优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Robots seem very new to most people. But they have a long history. The  (1)  one was made by a Greek inventor(发明家). You may  (2)  robots in some films. The robots in these   (3)  are stronger, faster and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring  (4)  . Some people can’t look after  (5)  and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see. Many of these people use a  (6)  to help them move around. This dog is called a guide dog.   (7)  are making a robot to help them. In the future, robot dogs    (8)  take the place of(代替) these guide dogs.

              Robots are also  (9)  in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes meals  (10)  the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system(系统).

              In the future, robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of humans. They can help us in a lot of different ways.

            • 2.

               Do you know how to keep healthy? First, good____  (1)  ___ habits are very importand. Many students ____  (2)  ____to eat junk food(垃圾食品). Maybe it's very delicious, but it's ____  (3)  ____for their health. And many students only eat ____  (4)  ____favorite food. It's not very good for their health, ____  (5)  ____. It's good to eat more fruit and vegetables because they can help us ____  (6)  ____ in good health. And we shoukd have a balaneed diet (均衡的饮食). It can give us lots of ____  (7)  ____ and keep our bodies healthy and ____  (8)  ___.

                 Second, we should exercise often. Astrong and healthy body comes from ____  (9)  ____ exercise. We can spend some time ____  (10)  ____ our favorite sports every day.

                 Last, we should have good living habits, for example, getting up and going to bed on time.

            • 3.

              When people talk about air pollution, they are usually thinking about outdoor air ____  (1)  ____. But do you know that there is ____  (2)  ____air pollution inside homes, offices, hotels and other buildings? The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! In fact, some American doctors say that 50% of illnesses have ____  (3)  ____ to do with polluted indoor air.

                 A lot of pollution comes from indoor activities ____  (4)  ____ smoking and cooking. As most people ____  (5)  ____ about 80—90% of their time inside building, it is important to take indoor air pollution seriously, too.

                 Air pollution influences our health ____  (6)  ____. When the air is polluted, not only young children and old people suffer from it, ____  (7)  ____ people with health problems suffer as well. Indoor air pollution can ____  (8)  ____ people's eyes, noses and throats. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also lead to lung cancer (肺癌) and heart disease! In the great London fog in 1952, 4000 people died in a few days ____  (9)  ____ the pollution! ____  (10)  ____ is said that half a million young children and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!

            • 4.

               You need to have healthy eating habits. Breakfast   (1)   you enough energy for the morning,    (2)  don't go to school without it. Fruit and vegetables are good  (3)  your health, but fast food, like potato chips, will make you fat and unhealthy. So eat the right food to keep you healthy.

              Playing sports can also help you keep healthy. But sometimes it may cause accidents(事故), so stay safe when you are playing sports. It's  (4)   to learn about first aid(急救) . Then you can help   (5)    or others if an accident happens.

                   (6)  is important for your health. It's the   (7)   medicine. When you are ill, try to be happy and you'll feel better. On the other hand, you   (8)  feel sick if you are always unhappy. So, be happy to be healthy.

                You must keep far from smoking and drinking. Many students   (9)  it cool to smoke and drink. But they don't know smoking and drinking can cause many illnesses. You should say   (10)  to smoking and drinking.

            • 5.

              Outside Games

              Being outside in the fresh air is good for you. __  (1)  __don’t stay in a car or just sit outside on the grass. It isn’t a lot of fun. There are many outside games like running, skating, swimming, riding a horse, flying kites and __  (2)  __. Of course, football is an outside game. Basketball, badminton and baseball are also outside games. You can do these and they will make your time away from the chair. We don’t __  (3)  __ a lot ofequipment(设备).Just find an open space, get a ball, and start having fun.

              __  (4)  __should we play outside games? When we are outside, we play sports with others. We can make some new friends. When we play with them, it can give us nice memories(记忆). Playing outside can also make us __  (5)  __. Exercise is good for us. When we are outside, we can also enjoy the beauty of nature.

            • 6.

                 I am an apple. Iˈm a kind of sweet fruit. I grow in many places of the world, but I canˈt grow well in very hot places   (1)   very cold places.

              I am not like my cousins–pears and bananas. I am rounder than a pear and bananas are   (2)  than me. I am delicious,   (3)   people in the world like to eat me. They can usually eat me   (4)  washing(洗) me. They can also cook me to   (5)   all kinds of food, sometimes they put me in cans(罐头) to send me to other places of the world. Almost everyone can have money to buy me

                (6)  I cost very little.

