优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. A terrible explosive noise was heard,immediately followed by strong shaking of the classroom building.Mrs.Li Lan,a country school teacher in Sichuan,who was giving a class,could hardly keep on her feet,and many of her pupils made panic cries.Mrs Li realized at once that it must be a powerful earthquake hitting the area.Though she herself was scared,she managed (设法) to make the children calm down,opened the door right away and told the children to leave the classroom and get down to the playground as quickly as possible.
              When all the children had left,she followed them to the first floor.The earth still kept moving violently (巨烈地).Some of the buildings nearby were falling down,and a great number of falling stones were rolling down from the hills behind the school.Suddenly,she found a little boy fell over and was hit by a big stone right on his body.She forgot the danger she was facing and ran over,trying to push the stone away.The stone was so big that it was not easy for her to move it.She kept pushing until the boy was pulled out,carrying him to the center of the playground.The boy was later sent to hospital and saved.
              (1) What kind of disaster(灾难) happened in the story? ______
              (2) What were the children doing when the disaster happened? ______
              (3) What was Mrs.Li's action when she saw the boy under the stone? ______
              (4) Did Mrs.Li fear death in the face of great danger? ______
              (5) What do you want to say after you finish reading the story? ______
            • 2. Time to dance
              Are you the kind of person who likes to move with music?It's a natural thing to do.Even little children start jumping up and down when they hear music.
              Scientists say that animals dance,too.(46) ______ .The"dances"of animals send messages to other animals.But when people dance,they express feelings about life and love,or about these very human experiences.
              (47) ______ .For one thing,dancing is good for you physically.It makes your heart work and makes you breathe fast.(48) ______ .If you go dancing often,you can keep physical fit.You may feel very tired after dancing,but you'll probably also feel relaxed and happy.This is another important point about dancing.It gives you a chance to express your feelings and feel better about yourself.(49) ______ ,dancing helps those feelings go away.
              (50) ______ .Some dances are for couples and some are for groups.But all kinds of dances give you a chance to meet new people or do something enjoyable with friends.

              A.But their dancing is different
              B.And finally,it's a social activity
              C.If you are angry or upset about something
              D.It also makes you use your arms and your legs
              E.Dances are good for you in many ways.
            • 3. Humans have five senses:sight,hearing,smell,taste and touch.They collect information for the brain.For example,the eyes collect information on pictures and the ears collect information on sounds.
              Sometimes a person loses a sense.Their other senses become better.For example,a blind person has much better senses of hearing and touch.
              The eyes can only see with light.Light carries the picture of something into the eyes so humans can see it.But do you know that the picture is upside down?The brain has to turn the picture the right way up again.
              Sounds travel through the air like waves (波).Human ears are like cups.They catch sound waves for the brain and the brain translates them as different sounds.
              Humans smell with their noses.Most people can recognize about 10,000 kinds of smell.This is amazing!Humans each have five million receptor cells (感受细胞)in their noses.Noses are not only for smelling.They also clean and warm the ail that people breathe in.How does the nose prevent the dirty air from getting into the body?Well,it sneezes(打喷嚏)!
              There are receptor cells for the sense of touch all over the body.This is different from the other senses.Touch receptor cells are in the lowest part of the skin.They help the body to have all kinds of feelings like pain,cold and heat.Some parts of the body (like the finger) are more sensitive(敏感的)than other parts of the body (like the back) because they have more touch receptor cells.
              People can taste food because they have about 10,000 taste buds(味蕾)on their tongues.Old taste buds die and new ones come out every two weeks.But when people get older,this happens less often.That's why old people often complain their food is tasteless.Scientists also find that smokers have fewer taste buds.Do you want food to taste good?Well,don't smoke!
              For hundreds of years,people knew the basic tastes were sour,sweet,salty and bitter(苦).In 2002,a fifth taste,umami(delicious taste) joined the list.Now,a study from Purdue University in the US found that fat could actually be the sixth basic taste.
