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            • 1.
              Garden building is considered an important part of Chinese culture.Some people say that if you have never walked through a Chinese garden,you cannot say that you have really visited China.
              Traditional Chinese gardens are located (位于) in North China in such places as Beihai Park,the Summer Palace,the Forbidden City.In larger imperial gardens(御花园),the main buildings are connected by an imaginary (虚构的)line in the middle of the garden on the northsouth axis(轴).Other features (特征) of imperial gardens are colored paintings,manmade hills and lakes.
              Most private gardens are found in the south,especially in cities south of the Yangtze River.Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of the houses.Around the beautiful scene are small open areas with beautiful shaped doors through which visitors can enjoy the sights. They are open on all sides and are often near the water so that the whole scene can be enjoyed.Suzhou,known as the home of gardens,displays the most and the best Chinese traditional private gardens.Different parts of it are examples of the garden style of the Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties.
              The landscape garden contains a number of pleasant natural scenes and some fairy tales.The ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape"Jing",which means "scene"in English.Good examples include the ten West Lake Scenes in Hangzhou,the twentyfour slim West Lake Scenes in Yangzhou and the eight Daming Lake Scenes in Jinan.

              (1) The passage tells mainly about ______ .
              A. an important part of Chinese culture
              B. the characteristics (特征) of different styles of Chinese garden buildings
              C. where foreigners can find Chinese gardens
              D. how to appreciate Chinese gardens
              (2) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the imperial gardens? ______
              A. There is a northsouth axis in the centre of the garden.
              B. There are manmade hills and lakes in the gardens.
              C. They were built because of some fairy tales.
              D. They have colored paintings.
              (3) In the third paragraph,the underlined word "They" refers to ______ .
              A. private gardens
              B. beautiful scenes
              C. the houses
              D. rivers and lakes
              (4) "Jing"which the ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape actually means " ______ " in English.
              A. well   
              B. tight
              C. garden
              D. scene
            • 2.
              The world's biggest Internet search engine,Google,has proven once again to be king of the Web.Users can download"Google WiFi" software and then enjoy free WiFi service available in some US cities since last Tuesday.
              WiFi is short for "Wireless Fidelity" (无线上网).It allows laptop computers and personal digital assistants to connect to the Internet at high speed by radio signal.
              A person with a WiFi enabled computer can connect to the Internet when near one of the network's access points.The place covered by one or several access points is called a hotspot.Google has already set up two "hotspots" in the US city of San Francisco which provide a free WiFi service.
              The WiFi technology even allows users to enjoy a free Internet phone service.Some scientists argue that WiFi may replace mobile phone networks.
              WiFi is still limited to a few cities,where there are "hotspots".But its capability(容量)of sending information has already done better than that of the mobile phone network,even that of 3G (3rd generation telecommunication technology).Some scientists have started to call WiFi 4G.
              In addition to a high speed Internet connection,WiFi has other advantages compared to mobile phones.WiFi is global.The same WiFi system works in different countries around the world.Different from using cell phones,you don't need to change computers to use Internet phones when you go to other places and most importantly,many Internet phones cost you nothing at all.

              (1) WiFi is not available in cities without ______ .
              A. a computer
              B. a radio
              C. a hotspot
              D. a cell phone
              (2) Which of the following is NOT the advantage of WiFi? ______
              A. The high speed Internet connection.
              B. Many free Internet phones.
              C. Using the same computers for Internet phones.
              D. Used in all the US cities.
              (3) Some scientists started to call WiFi 4G,because ______ .
              A. it is the product of the Google's 4th generation
              B. it is more capable of sending information than the mobile phone network
              C. it has been used by more than four generations
              D. WiFi will surely take the place of the mobile phone network
              (4) Which of the following is the BEST title? ______
              A. Third Generation Telecommunication Technology
              B. Free Call Service
              C. Google Launches Free WiFi Service
              D. Google,King of the Web
            • 3.
              This is voice of America.It is February 13,2009,and our traditional Valentine's Day will fall tomorrow.Some famous movies about love stories will be on show at Emperor Theater on February 14.Book online(www.emperortheater.com now for the following movies you can watch them at half price.
              GhostBefore Sam (Patrick Swayze) is murdered in a robbery,he tells his fiancée Molly (Demi Moore) he'll love and protect her forever.His love enables him to remain on earth as a ghost and communicate with Molly through a spiritualist(巫师).This movie will make you and your partner get close and embrace each other as you realize how precious life is.
              StoryThe film lets you know exactly what you're in for.Oliver (Ryan O'Neal) and Jennifer (Ali MacGraw) are students at famous universities.They're an unlikely couple who can't stop arguing.Oliver is a wealthy athlete and Jennifer is a freespirited music student.Despite everything,love makes them stay together.If your own relationship is rocky,the movie's famous line will strike a chord(引起共鸣)."Love means"never having to say you're sorry.
              SallyDoes sex make it impossible for men and women to be true friends?This comedy features this dilemma(两难选择).Having just graduated from university,Sally (Meg Ryan) catches a ride with Harry (Billy Crystal) to New York City where they both are moving.Over 13years,they keep running into each other,but the two stubbornly resist dating.Eventually they realize that they were just meant for each other.Platonic(柏拉图式的)friendships are hard to manage,and this movie hits the problem on the head.
              …Average high school senior Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) has a good heart but limited ambition.He has a secret crush(迷恋)on beautiful genius Daine Court (Ione Skye),who is closely protected by her father.Daine gradually falls for the charms of Lloyd's nervous chatter(闲聊)and kind heart.But when she gets a scholarship to study in England,she has a weighty decision to make.

