优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 按要求给数字涂色。

              Seven is green. Eight is brown. Two is purple. Six is pink. Four is red. One is yellow. Nine is black.
              Three is orange. Five is blue. Ten is white.
            • 2. 读一读,给图片涂上颜色。

              a blue desk        a green chair          a yellow door    a white window          a red book           an orange cat
            • 3. 读句子,给可爱的Kitty猫涂色。
              1. Colour the nose black.
              2. Colour the face pink.
              3. Colour the foot purple.
              4. Colour the hands yellow.
              5. Colour the book green.
              6. Colour the ears orange.
            • 4. 读一读,涂颜色。

              1. green  2. orange  3. purple  4. blue  5. yellow     
              6. red  7. pink  8. white  9. brown  10. black
            • 5. 给图片圈出相应的单词。
              1. four  six  seven
              chairs  desks
              2. five  six  eight
              apples  grapes
              3. Open  Close
              mouth  eye
              4. in  on  under
              desk  chair
              5. Open  Close
              book  pencil case                                                         
            • 6. 圈出正确单词。
              1. four  five  six
              pencils  pencil
              2. one  two  three
              marker  markers
              3. one  four  six
              school  schools
              4. two  three  four
              pen  pens
              5. seven  eight  nine
              chair  chairs                                                                                     
            • 7. 给图片圈出相应的单词。
              1. four  six  seven
              chairs  desks
              2. five  six  eight
              apples  grapes
              3. open  close
              mouth  nose
              4. in  on  under
              desk  chair
              5. open  close
              book  pencil-case                                                                           
            • 8. 读一读,圈一圈。
              1. five  
              2. nine  
              3. three  
              4. six  
            • 9. 想一想,写一写,画一画。
              1. a → apple  
              2. c →                
              3. g →                
              4. k →                                                                                                                       
              5. n →                
            • 10. 请按要求给下面的图着色。
              1. Colour the face yellow. 
              2. Colour the eyes black. 
              3. Colour the mouth red.                                       
              4. Colour the ear purple. 
              5. Colour the nose green.
