优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               Robert is thirteen years old now. but he still remembers one day ten years ago, when he tried to get a bottle of milk from the fridge. The bottle fell to the floor and the milk spilled all over the floor.

               When his mother came into the kitchen, she didn’t shout at him. “Oh, Robert, it is amess. Well, would you like to play in the milk for a few minutes?” she said.

               Rober was very surprised, but he began to play in the milk quickly. After a few minutes, his mother said, “ You know, Robert, when you make a mess like this, you have to clean it yourself.” He then cleaned the milk with his mother. His mother then said. “ It’s hard to take a big bottle with your two small hands. Here is another bottle. Let’s see how to find a better way to take it.” The little boy learned that if he took the bottle near the top with both two hands. He could do it easily. Robert also learned that it wasn’t always bad to make mistakes. It was just the mistake that helped him to learn new things. What a good lesson!

              根据短文内容,从题中所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。

              (1) Robert was ____ years old when the story happened
              A. two                     B. three                          
              C. four                         D. five
              (2) The underlined word “mess” means ____ in Chinese?
              A. 噪音         B. 痛苦            C. 力量           D. 脏乱
              (3) ____cleaned up the milk finally.
              A. Robert and his mother  
              B. Robert and his father  
              C. Robert and his brother  
              D. Robert and his sister
              (4) Later, Robert's mother told him how to ____.
              A. clean the milk   B. sweep the floor         
              C. take a big bottle      D. use his hands
              (5) What’s the the best title for this passage?
              A. A good teacher   B. Learning from mistakes  
              C. A little boy   D. Learning to do housework
            • 2.
              ★Call 492-9345 to learn about training,expense and other requirements that are need to care for a homeless child in your family.
              ★Attend a General Meeting at the Mount Joy Office.Thursday,February 4th or 18th 6:00pm-8:00pm.Call 492-9338 for cither of the General Meetings.
              ★Volunteers are welcome.Call 492-9396 to become a member of F.U.N.
              Families United Network(F.U.N.)3908 Corey Road,Harrisburg,PA17100

              About ______ children in PA State have no homes of their own.

              A. 8,000
              B. 14,000
              C. 17,100
              D. 22,000

              The underlined expression“ emotional support”means caring for a child's ______

              A. food
              B. education
              C. houses
              D. feelings

              The General Meetings will be held ______

              A. every Thursday in February
              B. three times in February
              C. between February 4th and 18th
              D. on February 4th and 18th

              The purpose of the material above is to help ______

              A. children with no homes
              B. families with no children
              C. schools with little money
              D. teachers with little training

              We can read material above probably from the ______ section of a newspaper.

              A. fashion
              B. sports
              C. advertisement
              D. business.
            • 3.

              As students, you may have many dreams. They can be very big like becoming Superman, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.

                  If you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream come true?   

              Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams come true is life’s biggestchallenge.

              “You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible (不可能) for you to become a star. These ideas stop you from realizing your dream,” the book says.

              In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first important thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.

              Don’t let it leave your heart (心). Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step (一步一步地) and your dream will come true faster. A big dream is, in fact, many small dreams.

              Never give up (放弃) your dream. There will be difficulties on the road. But the biggest problem comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of (代替) watching TV will bring you better exam points. Saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. When you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. Then you will be able to learn more skills and find new interests.

              (1) Follow Your Heart is ____________.
              A. the first thing you must do to make your dream come true
              B. the most important dream to have for students
              C. the name of a book by Andrew Matthews
              D. the name of a famous Australian writer
              (2) If you want to make your dream come true, you should _____________.
              A. remember what your dream is firs            
              B. keep telling yourself what you want
              C. never be afraid of the big difficulties          
              D. try to start with all the things above
              (3) From the text, we know the word “challenge” means _____________.
              A. 变化             B. 挑战                 
              C. 决定                D. 态度
              (4) What you should NOT do to make your dream come true?
              A. Watch TV to get better exam points.    
              B. Do what you should do step by step.
              C. Always remember what your dream is.  
              D. Read more books, learn more skills and find new interests.
            • 4. The underlined word “free” in Paragraph 3probably means “__________”.
              A. 免费      B. 解放     C. 免税     D. 治疗
            • 5.


                   When we ask readers, teachers and students what their biggest problems are in reading English newspapers, almost everyone immediately answers “vocabulary”! It is true that some readers are probably to find many new words, but that is not really a “problem”. We hope to show you a good way to increase your vocabulary.