              (1) The above films are especially suitable for watching ______ .
              A. on Thanksgiving Day
              B. on Independent Day
              C. at Christmas
              D. on Valentine's Day
              (2) The following movies are of the realistic theme EXCEPT ______ .
              A. Ghost
              B. Love Story
              C. When Harry Met Sally
              D. Say Anything…
              (3) Which film is suitable for couples who are having constant fights or facing troubles? ______
              A. Ghost
              B. Love Story
              C. When Harry Met Sally
              D. Say Anything…
              (4) ______ is the starring actress of the film Say Anything…
              A. John Cusack
              B. Ali MacGraw
              C. Lone Skye
              D. Demi Moore.
            • 4.
              Very attractive young female,accountant of foreign sole funded enterprise,cute and of good character,22 years old,philosophical,creative,financially well,enjoys music,painting,reading,would like to meet an intelligent,handsome and sincere male for friendship,leading to possible permanent relationship.Your age 24~30.Let's talk.Your photo gets mine.Please send e-mail to zssyjy@163.com.Or call me on 028-80797316.
              A handsome and honest male,born in 1980,5ft 7 manager of the computer engineering dept.of a computer company,kind hearted,industrious,upright and financially well,likes literature,music,wants to meet an amicable and amiable and amenable female for friendship.If interested,please contact Mrs Wang Ling,274 Zhongshan Road,Shanghai or call me on 021-67898688.
              Is there a girl out there,in her 20s,who is genuine,honest and caring,sincere and looking for a guy with similar attribute for friendship and leading to relationship.Letters with latest photos are to be answered.Please send email to zss@163.com.Call me on 0551-7654322.
              Lady 26,separated,enjoys travel,music,sports,pets,pubs and dining out,wishes to meet a male 24~35for friendship.Latest photo will be appreciated.Visits unnecessary.Please send email to zsszrc@163.com.Call me on 023-76894366.
              Male,attractive and slim,29,fit,6ft,seeks same female,age not important,for relationship and love.Please send email to zssyqt@163.com.Call me on 0871-9876898.
              (1) What is the best title of the passage? ______
              A. Service Advertisement
              B. Invitation for a Bid
              C. Business Advertisement
              D. Marriage Advertisement
              (2) If a male is looking for a companion who is good at managing money,which telephone number will he dial? ______
              A. 028-80797316.
              B. 021-67898688.
              C. 0551-7654322.
              D. 023-76894366.
              (3) If a female is looking for a lover who is over 1.8 meters,where will she send her email to? ______
              A. zssyjy@163.com.
              B. zss@163.com.
              C. zsszrc@163.com.
              D. zssyqt@163.com.
              (4) Where is NOT this advertisement most probably found? ______
              A. In a newspaper.
              B. On a Web page.
              C. In a magazine.
              D. On a storytelling program.
            • 5.
              In the coming months,we are bringing together artists form all over the globe,to enjoy speaking Shakespeare's plays in their own language,in our Globe,within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for.Please come and join us.
              National Theatre of China Beijing|Chinese
              This great occasion(盛会) will be the National Theatre of China's first visit to the UK.The company's productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre.This production of Shakespeare's Richard III will be directed by the National's Associate Director,Wang Xiaoying.
              Date & Time:Saturday 28April,2.30pm & Sunday 29April,1.30pm & 6.30pm
              Marjanishvili Theatre Tbilisi|Georgian
              One of the most famous theatres in Georgia,the Marjanishvili,founded in 1928,appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world.This new production of As You Like It is helmed(指导)by the company's Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.
              Date & Time:Friday 18May,2.30pm & Saturday 19May,7.30pm
              Deafinitely Theatre London|British Sign Language (BSL)
              By translating the rich and humourous text of Love's Labour's Lost into the physical language of BSL Deafinitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare's comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.
              Date & Time:Tuesday 22May,2.30pm & Wednesday 23May,7.30pm
              Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv|Hebrew
              The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide.Founded in Moscow after the 1905revolution,the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s.Since 1958,they have been recognised as the national theatre of Israel.This production of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.
              Date & Time:Monday 28May,7.30pm & Tuesday 29May,7.30pm

