优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

                  As the saying goes, "Friends are treasure in our lives." I remember when I was growing up, my mom always ____(1)____, "Half the fun of doing anything is sharing it with others." It's true. Friends make  ____(2)____ enjoy the taste of our success and joys and comfort us in our challenging moments. They provide a mirror for us to learn more about ourselves. I've always looked at friends as family ____(3)____. They enrich our lives. As a famous writer said, "A friend is a present which you give to ____(4)____."

                  To be a good friend, it's important to be a good listener. Hear what your friend says first rather than make  ____(5)____ quickly.

                  Patience(耐心)is an important part of being a good friend,  ____(6)____. You know the old golden rule, "Care  ____(7)____others the way you would like them to do you." The support of a friend during a difficult time can make a difference between success  ____(8)____ failure. Encouragement and confidence are the ____(9)____gifts that can change a person's life.

                  We should choose our friends carefully, because they can have a great influence on our lives. As  ____(10)____ told me, "The attitudes(态度)of your friends are like the buttons(按钮)on a lift. They will either take you up or down."

              (1) A. said

              B. told

              C. talked

              D. spoke

              (2) A. us

              B. me

              C. her

              D. them

              (3) A. friends

              B. children

              C. members

              D. enemies

              (4) A. herself

              B. yourself

              C. himself

              D. myself

              (5) A. introductions

              B. skills

              C. expressions

              D. conclusions

              (6) A. never

              B. as well as

              C. too

              D. also

              (7) A. of

              B. with

              C. for

              D. in

              (8) A. but

              B. so

              C. and

              D. or

              (9) A. best

              B. better

              C. worse

              D. worst

              (10) A. anyone

              B. someone

              C. everyone

              D. no one

            • 2.
              At present,almost everyone has a mobile phone,but have you ever thought that cell phones (1) be bad for your health?A study shows that heavy mobile phone use may cause hearing loss.
              This study shows that people who use cell phones for about an hour a day have a (2) time hearing some similar sounds,especially in their right ears.It is getting harder for (3) to tell the difference between the sounds of"s"and"f",and"t"and"z".
              Researchers studied 100people who used cell phones and (4) them with 50people who did not.The study lasted for 12months.What the researchers found was that cell phone users had more hearing (5) than those who did not use cell phones.
              Besides this,our ears have many little (6) inside them.Too much noise will cause these hairs to get weak and (7) die.When these hairs die,it affects our ability to listen.
              However,cell phone users don't care too much (8) this study.One man said,"I'd be more worried about people who (9) MP3players.They put those earphones in their ears and listen to very (10) music.I think that is more likely to cause hearing loss than a cell phone."

              (1) A. should B. need C. might D. must
              (2) A. busier B. happier C. harder D. shorter
              (3) A. us B. you C. it D. them
              (4) A. compared B. suggested C. showed D. taught
              (5) A. advantages B. problems C. rules D. experiences
              (6) A. noises B. pains C. hairs D. pimples
              (7) A. hardly B. actually C. clearly D. finally
              (8) A. to B. with C. about D. of
              (9) A. produce B. use C. discover D. see
              (10) A. beautiful B. soft C. loud D. light.
            • 3.

              Manners are important in our lives.Everyone likes a person  (1)   good manners. As parents, you should teach your children manners as soon as they can   (2)   what you're saying.

              Here are some basic manners for children.

              Don't talk when other people are  (3)  . Gently(轻轻地)tell your children to wait until someone finishes his words. Always greet someone when they  (4)  your house. You can teach your children to shake hands with adults but it's not  (5)  to shake hands with other children. And your children should always say "Hello" to those who visit you  (6)   they feel welcome. Say "Please" and "Thank you" often. If someone    (7)  them, tell them to say "You're welcome."

              Have good sportsmanship(运动品德). After playing a game,no matter what the  (8)  will be,be pleasant. If your children win, tell them not to  (9)  the others. If they lose,tell them not to get mad.Open doors for others. When going into buildings,they should  (10)  the elders to go first and open the door for them.

              (1) A. to B. with C. on D. for

              (2) A. hear        B. guess           
              C. understand            D. remember

              (3) A. speaking B. sleeping C. working D. reading

              (4) A. come out B. come over to
              C. come up with D. come back from

              (5) A. good       B. useful        
              C. right              D. necessary

              (6) A. until B. so that C. because D. even if

              (7) A. thanks B. helps C. hates D. agrees

              (8) A. reason B. things C. position D. result

              (9) A. talk about B. laugh at C. listen to D. play with

              (10) A. allow       B. watch         
              C. stop               D. teach

            • 4.
              Students may have problems with their minds.Some students become worried because they have to study very (1) .Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.
              A student of Grade 8could not understand his teacher and was doing (2) in his lessons.He became so worried about it that he (3) to cut his finger with a knife.
              Another student was afraid of (4) .She got very worried (5) she looked at the exam paper,and she could write nothing.A report says that 18% of Shanghai students have mental(心理的) problems.Their troubles include being worried and (6) ,having problems in learning and getting on with people.Many students who have problems won't ask for (7) .Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor.Others don't want to talk (8) their secrets.
              A famous expert on students has the following (9)
              Talk to your parents and teachers often.
              Take part in group activities and play sports.
              Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy (10) unwell.

