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            • 1. put ______
            • 2. Do you know about"Survival (生存) Holidays"?"Survival Holidays"is for children to go into the lonely (荒凉的) places for exciting activities.Now about 1,100 companies take children into the great outdoors without their parents.
              Why do people like"Survival Holidays"?They think it"s good for children to get close to (亲近) nature.Many children in big cities spend all the time watching TV and playing computer games."Survival Holidays"gives them an important change.
              Is"Survival Holidays"a wonderful idea?Maybe it is.Children need more free time to do things on their own,without anyone disturbing (打扰) them.Parents care too much about their children.They like to see the children busy with all kinds of activities,but many children don"t know what to do when they are in danger.Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge (挑战) for them.
              Many people think the survival activities are good for children.Even years later,they will still remember what they learn.Some learn to stay brave in difficult times.Some learn how to keep safe.Others learn how to work in a team.All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.
              Survival Holidays
              What is"Survival Holidays"? It is an exciting activity.Children can get into the lonely places (1) their parents.
              Why do people like it? Because it"s good for children to be close to nature and it gives them a/an (2) change.
              What do children in big cities usually do in their free time? They spend all the time (3) TV and computer games.
              Why do people think"Survival Holidays"is a good idea? Parents should leave their children (4) .Children need to learn how to face (面对) danger by themselves.
              What can children learn in the survival activities? "Survival Holidays"is a meaningful experience (经历) for children.They can learn many (5) from these activities.
            • 3. Teachers at Frankfurt International School were asked what advice they would like to give to the students about learning English. Here are their answers.
              Ask your teachers for help: This is the most common piece of advice. If you don"t understand something, ask the teacher. A good time to do this is when the students are working alone or in groups. Most teachers will be happy to help you after class, at break or lunch. But you must ask!
              Help your teacher: If the teacher asks you a question and you make no answer, then the teacher won"t know how to help you. You should learn and use the following replies instead of saying nothing:
              ◆I didn"t hear the question.
              ◆I don"t understand the question.
              ◆I don"t know the answer.
              Bring your dictionary to class: Your teacher will usually try to explain new words in English, but sometimes it will be quicker for you to look up their meanings in your dictionary.
              Pay attention: Your teachers know how hard it is to understand what they are saying, but they would like you to keep listening. Wait until they have stopped talking before asking your friend to explain in his/ her language.
              Advice from teachers

              Ask your teachers for help
              Ask for help while studying alone or (1)
              Teachers would like to help you (2) , at break or lunch.
              Help your teacher If you don"t understand the teacher"s question or don"t know the (3) , let the teacher know.
              Bring a dictionary to class It"s a (4) way to get the meanings of new words sometimes.
              Pay attention Keep (5) your teachers.
              Discuss with your classmates after the teacher stops talking.
            • 4. Four ways to have a good school life
                  Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life.How can you get the most from them,and be sure you do not waste (浪费) this great chance to learn?
                  Be active(积极的) at school Don't say things are difficult or boring.Take interest in school life and your school subjects.Join lots of activities.Put up your hands quickly in class.Go around the school with a big smile.If you are not working,you are wasting your time at school.Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.
                  Keep fit    If you don't eat a good breakfast,you will be thinking about food in class.If you go to bed late,you will be sleepy in class.What's more,do enough sports every day in order to keep your body strong.
                  Face the problem     Do not say you will do things tomorrow.If you get behind the class,it is very difficult to get back in front.You cannot finish the race if you rest all the time.Everyone fails some exams,loses some matches and has bad days.Don't make small problems very big and important.Don't forget to ask for help.You are young,and no one thinks you must do everything
              quite well!
                  Spend the weekends  Don't waste time lying in bed on Saturday or Sunday morning.Go and play sports,get together with friends in the park to relax,or learn to play the piano.If you don't want to go out,there are also a lot of things to do.You may read a book,practice English or help Mum do the work at home.
              Follow our advice,and have a happy school life!

              Title (1) ______ to have a good school life
              Be active at school Be interested in school life and school subjects
              Join lots of activities
              Make yourself (2) ______ every day.
              Keep fit Eat breakfast every moming
              Have enough (3) ______
              Take a lot of exercise daily.
