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            • 1.
              To communicate well with other people,you must learn to speak well,right?
              Yes,but speaking isn’t everything.Some experts say that only thirty percent of communication comes from talking.Your gestures and other non-verbal(非语言的)actions matter,too.But in different cultures,the same action can have different meanings.
              When you have to meet someone from a different culture,be prepared.Do you know what kind of gestures and customs are appropriate(合适的)?If you understand culture differences,you’ll be a better communicator—even before you open your mouth!
              In many Western cultures,men stand up before they are introduced to someone important.Standing up shows politeness and respect.After that,somepne usually offers to shake hands.
              But in the east,typical(典型的)introductions often begin and end with bowing(鞠躬)rather than shaking hands.Sometimes even a small nod(点头) of the head is enough.Some Westerners visiting Asia misunderstand shaking hands as a sign of unfriendliness.Such a mistake could be harmful to the start of a new frienship.
              小题1:According to the passage,which of the following is true?
              A.All experts agree that only 30% of communication comes from talking.
              B.Typical introductions often begin and end with shaking hands in Western culture.
              C.In different countries,the same gesture may mean different meaning.
              D.If you don’t know the culture of a country , you will not misunderstand the gesture.
              小题2:What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
              A.Misunderstanding will stop the frienship from developing.
              B.Nodding is just OK.
              C.Introduction can build friendship.
              D.Shaking hands is most important.
              小题3:Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?
              A.You must stand up when you are introduced.
              B.You should show your politeness when you are introduced.
              C.You will do the same when you are introduced.
              D.Our gestures and other nonverbal actions are very important.
              小题4:How do you understand the underlined sentence?
              A.Before you speak.
              B.Knowing the different cultures is clever.
              C.As soon as you talk.
              D.Understanding the different cultures can help you communicate well.
            • 2.
              One of the most exciting and attractive fields of work today is the fashion industry. Some of the most well-known people in this industry are the fashion designers with unbelievable financial (金融的) Kingdoms. But most of the clothes that you wear have been designed by people that the world has never heard of. Although these unknown fashion designers will never make a very large amount of money as their famous workmates, most still would not think of changing their careers. They are doing what they love.
              If you spend hours looking through fashion magazines and like making your own clothes, a career as a fashion designer might be right for you. You do not have to go to design school to become a fashion designer, but many people who want a career in this field do. One of the most famous places to study is the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. It is located in the heart of the “garment” district on Eighth Avenue, also known as Fashion Avenue.
              Becoming a fashion designer is not just a matter of classroom education. Students know that they cannot just leave school and start designing on their own. Many think that they need at least four years’ experience working for someone else after they graduate. The best schools encourage students to work closely with the fashion industry while they are still studying.
              You need ambition (抱负) and hard work to get a career in fashion. Students often work 12 hours a day. They are encouraged to have realistic ambitions and not to expect success overnight, if ever. Success means finding a job in the fashion industry and more years of hard work.
              小题1:What can we learn from the first paragraph?
              A.Some famous fashion designers can make a lot of money.
              B.Most of the clothes are designed by famous designers.
              C.Most fashion designers don’t like their own jobs.
              D.Unknown fashion designers can earn a large amount of money.
              小题2:In order to have a career in fashion design, one had better ___________.
              A.look through magazines
              B.go to New York City
              C.study in a design school
              D.graduate from high school
              小题3:The following can lead to the success of a fashion designer EXCEPT___________.
              A.working with the fashion industry B.realistic ambitions
              C.hard workD.expectation of success overnight
              小题4:Which of the following old sayings shows the writer’s opinion about learning fashion design?
              A.Better late than never.
              B.Experience is the best teacher.
              C.Well begun is half done.
              D.Seeing is believing.
              小题5:What can be inferred from the passage?
              A.To be a fashion designer, design school education is a must.
              B.All famous design schools are located in New York City.
              C.Design school students had better do some practice while studying.
              D.All students have to work with famous designers first.
            • 3.
              Italians are considered the most handsome men in the world while men who are balding(变秃的) and aging do not necessarily lose their looks, according to an international survey.
              A “Male Beauty” survey of nearly 10,000 men and women in 12 countries conducted by market research firm Synovate found that good hygiene (卫生) was actually the top requirement for men to being considered handsome.
              The second main requirement to be considered good-looking was confidence, with nearly one fifth of all respondents saying a man must carry himself well, followed by having a “great smile”.