              To be considered a basic one,a taste needs to beable to active certain receptor cells in the mouths.A study has shown that humans have fat receptors in the mouths.Not long after that,a scientist made a study to test a second question:can people taste the difference between fat and other tastes?
              Richard Mattes gave the testers six different kinds of things.Each kind had a taste:sweet,salty,sour,bitter,umami or the newcomer-fat.Mattes asked the people to pick out tastes by their differences.This was to test whether or not fat would be picked out from the group.Most of tlie testers could clearly find out the different taste of fat.
              Then how does fat taste?"It's terrible."Mattes said."However,the taste can be pleasant in a small amount,just as we enjoy the bitterness of chocolate."
              senses (111)
              facts about the senses
              sight eyes Pictures of real things are completely different in(112) ______ from those carried by light into the eyes.
              hearing ears Sound waves caught by ears must go through a process like(113) ______ so that we can hear different sounds.
              smell nose The fhnctions of nose are smelling,cleaning and warming the air people breathe in.Sneezing is the way to(114) ______ the dirty air we breathe in.
              touch (115)
              People feel pain,cold and heat(116) ______ the fnction of the receptors.So the more touch receptors we have,the more sensitive we are.
              taste tongue Old taste buds die and new ones come out every 2 weeks.
              Losing a certain amount of taste buds(117) ______ that the old and the smokers have a bad sense of taste.They can't enjoy tasty food like others.
              (118) ______ sour sweet salty bitter umami
              one newly found taste A scientific study has proved people have fat receptors
              in the mouth.One(119)
              study shows:people can clearly(120) ______

              the taste of fat from other tastes.
            • 4. The Penguin Calendar
              The chart above shows five activities of penguins over a period of one year,month by month.They are hole staying,nest building,(71) ______ ,chick raising and moulting.The penguins stay in the (72) ______ most of the year,from January to October.In July,they begin to build nests,just (73) ______ (before/after) they lay eggs.Chick raising lasts five months,from September to the next (74) ______ .After chicks come out of the eggs,they begin to lose their baby hair,which is called moulting.It usually takes about (75) ______ months,from February to May.
            • 5. Blood donation is a wonderful thing done by us.To begin with,extensive studies show that blood plays an important role in medical operation.In donating our blood we are actually saving the precious lives of the sick.Next,being a healthy person,losing 200ml of blood is only a small sacrifice(牺牲) and helps to improve our metabolism (新陈代谢).Finally,donating blood helps us in forming good character and developing our sense of social responsibility.Blood donation isn't a complicated issue,but we need to keep a few instructions in mind.
              First,don't go for blood donation with an empty stomach.We can eat anything and after having a right diet we'll feel strong and comfortable to donate blood.For the required hemoglobin (血色素) in the body,we can drink lots of fruit juice.For a good blood flow in the body,let's drink at least 6-7glasses of water daily.Completely avoid taking alcohol or caffeine a day before and after donating our blood.We shouldn't smoke half an hour before making blood donation.
              When we're going for blood donation,first tell the nurse to check our hemoglobin level.During the injection we need to take a deep breath and try to calm ourselves down.During blood donation,keep ourselves cool and calm.
              Blood donation is a very fast process,but we need to take care of ourselves after blood donation.For example,take a rest for 15minutes after the donation.Eat something and drink juice after leaving the blood donation center.Make sure not to skip meals after blood donation.Smoking should be avoided up to one hour after blood donation.
              At last be proud of ourselves that we've done a great task in making an attempt of saving someone's life.Blood donation is a social responsibility for every citizen,especially for us,young students.We should do it not because it does us no harm but because it is a noble thing to do and it helps others a great deal.
              (1) What advantage will a healthy person have if he or she loses 20ml of blood?
              (2) How long should we rest after blood donation?
              (3) How much water should we drink every day for a good blood flow in the body?
              (4) Why is blood donation a social responsibility for young people?
