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            • 1. Green is an important color in nature.It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees.It is also the color of most growing plants.
                Sometimes,the word“green”means young,fresh and growing.For example,a greenborn is someone who has no experience.In the 15 th century,a greenborn was a young cow or an ox whose borns(角)had not yet developed.A century later,a greenborn was a soldier who had no expericnce in war.By the 18 th century,a greenborn had the meaning it has today-a person who is new in a job.
                Someone who is good at growing plants is said to have a green thumb(大拇指).The expression comes from the early 20 th century.A person with a green thumb can make plants grow quickly and well.The Green Revolution(绿色革命)is t he name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains.It was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.
                Green is also the color used to describe the powerful feeling.Jealousy(嫉妒).The green eyed monster is not a dangerous animal from outer space.It is an expression used about 400 years ago by the British writer William Shakespeare in his play“Othello”.It describes the unpleasantfeeling when someone has something he wants.
                In most places in the world,a green light is a signal(信号)to move ahead.In everyday speech,a green light means approval(赞成)to continue with a project.
              51.A new solider was called a greenborn in the    century.
              A.15 th  B.16 th  C.18 th  D.20 th
              52.A person with a green thumb    
              A.is good at growing plants  
              B.really has a green thumb
              C.has no experience in war 
              D.is new in a job
              53.A man may meet the green eyed monster if    
              A.he sees a dangerous animal 
              B.he can’t get something
              C.he reads a sad play 
              D.his friend gets a prize that he wants
              54.This passage doesn’t mention the history of the expression“    ”.
              A.a green  
              B.a greenborn 
              C.the green eyed monster  
              D.a green light
              55.Which would be the best title of the passage?    
              A.Green,the color of grass and trees 
              B.The stories about the color“green”
              C.Green,a sign of approval 
              D.Different meanings of“green”
            • 2. Chen Yujie,15studies at a boarding school in Ningbo,Zhejiang (41)    .it was not a short ride home and the trips were tiring.Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card,so she didn’r have to travel so often.
                   (42)    “It’s usually the most relaxing time for our family.”Said Chen.
                    She chose the right time.After  a  few turns of lobbying(游说),her parents finally agreed with Chen.(43)     So they have to choose a right time.
                    US magazine Highnight recently surveyed 1,521kids aged 6-12in the country,asking questions like“(44)     Results show that American kids seem to know when their parents are most receptive(乐于接受的).Meal time is discovered to be their most favorite time to talk to their parents.Bed time comes second.followed by time spent in the car.
                    Chinese teenagers seem to have a similar tendency (倾向) over the problem.Qianjiang Daily,a newspaper in Zhejiang,did a survey about it.(45)    
                    So do you have anything to talk to your parents about?Choose a good time.
              A.When you want to talk to your parents about something important,When is the best time to do it?
              B.She decided to discuss it with her parents during TV time to talk to their parents.
              C.They found that most American teenagers would choose bed time to talk to their parents.
              D.She used to go back to her home in Cixi every week to get money from her parents.
              E.The result shows most teenagers in the city would choose meal time to talk to their parents..
              F.For most teenagers like Chen talking to parents can be difficult or even worrying..
            • 3.           Flow like the river of change
                   Little stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests.Then it reached a desert.“I went through so many difficulties.I should have no problem crossing the desert,”she thought.As she started,she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand.After many tries,she still failed.“Maybe I can’t reach the ocean,’’she said sadly to herself.
                   At this time,a deep voice said,“If a breeze(微风)can cross the desert,so can a river.”It was the voice of the desert.But the little stream answered,‘‘That’s because a breeze can fly,but I cannot.”
              “That’s because you can’t give up what you are.Let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the breeze,and it can take you across,”said the desert.“Give up what I am now?No!No!”The little stream could not accept this idea.“The breeze can carry the vapor(蒸汽)across the desert and let it leave as rain.The rain will form a river again,”said the desert.“And whether you’re a river or vapor,your nature never changes.”Hearing this,the little stream went into the open arms of the breeze.It carried her to the next stage of her life.