              Hair, or a lack of, seemed to have little impact with only one percent of respondents saying that a full head of hair was needed to be handsome.
              Older men can also take heart as 60 percent of respondents said a man’s appearance gets better with age, with Americans, Chinese, Greeks and Malaysians agreeing with that the most. “Men are seen like a fine wine – they only get better, which is good news for some of us, ” Bob Michaels, Synovate spokesman, said in a statement.
              But looks did also come down to geography. The survey, conducted in October in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Greece, Malaysia, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Britain and the United States, found Italian men were considered to be the most handsome – even though Italy was not in those countries surveyed. They were followed by men from the United States, Russia and Brazil.
              In Spain, more men than women consider having muscles and dressing well to be necessarily requirements, while the opposite was true for Greek women, who were more likely to think a macho (男子气概的) look was appealing. Far more British, French and Australian women also seemed to value “a great smile” than men do.
              How many respondents think hair is the necessary requirement for men?
              A. 12.           B. 100.   
              C. 10,000.            D. 60.
              According to the survey, the underlined phrase “come down to” can be replaced by “________”.
              A. stand for          B. equal to     
              C. relate to           D. go with
              By saying “Men are seen like a fine wine” means “________”.
              A. men’s appearances get better as time goes by
              B. men are almost addicted to a fine wine
              C. drinking fine wine is often seem according to the survey
              D. a fine wine can make men look better
              What can we learn from the passage?
              A. Synovate was one of the respondents from Italy.
              B. Russian men were ranking the third place.
              C. Having a great smile is the most important for Spanish men.
              D. There are 12 countries surveyed, including Italy and Canada.
            • 4.
              From birth to death, the word kick has been given an important part in expressing human experience. The proud and happy mother feels the first signs of life kicking inside her body. And that same life------many years later------ comes to its end in a widely-used expression, to kick the bucket( 吊桶) .  The expression to kick the bucket is almost 200 years old.  One belief is that it started when an English stableman(马夫) killed himself by hanging  while standing on a bucket. He put a rope around his neck and tied it to a beam(梁柱) in the ceiling, and then kicked the bucket away from under him.
              Another old expression that comes from England is to kick over the traces. Traces were the chains(链子) that held at horse or mule to a wagon(货运马车)or plow. Sometimes, an animal refused to obey and kicked over the traces.
              Kick around is an expression that is heard often in American English. A person who is kicked around is someone who is treated badly. Usually he is not really being kicked by somebody's foot. He is just not being treated with the respect that all of us want. A person who has kicked around for most of his life is someone who has spent his life moving from place to place. In this case, kicking around means moving often from one place to another. Kick around has another meaning when you use it with the word idea. When you kick around an idea, you are giving that idea some thought.
              There is no physical action when you kick a person upstairs, although the pain can be as strong .You kick a person upstairs by removing him from an important job and giving him a job that sounds more important, but really is not.
              Still another meaning of the word kick is to free oneself of a bad habit, such as smoking cigarettes. Health campaigns urge smokers to kick the habit.
              小题1:It is clear that the author wants to help readers _____________.
              A.know English has a long history
              B.understand the development of English
              C.enjoy the interest of English idioms(习语)
              D.learn English expressions with Kick
              小题2:What does the idiom "kick over the traces" in "All kids seem to want to kick over the traces and do what they like to" means ____________.     
              A.disobey the commandsB.obey the traditions
              C. ride a horse or muleD.punish animals strictly
              小题3:Mr. Smith always kicked his sons around with no excuse, in other words, his sons___________
              A.expressed their ideas freelyB.were looked after well
              C.moved their family oftenD.were treated badly
              小题4:How many different kinds of meanings are talked about on;'kick around' in the text?
              小题5:Though Tom got raised to a better position by his boss, he had no power, we can say __________
              A.the boss kicked Tom upstairsB.Tom kicked the bucket
              C.Tom kicked the bad habitD.Tom kicked around an idea
            • 5.
              One is not born able to speak a language.One is born able to make a noise.I have heard babies cry in America and in China.I can't tell any difference.But when I hear someone from America speak English and hear someone speak Chinese, I can tell you there are a lot of differences.
               I believe a common problem with Chinese students’ learning English is that they were not taught to think in English.They have an idea spoken in English and want to translate the idea into Chinese, Then they think in Chinese of the proper reply and translate it into English.After a long period of speaking the language, one begins to think in the foreign language naturally.You will learn faster if you begin to think in English at the very beginning of your study.Many students ask me: What can I do to improve my spoken English?