              I can also help people get   (7)  . There is a saying in English: An apple a day keeps thedoctor away. Donˈt you think that Iˈm very great? I have many vitamins (维生素) inside, they are

                (8)   for you. I really wish to make you happy and healthy, so don’t forget to eat me as often as possible (尽可能经常地).

              But I also need your love, if you want to make me taste better, you must   (9)   me well. Thank you for your love. Iˈll try to grow well and   (10)   sweeter. Then you will like to eat me a lot more.

            • 7.

              With the development of technology, WiFi is becoming more and more popular and important in people’s daily life.But have you ever experienced it? Just imagine what life will be like if there is no Internet.Maybe you won’t be able to talk with friends, play video games or search for information for your homework on the Internet.But in fact,only one third of the world’s population are able to get information on the Internet.The rest are too poor to buy WiFi access(使用    权) or they live in remote areas.As a result, they live without the Internet.

                Google and Facebook, two world-famous technology companies, have decided to do something about it.Google’s Project Loon will try to send balloons which are 15 meters wide into our Earth’s stratosphere(平流层) in 2015.The balloons are made of a special material that is three times thicker than the plastic bag we use every day.Each balloon will carry a minicomputer and a WiFi radio.The WiFi radio will send the Internet over the areas it is floating over.Then people can get up-to-date information on weather or news.

            • 8.

              There are only two seasons in some countries-the dry season and the rainy season.They are India,Vietnam and some countries in Africa.It is never cold there and it doesn’t snow.In the dry season it is as warm as it in the rainy season.When it is the dry season.it doesn’t rain at all.It is very.very hot.All grass and leaves on the trees are yellow.Animals and people are very thirsty.It is a very difficult time for them! When it is the rainy season.the rain doesn’t stop,it rains day and night.There is a lot of water around! Some animals like it.but some don't. There is a place where there are no season at all.It is the Antarctic.It is very cold all the year round.There are no countries and no cities there.There are some villages in the Antarctic.Who lives there? The people from all countries come there to learn about the coldest place,its animals and birds.But there are no trees.no flowers.no fruit there.so people can’t live there long.

            • 9.

              Every day when Cora Castle, 14, from Indiana, US goes  (1)  home, she opens her computer and logs into (登录) a website   (2)  Fuel Up (补充能量) to Play .

              She writes what she has eaten and what kind of activities she has  (3)  that day. She explains her daily diet and exercise routines. Then the website   (4)   whether Castle has eaten    (5)  and done enough exercise.

              All the seventh grade students in Castle’s school have done the same thing    (6)   the year started. It’s part of their health class.

              If the website finds that Castle’s  (7)  are unhealthy, it will give her advice. It is very useful. If she does something good, the website will give her a star.   (8)  wants the star.

              Her health teacher set up a competition to see   (9)   student could get the most stars from the website. Castle is doing a good job. She has got 30 stars so far. Bad eating habits are one of the main  (10)  for health problems. Cameron Bartlett said she liked tracking (追踪) the food and activities. “This is the first year we’ve done it,” she said. “It’s really   (11)  to see all of the different choices that we have.”

              The seventh grade health class is coming to an    (12)    , as the class is only for the first semester. Though   (13)  won’t be in health class anymore, the students all said that they would continue to take   (14)   in the Fuel Up to Play 60 program.

              “There’s lots of bad food out there that we’ve all been eating,” Bartlett said. “This really helps all of us eat   (15)  food.”

            • 10.

                  Fangfang, a 15-year-old Chinese girl, likes eating snacks very much. She prefers cream biscuits, hamburgers and fried chicken. Sometimes she   (1)   two pieces of cake a day. As a result, she has become too fat.

                     Today in China, there are many   (2)   like Fangfang. They like snacks. They don’t eat enough healthy   (3)   like vegetables and fruit. It’s very bad   (4)   their health. Poor eating habits are a serious problem.

                    Health experts(专家) say that children   (5)   have healthy eating habits. First, they must eat meals regularly and begin with a healthy   (6)    (7)  , they should have different kinds of foods such as fruit, vegetables, eggs, milk   (8)   meat. Third, children shouldn’t eat too much junk food. It is delicious, but eating it often   (9)   bad for their health.

                 If children do as the experts say, they won’t become overweight(超重的). They will be

                (10)  . Students won’t become tired at school, and they will have enough energy to study well.

