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            • 1.

              Many parents want their children to be famous one day. But do children have the same  (1)  ? A new  (2)  ---Hi, Ke'ai is on at Beijing Children's Art Theater. It tells the story of a boy called Ke'ai. His parents want him to become a painter or a  (3)  one day. They teach him to  (4)  and to play the violin, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these activities. Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang win a great  (5)  at the Athens Olympic Games(雅典奥运会), and they want him to be a  (6)  .

              "  (7)  do they want me to be someone else(其他的)?" Ke'ai asks and say," I only want to be  (8)  ."

                 The film shows us that it is good for parents to learn to understand(理解)their children. It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.

                 Young audience(观众)enjoy the story, and also the  (9)  in the film. These are two songs in the film. One of them, Ke'ai's Song is very  (10)   to learn, so the audience can sing the song on their way home after the film!

            • 2.

                Many people say their most painful (痛苦的) moments are saying goodbye to those they love. After

              watching Cheryl, my good friend, staying with her sick mother for months, I think the most painful moments can be in the 1____to say goodbye.

                    Cheryl made the two-hour trip over and over to be with her mother. They 2____the long afternoons comforting (安慰) and sharing good memories. 3____her mother’s illness got worse and worse, Cheryl sat for hours in 4____by her mother’s bed. Each time she kissed her mother goodbye, her mother would tear up and say, “I’m 5____you drove so far and sat for so long but I didn’t even wake up to talk with you.”

                    Cheryl would tell her not to 6____and say it didn’t matter. Still her mother apologized (道歉) at each goodbye. One day Cheryl found a 7____to give her mother the same comfort her mother had given to her so many times.

                    “Mom, do you 8____when I joined the high school basketball team?”Cheryl’s mother nodded.“You’d drive so far and sit for so long but I even 9____had a chance to play. You waited for me after every game. Each time I felt bad and apologized to you for10____your time, you would say,‘I didn’t come to see you11____I came to see you.’”Cheryl gently took her mother’s hand.“Well, now I say the12____words to you. I didn’t come to see you talk; I came to see you.” Her mother13____and smiled as she went back to sleep.

                    Their afternoons together passed quietly into days, weeks, and14____ To the last day they15____each other in the stillness. The love between them was given and received just by seeing each other.

            • 3.

              There is an old saying: “Take the time to stop and smell the flowers.” I think we should also take the time to  (1)   flowers.

              My grandmother knew just  (2)   to do that. She grew flowers with earth, water and love, so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers. She would smile when she saw the  (3)   shine down on them. In her front garden she planted flowers,  (4)  . You could see red, white, and yellow flowers in it. My mom and I used to walk  (5)   them and enjoy their smells. Beautiful butterflies flew down on them. Grandma also cared for the wild flowers. She would send  (6)   and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn them into delicious wine.

              Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens  (7)   also planted flowers in our hearts. Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us. Her sweet smile always made us  (8)  . Her hugs and kisses were the sunshine that kept our own love  (9)   day after day.

              Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today. Show your smiles, kindness and love. Plant your wishes, talents and pleasure. Make this   (10)   brighter and brighter with your sunshine.

            • 4.

              The students in Shanghai No. 3 Girls High School have a flower-arrangement (插花) lesson every week. The course is the first of its kind among middle schools in Shanghai. It helps the students to enjoy the   (1)  of flowers better. That’s why the course has become very popular   (2)  the students.

              The teachers of the course are all specially trained(专门地培训). They are   (3)   at this art and work hard at passing on the skill   (4)  students. So far, many students in the school have   (5)  a lot of prizes in this field. In order to further   (6)  the students’ skills, the teachers usually play   (7)  while students are arranging flowers. Students are   (8)   with the music, and they   (9)  more good ideas for flower-arrangement.

              Besides,the teachers   (10)  teach the students other skills at the   (11)   time. For example, they ask the students to   (12)  compositions(作文) about flowers. In this way, students not only   (13)   art education but also improve(提高) their writing skills.

              Several months ago, some foreign teachers   (14)  the school. When they saw common flowers become more lively and meaningful, they were amazed and interested. They made videos and would play them in class for their own   (15)  after they returned home.

