’re  (10)  .