              Face the problem Do what you can do at(4) ______
              Don't give up if you fail
              Remember to ask for help if you can t solve your problems.
              Spend the weekends Get out with frends or read or even help with the housework at home.
              Try to make your weekends(5) ______
            • 5. Yu Minhong, president of New Oriental Education, shared his ideas with the young after the English speech competition of the 14th China Daily. Here is some of his advice to young people:
              "One suggestion I'd like to give you is that it's important to do what you like without fear of failure. And the process(过程)of working toward your dreams matters more than the results. Young people should take chances to show off talents. Take competitions like this one as an example: If you are afraid to fail, you'll never get the chance to stand on the stage and make a speech. Above all, it's most important to take part.
              Another suggestion I want to give you is to read books. It is not easy to keep reading every day. For me, it is much more difficult and challenging to keep reading and taking notes every day than it is to walk 10,000steps."
              In his speech, Yu also shared his view on life. He chose a different life rather than a more successful one. He uses the famous lines of American poet Robert Frost (1874-1963)to make his point:"Two roads diverged (分叉) in a wood, and I …took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."Yu pointed out, "Your happiness should not be what others think you should run after, but instead you should decide what it is. It is you who should make choices for your own life."
              Yu Minhong's speech to young people
              His advice ● He thinks the process is more (1) ______  than results,
              so young people should take chances to show off their
              (2) ______ .
              ● He also suggests that we should read books. It's (3) ______  to
              keep reading all the time.
              His views on life ● Yu prefers a different life (4) ______  a more successful one.
              ● He says that your happiness should be decided by (5) ______
              instead of what others think.
            • 6. It"s very important to know the relation between children and sports. Parents should know that sports play an important part in the development of a child. First, they get physical exercise. So they are healthier and stronger when they grow up. Second, they become more outgoing. Third, they get to know the importance of working hard.
              When parents choose a sport for their children, they should remember the following things. First, the special skills that the sport needs should not be too hard. Second, don"t push(逼) the child to take up a sport that he or she doesn"t like. It is also important to remember not to push a child too hard to play a game. The child should learn a game and develop it at his or her own speed(速度). This will also give him or her the chance(机会) to choose a right sport.
              Remember to choose a sport that fits the children"s age and know the children"s ideas on any sport.
              The relation between children and sports
              Sports play an important part in (1) Children are healthier and stronger.
              Children become more outgoing.
              Children get to know (2)
              Things that parents should remember when they choose a sport for a child. The special skills that the sport needs should not be too hard.
              Don"t push the child to (3)
              Don"t push a child too hard (4)
            • 7. A.in two waysB.cannot C.pay for D.special
              E.decorate F.so muchG.takes care of H.all the timeI.tradition
              About one billion people live in India.Many people live on small farms.They live a quiet and simple life.The family (1) the farm and the animals.The most important animal on the farm is the cow.The cow helps on the farm (2) .It gives milk to the family,and it works on the farm.
              Farmers care about their cows very much.They want their cows to be happy.The farms aren"t busy at certain times of the year.At these times,people wash and (3) their cows.Two times a year,there are special celebrations for the cows.These celebrations are like Thanksgiving Day in the United States.
              Old cows (4) work on farms.In India,it is against the law to kill a cow.So farmers send their old cows away from the farm.The cows walk around freely in the streets.People give their own food to the cows,and cars are careful not to hit the cows.There are (5) animal hospitals for old or sick cows.The government and some rich people (6) these hospitals.
              People in other countries do not understand why the Indian government spends (7) money on cows.There are many poor people in India who need money.Indians say that Americans spend more money on cats and dogs.People in India care for over 200million cows every year.They have cared for cows for a long time.It is a (8) of thousands of years.
            • 8. Many runners feel that music makes exercise more enjoyable. However, they might not know that scientists have found some kinds of music can improve people's energy by 15%. This was discovered by Dr. Costas Karageorghis at Brunei University's School of Sport and Education. Karageorghis has worked with organizations such as Nike and with many champion(冠军) athletes. In the study, 30 people listened to exciting music by Queen, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Madonna. They did exercise at the same time.
