优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1) All the grasses on the playground are not real. They are a________.
              (2) Lack of water and sunshine will affect the plant’s_________(grow)
              (3) I can’t find my keys anywhere — they’ve completely ________ (appear)
              (4) She d________ her toe into the pool to see how cold it was.
              (5) Between Jinjiang and Quanzhou there is a r________ bus service, about one every half an hour.
              (6) Last winter it was e________ cold and many of their sheep froze to death.
              (7) Our English teacher is satisfied with our ________ (perform) in the final exam.
              (8) The company is working on a new product in_________(combine) with several overseas partners.
              (9) The place was t________ from a quiet farming village into a busy port.
              (10) No one can enter the room without ________ (permit).
            • 2. _______________ (survive) the disease for years, the young man hasn't lost the courage to live.
            • 3.

              The threat of war has ________(团结) the country behind its leaders.

            • 4.

              Large amounts of soil ____________ (wash) away by the heavy rain recently. Action must be taken to prevent serious damage.

            • 5.

              The girl has a great interest in sport and ________ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years. (take)

            • 6. His name _____________________ (link) with hers by the newspapers since they got married..
            • 7. Wang Hong _________ (elect) monitor of our class because he is hard-working and helpful.
            • 8. The total economy in this area_________ (boom) rapidly in the past 5 years.
            • 9.



              The little boy, _________ (embarrass) about the examination results, __________ (stand) there without saying a word.


              When____________ (step) into the room, we found everything ________ (cover) with dust.


              Sally was supposed to _______________ (attend)the lecture, but she didn’t turn up finally.


              I insisted on _________ (speak) to first, then I would go to help him.


              I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _________ (tell) the cloth ______ (wash) well.


              _____________ (surround) by a group of children, the thief had no choice but ______ (give) in.


              He is said to _________ (study) abroad. But I don’t know which country he is studying in.


              --- It’s a long time since we met last. Haven’t you graduated from college yet?

                        ---Yes. I ________ (study) English for four years in Nanjing University.


              ---I’m sorry, but there’s no smoking on the flight.

                        --- Oh, I ____________ (not know) that. Sorry, I won’t again.


              When ____________ ( refer ) to the notes in the exam,  you will get ___________ ( punish ).

            • 10.



              Those who were late for school this morning, ________ (write) down your names on the blackboard!


              —Sorry, Sir. I can’t answer this question.

              —Well, you are supposed ________(read) this part of history.


              —Why haven’t you asked her to come here?

                —She was doing an important experiment when I found her and she ________ (finish) it.


              The escaped prisoner, ________ (alarm), looked up and stared in the direction where the noise came from.


              It is reported in the papers that the old coins ________ (bury) under the earth for about 200 years by the time they were discovered.


              The entire crowd stopped dead silent, only one mother ________ (bend) down to calm her nervous baby.


              The prices ________ (go) up all the time and no one knows when it will become stable.


              It is said that the novel J. K. Rowling had devoted so many years to ________ (get) published last week.


              I ________ (not see) any familiar faces at the party, otherwise I would have stayed longer.


              Of all the feelings, bodily pain is the most difficult ________ (explain).