              My reply is: The more English you speak, the better English you will speak.There are many things you can do to improve your spoken English.Of course, the best way is to live where English is spoken as a language of the country.
              小题1:The cries of American and Chinese babies are ________.
              A.different B.the sameC.not like each otherD.like each other
              小题2:The underlined sentence ( in Paragraph 2 ) means that ________.
              A.some teachers didn't teach students to think in English
              B.teachers never gave the students the way of learning English
              C.students didn't remember the way teachers taught them
              D.teachers didn't want their students to think in English
              小题3:The underlined word “they” ( in Paragraph 2 ) refers to “________”.
              A.Chinese studentsB.English students
              C.Chinese teachersD.English teachers
              小题4:According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
              A.You must think in English all the time.
              B.If you translate a sentence into Chinese, you should think about the meaning of the sentence in Chinese carefully first.
              C.After speaking English for a long time, you may probably think in English naturally.
              D.The best way of learning English is to live in America.
            • 6.

              People celebrate birthdays in almost every country on earth. And they celebrate them in many different ways.
              In China and in Japan, for example, the arrival of New Year is more important than a person’s birthday. So everyone adds a year to celebrate their ages on New Year’s Day, instead of on their birthdays,
              In Brazil, the special birthday food isn’t cake, but special candles. In China, it’s long noodles—for long life. In Iceland, people have pancakes with candies rolled inside them on birthdays.
              In Britain, a birthday is an all-day celebration. At school, the birthday child is lifted up and “bumped” by his classmates. This means the child is lifted by the feet and arms and bumped to the ground, once for each year once for good growth. In Israel, the same custom is followed, except the birthday person is lifted and lowered while sitting in a chair.
              In Holland, children not only get presents, but also give things out. They give cakes, cookies and candles to their classmates and teachers on their birthdays.
              In Mexico, it’s good luck to give birthday greetings as early in the day as possible. So it’s usual for the birthday child to be woken up at midnight by fiends singing birthday songs.
              In India, birthday celebrations also begin before dawn. Prayers and blessings must be said before morning comes.
              In Thailand, two tall candles are lighted the night before the birthday. One is as tall as the birthday person. If it goes out early, it’s bad luck. Another customs of Thailand is that they buy live fish and birds for the birthday person and then the birthday person frees the animals, and it brings good luck.
              In Nigeria, people in a certain age group celebrate their birthdays together, on a certain day.
              In many countries birthday customs are changing. Old customs are giving way to western style of birthdays, with candle topped cakes. But one thing never changes—birthdays are special days for everyone!
              小题1:It’s a custom to lift and lower the birthday person in a chair in _____.
              C.Britain and IsraelD.Israel and Thailand
              小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
              A.In Thailand people give fish and birds to the birthday person as presents.
              B.In Holland people give presents to unbirthday persons on their birthdays.
              C.In Nigeria people who were born in the same period may celebrate their birthdays on the same day.
              D.In Thailand a candle will be lighted on the birthday night.
              小题3:What does the text mainly talk about?
              A.Different countries have different birthdays.
              B.Celebrating birthdays is exciting.
              C.Different ways of celebrating the birthday in different countries.
              D.Everyone likes celebrating his or her birthday.
            • 7.
              Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia(蒙古), some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud “burp(打嗝)” after you finish eating. Burping shows that you like the food.
              In some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please.”
              In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia(波利尼西亚)it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.
              What are manners like in an East African town? People try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you.
              Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.
              小题1:In Mongolia, burping is a way to show that__________.
              A.the host is very friendly with the visitors
              B.one doesn’t want to eat anything at all
              C.one enjoys the meal that is prepared by the host
              D.one is not polite at table
              小题2: In some parts of Polynesia, to be polite while eating, one should____________.
              A.eat as fast as possibleB.eat with his mouth full of food
              C.turn his back on othersD.sit still without doing anything
              小题3:It is good manners for people in East African towns__________.
              A.to sit down beside others and wait for them to talk
              B.to say “hello” to others on the street
              C.to try to talk to others when they are working
              D.never to speak to anyone on the street
              小题4:We have good manners to show that we________.
              A.are different from other
              B.begin all manners in the same way
              C.want to be friendly to other people
              D.don’t want people to trouble us
              小题5:Which of the following is not true?
              A.Manners are not the same in different countries.
              B.It is good manners to give a burp when you’ve had enough in any place.
              C.Sometimes manners are different in different places in the same country.