              (1) A. hard B. hardly C. easy D. easily
              (2) A. worse B. badly C. well D. better
              (3) A. refused B. stopped C. forgot D. started
              (4) A. friends B. exams C. doctors D. books
              (5) A. when B. what C. where D. why
              (6) A. happy B. unhappy C. lucky D. unlucky
              (7) A. success B. chance C. help D. dream
              (8) A. to B. with C. about D. in
              (9) A. suggestion B. facts C. fact D. suggestions
              (10) A. as B. or C. but D. so.
            • 5.

              Cars are very popular in America. When the kids are fourteen years old, they dream of having their own   (1)  Many students work after school to   (2)   a car. In most places   (3)   people learn to drive in high school. They have to take a   (4)   test to get a license. Learning to drive and getting a driver’s   (5)  may be one of the most exciting things in their lives. For many, that piece of paper is an important symbol(象征)that they are now grown-ups.

              Americans seem to love their cars almost more than anything else. People almost never go to see a doctor when they are  (6)  ___. But they will take   (7)   cars to a “hospital” at the smallest sign of a problem. At weekends, people   (8)  most of the time in washing and waxing(打蜡) their cars. For some families it is not enough to have   (9)  car. They often have two or even three. Husbands need a car to go to work. Housewives need a car to go shopping or to take the children to school or   (10)   activities.  

              (1) A. cars       B. computers  C. bikes     D. houses

              (2) A. borrow    B. buy       C. lend       D. sell

              (3) A. old       B. tall        C. strong      D. young

              (4) A. language B. listening  C. driving     D. body

              (5) A. paper    B. book      C. name      D. license 

              (6) A. sick      B. healthy     C. happy    D. angry

              (7) A. his       B. her        C. your       D. their

              (8) A. cost      B. take       C. spend      D. pay

              (9) A. no       B. one        C. some      D. several

              (10) A. other    B. another     C. others     D. else

            • 6.
              Why play sports? You might say “ to get ___   (1)  ____” and you’d be right. To have fun? That’s true, too. But there’s more. In fact, there are at least ____   (2)  ____ more reasons. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation(基金会), girls who play sports get a lot more than just a __   (3)  ___ body.

                  Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that sports will __  (4)  ___ your study time. But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don’t.

                  Girls who play sports learn team work and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills. When you working with __   (5)  ___ and teammates to win games and achieve goals, you’re learning how to be successful. Those __   (6)  ___ will serve you well at work and in family life.

                  Sports are good for a girl’s ___  (7)  __. Besides being fit and getting a healthy weight, girls who play sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, girls who exercise are less likely to get lung cancer or other ___  (8)  ___.

              Playing sports builds confidence(自信). Girls who play sports feel better about themselves. __   (9)  ___? It builds confidence when you know you can practice, improve, and achieve your goals.

                  Exercise ___  (10)  ___ the pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier. So when you feel stressed, why not go and play sports?

              (1) A. knowledge           B. exercise         
              C. attention       D. influence
              (2) A. two                 B. three             
              C. four          D. five
              (3) A. fit                  B. safety            
              C. friendship     D. spirit
              (4) A. give away            B. put off           
              C. take up      D. bring back
              (5) A. nurses               B. coaches          
              C. owners       D. singers
              (6) A. styles               B. purposes          
              C. skills       D. instructions
              (7) A. grade               B. health             
              C. height       D. shape
              (8) A. habits              B. chances          
              C. diseases         D. tickets
              (9) A. When              B. What             
              C. Why           D. Where
              (10) A. cuts                B. helps             
              C. solves          D. increases
            • 7.

                      Learning English is not easy. Almost every student sometimes   (1)   questions like these: Can I really learn English well? Can I really learn it well to communicate with others? If you are learning English, you may come across the  (2)   question.

                      The answer is yes. According to some studies you will find it isn't as   (3)   as you think.

                     Almost anyone can learn a foreign language   (4)   he or she  wants to. Some might learn it faster and some slower. But with the   (5)   ways and attitude, almost anyone can make it.

                      Successful English learners   (6)  have positive attitude towards their studies. They don't wait for the chance to use English; instead, they try their best to   (7)   one. They don't miss every chance that they can use it. For example, they are not   (8)   making mistakes in front of others. They must know everyone may make mistakes sometimes. They   (9)   talking with people even in broken English, singing English songs or watching movies, even though they may not   (10)  the idea completely(完全地). They like to read simple stories or newspaper reports and try to guess the meaning all the time. They set goals(目标) and try  to achieve them. The most important thing is that they never give up.

              (1) A. tries B. asks C. answers D. reports
              (2) A. fast B. bad C. new D. same
              (3) A. easy B. difficult C. much D. little
              (4) A. before B. after C. as D. if
              (5) A. funny B. smart C. right D. possible
              (6) A. usually B. never C. sometimes D. seldom
              (7) A. miss B. lose C. find D. choose
              (8) A. proud of B. afraid of C. sorry for D. pleased with
              (9) A. stop B. need C. enjoy D. hate
              (10) A. take B. remember C. forget D. get
            • 8.