              (5) What do you think of blood donation?(自拟一句作答)
            • 6. People have talked about whether aliens are real or not for thousands of years.Some ancient drawings over 50,000years ago are thought to be the first pictures of spacecrafts.Alien spacecrafts are often called flying saucers(飞碟).The first person to use this name was an Amerlean,Kenneth Arnold.On 24th June,1947,he was flying a small plane in Washington State in the USA when he saw something strange."I was looking out of the window,"Arnold said,"when I saw nine saucer-like things in front of me."
              Two other Americans,Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker,said that aliens took them into a flying saucer!They were fishing on the Mississippi River in the USA on the night of 11th October,l973.It was a dark night.The two men were sitting in their fishing boat when they saw a bright light.It was hanging in the air over the water and it looked like a flying saucer and brought Hickson and Parker into their spacecraft.In the spacecraft the aliens looked at the two men very carefully and then took them back to their boat."The aliens were in a pale colour and had very small eyes."Hiekson said."But they didn't hurt us."
              In l983,Pioneer 10,an American spacecraft,went into space.On the outside of the spacecraft are 13pictures of men and women,and a map of space.If aliens find Pioneer 10,they will know how to get to the Earth!
              (34)When did Kenneth Arnold see something strange as he was flying? ______
              A.11th June,1947
              B.24th June,1947
              C.11th October,1973
              D.11th October,1983
              (35)Which of the following is TRUE about Charles and Calvin? ______
              A.They were taken into a flying saucer.
              B.They went to the river to wait for an alien.
              C.They drew pictures of a flying saucer.
              D.They drew pictures on a flying saucer.
              (36)What is special about Pioneer 10? ______
              A.It sends people to other planets.
              B.It brings aliens to Earth.
              C.It has a map of space on it.
              D.It has found many flying saucers.
              (37)The first person to use the name"flying saucers"was ______
              A.traveling in a spacecraft
              B.going to America
              C.looking out of his house window
              D.an American.
            • 7.
              Here is what to do if a storm comes your way!
              Hurricanes (飓风) and typhoons are big storms.They can be up to 600miles across and have strong winds at speeds up to 300kph.The storms can last for over a week.When they come onto land,the heavy rain,strong winds and large waves can damage buildings,trees and cars.Storms can also cause injury and death.
              If a hurricane or typhoon is likely in your area,you should:
              ●Listen to the radio or watch TV for information.
              ●Make your house safe by closing your doors and windows.
              ●Make sure you have plenty of water for drinking and cleaning-fill your bath with water to use.
              Leave your home under the following conditions:
              ●If you are told to leave by the authorities (官方)-be sure to follow their instructions.
              ●If you live in a high building.
              ●If you live near the sea or a river.
              ●If you feel you are in danger.
              If you are unable to get out,follow these advice:
              ●Stay indoors during the hurricane and keep away from windows and glass doors.
              ●Close all inside doors and outside doors.
              ●If the storm dies down,do not go outside; it could be the eye of the storm-the winds will pick up again.
              ●Stay in a room on the ground floor.
              ●Lie on the floor under a table.
              (1) How many types of big storms does the passage tell us?
              (2) What can huge storms bring when they come onto land?
              (3) How long can the storms last?(in no more than five words)
              (4) What should you do if you live near the sea when a huge typhoon comes?
              (5) Why can't we go outside immediately if the storm dies down?
            • 8. Every time we turn on the TV or take a ride in a car,we could be adding to a problem called acid rain(酸雨).In this article,we'll learn something important about acid rain.
              The formation of acid rain
              When people use fuels (燃料),such as coal and gasoline(汽油),poiso nous gases are given off.When these gases come together with rain,acid rain forms.Many power stations burn fuels in order to create the electricity(电) that we use in our homes and offices every day.Cars and trucks also send these gases into the air when they burn gasoline.When rain meets these gases,harmful things called acids form.This is acid rain.
              The harm of acid rain
              Acid rain destroys everything that it touches.It poisons our rivers,ponds and lakes and oceans along with the life in them.It pollutes our soils and crops,harm trees,and can even kill fish and plants.Acid rain also eats away at our buildings.
