优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Food safety is a problem in all places around the world and people in different areas of the world prepare foods in different ways. The WHO released five simple rules for preparing food in a safe way. They call these rules the “Five Keys to Safer Food”.

              Key 1: Keep clean

               36 . People should wash their hands often — before touching food and while they are preparing food. People should wash all surfaces and equipment used for preparing food.

              Key 2: Separate raw and cooked

              Raw foods should not touch prepared foods.   (1)  .

              Key 3:   (2)  

              People should cook eggs and meat especially carefully. These foods may carry more micro-organisms (微生物) than other foods. Food like soup must be boiled for at least a minute to make it be cooked completely. It is also important that people re-heat cooked food completely.

              Key 4: Keep food at safe temperatures

              When people are finished with eating, they should keep the left food in a refrigerator below 5℃ and shouldn’t store it for too long. At room temperature, about 20℃, the amount of micro-organisms can increase very quickly. But temperatures above 60℃ or below 5℃ control the growth of micro-organisms.   (3)  .

              Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials

                (4)  . Damaged or old food may develop harmful chemicals as it gets older.

              (1) ________
              A. Cook completely
              B. Eat healthily
              C. They can live where we make food
              D. People should use safe water and choose fresh foods
              E. This key tells about the importance of washing
              F. They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment
              G. People should use separate equipment and tools for touching and preparing raw foods
              (2) ________
              A. Cook completely
              B. Eat healthily
              C. They can live where we make food
              D. People should use safe water and choose fresh foods
              E. This key tells about the importance of washing
              F. They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment
              G. People should use separate equipment and tools for touching and preparing raw foods
              (3) ________
              A. Cook completely
              B. Eat healthily
              C. They can live where we make food
              D. People should use safe water and choose fresh foods
              E. This key tells about the importance of washing
              F. They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment
              G. People should use separate equipment and tools for touching and preparing raw foods
              (4) ________
              A. Cook completely
              B. Eat healthily
              C. They can live where we make food
              D. People should use safe water and choose fresh foods
              E. This key tells about the importance of washing
              F. They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment
              G. People should use separate equipment and tools for touching and preparing raw foods
              (5) ________
              A. Cook completely
              B. Eat healthily
              C. They can live where we make food
              D. People should use safe water and choose fresh foods
              E. This key tells about the importance of washing
              F. They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment
              G. People should use separate equipment and tools for touching and preparing raw foods
            • 2.

              Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems.    (1)   . If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants become angry and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country’s economy. It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them.    (2)   .
                Tourism should also improve the health and happiness of the local inhabitants.
                Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry.    (3)   .
                On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, first-class roads and other support facilities (设施) needed by tourist attractions.    (4)   . If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.
                Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste, and water.   (5)   . If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.



              A. Tourism can bring a lot of benefits
              B. All of these support facilities cost money
              C. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists
              D. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build
              E. Therefore, tourism plays an important part in local economy
              F. Thismeansotherpartsofthecountry’seconomycansuffer
              G. For example,too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the in habitants(the people living there)of acountry


              A. Tourism can bring a lot of benefits
              B. All of these support facilities cost money
              C. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists
              D. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build
              E. Therefore, tourism plays an important part in local economy
              F. Thismeansotherpartsofthecountry’seconomycansuffer
              G. For example,too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the in habitants(the people living there)of acountry


              A. Tourism can bring a lot of benefits
              B. All of these support facilities cost money
              C. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists
              D. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build
              E. Therefore, tourism plays an important part in local economy
              F. Thismeansotherpartsofthecountry’seconomycansuffer
              G. For example,too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the in habitants(the people living there)of acountry


              A. Tourism can bring a lot of benefits
              B. All of these support facilities cost money
              C. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists
              D. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build
              E. Therefore, tourism plays an important part in local economy
              F. Thismeansotherpartsofthecountry’seconomycansuffer
              G. For example,too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the in habitants(the people living there)of acountry


              A. Tourism can bring a lot of benefits
              B. All of these support facilities cost mone
              C. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists
              D. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build
              E. Therefore, tourism plays an important part in local economy
              F. Thismeansotherpartsofthecountry’seconomycansuffer
              G. For example,too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the in habitants(the people living there)of acountry
            • 3.