            • 5.

                 How can we practice our spoken English?

                 The first and the most important thing is to believe ____  (1)  ____. We should always be full of confidence, or we will never be able to ____  (2)  ____ our English. We should often encourage ourselves, "Come on! Don't be afraid!" We should never lose heart and never give up.

                 Maybe we are afraid of losing face, but we should think since we are students and we're ____  (3)  ____, there's no need to worry about anything. We must always be ____  (4)  ____ in practice. There's no problem that our pronunciation and intonation (语调) can't be as good ____  (5)  ____ the native people because we are Chinese, and we don't have chances to live in foreign countries or talk with the people there ____  (6)  ____. But we must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and ____  (7)  ____ other people. We should believe that native speakers will not laugh at us. ____  (8)  ____, they will encourage us. So if we are brave enough, we'll certainly make ____  (9)  ____ progress in our spoken English.

                 ____  (10)  ____ be shy or afraid! Just have a try.

            • 6.

              All students  (1)   to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you learn things  (2)  . You also remember  (3)   easily.

              Do you like to study   (4)   the living room? This is not a good place,  (5)  it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your  (6)  . A quiet place will help you only to think about  (7)  .

              When you study, do not think about  (8)  things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do this, you will do your homework  (9)  quickly, and you will make  (10)  mistakes.

              Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn to have them. If you have already had them, try to make them better.

            • 7.

              Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming.

              Even in early times, people could realize the  (1)  of dreams. If a person has a dream and works hard ,he or she will find a way  (2)  bring it into success.

              Children do not have  (3)  knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not  (4)  them .With their rich imgination, they will  (5)  with fantastic dreams. History is  (6)  of examples. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas Edison. He used to  (7)  ostracized(排斥)when he was in primary school, but his achievements were greater than  (8)  in his time.

              Teenagers and young people should also be  (9)  to dream. They had big dreams and their dreams  (10)  their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They  (11)  developed technology and brought great progress to humans besides making money for  (12)  .

              Older people should believe that it is never  (13)  late to dream. Colonel Saunders

                (14)  KFC at the age of 67. Everyone has a chance to make dreams  (15)  .

            • 8.

              Sports are very popular all over the world. They are good for our  (1)  ,and most people in the world like sports.  (2)  people can play different sports. Li Lan, a middle school student, likes  (3)  table tennis very much. She always plays  (4)  with her twin sister on weekends. She often  (5)  sports programmers on TV.

            • 9.

              The United States is full of automobiles (机动车).  There are still many families without cars. But some families have two or  (1)  more cars. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a  (2)  part of life.

                  Cars are used for  (3)  . They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to  (4)  their jobs. When salesmen are sent to  (5)  parts of the city, they have to drive in order to  (6)  their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to shop for necessities.

              Sometimes, small children must be driven to  (7)  . In some cities, school buses are used only when children  (8)  more than a mile from the school. When the children are too  (9)  to walk that far. their parents take  (10)  driving them to school. One  (11)  drives on Mondays, taking her children and the neighbors' children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays and so on. This is  (12)  forming a car pool(拼车).Working people also form car pools, with three or four people taking turns driving to the place

                (13)  they work.

              More car pools should be formed in order to putu  (14)  cars on the road and to use less oil.  (15)   is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something should be done about the use of cars..

            • 10.

              What is the population of China? There are more than a billion and three hundred million people in China. It is almost one fifth of the world’s population. How to control the population growth is a big problem. Some people think  46         control the population growth. But I don’t agree  47           them, because where there’s a will, there is a way.

                  The question is that we should make it known to everybody   48            serious the population problem is. Our farmland is becoming less and less to everyone. We have already got too many mouths to feed.  49  we control the population growth, many people will die  50           hunger. Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation. Though laws(法律) have  51           passed to control the population growth, in some places,  52           is done to carry out the law. We should make people  53  that it is foolish to bring too many children into the world. They should  54           do what they have been doing for many years.

                  We are fighting against the rapid population growth. Yes, the fighting won’t end  55           everyone knows its importance and does something for it. Let’s go on working hard on it together.