                    One way to do this is, of course, to make a great effort to learn new vocabulary by using your dictionary. Look up a large number of new words you meet in the newspaper. That is not the method (方法) we are going to talk about, however. In fact, overusing the dictionary is not good for your understanding of the stories. It slows down your reading speed so much that it is difficult to see how ideas fit together. Instead, we are going to suggest very useful ways for increasing your vocabulary and your reading comprehension (理解) at the same time.

                   One of the fastest way to build your vocabulary through the newspaper is on a “topic by topic” basis (基础). You can do this by reading stories with similar topics. You can also follow an interesting story for several days or more. You will begin to see a group of words commonly associated (有联系的) with the topic.

                     The other way we suggest is to use context to learn vocabulary. Sometimes you can guess the meaning of the new words with the help of the sentences around them. Also, some newspapers are made to be understood easily. Stories are written for general audience, not for experts. And there are also several photographs besides the stories.

              (1) What is the popular problem we meet when we read English newspapers?
              A. The topics are too hard to understand.  
              B. There are so many new words.
              C. Grammar is the biggest problem.     
              D. The writing style is too new for us.
              (2) What is the most common way we use when we meet some new vocabularies?
              A. Ask teachers for help.                  
              B. Leave them alone.
              C. Look them up in the dictionary. 
              D. Try to understand them with the help of the topic.
              (3) __________ is one of the ways that the writer suggests in the passage.
              A. Reading stories with similar topic      
              B. Reading dictionaries
              C. Reading as much as possible         
              D. Reading different kinds of stories
              (4) What does the underlined word “context” mean in Chinese?
              A. 读者             B. 买方         C. 作家             D. 上下文
              (5) What is the best topic for this passage?   
              A. How to read English newspapers      
              B. How to improve your English
              C. How to use the dictionary           
              D. How to learn new vocabularies   
            • 6.

              Volunteering is really great. It can help make a difference in the community and even the world. It can also be an opportunity(机会) to meet new people and learn new skills. If you’d like to give something to a cause besides money, consider lending your time and talents to organizations that are important to you.

              Below are some suggestions to guide you on how to volunteer.

              Tip1. Consider why you want to volunteer. Do you want to help the world or the community? Do you want to build your own skills or make new friends? Ask yourself these questions before volunteering. It can help you choose the right direction for your volunteer work.

              Tip2. Look for volunteer work that suits your skills and interests. If the volunteer work is above your ability or doesn’t interest you, you will have no enthusiasm(激情) to do it well.

              Tip3. Get some training. Some volunteer work calls for some special skills. You need to get some training in order to do a good job.

              Tip4. Start with something small. If you already have a busy schedule, you can volunteer for an hour or two every week or perhaps one day every month. If you keep on doing that, you might be surprised how much you can accomplish.

              Tip5. Try not to give up. You will face some difficulties in the volunteer work. At that time, you should not give up. Instead, you can seek help from other teammates.

              Tip6. Have fun. You will accomplish more if you love what you do. Besides, your enthusiasm will influence others.

              After reading these suggestions, why not sign up for some volunteer work in your school or in your community?

              (1) By asking yourself why you want to volunteer, you can _________.
              A. help the world or your community .                
              B. learn new skills.
              C. find the right thing for yourself to do.              
              D. succeed in making new friends.
              (2) The sentence which is underlined(下划线) means _________.
              A. you should make good use of your time
              B. you can use a little of your time for volunteering if you are busy
              C. you can give up volunteering if you are busy
              D. you should volunteer for a long time no matter how busy you are
              (3) The word “accomplish” means “________.”
              A. organize         B. get        
              C. achieve         D. manage
              (4) The main idea of the article is _________.
              A. some suggestions on how to volunteer                                            
              B. why you should do some volunteer work
              C. what volunteer work you can do                        
              D. volunteering is really great
            • 7. --______ have you taught English,Mr.Brown?
              --Since 1997.(  )
              A.How often
              B.How long
              C.How soon
            • 8. -How long have you been in China?
              -________.(  )
              A.Five times a year
              B.More than five years
              C.In five years
              D.After five years
            • 9. -Excuse me,____ is it from our school to Huanglong Stadium?
              -About ____ drive.(  )
              A.How long; twenty minutes
              B.How far; twenty minutes’
              C.How far; two-minute
              D.How soon; two minutes
