优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              ______, please start the work as soon as possible.

              A.If you are convenient                               
              B.If it is convenient for you       

              C.If it will be convenient of you                   
              D.If you have convenience
            • 2.

              Travelling abroad e       (暴露)children to different languages and cultures.

            • 3.

              (1)Whenever he is asked to make comments, he always            (迟疑不决) and it takes him a long time to speak.

              (2)She is deaf, but refuses to let her           (残疾)prevent her from doing what she wants to do.

              (3)The news is certainly true although it hasn’t been announced            (正式地)

              (4)Please download the document             (附在……上) to the e-mail, which contains all the information you want to know.

              (5) You can never imagine what trouble we had             (分析) the data we collected for our project.

              (6) The London Underground has the d            of being the first underground in the world.

              (7)During both World WarⅠandⅡ, pigeons were e            to carry messages to and from the front lines, saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories.

              (8) He said he came from America, but his strong Canadian a           gave him away.

              (9)He v            to help children with autism and visits them every weekend.

              (10)The world c           of seven continents and four oceans is regarded as a small village with the Internet connecting us together.

            • 4.

              figure out    be meant to   benefit from   in honor of  make way for    consist of       

              get across to  hang on     take over      deal with    appeal to       beyond one’s power

              (1) Half the buildings in the street have been pulled down to __ __  __ the new post office.

              (2) Aside from the color, the design is also expected to __ __  __  all ages and social groups.

              (3) She is used to__ __  __ all kinds of people in her job.

              (4) — What should I do with this passage?

              —____  __ the main idea of each paragraph.

              (5) I persuaded him out of __ __  __ the factory that would close down.

              (6) The climber almost fell off the cliff,but managed to __ __  __ until help came.

              (7) I didn’t think your lecture__ __  __the audience, for they appeared quite puzzled.

              (8) I feel that we have __ __  __ the fantastic book

              (9) China’s water release, which __ __  __  help reduce the effects of the drought, benefits people along lower Mekong River.

              (10) The committee __ __  __ five well-known experts put forward a valuable proposal at the end of the conference. 

            • 5.

              At the top of the mountain________.

              A.lies a temple
              B.A temple lies
              C.does lie a temple
              D.does a temple lie
            • 6.


                                                                      get high scores or not as long as you study hard.

            • 7.

              Every December Nobel Prizes ______ to people who have made outstanding contributions to the world.

              B.are awarded
              D.were awarded
            • 8.

              (1) The theory is too complex for a 9-year-old boy. It is beyond his ______(理解).

              (2)The man __________ (承认) that he had hurt the boy by accident.

              (3) Many __________ (筋疲力尽的)passengers got off the plane which had been delayed for 24 hours.

              (4)Mays animals die of s__________  (饥饿)every year because their habitats have been destroyed.

              (5)Metals e________ when they are heated.

              (6) The hotel has its own pool and leisure f_________ .

              (7)She did a __________ (极好的)job in the final exam.

              (8)Because of the t___________ weather, we are not going out to exercise.

              (9) With winter a__________ ,he is eager to go to Xiling Snow Mountain to play with snow.

              (10) These students were ________(急切的)to know the result of the exam.

            • 9.

              这是我第一次没有对与英语有关的事物感到厌烦。(It is the first time that ...; get tired of)

            • 10.

              The people whom he _________ (欣赏)are not singers or actors but the scientists who are devoted to science.

