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            • 1.
              For people,it's not surprising that we can open a door,lift a heavy box and control our while walking in the snow.But can a robot do this?Well,Google's new robot,Atlas,can not only do this?Well,Google's new robot,Atlas,can not only do these things,but it can also stand up if fall down.Although the robot may be slow and clumsy,it was created mainly to work in dangerous places for humans.
              Now,robots are much smarter than you might imagine.On March 9this year,Alpha Go,an artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能)program made by Google's Deep Mind,challenged top professional Go player Lee Se-dol from South Korea.And Alpha Go bear Lee 41.
              AI is when computers or computer software are able to have intelligent behavior,such as thinking or acting like a human,In our daily lives,we already use AI in many ways,like Apple's Siri and search engines Baidu and Google.
              Some People may worry whether computers are now smart enough to beat us at everything.But experts say that the case.Real life problems can be more difficult than the Go game.For example,humans can watch a person throw down a cup of coffee and know that the result will be a mess on the floor.A computer program would have to know the size of the cup,the height of the cup from floor and many other things to find out the result.But we never know what will happen in the future.
              (1) The underline word clumsy in the first paragraph means ______ .
              A. 敏捷的
              B. 结实的
              C. 笨拙的
              D. 呆傻的
              (2) Atlas,was created mainly to ______ .
              A. help the disabled people
              B. show the development of technology
              C. help people do simple jobs
              D. work in dangerous places for humans
              (3) In paragraph 2,the writer mentioned the game between Alpha Go and lee Se-dol to ______ .
              A. explain how smart robots are
              B. introduce the development of robots
              C. show the game was very exciting
              D. tell me how robots beat humans in the game
              (4) The underlined word that in paragraph 4 refers to ______ .
              A. AI is already used in many ways
              B. AI can think and act like a human
              C. AIpha Go beat Lee Se-dol in the Go game
              D. computer can beat humans at everything
              (5) From the passage,we can infer(推断) ______ .
              A. humans will have to follow robot's orders
              B. it's difficult for robots to take human's place
              C. robots will be just as common as mobile phones
              D. people will depend on their robots to do all the things.
            • 2.
              Lightning(闪电)is shocking,and it happens all over the world!Scientists think that there are more than three million lightning strikes(袭击)every day in the world-that's thirty strikes every second.
              Lightning can also be very dangerous.Every year,lightning kills people because it can start big fires or because it reaches temperatures up to 28,000degrees centigrade.American Roy Sullivan,who worked in a park,holds the record for surviving the most lightning strikes.Between 1942and 1983,he was hit seven times!
              So,why does lightning strike?Lightning strikes happen when ice and water in clouds rub(摩擦)together,and cause atmospheric(大气层的)changes.When this happens,it creates a static charge(静电电荷).Lightning can strike inside the cloud,between two clouds and between a cloud and Earth.It's the last type of strike that is the most dangerous for humans.About 1,000people get struck by lightning every year in the United States,and about 100of them die as a result.
              Lightning is certainly not something to toy with.When lightning strikes,it's best to stay inside a large building.To stay safe,do not stand under trees,on hills or near water.Trees attract lightning.Also,do not lie down on the ground,otherwise the electricity may go through you and cause a heart disease.
              (1) Lightning strikes ______ .
              A. happen three billion times each day
              B. will start when there are big fires
              C. can reach very high temperatures
              D. kill all those who work in a park
              (2) What does"surviving"in paragraph 2mean in Chinese? ______
              A. 目睹
              B. 幸存
              C. 制造
              D. 遇难
              37.We can infer(推断)from paragraph 3that ______ .
              A.lightning strikes are caused whenever ice and water meet
              B.lightning between two clouds is the most dangerous for humans
              C.lightning strikes create static charge
              D.about one tenth of the people struck by lightning die every year in America
              (3) Which expression means"to toy with"in the last paragraph? ______
              A. to play with
              B. to take seriously
              C. to show off
              D. to take it easy
              (4) Where's the best place to be when lightning strikes? ______
              A. On top of a hill.
              B. In a swimming pool.
              C. In a tree.
              D. Inside.
            • 3.
