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            • 1. Tape-Measure Murder is a short story by Agatha Christie.In the story,Miss Politt,the dressmaker,finds that Mrs.Spenlow is dead in her house in a small village called St Mary Mead.Everybody,including the police,thinks that Mr.Spenlow is the murderer (凶手) because he is so calm and quiet after discovering his wife's death.But after the police talk to Miss Marple,she finds out the real murderer.
              The best part of the story is when Miss Marple explains how she solves the mystery (疑案) by noticing a tiny pin (别针) on a policeman's uniform.Her explanation is very clear and clever.Miss Marple is my favorite character in the story.I think she is very special because she is just an old lady but she is even smarter than the policemen.I never thought that an old lady could be the main character of a detective story!
              Can you guess who the murderer is?Read the book to find out!You will enjoy the story very much because the ending is so surprising.
            • 2. 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答下列问题.
              TV news programs report the weather.Radio stations tell us the weather,too.Newspapers show us weather forecasts (预报) on maps.
                Why do people want to know about the weather?People want to make plans.Some people want to have a good time with friends.Other people want safety while doing their jobs.
               Airport managers need to know.In bad weather,their planes cannot fly.Farmers need to know about the weather.In bad weather,they must protect their crops.Fisherman need to know about the weather.In bad weather,they cannot go out to fish.
               Computers help us know about the weather.They get new weather information quickly.They can use this to predict(预测) how the weather might chang.Unfortunately,we can still only guess the weather.We all hope that weather will be easier to predict in the future.
              66.Where can you get information about the weather?
              67.Why do people need weather forecasts?
              68.Why do farmers need to know about the weather?
              69.Do fisherman need weather forcasts?Why or why not?
              70.What is the passage mainly about?
            • 3. A student who teaches how to give   
                Taking part in charity(慈善) is not just for grown-up people.Children can do it too!Melvin Sheppard,14,an American student,has done charity work for eight years.He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.
                Melvin studies at William Allen Middle School in Philadelphia. Recently,he collected 1,500 by himself and 487 from his classmates to donate(捐赠) to Cooper University Hospital.
                Melvin was born nine weeks premature(早产的) in Cooper University Hospital,weighing 2.6kg.His father told him how Cooper saved his life,so he feels thankful to the hospital.
                Melvin's classmates joined him as soon as they found out about his kind behavior.Their teacher,Michael Berner,also held a class with them about helping others.“It wan't really about the money,”Berner said.“It was about the face that they were doing something good.”
              “It is great,helping someone that I know,”said Jordan,Melvin's classmate.Melvin's neighbors also helped out.
                Since Melvin was 8,he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year.This year,Gary E.Stahl,the head of Cooper's division of neonatology(新生儿科学部门),went to Melvin's school to accept the money.
                The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients every year.“When they leave,we call them graduates,”Stahl said,“We are pleased when our graduates and their families do well,like Melvin and his family.”

              64.How old was Melvin when he started to do charity work?
              65.What caused Melvin to raise money for Cooper University Hospital?
              66.What did Melvin's teacher and classmates think of his behavior?
              67.“When they leave,we call them graduates.”Who does“they”refer to?
              68.What can you learn from Melvin?
            • 4. (2012•黔东南州)Chairman Mao once said:“It is not hard to do one good deed,It is hard to do good deeds all your life.“Guo Mingyi,52.a worker in Anshan,Liaoning,did just that.Over the past 20 years,Guo has donated 60,000 milliliters(毫升) of blood,That is the blood of 10 people put together.
                    Guo and his family live a simple life.He  and his wife and daughter live in a house of only 40 square meters.They don't  have a lot of money,but Guo saves money to support poor children.In the past l6 years,he has donated over 100.000 yuan to more than 180 poor students.When the parents met him,many cried.“He looks poorer than us,“they said.
              Guo has helped many people.His warm heart has moved many people.So they call him a“Modern-Day Lei Feng“,
                    Recently,Chinese leaders called on people to learn from Guo.They say young people  especially should learn his selfless devotion(无私奉献).But Guo said he did these things in order not to get famous.“It's just that some people  need some help.and there should be  someone standing out to give them a hand.“he said.
              71.Where is Guo Mingyi working now?
              72.Do Guo Mingyi and his family live in a large and beautiful house
              73.How much money has Guo Mingyi donated to over 180 poor students in the past 16 years?
              74.Why do many people call him“Modern-Day Lei Feng,“
              75.What should young people learn from Guo Mingyi?
            • 5. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题
                  Xiao Yueyue was a 2-year-old girl.When she was walking near a market of Foshan city,Guangdong,a truck knocked her over.Serval minutes later,a second truck ran over her body.Neither of the drivers stopped.
                  During the time that passed between the first and second truck,eighteen people passed by.But none of them stopped to help the little girl.At last,a rubbish collector named Chen Xiaomei took the girl’s body to the side of the road and called her parents.
                 Later,Xiao Yueyue was sent to the hospital.But it was too late.On October 21,2011,Xiao Yueyue died in the hospital.
                 The tragedy (悲剧) has told us that we should be friendly and help the people who are in trouble.
               56.What happened when Xiao Yueyue was walking?
               57.How many people passed by during the accident?
               58.Who helped the little girl?
               59.Did Xiao Yueyue die in the hospital?
               60.What should we do when other people are in trouble?
