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            • 1. Values join us together and set us apart. Today, our society has a terrible lack(缺乏)of values. Here are some social values that everyone needs. 
               Respect means to respect others in everyday life. Even if you are against a person, it is important to have respect. It is this respect that makes us human. Without this respect, we become animals. We need to respect our friends for our friendships. We even need to respect our enemies, because they help us to grow up and be stronger. Respect is one of the crucial values in a relationship.
               Love is everything. With love in our hearts, we feel no need to hurt another. With love in our hearts, we will pay more attention to the similarities in opinions rather than the disagreement. If we want others to be good to us, we need to be good to them. After all, we give love to get love, right?
               People often forget the meaning and importance of loyalty(忠诚). Loyalty is necessary for people to believe in each other. In no matter what kind of relationship, we need to believe in each other so that we can work together towards the same goal.
               Honesty is to show other people who we really are. Honesty helps us do better, because it makes us realize our problems and find ways to solve them. It is this honesty, that will make others help you out, not because you need it. But, because they have problems too, which you can help out with. This honesty will help us follow the other values in society and, truly, "heal(治愈)the world"!
            • 2.

              Chinais a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to carry out* one-child policy* in 1980. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. They think that two-child policy should be carried out now. So, the government in China plans to end its one-child per family policy and instead let families have two children. The plan was announced* on Thursday after a meeting in Beijing.

              Maggie Ding, 36, a university teacher said that two-child policy should be carried out. First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only-child families. When their only child grows up and they grow older, their child marries to an only-child girl by accident, the burden on their child and his wife is really heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of four old people. Usually, it is a little difficult for a young couple to look after an old couple. If the pressure increase twice, how can they stand it? But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better. Secondly, two-child policy can guarantee* the number of Chinese population. It is very important for a developing country.

              However, there are still some different ideas. “With two kids, you have less money to give them the best,” said Mao Xiaodan, 29, a Beijing nurse who has already has a son. She said she would not have the second baby because of housing prices and the high cost of schooling. “My husband’s friend has twins,” she said, “and just paying for education has nearly worried him a lot”.

            • 3.

              Who is your best friend?

                 Jack: My best friend is Albert. He is an outgoing boy with black hair and brown eyes. I’m fifteen. He is one year older than me. We both love sports. And we have the same dream—to be a sports star.

                 Mary: My best friend is Nancy. She is a kind, beautiful and funny girl. We live in the same village, and we ride our bicycles to school together every day. We are in the same school but in different classes.

                 Lily:Elyais my best friend. She is a tall girl with long hair and big eyes. We look the same in many ways, but we have different character.Elyais quiet and shy. I’m outgoing and funny. So I often tell jokes to make her laugh.

                 Tom: My best friend is Mike. We met each other in the art club two years ago. He is as old as me, but a little taller. We both love art, but he draws better than me. We both love watching movies, too. We often go to the cinema together on weekends.

            • 4.

              Shanghai Disney Resort will officially open and welcome its first guests on June 16. Tickets went on sale on March 28. A 7-year-old boy spent 10,000 yuan on 20 tickets to Shanghai Disneyland — one for every student in his class — without telling his parents, Beijing Morning Post reported.(2016.4.4)

                         The boy’s father, who is a businessman, said he did not know about the deal until he received a confirmation (证实) text message about the purchase.

                         At first, he was shocked when he realized that his son made the online booking using his mobile phone number. However, the father said he would fully support his son’s actions.“We are very happy to see the boy learning to share with others.” He even proudly posted the ticket receipt on social media.

                        The boy completed the complex(复杂的) purchasing process — including filling in the personal information of at least four people and paying online —all by himself, and the 10,000 yuan actually came from the boy’s pocket money he saved, the father told a reporter.

              Choose the right answer according to the passage.

            • 5.

              Last Friday, a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, destroying(摧毁) fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged(破坏) that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs(屋顶). One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether (总共) over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.

               A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.

               “I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “When we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out the house but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside the house and found him, safe but very frightened.”

              left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.

               “There was no time to take anything,” she said, “A few minutes later, the roof came down.”

               Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded(水淹的) area and the welfare department (福利机构)brought them food, clothes and shelter.

            • 6.