              How could we tell time if there were no watches or clocks anywhere in the world?
              The sun was probably the world's first "clock", except in the far north, where the Eskimos (爱斯基摩人) live. There, it's dark most of the winter, and light most of the summer. But in most of the world, people have used the sun for a clock. Even today, if you don't have a clock, you still know that when the sun shines, it's day, and when it's dark, it's night. The sun can also tell you if it's morning, noon, or afternoon.
              People who live near the sea can tell time from the tides. In the daytime, for about six hours, the water rises higher and higher on the beach. And then it goes down and down for about six hours. The same thing happens again at night. There are two high tides and two low tides every 24hours.
              Seamen on a ship learn how to tell time by looking at the moon and the stars. The whole sky is their clock.
              In some places in the world the wind comes up at about the same time every day or changes direction or stops blowing. In these places the wind can be the clock.
              A sand clock is an even better clock. If you had fine dry sand in a glass shaped like the one in the picture, you would have what is called an hourglass. The sand in the hourglass goes from the top part to the bottom part in exactly one hour. When the hourglass is turned over, the sand will take another hour to go back again.
              (1) According to the passage, there are______ ways to tell time besides the clock and watch.
              A. 3
              B. 4
              C. 5
              D. 7
              (2) The Eskimos in the far north can't use the sun for a clock because______.
              A. they know very little about the sun
              B. the sun there never goes down in winter
              C. it's too cold for them to go out to watch the sun
              D. it has long dark winters and long light summers
              (3) The underlined word "tides" in the passage means______.
              A. 洋流
              B. 潮汐
              C. 海啸
              D. 波浪
              (4) In which page of a newspaper can you most probably read this passage?______
              A. News.
              B. Science.
              C. Business.
              D. Advertisement
              (5) What's the best title for the passage?______
              A. Different Ways to Tell Time
              B. Useful Machines to Tell Time
              C. The History of the Clock
              D. The Development of the Clock
            • 4.
              When you cough or sneeze, please turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. And then, you should say, "Excuse me." This is a rule I set for my students
              It is so simple, but many kids have never been told to do this.. In fact, I notice adults cough and sneeze in public without putting a hand over the mouth. I hate traveling by subway in New York during cold and flu season, because it is certain that someone is going to stand right behind me and cough or sneeze on my neck.
              One important thing I point out to the kids is that after they sneeze or cough on their hand, they should wash their hands as soon as possible. Or they will be passing those germs (病菌) along to everything and everyone they touch.
              In order to help the kids remember this rule, I tell them about an old story. It says that when you sneeze, evil spirits (幽灵) jump into your body. If you don't cover your mouth, the spirits will enter, but if you cover your mouth, you will keep them out, We say "God bless you" (上帝保佑你) when someone sneezes, and in Germany you should say "Gesundheit" (祝你健康). That means "Good health to you." Both expressions are said just in case you didn't cover your mouth in time and the spirits were able to enter your body. The kids love finding out the origins (起源) of these expressions and it encourages them to put the advice to use more often.

              (1) What does the underline word ‘ this." mean? ______
              A. Don't cough or sneeze in front of people.
              B. Don't stand beside someone who coughs or sneezes.
              C. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and say sorry.
              D. Many people cough or sneeze on the underground train.
              (2) After coughing or sneezing on their hand, students are advised to ______ .
              A. say "God bless you"
              B. wash their hands as soon as possible
              C. go to see a doctor as soon as possible
              D. go home and have a good rest
              (3) Why does the writer hate traveling by subway in New York during cold and flu season? ______
              A. Because many people cough or sneeze on the underground train.
              B. Because it's too crowded.
              C. Because people like coughing or sneezing there.
              D. Because there are too many germs.
              (4) According to the article, the writer would like the kids ______ .
              A. to be polite to adults
              B. to be in better health
              C. to do well in exams
              D. to have good manners
              (5) From the passage, we can infer (推断) that the writer must be ______ .
