优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I’m sure I’ve been charged too much for this TV. I think they’ve r____________ me o___________.

            • 2.

              The earthquake has completely__________(毁坏) the city.

            • 3. My uncle suffered from a serious disease. Luckily he has r_____ now.
            • 4. The father was c_________ his son on doing something well by patting him on the back.
            • 5. Although she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who she was _________ to.(提到,谈到)
            • 6. Someone had s_________ blue paint over his car.
            • 7.

              (1)He showed us all r________ in case of the emergency. 

              (2) Jewels are l_______ that I have ever dreamed of in my life.

              (3)As a _______(职业的)basketball player, Yao Ming spends most of time training on the playground.  

              (4)In our class there were 29 students. This is about the a        size for different schools.

              (5)She worked day and night and now she          (值得,应受) a good rest.

              (6)The restaurant has won recognition of the customers with its c          and fast services.

              (7) What you said just now did hurt her feelings, and youˈd better a           to her immediately.

              (8) He was an o                pupil, but disliked by the rest of the class.

              (9)The cut on his arm has been b                for a long time.

              (10) This is one of the ___________(规章)made by them.  

            • 8. It is high time that we should __________________(采取措施) to protect endangered animals.
            • 9.



              He recommended that our travel budget ____________(keep) under control so as to save some money for future use.


              Those of poor immunity (免疫力), especially children and old people, should go to public places less to avoid _______________(affect) by the bird flu.


              The spread of “borrowed words” is mostly due to the easily ____________(access) Internet and television programs from across the world.


              The boy was praised at the meeting because he was thought ___________(set) a good example to all of his schoolmates.


              Running on the treadmill is not similar to___________(run) on the street or on the sports ground.


              ________ (misunderstand) by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience.


              The trees were cut down and that resulted in the city ___________(bury) by sand .


              With fears ____________(remove) from his mind,he felt relaxed


              Surely it doesn’t matter where charities get their money from; what_________(count) is how they deal with it.


              ____________(search)the website of the Fire Department in your city ,and you will learn a lot about firefighting.

            • 10.

                  We also give messages to i__________ (告知)the parents of events such as outings and school plays.

