优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              This year is the Year of the Dog. So dogs are the most popular animals of this year. They are our ______  (1)  __________ friends. There  ________  (2)  ________ many different dogs in the world. Dogs can live for about 15 years. How  _______  (3)  _________ is your dog? Two years? That is about 14 years old in human years. Dogs have very great ears and noses. ________  (4)  ________ they can't  ________  (5)  ________ as well as men. They're colorblind (色盲的). They're also great and can do  _______  (6)  _________ of jobs. They can be police dogs, sniffer dogs, rescue dogs, shepherd dogs and guide dogs.

                  Norman is a superstar dog  _______  (7)  _________ America. This year he is 10 years old. He can ride a bike (骑自行车) very  ____  (8)  ____________. Norman's owner, Karen Coob, is a dog trainer (训练师). She ________  (9)  ________ Norman how to ride a bike. She really loves the good dog. Norman is her ________  (10)  ________, just like her son.

              (1) A. youngest    B. best    C. biggest

              (2) A. are    B. is    C. has

              (3) A. good    B. big    C. old

              (4) A. But    B. And    C. So

              (5) A. see    B. feel    C. sound

              (6) A. many    B. much    C. lots

              (7) A. on    B. from    C. in

              (8) A. nice    B. well    C. good

              (9) A. lets    B. teaches    C. knows

              (10) A. family    B. friend    C. classmate

            • 2.

              We often say that lions and tigers are kings of animals. They’re the best hunters (猎手) and they’re at the top (顶端) of the food chain (链) on land. But the best hunters in the sea are sharks(鲨鱼). Sharks are bigger and swim   (1)   fasterthan other sea animals. They have wide mouths and sharp (锋利的)   (2)  . They are at the top of the sea food chain.

              What’s at the top of the world’s food chain? Human beings (人类)! We’re not strong, but we’re the   (3)  . We can’t run fast, but we   (4)   cars; We can’t fight better, but we invented guns (枪),… Many inventions are useful to us.   (5)  , they’re also harmful. People ask the   (6)   for too much. For example, we ask for food, wood, fur and so on. As a result, forests are becoming    (7)  . Rivers are dirty and some animals are in danger of dying out.

              Don’t forget that we’re part of the food chain. We should leave enough   (7)   for animals to live in. We should do something to stop people from   (8)   animals. We must know that protecting animals is just to protect   (9)  .

              (1) A. very                     B. much                         
              C. quite

              (2) A. knives                  B. feet                            
              C. teeth

              (3) A. cleverest              B. fastest                          
              C. slowest

              (4) A. bought                 B. brought                        
              C. invented

              (5) A. Or                        B. However                      
              C. So

              (6) A. nature                  B. forests                          
              C. animals   

              (7) A. small and small    B. bigger and bigger        
              C. smaller and smaller

              (8) A. trees                     B. room                           
              C. food        

              (9) A. killing                  B. feeding                        
              C. keeping

              (10) A. itself                    B. themselves                   
              C. ourselves

            • 3.

              These years, the words "haze" (霾) and "PM 2.5" often appear on TV, radios and newspapers. The number of hazy days   (1)  to about 160 in total last year in Chengdu. So people pay much more attention to the   (2)  protection than before. Many people   (3)   they should change their ways of transportation. Some are beginning to stop driving cars and choose buses or bikes instead. But do you know how bikes were invented?

                  Few knows that bikes were invented by a German called Delaisse   (4)  was born in 1785. He worked as a forester and  (5)   a long way to and from work every day. It was so tiring that he  (6)  to invent a new kind of transportation. He thought people would move faster if they sat on wheels. Then he started to design and make bikes. He was first seen to travel by bike in 1817 but it was really   (7)  for him to be laughed at by others all the way. However, he did not   (8)  . Even so, no factory would produce bikes. Later, as the pedal (脚踏板), chain and tire were invented, bikes became  (9)  used and the popularity spreads around the world.