              A. a reporter
              B. a doctor
              C. a teacher
              D. a student
            • 5.
              Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls.
              One scientist points out, "There are small genetic(遗传的) differences between the sexes(性别) at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose. But the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age, there are so many other reasons that it is almost impossible to tell whether boys worker harder at science and maths, or whether girls been brought up to think of these subjects as boys'' territory".
              A study show that in maths, at least, girls are the same as boys. A report suggests that girls only stop studying maths because of social opinions and feelings. A reporter says, "While it is socially unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write, it is still acceptable for women to say that they are 'hope-less' at maths. Although girls get marks which are as good as the boys', they have not been encouraged to do so."
              The explanation for the difference, which is very clear during the teenage years, goes as far back as early childhood experiences. From their first days in kindergarten(幼儿园), girls are not encouraged to work on their own or to complete tasks, although boys are. For example, boys and not girls, are often asked to 'help' with repair work. This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve problems later on in life.
              A further report on maths teaching shows that teachers seem to give more attention to boys than to girls. They think boys have more brains than girls.
              Most teachers who took part in the study agreedthat they expect their boy students to do better at maths and science subjects than their girl students. All of this leads to encourage boys to work harder in these subjects, gives them confidence and makes them believe that they can succeed.
              Interestingly, both boys and girls regard maths and science as difficult. Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid maths courses, not because they are difficult, but for social reasons.

              (1) The underlined word "territory" in Paragraph 2most probably means "______".
              A. natural ability
              B. interesting activity
              C. special hobby
              D. favourite task
              (2) According to scientific studies,______.
              A. maths is not fit for girls to learn at all
              B. boys have a special sense of maths learning
              C. girls are poorer at maths because they are the weaker sex
              D. girls can learn maths as well as boys if given enough encouragement
              (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?______
              A. Maths and science are easy subjects to either girls or boys.
              B. It seems socially acceptable for a girl not to be able to read and write.
              C. There is no connection between a girl's ability in maths and her teacher.
              D. It is a social problem not a problem of brains that girls are poor at maths.
              (4) What would be the best title for the text?______
              A. Maths-A Difficult Subject
              B. Are Boys Cleverer than Girls
              C. Who's Afraind of Maths Anyway
              D. Boys Are Better at Maths than Girls by Birth
            • 6.
              Pollution inside homes and other buildings kills more than 4million people each year. Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood-powered or coal-powered stoves.
              One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun. Crosby Menzies, a solar power expert in a South African company, described his latest solar cooker called the "Sol-4". "It is four square meters of mirrors, six to eight meters in length. It is quite a large cooker. "
              The "Sol-4" works by reflecting (反射) light from the sun off large mirrors. The mirrors direct (把……对准) the light at a cooking pan. Then the light heats the pan with solar energy. Within two minutes, the pan is hot enough to cook sausages and onions. In just four minutes, water can be boiled. That is as fast as cooking with natural gas or electricity.
              The cooker is also much "friendlier" than other models because people do not have to stand in the sun to use it. And people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coal. Such individuals (人)would be less likely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoke.
              At present, the cooker only works when the sun is shining. But engineers are working on a way to make it work without sunlight.
              Each cooker costs about $2,000, which is a large amount of money for most Africans. To solve that problem. Crosby Menzies has created a non-governmental organization called Solar Cookers for Africa. It plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooking equipment.

              (1) This passage is mainly about ______ .
              A. solar cooker
              B. smoke pollution
              C. solar power experts
              D. breathing illnesses
              (2) The "Sol-4" is mainly used to ______ .
              A. shorten the time of cooking
              B. reduce the cost of making cookers
              C. raise money through donations to help African people
              D. reduce the number of deaths caused by harmful smoke
              (3) Which of the following about the "Sol-4" is TRUE? ______
              A. It is six to eight square meters of mirrors.
              B. It can work in any weather condition now.
              C. It can also heat the pan by lighting firewood.
              D. It is more environment-friendly than other cookers.
              (4) Front the passage, we can infer that ______ .
