优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Football is a popular sport. There are many games in different places every year.  (1)  good players want to take part in the World Cup. It is held every four  (2)  . Only the best team can  (3)  the last game.

              The 2014 World Cup was held in Brazil. Hundreds of thousands of people went to the games or   (4)  them on TV day and night. They all got very  (5)  .

              Football is a  (6)  sport. There are eleven  (7)  in each team of a game. The earliest(最早的)games of football in England were different  (8)  today. The people in two towns(城镇) played the game. Each team of the town  (9)  over five hundred players, and each team had to try to carry the ball to  (10)  team’s town. Today some towns in England still play games like this.

            • 2.

              It is said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of 36 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too 37 . If he notices that he is being looked at, he may  38  uncomfortable. It is the same in daily life.

              When you are looked at for several more times, you will look 39 up and down in order to 40 if there is anything wrong with you. If 41 goes wrong, you will feel angry with the person who is looking at you, 42 can speak, right?

              Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are 43 . If you wish to draw someone’s 44 , you may look at him or her more than ten seconds. For lovers, they enjoy looking each other longer to show the love that words cannot  45  .

              Clearly, eye communication should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation.

            • 3.

              How much do you learn about the solar system? The following passage will tell you.

              The earth is a planet. It as well as seven   (1)   planets goes around the sun. We   (2)   the eight planets and the sun the solar system. The first planet,   (3)   the sun, is Mercury(水星). It is 58 million   (4)   from the sun. Venus(金星) is the second planet next to the sun, and   (5)   planet, the earth, is the third. It is 150 million kilometers from the sun.

              Jupiter(木星), Saturn(土星), Neptune(海王星) and Uranus(天王星) are all       (6)   than the earth,   (7)   Venus, Mars and Mercury are smaller than the earth.

                  Animals, trees and humans can only   (8)    on the earth—the other planets in our solar system do not   (9)    air or water. Do any planets in other galaxies have   (10)  ? We don't know about it.

            • 4.

              Dora was in the bathroom . The tap was on .A drop of water said to Dora in an ___  (1)  ___ voice “Turn that tap ___  (2)  ___ ,you are wasting water ” .

              After hearing this , Dora looked round , but ___  (3)  ___ no one there .Then Dora asked who he was. He said he was ___  (4)  ___ of water and asked if she knew where he was from .Dora thought he was from the tap .The drop of water smiled and told her about his journey .

              Several days ago , he was in a cloud .Then he ___  (5)  ___ into a river and ran into a reservoir .Then it was time for people ___  (6)  ___ him. But Dora didn’t understand ___  (7)  ____ people cleaned him .Water said because he was dirty . They cleaned him and added some chemicals ___  (8)  ____ him. Then he travelled ___  (9)  ___ the pipes under the streets and came to Dora’s flat .Dora asked if this was the end of his journey .He said “ No” . People will make him clean again . He’ll go into a river and then into the sea again . His journey starts there .Finally ,he told Dora not to waste ___  (10)  ___ pollute him .because he was valuable .Dora turned the tap off and came out ot the bathroom .

            • 5.

              We always check the weather before a trip. But after hearing a lot about air pollution, we often wonder:   (1)   will the air be tomorrow?

                (2)   September 1st, forecasting air pollution (预报空气污染) started to be on TV. There are six grades(等级), with the first grade  (3)  excellent air.

              The forecast helps us   (4)   trips, and helps the government make plans to stop air pollution. China is trying its best to   (5)  the air. Big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are taking the air pollution  (6)   first. On September 2nd, Beijing said it would   (7)   PM2.5 density (密度) by at least 25 percent by 2017.

              How will the city make it  (8)  ? Car emissions (排放物) is one of the main   (9)  of PM 2.5 in big cities. So fewer cars will be in Beijing next year. It is also  (10)   congestion fees (拥堵费) from cars driving in the city center. There’s a lot of PM 2.5 in waste gas from   (11)  . Beijing will close some. If a factory pollutes heavily, it will have to buy water and electricity (电) at a   (12)   price. In order to have more blue  (13)   , each of us should also help.

