优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 看图写句子。

              What are the animals doing?
              1. The big cat _____________________.
              2. ______________________________.
              3. ______________________________.
              4. ______________________________.
            • 2. 根据问句写答句或根据答句写问句。
              1. What did you do last night?
              2. What does your mother do?
              3. I went to Guilin for my holidays.
              4. I'm fine, thank you.
              5. Yes. The letter is from England.
            • 3. 根据方框中的提示,看图回答问题。
              do her homework
              listen to the music
              play football
              eat a hamburger1. What did he do?
              2. What did Mocky do?
              3. What did she do?
              4. What did she do?
            • 4. 回答下面的问题。
              Are these ducks or geese?
              _____________ _____________ geese.
            • 5. 看图回答问题。
              1. What's the young man?
              2. What does the old man do?
              3. Where does the girl come from?
              4. What's the boy like?
              5. Do the children like playing football?
            • 6. 看图,根据图示回答问题。
              1. How does Jenny's father go to work?
              2. Is Li Mei sitting or standing?
              3. How many stars in the flag?
              4. What country is this?
              5. What is Tom doing?
            • 7. 开动脑筋,猜谜语,先写下它的英文名字,再把它画出来。
              I'm wearing a red coat.
              And I'm wearing a green hat.
              I'm sour and yummy, I am round and fresh.
              My name begins with the letter as tasty.
              What am I?
              Can you guess?
            • 8. 看图回答问题。
              When do you have supper?
              2. Do you have supper with your family?
               What are these?
               Are they new or old?
            • 9. 数一数,答一答。

              例: A: How many cats are there?
                    B: Three cats.
              1. A: How many boys are there?
                  B: __________________________________  
              2. A: How many birds are there?
                  B: __________________________________
              3. A: How many dogs are there?
                  B: __________________________________
              4. A: How many girls are there?
                  B: __________________________________
              5. A: How many cars are there?
                  B: __________________________________ 
            • 10. 看一看,数一数,答一答。

              1. How many dolls are there?
              2. How many cars are there?
              3. How many planes (飞机) are there?
              4. How many teddy bears are there?
              5. How many ducks are there?
              6. How many books are there?