              The prevention of acid rain
              We need to reduce and even stop the pollution that gets into our air.Turn off lights,televisions and other electrical appliances(电器) if we are not using them.Walk and take a bike whenever possible.If we are travelling a long distance,take a bus or train to save fuel.
              As research shows,acid rain harms our environment.But people everywhere can take small steps now to help protect our environment for future generations.
              Whenever we use electricity or drive our cars we may add something bad to the air around us.And even worse,we may cause a terrible problem-acid rain.
              The formation of acid rainWhen fuels,such as c oal and gasoline are burnt,harmful gases are sent into the air.When these gases (1) ______ with rain,acid rain forms.
              The harm of acid rainAcid rain is greatly (2) ______ to the environment.It makes our rivers,ponds and lakes and oceans dirty and (3) ______ the death of fish and plants.And it can corrode (腐蚀) the buildings we live in.
              The prevention of acid rain Trying to prevent the pollution that gets into the air is(4) ______ .Keep the electrical appliances off while they are not in use.We can also use different ways of traffic to make less use of fuels.
              Research tells us that acid rain harms our environment.So people around the world can take small steps now to make a (5) ______ to our kids.
            • 9. Since 1850,the temperature of Earth's surface has increased about 0.6℃.Scientists predict(预测) it may warm much more by the end of this century.Who's turning up the heat?Well,it seems that we are!Some of this global warming may be natural.However,nearly all scientists now agree that most of it is due to people's actions. Over the past 150years,we've give out large amounts of gases,
              especially carbon dioxide (CO2)to the air. These gases can keep heat near Earth's surface,so more carbon dioxide means more heat is kept near Earth's surface.Global warming may change the weather in ways that lead to more severe(严重的) storms,floods and droughts.
              We add carbon dioxide to the air when we burn things,especially fossil fuels(矿物燃料).Fossil fuels are energy sources formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.Coal,oil,and natural gas are all fossil fuels.People in the United States and other countries started burning large amounts of fossil fuels more than a century ago.The amount of fossil fuels being burned each year has been increasing worldwide.The more we burn,
              What can we do to help?Nowadays to live a low-carbon life is quite popular in the world.Low-carbon means to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.Saving energy and reusing are the key words.In fact,even the simplest everyday activities can make our lives low-carbon.
              (1) What problem can global warming cause?(根据课文内容回答问题) ______
              (2) What are fossil fuels?(同上) ______
              (3) 请将第一段中的划线句子翻译成汉语. ______
              (4) 请根据第二段内容,将最后一个句子补充完整. ______
              (5) 请写出日常生活中的一种"低碳"行为 (用英语写一个句子). ______
            • 10. Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs.Even though you are mentally healthy,it doesn't mean that you don't have a menta1health problem.
              Mental health is everyone's business.We all have times when we feel down or stressed.Most of the time those feelings pass,but sometimes they develop into a more serious problem.It seems that our mental health doesn't always stay the same.It can change as the environment changes and as you move through different stages (阶段)of your life.
              Here are four practical ways to look after your mental health.Making simple changes to how you live doesn't cost much or take up lots of time.Anyone can follow them.
              ●Talk about your feelings.It can help you stay in good mental health.It isn't a sign of weakness,but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.
              ●Eat well.What you eat and how you feel are closely connected.A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.
              ●Keep in touch.Friends and family members can offer various suggestions which may help you do everything actively and solve practical problems.
              ●Take a break.It could be a weekend eploring new places to enjoy the nature,or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework.A few minutes can be enough to relax you.
              Mental health is about (56) ______ you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs.Even
              though you are mentally healthy,it is (57) ______ that you have a menta1health problem.We all have times when we feel down or stressed.Most of the time those feelings pass,but sometimes they develop into a more serious problem.Making simple changes to your (58) ______ doesn't cost much or take up lots of time.First,talk about your feelings.Second,a proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.Third,various suggestions may be (59) ______ by your friends and family members.It helps you keep( 60) ______ and solve practical problems.
              Finally,take a break at weekends.
