优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              “Where will we have a picnic today?”she asked.

              →She asked where __________ __________ have a picnic __________ __________.

            • 2.

              The government is struggling to find a solution to difficult economic problems.

              The government is _______ _______ difficult economic problems.

            • 3.

              Many people show their concern about how long our fresh water supplies will hold out.

                Many people are worried about that whether our fresh water supplies are ______  ______.

            • 4.

              “Did you move there 5 years ago” his secretary asked.

              →His secretary asked __________ he __________ __________ there 5 years __________.

            • 5.
              Professor Li said , “I did some research in this field yesterday . ”

              Professor Li said that _____ _______ ______some research in ______ field ______ _______ ______.

            • 6.
              An article will come out in the school magazine to make students aware of the dangers of smoking.

              An article in the school magazine ________ students _______the dangers of smoking will be ___________.

            • 7.

              Everyone seemed to be quite satisfied with the result of the experiment.

              →________ ________ that everyone was quite satisfied with the result of the experiment. (句型转换)