                  As time went by, Carl invented cars but they also produced pollution. Riding bikes not only   (10)   the pollution from getting worse but is also a great way of exercising. Why not start riding from now on?

              (1) A. dropped

              B. increased

              C. became

              (2) A. environmental

              B. water

              C. insects

              (3) A. repeat

              B. wonder

              C. realize

              (4) A. whom

              B. which

              C. who

              (5) A. flew

              B. ran

              C. walked

              (6) A. made notes

              B. made an effort

              C. made up

              (7) A. painful

              B. pleased

              C. moved

              (8) A. give up

              B. fix up

              C. look up

              (9) A. greatly

              B. widely

              C. deeply

              (10) A. prevents

              B. protects

              C. processes

            • 4.

              A flying ship was invented by China independently. It has already  (1)  the world’s attention. Now, the ship appeared on the sea of Sanya for display on December 11th, 2017. It is one   (2)   closer to making the technology a reality.

              The ship can fly like both a bird in the sky and a duck on the sea. It  (3)  that you can only enjoy it in the Hollywood sci-fi(科幻) movies.  (4)  it is real in our real life. This is the  (5)   of all Chinese people--- Xiang State 1.(翔州1)

                   An expert  (6)  that although it’s called a ship, it  (7)  runs much faster than a common one. Its  (8)  is about 160~210 kilometers an hour. This is 8 to12 times as fast as the  (9)  ships. It only takes hours to get to Sansha from Sanya.

                    Because mostly it  (10)   from the sea and flies into sky, then lands to the sea, it can be influenced by the ground, ice tidal(潮汐),etc. It has a good mobility, and it can make a turn freely. It’s the symbol of China’s high technology.

              (1) A. attracted           B. hurt                   
              C. visited         D. attacked 

              (2) A. art                           B. step           
              C. hand           D. choice 

              (3) A. seems              B. sounds             
              C. feels           D. tastes 

              (4) A. And                 B. But          
              C. Or            D. So 

              (5) A. praise               B. price        
              C. pride         D. prize 

              (6) A. talks               B. treats          
              C. hides        D. says 

              (7) A. actually             B. especially    
              C. finally          D. luckily 

              (8) A. speech              B. speed              
              C. spider         D. swimming 

              (9) A. unusual              B. important    
              C. ordinary        D. dangerous 

              (10) A. takes off           B. puts off      
              C. gets off       D. cuts off

            • 5.

              Many people like pandas very much.They are very   (1)  .Most of them live in Sichuan,  (2)  .They  (3)  white hair,but their shoulders,legs,ears and eyes are  (4)  .Pandas are usually heavy,but they can climb trees like  (5)  animals.Pandasˈ favorite food is bamboo  (6)  .But long long ago(很久很久以前),pandas liked to eat meat.It takes pandas a lot of time to have food every day.When pandas are full(吃饱的),they like  (7)  .They relax many hours every day.However,there are  (8)  pandas in the world today.  (9)  some people cut down (砍伐) too many bamboo trees and pandas cannot find enough(足够的) food.I think we must  (10)  them.

              (1) A. ugly

              B. lazy

              C. cute

              D. tall

              (2) A. China

              B. South Africa

              C. Australia

              D. England

              (3) A. are

              B. has

              C. like

              D. have

              (4) A. black

              B. white

              C. fat

              D. big

              (5) A. another

              B. other(其他的)

              C. others

              D. else

              (6) A. roots

              B. branches

              C. grass

              D. leaves(叶子)

              (7) A. relax

              B. relaxing

              C. run

              D. running

              (8) A. a little

              B. not one

              C. not many

              D. many

              (9) A. So

              B. Because

              C. And

              D. But

              (10) A. help

              B. visit

              C. like

              D. see

            • 6.

                My hobby is watching movies. I like them   (1)  . Recently, I saw a movie called I, Robot — a story about the future with robots.