              We can help by  (14)  buses instead of cars or taxis. We can  (15)  help by giving up smoking and eating by the street!

              So from now on, take action and do your part.

            • 6.

              The World Wide Web was invented(发明)by a British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. He wanted to send documents(文件)to 51         scientists. So he developed the World Wide Web. This allowed him to 52         and get scientific documents with text, drawings and photos (also called multimedia documents). From 1990, more and more people___53____ to use the Internet and the World Wide Web.

              So what’s the difference   54the Internet and the World Wide Web? The Internet is the hardware(硬件). It allows us to communicate 55         other people. The World Wide Web is the software. It allows us to create, see, and read multimedia documents.

              The web is made up of ___56_____ documents called web pages. These pages are held in computers all over the world. Many people have a favorite website with a number of web pages on

              57          same subject.

              Email is a way of   58          your computer to send and get messages, It’s cheaper and quicker to use email 59        send normal mail. New users call normal mail “snail(蜗牛)mail” because it’s so slow!

              It took 50 years for 100 million people __60____ to radio. It took 15 years for 100 million people to watch TV. By the year 2000, it had taken only about three years for 100 million people to use the Internet. What will happen next on the Internet?

            • 7.

              We know that trees are useful in our everyday life. They  (1)   us many things, such as wood, oxygen (氧气), rubber(橡胶), medicines and many other things. They can    (2)  tell us a lot abou t our climate. The following are the reasons(原因). If you cut down a tree, you can see that it has many rings (年轮). Most trees grow one new ring every year. Because of this reason, we know  (3)   a tree is. A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred rings When the climate is dry or very cold, the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually   (4)   . When it is wet and warm, the rings are much thicker. If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick, this means that the  climate changed suddenly(突然). If we look at the rings of this tree, we can   (5)   about the climate for a hundred years. We can see  how our climate is changing today.

            • 8.

              Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some  (1)  ask for more food than they can eat , some students don’t  (2)  to turn off the water taps after they finish washing, and others often forget to turn off the  (3)  when they leave the classroom. They say these things are cheap,  (4)  I don’t agree with them.Waste can bring a lot of problems. Though China is rich in some resources (资源), we are  (5)  of others. It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to  (6)   in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources,  (7)  can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we  (8)  say no to the students who waste things every day.  (9)  should stop wasting as soon as possible. If we do our best, waste can be stopped  (10)  and many natural resources can be saved.

            • 9.

              Have you ever planted a few trees on Tree Planting Day? Each year, millions of people, both old and young,   (1)   a lot of trees. But this may not be the best way to make your home a   (2)   place.

              Last week we visited a park in Hebei. We were   (3)  to find most of the trees had been burned(点燃). The workers told us that the trees   (4)  soon after they were planted because they weren’t watered well enough.  (5)  the workers burned them and cleaned the place for    (6)   trees to be planted this year.   (7)   a card found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote: “I hope this tree will grow up with me to   (8)  the backbone(栋梁) of our country.” The workers said that the survival of the trees was really more important than   (9)  trees were planted.

              Some people in Beijing now have a new idea that they can donate some money and let professionals(专业人士) plant and   (10)  the trees.

            • 10.

              In China, spring returns in March. The weather gets warm.   (1)    comes back to life. Trees turn green and flowers come out. It is a wonderful season.

              Summer begins in June. It is very hot. It often rains and sometimes it rains   (2)    .

              Fall comes after summer. It is the harvest season,and the farmers are busy harvesting. It’s cool and   (3)    fall from the trees. The cold weather is coming.

              Winter lasts   (4)   December to February. It’s a very cold season. We had better wear    (5)    clothes. The wind blows strongly and sometimes there is ice and snow.