              D.A person with good manners is liked by other people.
            • 8.
              Few Americans remain in one position or one place for a lifetime. We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement. With each move we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life at that time.
              For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendships. Today millions of Americans vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new sights but also with the hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible.
              The word “friend ” can be applied to a wide range of relationships ---- to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a fellow worker, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant.
              小题1:Many Americans move from place to place for the following reasons except______.
              A.going to collegeB.getting a better job
              C.finding a place to live in retirementD.saving money
              小题2:Summer is a special time when many Americans_____.
              A.enjoy the sunlightB.feel strangeC.travel to other countriesD.get a new job
              小题3:When summer comes, many Americans _________.
              A.hope to meet new people
              B.expect to find some close friends
              C.want to begin lasting friendships with new people
              D.Both A and B
              小题4:From the passage it can be seen that a “friend” can be ______.
              A.a fellow workerB.a football teammateC.a boy or a girlD.all of the above
              小题5:Which of the following is the topic sentence of the second paragraph?
              A.For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendships.
              B.Today millions of Americans vacation abroad.
              C.No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friendship.
              D.But surely the beginning of friendship is possible.
            • 9.
              The Roman Emperor Claudius II was fighting many wars. He wanted a strong army, but many men did not want to be soldiers. Claudius thought the men wanted to stay at home to be with their wives and children instead of leaving to fight wars.
              Claudius thought of an awful solution to his problem. He decided to cancel all marriages! No one in all of Rome could get married. Claudius thought that if the men couldn’t get married, the men would ignore the women and want to be soldiers.
              Valentine, who was a priest (牧师), believed that people needed to get married. He thought it was wrong for people to live together without being married. So he secretly and illegally married couples anyway. He performed the weddings in secret places, so the Roman soldiers would not find out.
              But they did find out. Valentine was arrested and brought before the Emperor. The Emperor thought Valentine was a well-spoken and wise young man, and encouraged him to stop being a Christian (基督徒) and become a loyal Roman. Valentine would not deny his beliefs, and he refused. He was sent to prison and was finally killed. While he was in prison, he sent out letters to his friends and asked to be prayed (祈祷) for by writing Remember your Valentine.
              Valentine was killed on the 14th or the 24th of February in the year 269 or 270. We celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th in honor of St. Valentine.
              小题1:The Emperor Claudius II wanted men to __________.     
              A.live at home and work for the empire
              B.become loyal Roman citizens
              C.go to other countries and raise families
              D.fight wars in other lands
              小题2: The underlined word “awful” in the second paragraph probably means __________.
              小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
              A.Valentine believed in marriage and risked death to marry people.
              B.Claudius wanted to stay at home with his wife.
              C.Claudius thought Valentine was a man with a bright future.
              D.Valentine broke the law.
            • 10.
              Englishmen speak British English and Americans speak American English. A student is learning to speak British English. He often asks himself, “Can Americans understand me when I speak British English?” Learners often ask “What’s the difference between British English and American English?”Certainly there are some differences between British and American English. The Englishmen say “Have you a pen?” While Americans say “Do you have a pen?” The pronunciation is sometimes different. Americans often sound “r” in words like “bird” and “hurt”. The British speakers don’t sound the “r” in these words. There are differences in spelling. For example, “colour” and “neighbour” are British while “color” and “neighbor” are American. These differences in grammar, pronunciation and spelling are not important, however. For the most part, British and American English are the same language. When Englishmen and Americans are talking with each other, they don’t need an interpreter(翻译). Maybe some day they need, but not now.
              小题1:Between British and American English, _______.
              A.the greatest difference is in spelling
              B.there are differences in many ways
              C.people can’t understand each other
              D.students don’t know the difference
              小题2:When a student is asking himself “Can Americans understand me when I speak British English?” it shows that_______.
              A.he wants to learn American English
              B.he doesn’t like British English
              C.he hasn’t spoken to any American so far
              D.he is going to spend more time on American English
              小题3:43. The differences between British and American English are not important because______
              A.everyone knows the differences   
              B.people talk to each other very often
              C.Englishmen and Americans get along well
              D.British English and American English are the same language
              小题4:“Have you a pen” and “Do you have a pen?” show a difference in______
              小题5:At the end of the passage the writer wants to tell us _______.
              A.British and American English will be two different languages some day
              B.Englishmen and Americans will never need an interpreter while talking
              C.there will be no more differences between British and American English
              D.the differences between British English and American English will grow larger
