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            • 1.

              American police    (1)   (step) up their search for Justin Foster, who went missing last Friday night. He didn’t show    (2)   for lunch the next day. When the event    (3)  (occur), Mrs. Forster was worried and told her husband to call the police.

              Witnesses said they saw Justin walking towards his home. Justin’s sister, Kelly heard him put on his favorite CD and she also saw a large spaceship    (4)   (fly) outside. She heard Justin shout.

              Mavis Wood said that the aliens once taken her    (5)   the UFO and they did some research on her. The whole research was frightening just like a terrible dream.

              Police found that Justin    (6)   return home. But they have not found the evidence    (7)   Justin was taken away by aliens. Detectives Sam Peterson,    (8)   took charge of the case, said that they were looking into other    (9)   (possible) too and they would not give up   (10)         they found out what happened.

            • 2.


                   Green is not always referring to the color. In some cases, it is the term used for environmentally   (1)   (friend). If you've been expecting to replace your furniture, consider    (2)   (go) green because green furniture offers many benefits. Here are a few tips to get you started on your hunt for the perfect eco-friendly furniture.

                  First, green furniture isn't harmful   (3)  your health. Also its making process doesn't cause damage to the environment in any way. Besides, by using eco-friendly  (4)   (product), you prevent global warming to some degree in your own way.

                   The materials  (5)   are used in furniture are what make them green. Materials can be good for the environment   (6)   because they are renewable resources or because they are all    (7)    (nature). A lack of chemicals in furniture also   (8)   (mean) it is a better choice for the environment. It may be hard to imagine that a sofa or a table could actually be    (9)   green product, but they really can be depending on what they    (10)   (make) of.

                   Therefore, when you want to hunt for the perfect green furniture, you should choose the green materials.

              (1)  ​      
            • 3.

              Tony was born on a small farm near Yuma Arizona on March 31, 1931. Tony was ten years old  __  (1)  ____ he began working in the fields. He was forced to leave school after  ___  (2)  ___ (graduate) from the___  (3)  ___ (eight) grade in order to support his family___  (4)  ___ had very little money and often not enough food to eat. But Tony and his family never thought of __  (5)  ___ (them) as being poor. His mother would often tell him and his brother Richard to find homeless and hungry men so she could cook them a meal.

              A few years _  (6)  _____(late), Tony met a man named Fred Ross. And his life__  (7)  ____(total) changed. Fred Ross believed that if people worked together, they could make their community(社区) better. Tony now worked to bring people together and find ways to address their problems. Tony, Fred Ross and the Community Service Organization helped people in the community learn how to vote. They also__  (8)  ____ (teach) people that community leaders should respect (尊重) voters. Tony worked in many communities __  (9)  ___ (help) people get respect_  (10)  ​_____ others.

            • 4.

              American police   (1)   (step) up their search for Justin Foster, who went missing last Friday night. He didn’t show   (2)   for lunch the next day. When the event   (3)  (occur), Mrs. Forster was worried and told her husband to call the police.

              Witnesses said they saw Justin walking towards his home. Justin’s sister, Kelly heard him put on his favorite CD and she also saw a large spaceship   (4)   (fly) outside. She heard Justin shout.

              Mavis Wood said that the aliens once taken her   (5)   the UFO and they did some research on her. The whole research was frightening just like a terrible dream.

              Police found that Justin   (6)   return home. But they have not found the evidence   (7)   Justin was taken away by aliens. Detectives Sam Peterson,   (8)   took charge of the case, said that they were looking into other   (9)   (possible) too and they would not give up  (10)        they found out what happened.