                   The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream.If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success,you should also change the way you are.
              56.The little stream aimed to reach    
              A.the forest        B.the ocean       C.the desert       D.the river
              57.The little stream    before she got to the desert.
              A.didn’t meet much difficulty        B.was worried about herself
              C.knew well about the desert          D.was confident about herself
              58.At first,the little stream didn’t accept the desert’s advice because    
              A.she failed many times         B.she was afraid of the breeze
              C.she wasn’t able to fly       D.she wouldn’t give up what she was
              59.The little stream finally crossed the desert by    
              A.evaporating into the breeze         B.forming a river
              C.disappearing into the sand          D.changing her nature
              60.What does the story mainly tell us?    
              A.The road to success is not always easy and smooth.
              B.Whatever others say,we should always be ourselves.
              C.To succeed,we should change the way we are if necessary.
              D.We may experience difficulty in life just l ike the little stream.
            • 4. The Vine That Ate the South
              Kudzu is a fast-growing vine(蔓生植物) that covers a large area in the southern United States.It is so common that one might think it is a native plant,but it is not.Kudzu was brought to the United States from Japan in 1876.Many Americans thought it was beautiful,and they began to plant it.They didn’t know it could grow up to a foot a day during the summer months.Nor did they know it would grow up and over anything in its path(路径).
              In Japan,kudzu experienced cold winters and a short growing season.But in the United States,it has a very long growing season with warm and wet southern weather.It is fine weather for the vine to grow fast.
              In the 1920s,people used the vine to feed farm animals.Ten years later,the government supported to plant kudzu because it kept soil(土壤) from washing away.However,by the 1950s,the government no longer wanted people to plant the vine.Twenty years after that,the government said it was a harmful plant.
              The vine grows up trees and buildings,making some beautiful shapes.However,trees die after kudzu covers them because they can not get enough light.Scientists are looking for ways to kill the vine.They used poisons(毒药) to kill the vine.However,some of the poisons made it grow even better.Scientists also find it difficult to dig up Kudzu.The plant is really tough
              Because kudzu is so hard to kill,some people are making the best of it.So they try to find different uses for the vine.They find the vine can be used to make paper and baskets,it can be used to feed the goats,and it can even be eaten by people.Scientists are studying it in the hope that the vine can be used as a medicine.At the very least,kudzu serves as an example of the unexpected results that can come from non-native plants.

              42.We can learn from the passage that.    
              A.kudzu mostly grows in the northern America
              B.kudzu was brought to Japan from America
              C.kudzu grows very fast in warm and wet weather
              D.Americangovernment has never supported to plant kudzu
              43.The underlined word“tough”in Paragraph 4probably means“    ”.
              A.not easily broken   B.widely used   
              C.hard to grow        D.important to one’s health
              44.The last paragraph is mostly about    
              A.how quickly the vine grows         B.how people use the vine
              C.why people want to kill the vine   D.why people eat the vine
              45.The writer uses the title“The Vine That Ate the South”most probablyto    
              A.let readers know kudzu is a vine     B.interest readers in a humorous way
              C.tell readers the vine is a kind of food  
              D.get readers to realize the passage is serious.
            • 5. Be honest.That’s all you have to do on Honesty Day.It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year.It’s good that there is a day to encourage honesty.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day.He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fool’s Day,which celebrate lies.On Honesty Day,anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer.That means that you have knowledge of Honesty Day.
              M.Hirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies.He said in his book that almost all person lie about 200times a day.In our daily life,a typical(典型的)life for a man is“I did not drink that much”and for a woman is“Nothing is wrong,I’m fine.”It is found that nurses are the most honest people,while sales people and politicians(政客)are the biggest liars
              Every Honesty Day,M.Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.
              76.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day to    
              A.celebrate lies   B.encourage honesty   C.ask questions   D.hand out prizes
              77.Which of the following is Honesty Day?    
              A.April 1st B.April 10th C.April 20th D.April 30th
              78.According to the passage,     are the most honest people.
