优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)Abing played music that could touch the hearts of people. (2)当我们听他的音乐的时候,we can sense both the beauty and the sadness in it.(3)It makes us think about the pain and wounds that we experienced in the past,For this reason,(4)many people praise him as the musician who has greatly influenced erhu music.(5)所以它真的是一个遗憾that not many pieces of his music were recorded.

              (1) ___________________________________________________________________________。 (2) ___________________________________________________________________________. (3) ___________________________________________________________________________。 (4) ___________________________________________________________________________。 (5) ___________________________________________________________________________.
            • 2.

              The social network(社交网络) is a lot of fun. You can chat with friends, meet different people and share your favorite things with the world. You may like it just because your parents don’t know what you’re doing. So cool! But remember that there are some dangerous things about it. And some scary people hang out there, too. The good news is that you can protect yourself. Here is some simple advice for having fun and staying safe online.

              Firstly, only allow your friends to get your information. And be careful with what you’ve posted on the network. Never share your phone numbers, addresses, ect. online.

              Secondly, remember that not everything you read online is true. Do you have these experiences online: saying something that is not true; pretending(假装) to be others, or to be older or younger? Others may do the same things.

              Thirdly, if you’d like to meet someone in person, talk to you parents about it. Yeah, it’s not cool. But they can try to make sure you’re safe. That way, you protect yourself, and you can still have some fun.


              (1) From the first paragraph of the passage, we know that the social network is a lot of       , but there are also some           things about it. (2) The first piece of advice tells us that it’s never a good idea to share your       information online.


              (3) What is the topic sentence of the third paragraph?


              (4) 将短文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。



              (5) What is the main idea of the passage?
            • 3. make up____________________________
            • 4.

              as soon as_________________    

            • 5.

              Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your

              friends as you play together.


            • 6.

              Now many people like fast food. We all know that fast food is not good for our health. So more and more fast food restaurants are serving healthier food and you can make healthier choices. Here are some tips (建议)for ordering healthy food at fast food restaurants.

              Don’t order the biggest size. The biggest size seems cheaper, but it is not good for your health. The biggest size has the most fat, sugar and so on. A smaller size is probably enough for you.

              Some drinks are full of sugar. So when                                         ,you should choose milk or water.

              Usually fried food is not the best choice. You should choose baked food. (64)Itis healthier.

              Go for the kids menu, because the sizes of kids food are usually smaller. You an eat less. You can also choose to eat half of what you order and take the other half home to eat later.

              Today, more and more fast food restaurants are staring to serve healthier food. You can order the food with words like“healthy”or“light清淡”on the menu.

              Eating at fast food restaurants may not be bad for you.By making smart choices, eating at fast food restaurants can be not that bad.


              (1) How many tips does the writer give us to order healthy food at fast food restaurants?


              (2) 在文中找出与下面句子意思相近的一句话。

              It is known to us that fast food is bad for our health.


              (3) 在第3段空缺处填入适当的内容,使句子完整。


              (4) 回答问题。

              What does the underlined word“It”in Paragraph 4 refer to(指的是)?


              (5) 将最后一段划线的句子翻译成汉语。


            • 7.

                (1) Daniel was always making excuses for forgetting to do things. His usual excuse was:“I was too busy.”or“I didn’t have time.”Daniel’s parents were worried about him.“He shouldn’t go through life making excuses all the time.”his father said.“No one will trust him to do anything. He won’t be able to keep a job. No sensible(明智的) girl will marry him.”

              (2)“1 don't know what we can do,his mother said.“I have an idea,”his father said.“If this doesn't work, nothing will.”The next day was Daniel's birthday. He was really looking forward to getting exciting presents. He woke up, expecting his parents to wish him a happy birthday. But all day what they said was“Good morning, Daniel. Hurry, or you will be late for school.”There were no presents, not even a card. He was really disappointed.“Never mind,” he thought.(3)“There'll be a surprise for me after school.But there wasn't. Sadly he said to his parents at dinner,“Today's my birthday.”“Oh,”his father said.“So it is. I forgot.”(4)“我也忘了.his mother said.“How could you forget?”Daniel asked.“There must be a reason”“Well, yes,” his father said.“We have a really good excuse for forgetting your birthday, Daniel. We didn't remember your birthday because we were too busy.”Poor Daniel! He never had a silly excuse for not doing something again.

