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                     When we think of Hollywood, we think of films and famous film stars. They are part of Hollybood's history. Today people make films in other places too. Not all famous film stars live in Hollywood. But Hollywood is still a very special city in Los Angeles. There is a big sign on the hills. It says "HOLLYWOOD". The white letters are fifty feet tall. You can see the sign from far away. The Hollywood sign is a famous Hollywood landmark(标记) in Los Angeles. Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmark.

                     In the hills of Hollywood, there is also the Hollywood Bowl. This is an open-air theatre. It is one of the largest open-air theatres in the world. It has seventeen thousand seats and a very different stage(演奏台). The design of the stage was by a great American named Frank Loyed Wright. You can listen to all kinds of concerts at the Hollywood Bowl.

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              “How are you?” is a nice question. It’s a friendly way that people in the USA greet each other. But “How are you?” is also a very unusual question. It’s a question that often doesn’t need an answer. The person who asks “How are you?” hopes to hear the answer “Fine”, even if the person’s friend isn’t fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isn’t really a question and “Fine” isn’t really an answer. They are simply other ways of saying “Hello” or “Hi”.

              Sometimes, people don’t say exactly what they mean. For example, when someone asks “Do you agree?”, the other person might think, “No, I disagree. I think you’re wrong...” But it isn’t very polite to disagree so strongly, so the other person might say “I’m not sure.” It’s a nicer way to say that you don’t agree with someone.

              People don’t say exactly what they are thinking when they want to finish talking with other people. For example, many talks over the phone finish when one person says “I’ve to go now.” Often, the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse: “Someone’s at the door.” “Something is burning on the stove.” The excuses might be real, or not. Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesn’t want to talk any more, but it isn’t polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesn’t hurt the other person.

              Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, or finishing a talk, people don’t say exactly what they are thinking. It’s an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it’s part of the game of language.  

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              A national day is a day to remember the start of a country. Every nation has a special way to celebrate its own national day.

              Bastille Day is the national day of France . On July 14, 1789, French people came to the prison (监狱) at Bastille to free the prisoners. People began to fight for their rights and built the Republic of France . That is why French people call it “Bastille Day”.

              In the UK there is no public holiday for this day. But people celebrate it with a parade. The Queen joins the parade in a carriage (马车). If you stand near the carriage, you can shake hands with the Queen and say “Happy birthday”. On this day in June, British soldiers (士兵) wear red shirts and tall bear-fur hats, which are the symbols of the UK army.

              On this day, most Canadians hold parades. They wear special clothes with maple (枫树) leaf picture to show their patriotism (爱国主义). Creative people make other things with maple leaves like umbrellas and glasses. Some people in Canada wear all red and white, the colors of their flag. In the evening they also watch fireworks shows.

              On American Independence Day, people have a one-day holiday. They have a picnic or barbecue outside. They play games until night time and watch fireworks shows.

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                Soccer is the world’ s favorite game. In America, people call it football. Thirty-two national teams play in the World Cup every four years. The E.A. Cup is a very old English competition(比赛).Teams from 600 football clubs play in it. Big teams in this competition are Manchester United, Liverpool, and Arsenal. They have fans all over the world.

                Football is an old game in Europe and South America. Countries like Brazil, Argentina(阿根廷), Italy and Germany are very good at it. In Asia, football is a new game but millions of people love it. Many Asian football players are leaving home and playing for clubs in Europe. At the same time, many Europeans are playing in Asia.


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              Big Ben

              Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a huge clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So,no matter where you stand,you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a double decker(层) bus. The hands are about four meters long. It is about the size of two people standing on top of each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament(国会大厦). There you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower(塔) in the Houses of Parliament. Maybe you will hear it as well as see it. The huge clock makes such a loud noise. “Ding dong, ding dong,” it goes every quarter of an hour.

              The clock was named after a big man. He was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man did much building work in London many years ago.

            • 6. InNorthern Scotlandthere is a long, deep lake called Loch Ness. More than 200 meters deep, it is the largest lake in the UK. People say a big monster lives in its dark, cold waters. It weighs more than 1,000 kilos and is at least ten meters long. Some people say it has a head like a horse. Others say it looks like a snake. Many people travel to Loch Ness to look for this strange monster, but only a few people have seen it. At least, they say they have seen it.
                 The Loch Ness Monster is a famous legend. The first story about a monster in Loch Ness was told over 500 years ago , but the legend of the monster spread widely only in the twentieth century . In 1933, a husband and wife reported that they saw a big monster in the middle of the lake. Since then, a number of people have said that they have seen a monster in Loch Ness. Several people have taken photos , but at least one of them was a hoax(骗局). During the 1960s, a team was formed to find the monster. They took many photos and made movies, but they were never able to find a monster.

              There is no real fact that a monster lives in Loch Ness, but there is also no fact that one doesn’t live. One thing is true about Loch Ness: there are a lot of tourists there.

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               Chess has a very long history. It is based on an old game from India. The chess we play today is from Europe.

                 Chess is a two-player game. One player uses the white pieces. The other uses the black pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. One piece is called the king. Each player has one. A player can only move one piece at a time. Then he has to wait for the other player to move before he can move again. The game ends when a player can't move the king. There are a few more rules, but those are the basics.

                 Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it makes the mind stronger. Chess players always use their heads. They think about what will happen next. These skills are useful both in chess and in life. Chess is a kind of workout for the mind.

                 Chess is not just for people. Computers began to play chess in the 1970s. At first they did not play well. They made mistakes. As time went on, they grew stronger. In 1996, a computer beat the best chess player in the world for the first time. Chess sure has a long way to go.

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              In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a very simple camera. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo.

              The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837.That year, Daguerre, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype. Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way. Travellers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world. People took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.

              In about 1840, photography was developed. Then photographers could take pictures of people and moving things. That was not simple. The photographers had to carry a lot of films and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of great people. The pictures were unusual because they were very lifelike (栩栩如生的).

              Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century. Some photos were not just copies of the real world. They showed and feelings, like other kinds of art.

            • 9. New York is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move about the city on their way to work and school? So, we should know something about its transport.
              In New York you can travel about the city by subway, bus, taxi and car. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city at different points and goes to all parts of the city. Traveling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.
                 The second way to travel around the city is by bus. It's a slower way to travel. This is because the bus moves in road traffic which is often heavy.
                 You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is the most expensive way, but the taxi will take you to the very place you want to go to. If the traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow.
              During the mornings and afternoons, there is the rush_hour. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work.
                 The last way to get around New York is using your own car. However, it's not easy for you to drive, especially when you are driving in the rush hour. If there is an accident on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.
                 The best time to travel around the city is from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. This is the time after the morning rush hour and before the evening rush hour. Traffic will be less crowded because most people are already at school or at work.
            • 10.

              The word “hello” may be used more often than any other one in the English language. Everyone in the USA and other English-speaking countries uses the word.

               Thomas Edison is believed(被认为) to be the first person(人) to use “hello” on the telephone soon after the invention(发明) of it. At first, people began their words on the telephone with “Are you there?”.They were not sure a telephone could really carry voices.

               Edison was a man of few words. He wanted to save time. The first time he picked up the phone he did not ask if anyone was there. He trusted the telephone as he invented it himself. He was sure someone was there and only said “Hello”.

               From then on, “Hello” is often heard when you pick up the phone.