              A.nurses   B.sales people   C.politiciansD.all men
              79.The underlined word“liars”probably means“    ”.
              A.获利者   B.说谎者   C.影响着   D.领导者.
            • 6. (2014•通辽)The world is not only hungry,it will also be thirsty for water.About 97% of water on the earth is sea water,or salty water.Man(人类) can only drink or use the other 3% of the fresh water which comes from rivers,lakes and underground.
              The sea is very big.Look at the map of the world,there is more sea than land.It covers about three quarters of the earth,it looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it.But it can be terrible when there is a strong wind.
              The sea water is salty.There is one“sea”called the Dead Sea.The Dead Sea is not a sea.It’s a big lake in the Jordan Valley.It’s the saltiest lake in the world.It’s near the city of Jericho.It’s about 80kilometers long,between 4.8and 17.7kilometers wide.The river Jordan runs into the Dead Sea.Fish can’t live in the Dead Sea and plants can’t grow near it.People can’t swim well in the Dead Sea,but they can float (漂浮) on the water.The water is very blue and the air is clean.In winter,people come to the Dead Sea to enjoy the sunshine.
              61、Does the fresh water come from rivers,lakes and underground?    
              A.Yes,it does.   B.No,it doesn’t.
              C.Yes,it  is.   D.No,it  can’t.
              62、The Dead Sea is.    
              A.a small sea               B.a big sea
              C.a big lake                D.a small lake
              63、The passage tells us the sea covers about  of the earth.    
              A.3%          B.25%             C.75%           D.97%
              64、The Dead Sea is about.    
              A.2kilometers wide          B.80kilometers long
              C.11kilometers deep         D.17.7kilometers high
              65、Why can’t fish live in the Dead Sea?    
              A.Because there is no water in the Dead Sea.
              B.Because the water in the Dead Sea is dirty.
              C.Because the water in the Dead Sea is salty.
              D.Because the water in the Dead Sea is very cold.
            • 7. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳选项.
              There are many different kinds of cars in the world.My aunt thinks  that  cars are
              (41)    their drivers.She says,“Rich people have expensive cars,big people have large cars,and old people drive old cars.”But I don’t(42)    her.
              My neighbour,Mrs.Hill,is 82years old.She drives only on Tuesday,and she drives only to the bank.She(43)    drives more than 30kilometres an hour.Do you think Mrs.Hill has a very(44)    and small car?No,her car is new.It’s very large,and it (45)    go 200kilometres for each hour!
              My friend is (46)    .He draws beautiful pictures with lots of colors.But his car is black!Mrs.Bates has a very,very old one.There is often something (47)    with the car.Does she drive that kind of car because she is poor?No,she has four factories and(48)    dollars in the bank.My aunt Mary has a ver(49)    car,though she drives to the country with her husband,her two children,her mother and their dog.
              Now you have(50)    my friends and their cars.Do you agree with my aunt?Maybe you have a car.Does it say anything about you?

              41、A.for           B.with           C.like             D.among
              42、A.like          B.look after       C.agree with        D.chat(闲谈) with
              43、A.never         B.always         C.sometimes        D.often
              44、A.old         B.new            C.broken           D.beautiful
              45、A.may          B.can            C.must             D.has to
              46、A.a teacher      B.a reporter        C.a writer          D.an artist
              47、A.interesting     B.wrong          C.mistake          D.trouble
              48、A.twenty        B.two hundred     C.two              D.two million
              49、A.big           B.small           C.expensive        D.new
              50、A.read about    B.known          C.seen             D.met with.
            • 8. Teenagers are going to have lessons on how to sleep.Materials to teach teenagers how to get enough sleep will be offered to schools across Scotland.The teaching created the charity Sleep Scotland is used to be part of curriculum (课程).It aims to help people realize the importance of sleep for young people's physical and emotional health (身心健康).
                  The charity said watching TV and using computers and mobile phones at night can prevent teenagers getting the nine hours of sleep they need.Sleep Scotland,which also offers a sleep advising service,said getting enough sleep can improve grades and physical health.However,less sleep can be connected to being heavy and a greater risk of feeling upset and hopeless.