              A. the "Sol-4" will be designed in a smaller size
              B. more Africans can use the solar cookers in the future
              C. the "Sol-4" is the first product of the South African company
              D. the African government will provide poor people with solar cookers
            • 7.
              To get an extra 14 years of life, don't smoke, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and drink alcohol in a proper amount. That is according to a study published this Monday in the Public Library of Science Medicine Journal.
              After tracking more than 20, 000 people aged 45 t0 79 years in the UK from about 1993 to 2008, Kay-Tee Khaw of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues found that people who adopted these four healthy habits lived an average of 14 years longer than who didn't.
              "We're known for a long time that these behaviors are good things to do, but we've not seen this benefit before," said Susan Jebb, head of Nutrition and Health at Britain's Medical Research Council. "The benefit was also seen regardless of whether or not people were fat and social class they came from. "
              Study participants(参与者) scored a point each for not smoking, regular physical activity, eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and moderate alcohol intake.
              Public health experts said they hoped the study would inspire governments to introduce policies helping people to adopt these changes. But because the study only observed people rather than testing specific changes, it would be impossible to conclude that people who suddenly adopted these healthy behaviors would surely gain 14 years.
              "We can't say that any person could gain 14 years by doing these things, " said Dr Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization. "The 14 years is an average across the population of what's theoretically(埋论上地) possible. "
              "Most people know that things like a good diet matter and that smoking isn't good for them," Susan Jebb said. "We need to work on providing people with much more practical support to help them change. "
              (1) We can infer from the passage that______.
              A. people are unaware of the harm of their bad habits
              B. drinking alcohol does no harm to our health and helps us live longer
              C. the government should make people change their bad habits by force
              D. not everyone will live 14 years longer by adopting the four healthy habits
              (2) Which of the following DOESN'T belong to the four healthy habits?______
              A. Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
              B. Doing proper exercises in the morning every day.
              C. Drinking alcohol in the proper amount.
              D. Having a physical examination every year.
              (3) Which of the following can be inferred according to the passage?______
              A. Susan Jebb did not take part in the study.
              B. The study observed people as well as tested specific changes.
              C. There s no need for people under 45 to adopt these good habits.
              D. Only those from first class can benefit from these healthy behaviors.
              (4) What should be the best title of this passage?______
              A. Smoking Cuts You 14 Years
              B. How to Live a Healthier Life
              C. Healthy Habits May Give 14 Years
              D. How to Make Your Life Longer than Others
            • 8.
              Indian scientists have designed a new device*that they hope will solve one of the biggest problems with the use of solar energy. They call the device a solar tree. Solar trees have metal "branches*" which are just from a tall pole at different levels. Each branch holds a solar panel*. These panels have large metal boards that collect energy from the sun and turn it into electricity.
              Daljit Singh Bedi is the main scientist at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in India. Bedi says the shape of the solar trees makes it possible to fit more solar panels in a space than traditional systems do. This means less land would be needed to produce solar energy. "It takes about four square meters of space to produce energy which may need 400square meters of space," he says.
              Scientists believe the energy a solar tree collects will be enough to power five homes. The solar tree will make it easier to provide solar energy for homes in cities. The trees will also take less space from farmers in rural areas. Bedi says solar trees will collect more energy than normal solar panels on the tops of buildings. "This design makes the solar panels exposed*more towards the sun," he says. "And that way people are able to use 10to 15percent more energy."
              India has promised to reduce its greenhouse gas production. The country's promise depends heavily on increasing solar energy. The cost of solar panels has gone down in recent years.   This has increased the possibility of applying*solar trees in India.
              Amit Kumar is the senior director of the Energy and Resources Institute in New Delhi. He says gaining access*to land takes time and increases costs. He adds that it is still not clear how useful these new developments in solar power technology are. "Only when we put those trees on a large scale*will we be able to get that answer," he says.

