优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               The two pupils are different           degree         they’re interested in studies.

                 A. in, to which   B. from, in which   C.from, that   D. with, which


            • 2.

               This big room        the roof is flat now functions     a meeting room.

              A. whose, for   B. where, as   C. of which,  as   D. in which, for


            • 3.

               It will be some years before some foreign doctors change the impression they have _____Chinese medicine, _____, in their opinion, is nothing but raw herbs(药草) and not effective at all in treating diseases.

                     A.for; which         B.on; what           C.to; that              D.on; which


            • 4.

               Production fell _____ 20% in May, _____ the same month of last year.

              A. in; compared to          B. by; compared to

               with; compared with      D. by; comparing with


            • 5.

               We should spend the money ______ something _____ everyone.

              A. in; that benefit       B. on; which benefit     

              C. in; which benefits      D. on; that benefits


            • 6.

               Hellen set a good example ________ other mothers in demanding that children ________ enough time for sleep and play.

              A. with; should give                  B. at; give        C. to; would be given D. to; be given


            • 7.


              (1)_________(hear) the news, he jumped with joy.

              (2) Children often ask questions out of __________(好奇)。

              (3)The buildings in this city ________(various) from very old to very new.

              (4) In the world , there are many tourist ___________ (attract).

              (5)As we all know, giant pandas are ________(为……所独有)to China.

              (6) ___________(任何一个) of you breaks the rules will be punished.

              (7) This is a perfectly __________(保存) 14th century house.

              (8) People preferring war to peace are in the ____________(少数).

              (9) __________(tour) here are often complaining the hotel provides poor service.

              (10) Some fish can grow to a ___________(long) of four feet.

              (11) The toys are _____________(仿造) the fairies of some cartoons, which are very _______(attract) to children.

              (12) As an actress, she ____________(为……所熟悉)most of us.

              (13) He hasn’t slept at all for days. ____________(难怪)he is deadly tired.

              (14)The first person ____________(arrive) was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely ______________(follow) by Julia Smith from Britain.

              (15) I will never forget the occasion ________ my father encouraged me not to lose heart ________________(面对)difficulty.

              (16)The building ____________(build) next year will be our library.

              (17)You should send your luggage _____________(提前)。

              (18)The city _____________(变得生机勃勃) after the sunrise.

              (19) She _____________(靠近)the child to see what he was doing.

              (20) I preferred his ______________(方法)solving the problem.

            • 8.


              (1) 赞美;钦佩;羡慕 (vt.)_______________ (2) 道歉;辩白(vi.)_________________ (3) 平衡,权衡,天平(n.) (4) 生的,未加工的(adj.)______________ (5) 利益,好处,有益于,受益(n.)_____________ (6) 有害的(adj.)________________ (7) 明显的;显而易见的 (adj.)________________ (8) 不同;不像(prep.)___________ (9) 强项,长处,力量(n.)___________ (10) 诡计;恶作剧;窍门 (n.)______________ (11) theory(n.)___________________ (12) raw ( adj.)__________________________ (13) religious(adj.)______________________
            • 9.

              get away with,  according to,  set off,  in debt, account for,  to be honest,  bring up

              (1) After a heated discussion, we decided to go out for a travel. We ______________ early the next morning. (2) His business failed, and he is heavily_______________ now. (3) If I cheat in the examination, do you think I might_______________ it? (4) His grandmother _____________him __________in the countryside last year. (5) Unhealthy diet _________________ your weakness. Instead of meat and fat, you should eat more vegetables and fruits. (6) _____________ a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in

                the last 500 years.

              (7) ______________, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.
            • 10.

              (1) (Class5-9) While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him            his           had been            , but the doctor refused to do so. The                  day, the patient asked for…When the doctor answered the phone, Mr Gilbert said he                                       a            patient, a Mr John Gilbert. ... He then asked when Mr Gilbert would be                 to go home and …Then Dr Millington asked the caller if he was a                of the patient….

              (2)(Class5-9)Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to                              to Mrs Rumbold. Mrs Rumbold was a large,                   lady               a              black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes wer                           her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make                     .

              ˈWill you be staying in England?ˈ I asked. ˈNo,ˈ she answered.

                                          , I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.