                  When they are doing exercise in time with the music, people show higher energy levels. Even when they are doing very exercise, they are confident about how they felt. When people are doing exercise, their nerves(神经) send messages saying that their body is getting tired. However, when they are listening to music at the same time, these messages are stopped. This is because the music causes part of the brain(大脑) to send different messages to the body that make it feel happy and relaxed.
                  Different types of music can have different effects(影响) on different people.  The effect of some music can also depend on(取决于) how tiring the exercise is. Outgoing persons like faster and louder kinds of music compared to shy persons. This in because the brains of outgoing persons need more stimulation(刺激) than the brains of shy persons. Shy persons don't want to worry too much and so have better results when the music makes them feel relaxed.
                  Though music helps runners enjoy exercise, remember not to turn up the music too loud while working out, or it will harm your hearing. When listening to music, people run faster than usual-often without realizing it. It might cause traffic accidents if you're running along the city road with the headphones.
              Music    (56) ______ energy levels
                (57) ______ and music ∅  Music can help people to    (58) ______ exercise.
              ∅  Listening to exciting music can make people's energy 15%    (59) ______ than usual.
              communication ‘stopped'
              ∅  The body    (60) ______ the messages of being tired from the nerve when doing exercise.
              ∅  However, music helps stop the nerve    (61) ______ the messages of being tired to the body.
              Different effects ∅  The effect of some music depends on how    (62) ______ the exercise is.
              ∅  Outgoing persons    (63) ______ fast and loud music to slow music.
              ∅  Shy persons will feel less    (64) ______ when the music makes them relaxed.
              Tips ∅  Loud music will be    (65) ______ to your hearing.
              ∅  Running with headphones may cause traffic accidents.
            • 9. I am Tony.I am happy to tell you my school and my life.Every day my father drives me to school.It takes us fifteen minutes to go to school.My school is big and beautiful.I like my school very much.The desks and chairs are new.There are lots of pictures on the walls.You can also see some flowers on the teachers"desk.We clean the classroom every day.
              I don"t go to school on Saturday and Sunday.I get up at six on Saturday.I play basketball with my father in the park near my home for half an hour.Then I eat my breakfast.I help my mother water the trees and flowers in the garden.At eight I begin to do my homework.My parents and I have lunch in the KFC.In the afternoon,I have Art lessons.Sometimes I chat with my friends on the Internet in the evening.
              Tony"s school and life.
              School It"s (1)
              and beautiful.
              Life on weekdays He goes to school five days a week and he goes to school by car with his father every day.It takes us a (2)
              of an hour to go to school.
              Life at weekends Morning He has breakfast before (3)
              the trees and flowers in the garden.He does his homework at eight.
              Afternoon He (4)
              Art lessons.
              Evening Sometimes he likes (5)
              with his friends on the Internet.
            • 10. What is a hurricane?(飓风)
              You may already know that hurricanes are storms that can cause devastating(毁灭性的) waves,wind,and rain.They happen during"Hurricane Season,''from June 1st until November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th until November 30th in the Pacific Ocean.
              Categories(类别)of Hurricanes
              There are five categories of hurricanes,which are based on wind speeds.The categories help people know how much damage(危害) a hurricane may cause because the greater the wind speed,the more dangerous the storm.For example,a Category 5hurricane has winds over 155miles per hour,which are strong enough to break the buildings along the seaside completely.
              Hurricane Dangers
              When a hurricane happens together with heavy rainfall(降雨),there can be a devastating flood.The centre of a hurricane is called the eye.While most of a hurricane has dangerously strong winds,the eye in fact is a calm area in the storm.When the eye of a hurricane passes over land,people might think that it's over,but before long the wind and rain increase(增长) again as the second part of the hurricane moves through.
              Hurricane Safety Tips
              There is no way to stop a hurricane or make it change direction,so if you ever find yourself in the path of a hurricane,be sure to stay inside during the storm.You could be seriously injured(受伤) if you go outside.
              Characteristics Devastating waves,wind,and rain are usually the (74) ______ of hurricanes.
              Categories Hurricanes are (75) ______ into five categories by scientists,based on wind speeds.
              (76) ______ The eye is the(77) ______ of a hurricane.Soon after it passes,the wind and rain increase again.
              Safety Tips It's (78) ______ to stop a hurricane or change its direction..
              Stay inside during the storm,or you could be seriously injured.
