优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              To most of us,home is the safest and warmest place in the world.But Grade 7 students at Zhenhai Jiaochuan Academy of Ningho are trying to figure out ways to ruu away from home as quickly as possible.

                  It was a special homework.The teachers asked students to draw emergency evacuation(紧急撤离)maps of their homes to learn about how to escape in the event of a fire.

                  The project meant a lot to Shen Yechen.When he was younger,the 13-year-old once played with fire using toothpicks(牙签)and almost burnt their house down.Since then,the fire has continued to burn in his mind.By drawing the map,Shen said he had largely overcome(克服)the fear.

                  on his map,he marked possible fire points at home including the fridge,computer and bookshelves.Shen said these are the areas that should be avoided in the event of a fire.

                  When most students only designed one evacuation route,Yan Junxiao,13,made three Yan and his parents live on the third floor.At frist,he could only think of walking down the stairs.But later,he got inspiration from laundry.UsuaHy,they hang laundry on the balcony.Sometimes the clothes would fall down to the second floor because of the wind.Instead of walking down the stairs,Yan’father usuany climbed down outdoor air-conditioner units to get the clothes.

                  Besides that,climbing down the window with a rope is also a good idea.“With so many ways to evacuste,I wouldn’t be scared even if there is a real fire,”said Yan.

            • 2.

              On December 24, kids around the world waited for Father Christmas. They thought that the fat, white-beard (白胡子的) man would bring them gifts. But do you know that some people would rather keep Father Christmas out of the door?

              Last month, 10 doctoral (博士学位的)students from Tsinghua, Peking and Renmin Universities said Father Christmas wasn’t welcome in China.

                 “Foreign holidays like Christmas are now very popular in China, while fewer and fewer people celebrate traditional Chinese festivals like the Dragon Boat Festival,” said the students in a public letter. They asked people to stop sending Christmas cards and buying gifts for their children. Instead, they said, Chinese should spend more time on traditional festivals.

                 They have lots of support. In Hunan, several people went out on the street on Christmas Day. They made poems and wrote Chinese calligraphy (书法). “Rather than spending money on Christmas, people should care more about our own culture,” said one of them.

              But others have different ideas. “Celebrations of foreign holidays help us know more about foreign cultures. It is good for us to make friends,” said Liu Yang, a 14-year-old boy from Shanghai.

              Sun Long, 13, from Beijing, sees the celebration as a way to make people happier and closer. “My school held a big party on Christmas Day. We played games and shared gifts with each other. I think we have got closer,” he said.

            • 3.


              Do you use WeChat Payment or Alipay to buy things? Now, you have one more choice-Apple Pay. Apple Pay came to China on Feb 18, making China the fifth country to have this service. Apple products, like the iPhone 6 and certain iPads and Apple Watches, support this service.

              The customers of 19 Chinese banks will be able to link (绑定)their bank cards to Apple Pay. When they buy things, they just need to place their iPhone in front of the POS machine and put their fingers on the iPhone. Some users like Apple Pay, saying it’s faster than WeChat Payment and Alipay. But others don’t like it, because not all Apple products and not many stores support the service

              Last year, did you find that you kept using words like memeda (a phrase to show cuteness and love) and xiaoxianrou (meaning “young and pretty men”)?If yes, you are not alone. The two words were so popular that they were included in 2015’ s “most popular cyber words and phrases” lists in China .

              Most of the words and phrases seem funny and playful, but they also show lifestyle changes. The term duoshoudang (meaning “shopping addicts”) is a good example.Meanwhile, xiasibaobaole (meaning “you scared the pants off me”) is also used for fun.             注:Addicts:成瘾

              The opening of Shanghai’s new DisneylandPark has been highly expected since construction(建设) began in April 2008. It will be finished in June. When it opens, the park will have the biggest castle of any Disneyland and one of the largest lakes too. There are also new special attractions, especially for Chinese visitors. One of these will be the zodiac character garden. A Disney character will represent each of the zodiac characters.

            • 4.

                WuXiuying is 70 years old. Her house in Jilin looks like a museum. There are more than a thousand clocks and watches in it. She began to collect them 32 years ago. They cost her more than RMB 100,000. The oldest clock in her house is more than 200 years old.

                  30 students from Yunnan Province took part in the Aramco Asia Youth Program for the first time in Beijing from July 25 to July 31. They are all between 8 and 12 years old and their parents are not able to spend much time with them. The program wants to help left—behind children to meet new friends and open their eyes to the world.

                  InNanjing, Jiangsu Province, there is a special bookstore. Its name is Honesty Bookshop. Nobody works in it. If someone wants to buy a book, and he just needs to drop the money into a money box.

