优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              passed away   have an influence on   get to know    is supposed to    stretch from

              (1) He_______________at six o'clock this morning.
              (2) The media_______________public opinion.
              (3) I'd really like to see you again and_______________ you better.
              (4) Every pupil_______________be in his classroom at 9 a.m.
              (5) New markets for our goods ________________ Asia to the Americas.
            • 2.

              What he said __________ __________ (有意义).

            • 3.

               realize,  avoid,  permit,  design,  music,  amaze,  dislike,  argue,  afford,  flight,

              (1) We were              that he agreed to go with us so quickly.
              (2) You should think about how to              repeating the same mistake.
              (3) The computer is so expensive that I can’t              it.
              (4) The famous architect was invited to              the teaching building for our school.
              (5) He asked my              to use my bike.
              (6) Our school has just bought many              instruments.
              (7) She has likes and             , as we all have.
              (8) His dream of winning the medal was              at last.
              (9) This is a nonstop              from Shanghai to Paris.
              (10) The two sides              for hours but they didn’t reach any agreement.
            • 4.

              (1) 56.The fresh air in the countryside has __________to her health.
              (2) 57. Before you leave the library, all the books should be put_________.
              (3) 58. He _____________murder and was finally sentenced to death.
              (4) 59. Their research has ________________________ a drug which can prevent the H1N1.
              (5) 60. He _______________________ learning English.
              (6) 61. Whether we can go out ___________________ the weather.
              (7) 62. The young _______________________ knowledge.
              (8) 63. The test questions are kept secret, __________________ prevent cheating.
              (9) 64. ___________________ fire, ring the alarm bell.
              (10) 65. Technical progress would put our firm _______________________ the home market.
            • 5.

              (1) My father wants me to ____________, but I want a life full of adventure.
              (2) Watch out! All slight movement could _____________ the bomb.
              (3) When I was young, I ____________ the school orchestra, so I used to give many public performances.
              (4) ----It sounds really surprising that Sue and Paul have ____________.

              ----Anyhow, I have some doubt about the news. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.

              (5) As a result, I’ll be in charge of opening the debate and Daisy will ____________.
              (6) ----What time are we leaving for the folk music festival?

              ----I’ll phone you tomorrow. I should have had my personal belonging(个人物品)____________ by then.

              (7) The final examination is ____________ soon. I’ve got to prepare for it.
              (8) I entirely disagree with you. You cannot accept an opinion offered to you unless it is____________ facts.
              (9) I would now like to ____________ an issue(问题)which concerns a great number of students----teenager smoking.
              (10) Sometimes I ____________ with these two phrases, and I feel slightly puzzled about their meaning.
            • 6.


              be committed to

              be anchored in

              end up

              get along

              make an apology to


              regardless of

              get through

              thanks to

              show mercy to

              keep pace with

              spy on

              (1) I want to complain to the Customer Department about the products bought last week, but it’s difficult for me to to the department managers.
              (2) The murderer tried to run away from the prison but he ________________ getting caught by the police.
              (3) _______________ the terrible weather and the possible dangers ahead in the mountains,he insisted on going there alone.
              (4) Judging from the number of the audience,the movie _____________ the novel written by Jin Yong is well worth seeing.
              (5) Chinese navy officers on the warship said they have confidence in _____________well with this affair without damaging our country’s image.
              (6) He is said ____________________ his wife for his bad behavior, but it seems that his wife won’t forgive him.
              (7) I enjoy my job in research because I want to _________________ all the latest developments.
              (8) I am very scared because I feel I am _______________ by someone.
              (9) As a volunteer, one should ___________________ those who are unable to live on their own.
              (10) Professor Smith is highly respected for his _____________________ his work all year long.
            • 7.
              Everyone is in a state of ______________ (兴奋).
            • 8.

              recover from ;be dying to ;work out; be ashamed of; can’t wait to; normal; explain

              make preparations for; be independent of; in the long term ; be supposed to ; argue

              (1) Now that you are a college student, you should learn to __________ your parents' help. 
              (2) The teacher gave us a clear ________________on the use of the word.
              (3) The news excited him so much that he ____________tell it to his parents.
              (4) You should __________________ yourself for telling such a lie to your parents.
              (5) The girl always tries various weight-loss pills, and ________________ be slim and a model in the future.
              (6) ___________, a good amount of sleep is important for our health.
              (7) You _____________ hand in your homework last Monday, but you didn’t.
              (8) __________regularly and going on a diet can help you stay slim.
              (9) If you take the doctor’s advice, it won’t be long before you________the illness.
              (10) After some heated___________ a decision was finally taken.
            • 9.

              (1) Statistics from travel agencies including UTour, Lvmama and Ctrip show Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei still _________the largest number of tourists who want to escape smog.
              (2) Father always _____________ good table manners and he never allows us to talk while eating.
              (3) Men and women must become _________responsible for bringing up their children.
              (4) ________ to the park by ferryboat adds appeal to the excursion.
              (5) There are always some complaints about young people’s immaturity and _____ judgement.
              (6) Powerful advertisements can ________ people to buy almost anything.
              (7) It will not harm the baby if the mother drinks coffee or tea _________.
              (8) People tend to _________their aims in life according to their inclinations.
              (9) He has long _________ the dream of returning to his motherland.
              (10) The teacher spent five years ________ the reading problems of young school children.
              (11) She gave a shuddering start(打了个冷颤) as she _________ someone standing right behind her.
              (12) The efforts you make now will put you ________the game in college.
            • 10.

              You’d better take up some sports because sports ________ protect us from getting ill easily.