              Do you have a hobby? Something you look forward to spending your time with? Something you love to do?   (1)   Or making model airplanes. Or making useful things out of waste materials. It could be a musical instrument that you love playing. Or singing and dancing.

              Ther e are many things that a hobby can give you, apart from an enjoyable time. Sashay was a shy boy but through his interest in model airplanes he learned the value of sticking to a task until it was finished.   (2)   His model airplane club brought him to get into touch with similar persons.

              Having a hobby helps you relax and get away from the routines of school.   (3)   It gives you focus, self-dependence, confidence and builds your personality and this is an opportunity to lose yourself in an enjoyable activity, away from the pressure of school, so at the end of it, you feel relaxed and yet, mentally charged.

              Your hobby defines(确定; 解释) you.   (4)   And it also shows you what you are good at, and how far you can go, when you apply yourself.

              So go ahead.   (5)   For a hobby is: Happiness: something which you look forward to doing. Opportunity: to develop your special and unique skills and celebrate them. Believe in yourself: makes you understand your strong advantages and improves your confidence. Best in you: brings out your best – for in each one of us there is a best that is only ours. YOU! gives you a unique character, and makes you YOU!

              (1) A. Develop a hobby.
              B. It proves your ability.
              C. It gives you a break.
              D. It could be collecting something.
              E. Hobbies show your character.
              F. It shows your special skills.
              G. He learned to make friends for the first time.
              (2) A. Develop a hobby.
              B. It proves your ability.
              C. It gives you a break.
              D. It could be collecting something.
              E. Hobbies show your character.
              F. It shows your special skills.
              G. He learned to make friends for the first time.
              (3) A. Develop a hobby.
              B. It proves your ability.
              C. It gives you a break.
              D. It could be collecting something.
              E. Hobbies show your character.
              F. It shows your special skills.
              G. He learned to make friends for the first time.
              (4) A. Develop a hobby.
              B. It proves your ability.
              C. It gives you a break.
              D. It could be collecting something.
              E. Hobbies show your character.
              F. It shows your special skills.
              G. He learned to make friends for the first time.
              (5) A. Develop a hobby.
              B. It proves your ability.
              C. It gives you a break.
              D. It could be collecting something.
              E. Hobbies show your character.
              F. It shows your special skills.
              G. He learned to make friends for the first time.
            • 4.
              Practical ways to get motivated
              Be mindful of your"why".
              If I need to clean the floor,but I really don't like cleaning,then I won't feel very motivated to do it.However,if I have a big enough reason to do it-because I'm having some guests to come over,or I love the feeling of having a clean floor,then that"bigger purpose"can be strong enough to get me to act,even though I don't enjoy cleaning.If I stay mindful of why I'm doing it,I can get motivated to do it.(1) ______ 
              Celebrate your successes.
              It's easy to get down on yourself because you haven't reached your goal yet.You may overlook all of the hard work and small goals that you've accomplished.Remember to reward yourself and to celebrate your successes.(2) ______ In the same way,how can you motivate yourself if you're not going to reward yourself and celebrate your successes?
              (3) ______ 
              Imagine how good you'll feel when you've reached your goal.Take a moment and think about how you'll feel and what you'll think after you've achieved it.What does it feel like?(4) ______ Focus on that feeling,and use it to drive you right now to move towards your goal.Just think of how good it will be.
              Get inspired.
              Read stories,watch movies,listen to other people who have achieved what you want to achieve.Imagine what they had to go through to get to where they are.Imagine how big the heart is of some of your biggest heroes and how badly they wanted what they achieved.(5) ______
              A.Imagine having already achieved it.
              B.Get help and support when you're not feeling motivated.
              C.So remind yourself of why you're doing what you're doing.
              D.What kind of self-talk would you use to motivate yourself?
              E.Let them inspire you to access your own great desire within.
              F.You might feel proud,happy,satisfied,or any other emotion.
              G.Would you be able to properly train a dog without rewarding him?
              (1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