                  On July 24, the sixth Xinxiang International Children's Art Festival took place in Karamy. More than 400 children from eight countries came to Karamay to take part in it. Xinjiang began to organize the art festival in 2010.

            • 5.

              If wearing Google Glass—a pair of smart glasses—on your faces isn’t cool enough, you might want to take a look at Nokia’s new skirt. It’s made of 80 mobile phones! It’s believed to be the world’s first smart skirt and has been shown at London Fashion Week. The smart skirt was created by the mobile phone company Nokia, fashion designer Fyodor Golan and creative design house kin.

              It’s not easy to make a smart skirt. It took three months to complete it. The biggest challenge in making the skirt was getting all of the mobile phones on the skirt, and allowing all the mobile phones to work together.

              The screens are all connected to a computer. As the skirt moves, the screens change colors and the skirt looks like silk. That’s not the only trick. The mobile phones are also connected to a hidden camera in the wearer.

              Unsurprisingly, the skirt won’t be making its way to shops. Instead, it’s more of an art piece. Nokia said they wanted to find a way to connect the smart technology and fashion together. “We used drawings, 3D printing, and programming languages to ‘build’ the skirt,” explained Nokia.

            • 6.


            • 7.

              Should parents pick you up from school?

                1 YES.

                 Cui Jiaxuan, 14:

                 I want my parents to meet me after school. I’m the only child in my family and I will leave them after I grow up. It can increase love among the family. So I like to spend with my parents after school.

                 Zhang Chi, 14:

                 I think it is good for parents to pick me up after school. Safety is important and we should care about. With our parents, we can be safe.

                 Cao Xinyang, 15:

                 I like my parents to pick me up after school. Because it can same me time to rest and study. I can talk with my parents and it can help me relax.

                 2 NO.

                 Qu Jiansong, 15:

                 I don’t think it’s a good idea for my parents to pick me up after school. As a middle school student, I can do many things. I need to be independent. And I am growing up.

                 Yang Yuntian, 14:

                 I think it is a waste of time and energy for my parents to pick me up after school. They are busy. I don’t want them to pick me up at school. They are already very tired.

                 Liu Junliang, 14:

                 I don’t like my mom picking me up from school. Sometimes my classmates will laugh at me. I want to walk home with my friends.

            • 8.


              On Nov 7, Cross-Straits relations (海峡两岸关系) turned a historic page, when leaders from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan held their first meeting since 1949.
                  During the meeting in Singapore, Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou shook hands for more than a minute and agreed to promote peaceful development of Cross-Straits relations.

              On Sept 3, China held a grand military parade (大阅兵) to celebrate the 70th year of victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
                 China’s great work during World War II is very much recognized, according to the UN. China was the first country to fight fascism (法西斯主义). It also had the longest fight against it.

              On Oct 5, Tu Youyou, an 85-year-old Chinese female scientist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The year 2015 saw the first Chinese citizen win a Nobel Prize in science.
                  Tu found artemisinin (青蒿素) to cure malaria (疟疾). Tu was modest about receiving the award: “It’s a success for the whole research team.” In the 1960s, her team searched old Chinese medicine books by hand and tested over 2,000 traditional recipes.

            • 9.

              Accident Report Form


              A car crashed(碰撞) into a tree.

              People were all trapped(陷入困境)in the car.

              Weather condition

              There was a heavy rain.

              Date of call

              December 3, 2015

              Time of call

              9:30 pm

              Name of caller

              Mrs. Green


              Yingfeng Road , Huaihua

              Conditions of victims

              Mr. Green hurt his head.

              Mrs. Green hurt her left leg.

              Their daughter felt terrified.


              Policemen arrived at 9:40 pm and sent the victims(受害者)to No.1 Hospital at 9:45 pm.

            • 10.

              The Futian Railway Station in Shenzhen has been finished.It will be Asia's largest underground high-speed railway station.Shenzhen is a very important city in south China's Guangdong Province.It links(连接)Hongkong and Guangzhou.When people go between the two places,they have to go through Shenzhen.The station is expected to be put into operation by the end of the year,said the Guangzhou Railway Group on November 15,2015.By the time,people will save much time when they are traveling from Shenzhen to Hongkong and Guangzhou.

                  The Futian Railway Station,the Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Guangzhou high-speed railway link,will enable a 33-minute ride from Guangzhou to Shenzhen.And after the section of that link of Futian to Hong Kong is finished,it will only take 45 minutes to go from Shenzhen to Kowloon district(九龙区)in Hong Kong.

                  The station covers an area of 147,000 square metres,and it has three storeys(层).It is as large as 21 football fields.It is also the world's second largest underground railway station,only after the Grand Central Station in New York City,the United States.

