优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 读句子,给可爱的Kitty猫涂色。
              1. Colour the nose black.
              2. Colour the face pink.
              3. Colour the foot purple.
              4. Colour the hands yellow.
              5. Colour the book green.
              6. Colour the ears orange.
            • 2. 读一读,画一画。
                  1. Draw a pencil on the desk.
              2. Draw a book under the desk.
              3. Draw a crayon in the desk.
              4. Draw a ruler on the chair.
            • 3. 读一读,画一画。
                     one peach       two pears    four watermelons     three oranges
            • 4. 读一读,画一画。
              I have short hair.
              I have big eyes and a small mouth.                                                         
              I have a big nose and big ears.
            • 5. 读一读,画一画。
                    a big apple     a small ball     a long pencil    a short pencil
            • 6. 找一找,哪里画错了改过来。
            • 7. 读句子,圈出相应的青蛙。

              They are on the table.
              It's under the chair.
              It's in the cup.
            • 8. 画水果,涂颜色。
                    Draw an apple.               Draw an pear.    Draw an peach.
               Colour it yellow.    Colour it green.    Colour it blue.
            • 9. 读一读,画一画。
                    a short tree     a tall tree     a short pencil    a long pencil
            • 10. 画一画,写一写。
              1. ___________________
              2. ___________________
              3. ___________________
              4. ___________________
              5. ___________________
              6. ___________________
              7. ___________________                    
