优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. After he became conscious, he remembered ______ and ______ on the head with a rod.

              [     ]

              A. to attack; hit
              B. to be attacked; to be hit
              C. attacking; be hit
              D. having been attacked; hit
            • 2. The thief admitted             over 10 motorbikes and now he has been arrested .
              [     ]

              A. to steal    
              B. to have stolen    
              C. stealing    
              D. having stolen
            • 3.
              In the beginning, the man refused to say anything about the lost car, but he had to admit ____ it because of the solid proofs.
              A. stolen  
              B. having stolen
              C. to steal  
              D. to have stolen
            • 4.
              At last the boy didn't have any choice but _____ the bread from the supermarket.

              A. admit to have stolen
              B. admit having stolen
              C. to admit to have stolen
              D. to admit having stolen

            • 5. It's necessary to be prepared for a job interview. ______ the answers ready will be of great help.

              [     ]

              A. To have had
              B. Having had
              C. Have
              D. Having
            • 6. After he became conscious, he remembered _____ and _____ on the head with a rod.

              [     ]

              A. to attack; hit
              B. to be attacked; to be hit
              C. attacking; be hit
              D. having been attacked; hit
            • 7. After he became conscious, he remembered ___________and___________ on the head
              with a stone.   
              [     ]

              A. to attack; hit      
              B. to be attacked; to be hit      
              C. attacking ; be hit 
              D. having been attacked; hit

            • 8. Mr. Jenkin regretted _____ his secretary for the mistake, for he later discovered it was his own fault.
              [     ]

              A. to blame
              B. being blamed
              C. blamed
              D. having blamed
            • 9. The young man admitted, after several hours questioning, ______ a wallet from the passenger on the bus.
              [     ]

              A. having stolen
              B. to have stolen
              C. being stolen
              D. to steal
            • 10.
              He didn't pass the exam. He regretted ____ harder.

              A. not having worked
              B. having not worked
              C. to have not worked
              D. not to work