                     In the movie, it is the year of 2035 and people can see robots   (2)  . Robots can help people do a lot of things, for example,   (3)   the old people or babies, washing, cooking, cleaning or going for a walk   (4)   dogs. Robots must do everything people ask them to do. But there is a policeman   (5)   Spooner, who doesn’t like robots. This is because he thinks that people cannot live well   (6)   robots. One day a scientist kills himself. He leaves a robot. Some time later, Spooner finds   (7)   wrong with the robots in the world. A   (8)  robots have their own thoughts and want to control the people. If the robots succeed, it will be very dangerous   (9)   people. Susan, another scientist working on robots, decides   (10)   together with Spooner to fight against these robots. At last, they succeed and people get control of the robots again.

                     I thought the movie was very   (11)  . The story was exciting and the actors were great  (12)  . The audience truly believed that the robots were real and it was fascinating to see   (13)   our possible future could look like.   (14)   robots one day control our world? I certainly hope not.

                       (15)   you think the movie sounds interesting, then why not go and see it?

              (1) A. well                  B. better                    
              C. best                 D. good

              (2) A. everywhere      B. anywhere       
              C. somewhere     D. nowhere

              (3) A. looking at        B. looking after  
              C. looking for      D. looking up

              (4) A. to                            B. at                   
              C. with                D. for

              (5) A. calls                 B. call                 
              C. calling             D. called

              (6) A. and                  B. with               
              C. without           D. or

              (7) A. nothing            B. anything        
              C. something       D. everything

              (8) A. little                 B. lot                  
              C. few                 D. lots

              (9) A. for                    B. of                   
              C. at                    D. in

              (10) A. working           B. worked          
              C. to work           D. for working

              (11) A. interest             B. interested       
              C. interesting       D. interestingly

              (12) A. either               B. also                
              C. besides            D. too

              (13) A. when                B. what              
              C. where              D. how

              (14) A. Will                  B. Did                
              C. Must               D. Should

              (15) A. When               B. If                   
              C. Because          D. As

            • 7.

              Some students from Thailand(泰国) write an article on the website(网页). They ask us to save the elephants in Thailand. They tell us that the elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols(象征). Their first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good   (1)  .

              Elephants are   (2)   animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very   (3)  . People say that “ An elephant never forgets.” Elephants can walk for a long time and   (4)  get lost. They can also remember places  (5)  food and water. This helps   (6)   to live.

              But elephants are in great danger. Elephants are losing their homes   (7)   people cut down many trees. People also kill elephants for their ivory(象牙). Today there   (8)   only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Donˈt forget that Thai Elephant Day is   (9)  March 13th . Let’s work together and   (10)  the elephants!

              (1) A. message        B. luck                        
              C. friend               D. story

              (2) A. lazy                     B. terrible                    
              C. bad                 D. smart

              (3) A. good            B. nice              
              C. well               D. great

              (4) A. always                B. often             
              C. sometimes        D. never

              (5) A. with             B. in                                  
              C. of                       D. from

              (6) A. they             B. their                    
              C. them              D. themselves

              (7) A. so                       B. because                
              C. and                D. but

              (8) A. has                  B. have                     
              C. is                   D. are

              (9) A. at                       B. on                       
              C. in                         D. for

              (10) A. saving                 B. to save                        
              C. saves              D. save

            • 8.

              Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. The healthier your teeth are, the happier you   (1)  . How can you protect(保护)your teeth? 

              First, you should   (2)   your teeth in correct(正确的)time and ways. Brush your teeth  (3)  a day at least. You had better brush your teeth   (4)   after getting up and before going to bed. And you should brush all of your teeth, not just the  (5)  ones.   (6)  some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Please brush your teeth  (7)   three minutes each time.

              Second, don’t eat too   (8)  candy. After you had something sweet, you should  (9)  your mouth at once to keep the mouth clean.

              Third, you need to have   (10)  eating habits. For example, after meals you had better wash your mouth or drink some   (11)   . You also need to know more about   (12)  you eat and drink.   (13)  lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks. 
                    (14)  your teeth, and they’ll help to take care of you, too. Strong, healthy teeth can help you   (15)   . Please protect your teeth! 