              (1) 请把句(1)译成汉语。 . (2) 请把句(2)改成同义句。 I don't know                                     . (3) 请把句(3)改成间接引语。 He thought                                   . (4) Did Daniel get his birthday present at last?


              (5) 将(4)处译成英文。             .
            • 8.

              I am a clever girl at school. I can speak English very well. My classmates always ask me how to learn English. OK. Let me tell you. Speaking, listening, and writing are very important.

              If you want to speak English well, you shoulder fast and loudly. If you do this for a long time, you can speak English like an English student.

              If you want to be good at English, you can’t ignore(忽视) listening. When you talk with others, you should listen to them carefully. At the same time you should listen to your teacher carefully in class and talk with your classmates in English after class.

              Writing is also important. When you learn a new word, you’d better make a sentence or more. That can help you a lot.

              You can find it easy to learn English well if you follow the ideas.

               根据短文内容完成(41-43回答问题, 44题判断对错, 45题翻译)

              (1) How many English skills are mentioned(提及) in the passage?


              (2) What should you do if you want to speak English well?


              (3) Is English difficult to learn according to the passage?


              (4) You should talk to your classmates in English in class.


              (5) I can speak English very well.


            • 9.

              For years, some people have called for the circuses to stop using elephants in their shows. Elephants at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum&Bailey Circus performed their last show on May 1, 2016.

                During the performances, the elephants danced, balanced on each other’s backs, sat on their back legs, and pretended to sleep.

                Elephants have been used in show business in the United States for a long time. The tradition started in the early 1800s with“Old Bet”, an elephant owned by Hackaliah Bailey. Bailey put the elephant in a traveling show and people paid money to see it . In 1882, showman P.T. Barnum added the huge African elephant “Jumbo”   A    his show, which he called “ The Greatest Show on Earth”.

              ① Over the years ,elephants in circuses have been trained to do a lot of tricks. These tricks include playing baseball, riding bicycles and playing musical instruments.

               Ringling Bros.’ retired elephants now live at the circus’ Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida. ② home, the , is , about, to, 40 elephants center.

              The end of elephants performances at the Ringling Bros. shows the change in how Americans see the animals. Now they don’t see elephants   B   circus performers; they want to see them in a natural environement, instead of in a circus or zoo. Will other circuses follow Ringling Bros.’ example and retire their elephants? It is possible.

              任务一: 请在文中A、B两处的横线上填入一个适当的词。

              (1) A.         B.           .


              (2)                             .

              任务三:请将文中 处的斜体部分练成句子。

              (3)                                .

              任务四: 请根据短文回答问题。

              (4) When did the elephants at the Ringling Bros. perform their last show?


              (5) 任务五:请给短文拟一个标题。(10词以内)


            • 10.

              Liu Mingxiao, 13, is pretty and smart. She comes top in her class. But many students try to stay away from her because Liu’s mum has AIDS(艾滋病).Liu’s father has died of AIDS.(A)       ,Liu didn’t get it.

              AIDS means fear for most people. “Nobody wants to play games with me. They call me bad names behind my back. Even a teacher who used to like me turns her back on me now,” said Liu.

              Liu’s mother didn’t know what happened to her daughter until one day Liu came home with her nose bleeding. “(B) She fought(打架)with a boy when he said something bad about her father, ”Liu’s mother said. “My heart really hurts. My daughter did nothing wrong! ”

              For many of these children, the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them. Many of them have to drop out of school (辍学) because they can no longer stand others’ indifference (冷漠).

              (C) People are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it, ” said Wang Chongrun, head of a group to help children living with AIDS. Wang went to the villages and gave lessons about AIDS to the people.

              “Many of these children are just as healthy as others, ”(D) Even if they have AIDS it’s still safe to eat and play with them. They need our love and understanding.(E)A friendly smile means a lot to them!

              (1) 在(A)的空白处用(luck)的适当形式填空。 (2) 将划线部分(B)改写为原因状语从句。

              She fought with a boy________________________

              (3) 将划线部分(C)进行同义改写。

              People ____ ____afraid of AIDS ____they know much.

              (4) 将划线部分(D)译成汉语。 (5) 将划线部分(E)译成汉语。
