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            • 1.

                    Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. It has very close relationship to Chinese culture. It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5,000 years ago. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot enough for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tired. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737 BC.

              Drinking tea hasmanyadvantages. It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the following helpful advice.

                Drink it hot. Teaoxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.

                 Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.

                The best time to drink tea is between meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is full.

                Do not drinkwith medicine. It may change the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after you take medicine.

                Green teais the best choice for office workers. It helps stop the bad result of the computer.

            • 2.

              When you are about to do something brave, a cheerful wish of “Good luck!” from a friend can be helpful. But if you think you need lots of luck, what else might you do?

              In the UK and US there are some strange traditions for bringing yourself a little more good luck. Some are hundreds of years old and some are much newer.]

              Have you heard t he saying “When you wish upon a star”? If you are looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light, it is probably a shooting star! Seeing one doesn’t happen very often. The saying goes that if you see one you have been very lucky, and so if you make a wish, it will come true.

              Maybe you have heard of the lucky rabbit’s foot. Some people believe that rabbits are lucky animals, so they carry a part of the rabbit, its foot, for good luck. There are all kinds of strange, unclear rules about which of the rabbit’s feet is the luckiest. It is said that this good luck tradition is the oldest one of all. However, as the funny saying goes, “Depend on the rabbit’s foot if you will, but remember it didn’t work for the rabbit!”

              People in Britain love trees. If it is autumn and leaves are falling from the trees, some people try to catch the leaves as they fall because they think each leaf they catch will bring them a lucky month in the following year—they will need to catch 12 falling leaves to havea whole ofgood luck!

            • 3.

              Different countries have different customs. When you travel to other countries, please follow their customs.

              In China, it’s impolite to talk when eating dinner. And you’re not supposed to start eating first if there are older people at the table.

              Very often people who travel to the United States forget to tip (付小费). It is usual to tip porters(搬运工) who help carry your bags, taxi drivers and waiters. Waiters expect to get a 15% tip on the cost of your meal. Taxi drivers expect the same amount (数目).

              In England, make sure to stand in line even if there are only two of you.  It’s important to respect lines there. It’s a good idea to talk about the weather. It’s a favorite subject of conversation with the British.
              In Spain, it’s a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone invites you for dinner. People have dinner very late, and restaurants do not generally open until after 9 pm.

              In Saudi Arab(沙特阿拉伯), men kiss one another on the cheek (脸颊). Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. It is polite for you to do the same.

              In Japan, people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time. When a person gives you a card, don’t put it into your pocket right away. The person expects you to read it.

              Don’t forget to be careful of your body language to express something in conversation.  A kind of body language that is acceptable in one culture may be impolite in another.

            • 4.

              Two hundred years ago, American students went to American schools. Like you, they studied maths, spelling and geography, unlike you, they also studied Greek(希腊语) and Latin(拉丁语). In fact, students spent more than half their time studying Greek and Latin.

              The same was true for most students in Europe. Until the seventh century, all educated Europeans knew Latin. It did not matter if they lived in England, Italy, France or Spain. If they were educated, they knew Latin.

              During the seventh century, educated Europeans began to study Greek as well as Latin. Greek and Latin had been the leading languages of the ancient Greeks and Romans. All educated Europeans were expected to know these languages.

              To educated Europeans, the languages of the Greeks and the Romans were important. The ideas of the Greeks and Romans were also important. People knew that many of their own ideas had come from the Greeks and the Romans. To understand their own culture, they must understand its origin(起源). They knew that those beginnings lay in the classical(古典文学) world.

              Today we have so many things to study that few people have time to learn Greek and Latin Few of you will study either language in school. Yet the ideas of the Greeks and the Romans are still important to us. These ideas still help to shape Western culture today. To understand our own culture, we must understand the culture of the classical world.

            • 5.

              Gift giving is different from culture to culture and person to person.

              When giving gifts, sometimes color is important.For example, for many Chinese people around the world, red is a lucky color, and people often like to wrap(包装)gifts in this color.However, did you know that in Korea, red is a color of death? That is why you should not wrap your gifts in this color if you are giving a gift to a Korean person.

              What about western countries? In western countries, the color of wrapping paper is not really important.But color does matter when giving flowers, especially roses.You should not give red roses to a western person you don't know very well because they are a symbol of love.You could give yellow roses instead as these are a symbol of friendship.You could also send pink roses as gifts to say thank you.

              What other things should you remember when giving gifts to someone from a different culture? Well, one thing you should keep in mind is the person's religion(宗教).When choosing a gift for a Muslim(穆斯林) or Jewish(犹太族的)friend, you should never get food including pork, or things made from pig skin.Another thing that you should not get for a Muslim person is alcohol(酒).


