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              Alex Smithson has a special job. Sheˈs a stuntwoman (女特技替身演员) in Hollywood movies. She is talking with a reporter about her job. Reporter: Where did you work before you became a stuntwoman?

              Alex: I worked in a bank for five years, but I didnˈt like working in an office — I had to do the same work every day — so I decided to become a stuntwoman.

              Reporter: What kind of things do you have to do?

              Alex: I often have to jump out of burning (燃烧的) cars or burning buildings in action movies. In

              one movie, I had to stand on a plane flying over mountains. It was really terrifying, but great.

              Reporter: Do you worry about the danger?

              Alex: I know I could end up in hospital, but I never think about it. Of course the work is dangerous, but I donˈt mind. And there are lots of people around me to make sure everything is safe (安全的). But my parents worry about the danger, and they ask me to call them every night.

              Reporter: Whatˈs the most frightening (使惊恐的) job you ever did?

              Alex: Once I had to climb a hill full of snakes. Of course they werenˈt really dangerous, but Iˈm scared of snakes. I even canˈt stand looking at pictures of snakes, but in the end I climbed the hill.

