优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Many people run for exercise. But what will you do if you are not a “born” runner or jogger (慢跑者)? You may still want a kind of exercise that’s inexpensive and easy to do. Why not try walking?

              Walking requires no special equipment (装备). It is a kind of exercise that almost any normal, healthy person can do. Walking is good for your health like jogging or running; it will just take longer. Jogging and running make your heart work harder than walking. They also put more stress on your legs and feet than walking does.

              The problem with walking is that most people don’t take it seriously. But there’s a big difference between serious walking and the walking that most of us do. Walking, like jogging, should have a steady and continuous motion (稳健而持续的动作).

              If you want to get your exercise by walking, you need to have your own walking plan. After all, runners and joggers set goals for themselves. Walkers need goals, too. You also need to set a course to walk. Start by walking about 15-30 minutes a day. Increase your time and distance (距离) slowly. And try increasing your walking speed little by little.

              If you prefer to jog or run, follow the same advice. Start off slowly. Spend most of the first few days just walking. Then, start walking and running on the same day. Run or jog a short distance, then walk for a while, then, run, then walk. Follow that pattern for 15-30 minutes a day. Slowly make each run longer and each walk shorter. Later on, you can increase your distance, speed and exercise time.

              (1) 将划线短语 a “born” runner译为汉语。

              (2) 列举两条Jogging和running对身体部位的影响。

              ①make _______________________________________________________


              (3)回答问题。What’s the problem with walking? 


              (4) 选出作者关于步行健身的两种建议

              A. Have a walking plan.                 B. Walk fast at the beginning.

              C. Start by walking an hour a day. D. Increase distance and speed little by little.

              __________ ___________

              (5) 找出最后一段的主题句。 


            • 2.

              Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.


            • 3.

              I went through some difficult times, dealing with the pressures of growing up. I found it hard to communicate with my mother. Relations between us became difficult.

              One day, I ran away from home and stayed away for many hours. When I returned home at night, I saw all the pain, anger and disappointment on my mother’s face. ①_____________________. We agreed to have breakfast together the next morning. It was a turning point in both of our lives and our relationship.

              We decided to go to a restaurant. On our way to the table I noticed my mother had two notebooks. I asked her what they were for. She explained to me that sometimes it was easier to write down our feelings rather than talk about (A) them. We would write down our feelings in the form of a letter. It could be as long or as short as we wanted.

              Our first topic was “Why I’m so angry?” I wrote a half page, and my mom filled up nearly three pages. (B) I watched tears run down her face as she wrote. I never realized anyone could hide so much anger. After we finished writing, we exchanged our notebooks. As soon as I started reading my mother’s words, I began to cry and so did she. When we finished reading, we discussed our feelings. ② _________________. Our talk helped me realize so many things I had never thought of before, not only about my mother but also about other people.

              My mother and I continue to use our notebooks as a way of communicating our anger and worries, and our happiness as well. We know that no matter how we feel about each other, our notebooks are a safe place to express our feelings. We have come to an agreement that at the end of each letter we write, “I love you.”


              A. We knew that we were in great need of a talk.

              B. I just wish you would help a little more with the family.

              C. Amazingly enough, it felt like all the anger inside me went away from my body.

              ① _________________ ② _________________

              (2) 找出(A)处划线代词 them所指代的内容。


              (3) 将(B)处划线句子 I watched tears run down her face as she wrote.译为汉语。


              (4)找出与 The minute we read each other’s words, both of us started to cry. 意思相同或相近的句子。



              A. I Love You, Mum     

              B. The Difficult Times in My Life

              C. The Notebooks Filled With Love


              The relations between my mother and me used to be _____. One morning, we had a talk in a  _______. After the talk, we ___________. Now we continue to use our _____ to communicate because ___________.

            • 4.

              That’s why it is important to learn a second language.


            • 5.





              (4).show sb. around__________________                  

              (5).the number of candles________________

            • 6.

              Health is very important for us. In order to stay healthy, we need to know some common knowledge.

              Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber(维生素)and low in fat(脂肪). As a proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” So fruit is good for health. Don’t have a lot of food that contains too much fat, such as butter. Meanwhile(同时), sweets should be eaten in proper quantity, because too much sugar does harm to us. Don’t drink too much coffee, either.

              Secondly, exercise is necessary. Regular exercise can help keep us from getting fat. (83)People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than those who don’t.

              Finally, form(养成)good living habits. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night, and never work too hard. (84)Too much work and little sleep will lead to illness. What’s more, stay away from cigarettes.

              These are the things we should pay attention to in order to stay healthy.

              A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。

              (1) 81. How many ways to stay healthy does the writer mention?

              (2) 82. Why don’t we have a lot of food that contains too much fat?

              B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。

              (3) 83. ___________________________________________________________

              (4) 84. ___________________________________________________________

              C. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。

              (5) 85. ___________________________________________________________

            • 7.

               A national park is an area that is protected by the government of a country . Every country in the world has a number of national parks. National parks are built to protect the natural environment, in which the local plants and animals live and grow. They also protect certain landscapes(风景),which are of special importance for a place or for a country.

              National parks are important to us for many reasons, one of which is that they help protect wildlife. We share our planet with many kinds of plants and animals. They can live for a longer period of time when their living places are protected . Moreover, there are many kinds of plants and animals that are really rare (稀少的)and cannot live at all if they are taken out of their natural living places. In such cases, their populations often go down, so they are in danger of going extinct(灭绝的).National parks help protect such rare and native kinds

              National parks are protected areas that often have beautiful landscapes such as snow-covered mountains, sandy beaches and foggy rainforests. They may be worse if they experience more human interference(干涉). Luckily, a national park is a good pollution-free environment with less human

              interference. This helps to protect the landscapes.

              What’s more, national parks provide a much healthier environment for us. Here, plants make fresh air, and the waterways are also clean. Therefore, walking in national parks, people may find some peace of mind.

                   In a word, national parks are important. So everyone should play his or her part in protecting national parks.

              (1) 简略回答题

              Why are national parks built according to Paragraph One.


              (2) 完成句子

              Many kinds of rare animals cannot live at all if they are____________their natural living places.

              (3) 完成句子

              The passage gives us _____ reasons about the importance of national parks.

              (4) 找出并写下文章的主题句


              (5) 将划线句子译成汉语


            • 8.

              Summer is coming! What are you doing on summer vacation? Read this article, and you may know there are so many things you can do, both with family and friends.

              Hiking is a popular sport. And it can be a great way to spend time with family. Find a right place to go. If you know that the hills are difficult to hike, take a hiking stick with you.

              If it is raining or no one wants to go outside with you, go to the computer and there is some interesting games on it. But if you are younger than 11 years old, be sure to ask your parents for permission(允许).

              Go to the library or the bookstore and buy some new books(1) Reading is a great activity for summer, and it will help you know more about life and the world.

              Go to the movies with friends and family! Enjoy laughing with them. There are many kinds of movies. Which kind would you like? Thrillers, actions or cartoons? (2)Seeing movies makes you feel relaxed.

              (1) In this article, how many things can you do in summer?


              (2) What can you do in rainy weather?


              (3) 将短文中(1)划线的句子译成汉语。


              (4) 将短文中(2)划线的句子译成汉语。


              (5) 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。


            • 9.

              张老师善于与学生打交道。(be good with)


            • 10.

              When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend on new clothes.71.Think about the kind of clothes what you really need.Then look for those clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.(a)

              There are labels inside all new clothes.72. Theytell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water.(b)The label on a coat may say “dry clean only”, for washing may ruin(毁坏) this coat.73. If you do as the directions on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time.

              Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes.74. Check to see if they will need to be dry-cleaned.(c)

               You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed several times.(d)Clothes that cost more money are not necessarily better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.

              (1) 文中划线句子有一处错误应把           改为              
              (2) 划线部分指代 ________________________
              (3) 请把划线句子翻译成汉语.____________________________             ________
              (4) 文中划线部分在本句中充当什么语法成分_______________________
              (5) You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.此句应在(a)(b)(c)(d)中的哪一处________________