            • 6.

              The Spring Festival is celebrated(庆祝) not only in China but also in other parts of the world. The traditional holiday is the most important to Chinese both at home and abroad.

              United Kingdom
              Celebrations for the Spring Festival in the UK started in 1980, with the first evening party held(举行) in 2002. Every new year, people get together and have a lot of activities. They sing songs, dance to music, share photos with friends or enjoy films in a cinema.

              United States
              The Spring Festival has become a key time for Chinese living or working in the US . They join in a large evening party to welcome the traditional new year. It is a good chance for people to build a circle of friends and feel that they are not alone because they share the same culture and values.

              The Chinese new year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations across Australia . Many people come to Sydney ’s Chinatown or Little Bourke in Melbourne . They enjoy fireworks, lion dances, dragon boat and many other traditional activities. The celebrations are also a bridge towards better understanding between Chinese and non-Chinese.

              The family dinner on new year’s eve is an important tradition for Chinese whether they were born in Singapore or moved there from China . They place traditional food on a table as an act of remembering their past. Then the whole family enjoy their dinner together. They usually hold it at home because having it in a restaurant takes away the meaning of the tradition.

            • 7.

              There are many different kinds of music in the world. Now letˈs study some of them.

              Classical music Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills. If you want to learn this kind of music,you have to go through proper training.

              Heavy metal music Heavy metal music came out after World WarⅡ. The melody (旋律)of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of it. It is also known as “information music”.In heavy metal music,songwriting is based on a form.

              Hip-hop music This kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar,violin,piano,bass (低音电吉他),drums and so on. In this kind of music,the bass is the main instrument. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa.

              Opera music It first appeared in Italy in the 1600s.It has a great mixture of theatrical (戏剧的)art and musical invention and is used in theaters.

              Jazz music This kind of music has strong and complex (复杂的)melodies. The main musical instruments are the cornet,trumpet and violin,which help carry the melody.

              Besides these,there are many other kinds of music such as the blues,new-age music,Celtic music,religious music,and chamber music (室内乐).

            • 8.

              Take a look at teenagers around, dressed in baggy-pants(宽松的裤子),drinking soft drinks such as coke,reading Japanese cartoons. Whether you are in Beijing, Wuhan or Hong Kong, youˈll get the same impression. But should we copy others or should we maintain(保持,保留)our differences?

                 It sounds convenient(方便)that people around the world speak the same language,dress in the same style,eat the same food and play the same games. If the world was like this,you wonˈt feel any stranger in any corner of world. But just imagine living in such a strange world. How dull and colorless it would be!

                 Different kinds of food that people can taste, the colorful and fashionable clothes that we dress in and different languages we speak are all part of the different cultures that our ancestors(祖先)left us. These differences represent their creativity and talent. And we all enjoy different cultures in our daily lives. When you travel to other places, you want to see different things. When you talk to foreigners you expect to listen to interesting stories. These differences in culture are what make life colorful.

              But the whole world is shrinking into a small village as globalization(全球化)takes effect and many different cultures are disappearing. In most big cities around the world, people wear the same clothes. Fast food stores are everywhere. Hollywood movies are kicking traditional performing arts out of our lives. The colors of our life are disappearing.

                 There is a joke that even the panda and zebra want to live a colorful life. So letˈs take action to protect our colorful culture before it becomes as simple as black and white.

                 Itˈs not difficult. Learning some folk songs,trying on traditional clothing and even eating local food instead of going to KFC can help. And weˈre sure youˈll enjoy it.

            • 9.

                China has some traditional festivals like Mid-autumn Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, The Lantern Festival and so on. I like the Lantern Festival best. It has a long history. People celebrate it on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar(农历的) year. The Lantern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Some days before the Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. People make lanterns in the shapes of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many other things. Usually people also write riddles(谜语) on the lanterns. It's very interesting. Then on the evening of the Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up(悬挂).

                 On the Lantern Festival, people usually eat sweet dumplings. And they go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Often you can see some nice performances like the dragon dance and the lion dance. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy.

            • 10.

               If someone says to you "'give me five", do not look for five yuan for him ill your wallet! The person is not asking for your money, but your band.

                 In America, "give me five" or "give me the high five" is very popular. You can often see it everywhere like China or on TV. It means clapping(拍击) of each other's right hands together.

                 People sometimes do it when they celebrate something good For example, the football players will give the high five to everyone around to celebrate when their team wins the first ill the game.

                 "Give me five" may come from the old Rome. The person should raise his right arm for tile emperor(皇帝) It show's that the person has nothing dangerous m his band

                 Well what are you waiting for? Try "'give me five" with your friends.