                We all know that computers changed our life in the 1980s. We realised that the Internet changed our life in the 1990s. Can you predict that the robots will change our life in the new century? It's not a dream that every home will have a robot. We believe that there will be robots in people's homes.

                Now, robots are able to help people do the housework, play chess with people, play the piano and some other things. They can also help the doctors do the difficult operations.

                It is really funny to have a cooking robot. It can cook all the dishes on the menu. What you only need to do is just waiting for two or four minutes. You will be surprised how the food will taste delicious.

                In the future, the robot will be a nurse, a guard or a partner in your home. In the future, robots will become part of the family, and provide close service for people.

                We all look forward to the new robot age.

            • 7.

              John and Mary, a couple, lived in Northern California's Gold Country. One day they were walking their dog along the road as usual. However this time, John noticed a can (全属罐)  sticking out  (探出)  from the ground.  They decided to take a closer look. and then they unearthed (挖掘) it with a stick and took it home.

                   The can was very heavy, and the couple wondered what was in it. When John opened it and saw the side of a shiny (光亮的)  coin.  he knew he had found gold!

                   The couple immediately returned to the area to see if there were any more bottles to be found. Sure enough, they found one more. This one had broken and scattered (分散的) all its treasures into the ground below. And that was not all - over the next few days the couple found six more there.

                   According to the dates of the coins. as well as the condition of the metal cans. ex-perts believe that the gold was buried (被埋葬) sometime in the late 19th century, right after the California's Gold Rush. John thought that the can that was sticking out, was a mark for whoever buried the treasure there - for reasons that nobody will ever know. he or she never returned to get it back.

            • 8.


                  In many western countries, heavy industry is highly. Developed. What’s the difference between heavy industryand light industry? Well, they produce different goods.

              Heavy industry produces machines while light industry uses the machines to produce smaller things. People in cities need what light industry produces for all kinds

              of uses in their homes and offices. So the more cities there are, the more goods people 

              need. And more factories are built to produce the goods. The growth of industry in a 

              factory depends on the general level of economic and industrial development. In its beginning, industrialization (工业化) is likely to be costly. To reduce costs, industrialists  (工业家)  in an area usually depend on local resources such as  coal and electricity for

              their operation. Factories are usually built in places which can be easily reached

              by road,  railway or sea, so that goods and machines they produce can be sent to other

               places easily. Then many places which used to be quiet countryside become " industrial


              (    )

            • 9.

              A 易读度★☆☆

              The Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world. The athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. There are Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games. Both of them are held every four years. The Summer Olympic Games are held two years later than the Winter Olympic Games.

              The ancient ( 古代的) Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece ( 希腊). At that time, no foreigners (外国人) or women were able totake part in the Olympic Games. Women couldn’t even watch the Olympic Games. After about the year 393 AD the ancient Olympic Games stopped. For centuries there were no Olympic Games. But they were not forgotten.

              The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896. They were held in Greece. There were 311 athletes from just 13 countries. After that more and more countries joined in the Games. In 2008 over 11,000 athletes from 204 countries and regions went to Beijing for the 29th Summer Olympic Games!

              The Olympic motto“Swifter, Higher, Stronger”encourages ( 鼓励) all the athletes. It means that they should try to run faster, jump higher and throw further. They do their best to win medals.


            • 10.

              Alex Smithson has a special job. Sheˈs a stuntwoman (女特技替身演员) in Hollywood movies. She is talking with a reporter about her job. Reporter: Where did you work before you became a stuntwoman?

              Alex: I worked in a bank for five years, but I didnˈt like working in an office — I had to do the same work every day — so I decided to become a stuntwoman.

              Reporter: What kind of things do you have to do?

              Alex: I often have to jump out of burning (燃烧的) cars or burning buildings in action movies. In

              one movie, I had to stand on a plane flying over mountains. It was really terrifying, but great.

              Reporter: Do you worry about the danger?

              Alex: I know I could end up in hospital, but I never think about it. Of course the work is dangerous, but I donˈt mind. And there are lots of people around me to make sure everything is safe (安全的). But my parents worry about the danger, and they ask me to call them every night.

              Reporter: Whatˈs the most frightening (使惊恐的) job you ever did?

              Alex: Once I had to climb a hill full of snakes. Of course they werenˈt really dangerous, but Iˈm scared of snakes. I even canˈt stand looking at pictures of snakes, but in the end I climbed the hill.