              33. We may probably read this passage in______.
              A.Culture Views             
              B. Nature and Science
              C.Story Books               
              D. Travelling Guide Book
              34. Compared the traditional system, the main advantages of the solar tree is______.
              A. we can see many "branches" in new solar tree
              B. it surely produces more energy than traditional system
              C. it's reducing India's more greenhouse gas production now
              D. fewer and fewer people will use it than traditional ones
              35. What does the underlined word " this" in the fourth paragraph refer to (指代)?______
              A. greenhouse gas production   
              B.the solar panels
              C. the new solar tree             
              D. country's promise
              36. In the last paragraph, what do you think of what Amit Kumar said?
            • 9.
              Your brain controls everything you do.It makes it possible for you to think,learn,create and feel; to blink(眨眼) and breathe and for your heart to heat-this fantastic control center is your brain.It is so amazing that a famous scientist once called it"the most complex(复杂) thing we have yet discovered in our universe".
              Can this small grey organ(器官),which weighs less than one and a half kilos,really do so much?Amazingly,your brain contains about 100billion neurons(神经元)-it would take you over 3,000years to count them all.Believe it or not,the activity in your brain never stops.Your neurons create and send more messages than all the phones in the world.And although one neuron creates only a little electricity,all your neurons together can produce enough electricity to power a light bulb (灯泡).
              So exactly how fast does your brain work?Well,imagine this:a bee lands on your foot.Neurons in your skin send this information to your brain at a speed of more than 240kilometers per hour.Your brain then uses other neurons to send the message back to your foot to shake the bee off quickly.These neurons can send this information at more than 320kilometers per hour.No computer has your brain's unbelievable ability to deal with the amount of information coming from your eyes,ears and other sensory organs.
              But how does your brain allow you to learn things that you will use in the future?The structure (结构) of your brain changes every time you have a new thought,remember or learn something.For example,riding a bike seems impossible at first,but soon you are able to do it.How?As you practice,your brain sends"bike riding"messages again and again.Soon,the actions are learnt and you are able to ride a bike easily from then on.
              (1) From the passage we know that neurons ______ .
              A. receive messages very slowly
              B. are only found in your skin
              C. send messages to your brain
              D. need electricity to work
              (2) In Paragraph 3,the writer mentions computers to ______ .
              A. compare them with the human brain
              B. show how fast they have become
              C. say that computers have no abilities
              D. ask people to use computers more
              (3) When you have a new thought, ______ .
              A. your brain will power a light bulb
              B. your heart beats faster
              C. you remember something
              D. the structure of your brain changes
              (4) The article is mainly about ______ .
              A. all the steps when your brain learns things
              B. what an unbelievable organ the human brain is
              C. how the brain makes people smarter than computers
              D. the things you can do to make your brain work faster.
            • 10.
              Do you hate the idea of having to sleep on a plane?In Sweden,Oscar Dios has created a new kind of hotel-the world's first jumbo jet (大型喷气式客机) hotel.The hotel is really a jet plane at Sweden's Arlanda Airport,Stockholm.It has 25 rooms that can sleep as many as 72 people.
              "I learned that this plane was abandoned (废弃) at the airport.For a long time,I've been trying to build a hotel in many different houses and buildings,"Oscar Dios told reporters."But I have a new idea!Why not in a plane?"
              The Jumbo Hotel opened for business on Thursday,giving customers the chance to sleep in the comfortable rooms."The most difficult part with this project is trying to build something inside the plane-it's just really,really tight."
              The plane was for Singapore Airlines,and it was taken out of service in 2002.The Jumbo Hotel has two features (特色).One thing about the hotel is the price-the cheapest room is about41 a night.
              (1) The underlined word"tight"means______
              A. crowded
              B. nervous
              C. deep
              D. big
              (2) At first,Oscar Dios wanted to build a hotel______.
              A. in many different houses and buildings
              B. in an abandoned plane
              C. in a beautiful place near the sea
              D. at the airport
              (3) The writer writes the passage in order to______.
              A. describe a wonderful place for children
              B. introduce a new kind of hotel
              C. tell people that they can sleep on a plane
              D. ask people to change the old planes into hotels.
