优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 小白兔在路边捡到了一包衣服,读一读它写的招领启事,你能给这些衣服涂上颜色吗?
                     Whose clothes are these?
              There is a green sweater, blue pants,
              a yellow T-shirt, a red shirt, a green
              skirt, a brown coat and a red dress.
              Tel: 22678123
            • 2. 读句子,画人物。
              My friend is a boy.
              He's thin.
              He has short hair.
              He has a big nose and a big mouth.
              He has big eyes and ears.
            • 3. 根据句子画图。
              This is my home.
              We have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, two studies and a bathroom.
              In the living room, we have a table, four chairs, a sofa and a TV.
            • 4. 读一读,画一画。

              Hello, boys and girls. Let's draw a picture.
              Please draw a small house.
              Draw a table in it. Colour it green.
              Draw a TV. Colour it black.
              Draw a living room. Colour it blue.

            • 5. 小小粉刷匠。给可爱的小花朵涂上美丽的颜色吧。
            • 6. 小画家,请你为下面的文字配一幅画吧!
                    Today is a rainy day. It's 7: 00, time to go to school. I have my 
              boots and umbrella. I am dry. But my friend forgets his umbrella, he 
              gets wet. We walk to school together.
            • 7. 根据对话内容,自己动手做个表格。
              Mr. Wood: Li Ming, do you usually walk to school?          
              Li Ming: No, I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes I ride my bicycle. I live too far from school.            
              Mr. Wood: Danny, how do you go to school?                  
              Danny: Sometimes I ride my bike, sometimes I walk. I live near here. I never take a bus.
                         How about you, Mr. Wood?             
              Mr. Wood: I always go to school by bus. I never walk. I never ride my bike, too.
                    Let's draw a "  " for " never "; let's draw a  for " sometimes"; let's draw a  for " always "; 
              let' s draw a  for " usually ". 
              go to school
              by bus
              walk to school
              ride bikes

              Mr. Wood


              Li Ming

            • 8. 根据英文在钟面上画出时间。
                   half past nine

               a quarter past seven

                     two to two

                  twenty past five 

                   ten thirty-five

                   eighteen to six
            • 9. 根据下列表述,给图片着色。

              1. The sky is blue and the cloud is white.   
              2. The students are planting green trees.   
              3. The birds are yellow. They are flying in the sky.  
              4. The brown mountains are far from them.   
              5. The students are wearing their blue school uniforms (校服).
            • 10. 读下列句子,并在钟面上画出相应的时间。 
              1. It's seven o'clock. It's time for breakfast. 
              2. It's ten o'clock. It's time for English class. 
              3. It's two o'clock. It's time for music class.
              1.      2.      3.