                  Jane Ansell,leader of Sleep Scotland,said,“I don't think any parent would think of sending out their child without enough food in the morning,or beautiful clothing,and they know how important exercise is,so why should you send your child out without enough sleep?”
                  The charity hopes to educate young people about why they need a full night's sleep and how to develop good sleeping habits.Kate Pearce,a teacher of guidance,said,“We see it more often at third year onwards.Pupils find it very difficult to get up in the morning and pay attention to their study.Sleep is most surely a problem.”
                  Research shows that sleep time for teenagers around the world has decreased over the past 10to 20years.A report by the charity said young people often believed they could make up for (弥补) sleep time during the week by sleeping late at weekends.However,by going to bed even later at weekends they were actually forcing a change in their body clocks,which would influence their study on Monday mornings.
              52.The first two paragraphs tell us that Scotland    
              A.all teenagers have nine hours of sleep
              B.teenagers can′t sleep well at night
              C.schools used to have no lessons on sleep
              D.many people feel sad and hopeless
              53.According to the chanty Sleep Scotland.    
              A.few teenagers go to school with breakfast
              B.parents think sleep is less important
              C.it′s helpful to sleep more at weekends
              D.less sleep may make teenaagers heavy
              54.The underlined words“has decreased”probably mean“    ”.
              A.has gone down     B.has been wasted    C.has come up     D.has been used up
              55.The passage can be usually read in the part of     in a newspaper.
              A.culture    B.health    C.sports    D.business.
            • 9. 2014is the year of horse in China.Do you know anything about the horse?
              The horse is strong and runs very fast.He’s a useful and hard-working animal.The horse learns to know his master(主人) soon.He loves his master,even after his master has died.Here’s a story about such a horse.In a war,the master was killed,and fell from his horse.When his body was found some days later,the horse was still standing beside it.During that long time,the horse didn’t leave the body of his master,without food or water,in the coldest weather,driving away the birds that might eat it.Wasn’t be a great animal?

              51.The horse is a     animal to man.
              A.strange            B.lazy            C.useful                 D.small
              52.When the body of the master was found,the horse was    
              A.going away                     B.eating grass beside it
              C.drinking water                 D.still standing beside it
              53.The story probably took place in    
              A.spring           B.summer           C.autumn             D.winter.
            • 10. Why are you study habits different from those of your friends?Why do you seem to learn faster in some classes while more slowly in others?One reason you may not know is that people have different types.Scientists say there are three different learning types:Visual(视觉型),Auditory(听觉型),and Kinesthetic (动觉型).
              Visual learners learn best by seeing.If you seem to easily remember information from pictures,graphs(图表),and videos,you are probably a visual learner.You’re not good at copying down what the teacher says in class.Never mind.You can draw graphs or pictures instead,if you find that works better for you.
              Auditory learners learn best by hearing.If you seem to easily remember things by hearing them,then you are probably an auditory learner.You must listen carefully while the teacher is speaking because it’s the easiest way foy you to learn.Sometimes you may find that taking notes tops you from listening carefully.After class,you can write down what you remember or borrow your friend’s notes to copy.
              Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing.If you seem to learn best by working with your hands,you are probably a kinesthetic learner.Taking notes by writing can make you pay close attention to information as you receive it.Of course,you can learn best by making full use of labs or other class activities.
              Hope you learn better by knowing what your personal learning type is.

              58.There are    different learning types according to the passage.
              A.two          B.three           C.four       D.five
              59.Jude can remember the words of a song quickly by listening to it once or twice.She might be a/an     according to the passage.
              A.auditory learner            B.visual learner
              C.strange leaner               D.usual learner
              60.Kinesthetic learners learn best by    
              A.Remembering information from videos  B.listening teachers in class
              C.drawing graphs or pictures          D.doing things with their hands
              61.The best title of this passage may be“    
              A.Study Habits                B.Ways to study
              C.Learning types               D.Reasons to learn.