              After his parents’ meeting, Wang Jiaming, 14, from Beijing knows that he will face invisible(看不见) “enemies”--- “other excellent students”. “ Look at such and such a student. You and he are taught by the same teachers. Why couldn’t you be as ___  (1)  __ as him?” his mother would say. Many students hear _  (2)  ___ words from their parents. After the parents’ meeting, their parents begin to __(3)___ them with other students, especially those who are praised by teachers. “ I want to encourage my child to _  (3)  __ them,” explained Li Shulan, a mother of a 14-year-old boy from Xi’an, Shanxi. However, many children, like Wang, don’t like it. “I feel very _(5)_ and sometimes even “hate” those students,” Wang said.

              Parents have good intentions (意图), but in fact they could ___(6)___ children’s self- esteem(自尊), said Lin Ying, a psychological(心理的)teacher at Xiamen Hubin Middle School in Fujian. If children feel hurt, they should let parents know it. “You can choose a relaxing occasion(场合), for example, over the dinner, and tell your parents your feelings,” Lin said. “Also, some articles online explain _  (4)   it could be bad for children. You may want to show such articles to your parents.”

              It’s not all bad, though. Liu Jiayang, 13, from Taizhou, Zhejiang said students could take the chance to learn to be open-minded. “I find the students that my mom talks about really have strong __  (5)  __ that I don’t have. I take them as examples and try to __(9)___ with them,” she said. “During the process (过程), always keep in mind that you’re unique(特别的). Never _  (6)   heart,” Lin added.

              (1) A. bad                  B. right            
              C. good              D. new
              (2) A. important             B. different         
              C. similar            D. same
              (3) A. expect               B. encourage       
              C. compare          D. connect
              (4) A. care for              B. learn from       
              C. agree with        D. turn to
              (5) A. amazed              B. annoyed         
              C. pleased           D. surprised
              (6) A. hide                 B. show            
              C. hurt             D. protect
              (7) A. when                B. why            
              C. what              D. how
              (8) A. methods              B. rules           
              C. habits             D. points
              (9) A. put up               B. turn up          
              C. catch up            D. set up
              (10) A. meet                 B. keep           
              C. follow              D. lose  
            • 9.

              Can money buy happiness? Different people have different   (1)  . Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy   (2)   he enjoys and go wherever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. But there are still a lot of   (3)   who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to   (4)   the law. Many people even   (5)   their own lives when hunting it. So we think we cannot do   (6)   without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can't buy   (7)  . Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have   (8)   of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, but at the same time he may be not happy because he is never   (9)   or he is troubled by various kinds of   (10)  . However, although money is necessary for a happy life,   (11)   can't buy happiness. What do you think?

              (1) A. answers                          B. news                             
              C. shows
              (2) A. what                                 B. whatever                     
              C. which
              (3) A. other                                B. others                          
              C. the others
              (4) A. follow                               B. keep                              
              C. break
              (5) A. kill                                     B. ruin                               
              C. lose
              (6) A. anything                          B. nothing                        
              C. something
              (7) A. lot                                     B. plenty                              
              C. a lots
              (8) A. satisfied                         B. sad                                
              C. angry
              (9) A. kills                                   B. problems                     
              C. numbers
              (10) A. it                                        B. they                              
              C. he
            • 10.

              Dear graduates! You’ll graduate   (1)   your school. You love your classmates andteachers. But have you known how to get along with a teacher? Let’s read experts’(专家们的)  (2)  .

              What does getting along with your teacher mean?"Getting along "means you and your teacher have a way that works for both of you, and you both are getting what you   (3)   from the relationship. For your teacher, he or she wants to make sure you are careful, respectful and polite, and you   (4)   your best to learn. For you, you want a teacher who respects you, answers your questions, and tries to   (5)   you learn. You can get along well with your teacher like being with your friends.

              In every school, you may say some teachers are too  (6)   or serious, but don’t judge(判断) a teacher  (7)   you are in his or her class and see for yourself. Most of the time, your teacher is on your side. And a teacher who’s strict may be someone who   (8)   to do his or her job well to teach you the knowledge you should learn. It’s also   (9)   to remember that making mistakes is a part of learning. By pointing out your mistakes   (10)   helping you correct them, a teacher is teaching you. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

              (1) A. at                B. with       C. from         D. for
              (2) A. suggest       B. suggestion 
              C. sayings      D. suggestions
              (3) A. own        B. need         C. wonder      D. hate
              (4) A. work       B. take       C. try         D. carry
              (5) A. warn       B. help       C. give        D. encourage
              (6) A. strange     B. secret         C. special      D. strict
              (7) A. since      B. until        C. when        D. after
              (8) A. fails       B. agrees        C. affords      D. expects
              (9) A. important   B. successful  
              C. terrible      D. impossible
              (10) A. and       B. but         C. so          D. or