              (1) A. smile                         B. be                    
              C. sound                       D. feel

              (2) A. wash                         
              B. brush               
              C. clean                              
              D. check

              (3) A. once                          B. twice            
              C. third                        D. fourth

              (4) A. between                      B. only                 
              C. both                         D. from

              (5) A. front                               
              B. bad                  
              C. back                       
              D. good

              (6) A. Take                                
              B. Cost                 
              C. Use                         
              D. Spend

              (7) A.   more than                 B. less than           
              C. much                       D. more

              (8) A. many                         B. much               
              C. more                        D. most

              (9) A. brush                               
              B. open                
              C. wash                       
              D. close

              (10) A. health                              
              B. healthy             
              C. healthily                  
              D. healthier 

              (11) A. cola                           B. water               
              C. juice                        D. fruit

              (12) A. where                    B. when                    
              C. what                               D. how

              (13) A. Eat                           
              B. Eating              
              C. To eat                     
              D. For eating

              (14) A. Look after                  B. Look out at              
              C. Look out of              D. Look for

              (15) A. study                               
              B. grow                
              C. work                              
              D. play

            • 9.

              Natural resources are things that we use that come from Earth.  Out natural resources are limited(有限的). This means that they will not  (1)   forever. 

              Some are renewable, like when you plant a new tree when you  (2)  one down. Others are not renewable, like when you dig coal out of the  (3)   . Once it is used, it is gone. People realize the   (4)   that Earth’s natural resources are limited, and can do things to help save those resources.  (5)  you try to save a natural resource, you try to use less of it, so it does not run out so  (6)   . One way that people save fuel, like gasoline, is by riding a bicycle or walking when the  (7)   is short instead of driving everywhere. Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay  (8)  . We can keep water  (9)  making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏). We can also make  (10)   choices to save water, like only using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full. 

              Everyone can make contributions to protecting natural resources.

              (1) A. last                   B. spread             
              C. burn         

              (2) A. turn                   B. cut                 
              C. put             

              (3) A. station                 B. building             
              C. ground          

              (4) A. fact                         B. plan               
              C. decision          

              (5) A. When                 B. Although           
              C. Whatever    

              (6) A. slowly                 B. hard                
              C. fast

              (7) A. distance              B. space               
              C. place       

              (8) A. alive                    B. alone              
              C. awake

              (9) A. with                    B. for                 
              C. by              

              (10) A. surprising                    B. funny              
              C. wise       

            • 10.

               Do you get stressed out sometimes? Are you confused about what's really important in ____  (1)  ____ life? Don't worry. You are not alone! Many teens say they have a lot of stress in their lives. Homework, friends, and busy schedules can make anyone feel down. The good ____  (2)  ____ is there are lots of ways to reduce stress. Here are just ____  (3)  ____ suggestions.

                 First of all, what shouldn't you do? Well, you shouldn't stay out ____  (4)  ___. Going to parties and ____  (5)  ____ out with friends are fine when you're feeling well, but you shouldn't do these things too often when you're stressed out. ____  (6)  ____, you shouldn't get too nervous about school stuff. School and school activities are an important part of your life, but you shouldn't worry about homework ____  (7)  ____. You have to enjoy other things in life too!

                 What should you do? Most importantly, you should be good to your body. Take it easy sometimes. Listen to some music and maybe ____  (8)  ____ your friends. Another good piece of advice is to get outside and exercise! Go hiking or camping, play a sport for ____  (9)  ____! Do something active and you'll soon forget the ____  (10)  ____. And remember—when you're really stressed out, go to bed and get some sleep. Most problems usually seem better in the morning!

              (1) A. your B. his C. her
              (2) A. ideas B. news C. keys
              (3) A. any B. much C. some
              (4) A. late B. last C. early
              (5) A. to hang B. hanging C. hung
              (6) A. Too B. Also C. Either
              (7) A. too many B. much too C. too much
              (8) A. talk with B. talk about C. talk aloud
              (9) A. work B. fun C. money
              (10) A. time B. advice C. stress