              (1) Which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China? ______
              A. RichardⅢ
              B. Lover's Labour's Lost
              C. As You Like It
              D. The Merchant of Venice
              (2) What is special about Deafinitely Theatre? ______
              A. It has two groups of actors
              B. It is the leading theatre in London
              C. It performs plays in BSL
              D. It is good at producing comedies
              (3) When can you see a play in Hebrew? ______
              A. On Saturday 28April.
              B. On Sunday 29April
              C. On Tuesday 22May.
              D. On Tuesday 29May.
            • 6.
              Malaria,the world's most widespread parasitic(寄生虫引起的) disease,kills as many as three million people every year-almost all of whom are under five,very poor,and African.In most years,more than five hundred million cases of illness result from the disease,although exact numbers are difficult to assess because many people don't (or can't) seek care.It is not unusual for a family earning less than two hundred dollars a year to spend a quarter of its income on malaria treatment,and what they often get no longer works.In countries like Tanzania,Mozambique,and Gambia,no family,village,hospital,or workplace can remain unaffected for long.
              Malaria starts suddenly,with violent chills,which are soon followed by an intense fever and,often,headaches.As the parasites multiply,they take over the entire body.Malaria parasites live by eating the red blood cells they infect (感染).They can also attach themselves to blood vessels in the brain.If it doesn't kill you,malaria can happen again and again for years.The disease is passed on to humans by female mosquitoes infected with one of four species of parasite.Together,the mosquito and the parasite are the most deadly couple in the history of the earth-and one of the most successful.Malaria has five thousand genes,and its ability to change rapidly to defend itself and resist new drugs has made it nearly impossible to control.Studies show that mosquitoes are passing on the virus more frequently,and there are more outbreaks in cities with large populations.Some of the disease's spread is due to global warming.
              For decades,the first-choice treatment for malaria parasites in Africa has been chloroquine,a chemical which is very cheap and easy to make.Unfortunately,in most parts of the world,malaria parasites have become resistant to it.Successful alternatives that help prevent resistance are already available,but they have been in short supply and are very expensive.If these drugs should fail,nobody knows what would come next.

              (1) According to Paragraph1,many people don't seek care because ______ .
              A. they are too poor
              B. it is unusual to seek care
              C. they can remain unaffected for long
              D. there are too many people suffering from the disease
              (2) People suffering from malaria ______ .
              A. have to kill female mosquitoes
              B. have ability to defend parasites
              C. have their red blood cells infected
              D. have sudden fever,followed by chills
              (3) Which of the following may be the reason for the wide spread of the disease? ______
              A. Its resistance to global warming.
              B. Its ability to pass on the virus frequently.
              C. Its outbreaks in cities with large populations.
              D. Its ability to defend itself and resist new drugs.
              (4) It can be inferred from the passage that ______ .
              A. no drugs have been found to treat the disease
              B. the alternative treatment is not easily available to most people
              C. malaria has developed its ability to resist parasites
              D. nobody knows what will be the drug to treat the disease
              (5) Which of the following questions has NOT been discussed in the passage? ______
              A. How can we know one is suffering from malaria?
              B. How many people are killed by malaria each year?
              C. Why are there so many people suffering from malaria?
              D. What has been done to keep people unaffected for long?
            • 7.
              Guide to four of the most exciting new adventure trips for 2008:
              Tribal (部落的) India
              Attractions:Myths and Mountains
              Length:17 days
              Details:For the travelers who has already visited the best-known India sites,this new trip visits a relatively unexplored state in central India ruled by the Vindhyachal Range and known for its wildlife,waterfalls,ancient sites and tribal culture.
              Departure Time(出发时间):Feb.17
              Information:800-670-6984; myths.com
              Across Patagonia:From the Andes to the Ocean
              Attractions:Boundless Journeys
              Length:8 days
              Details:The newest route across Patagonia starts high in the Argentine Andes and follows the Futaleufu River into Chile all the way to the Pacific Ocean.Travelers start by trekking along the river,changing to rafts before taking up kayaks for the final leg.
              Departure Time:March 5
              Information:800-941-8010; boundless.com
              Attractions:International Expeditions
              Length:18 days
              Details:Remember the movie Ishtar?Now you,too,can spend days wandering in the desert,just like Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman.Designed for rugged travelers,the camping expedition crosses 1,500 miles of Niger's Sahara in four-wheel-drive vehicles.
              Departure Time:Nov.17
              Information:800-633-4734; ietravel.com
              Dalmatian Coast Biking
              Length:7 days
              Details:The company's first foray into Croatia follows scenic roadways across four islands between Dubrovnik and Split.
              Departure Time:May 7
              Information:800-462-2848; backroads.com

              (1) The passage is mainly about ______ .
              A. suggestions on the adventure trips in America in 2008
              B. the guide to several adventure trips around the world
              C. the attractions in India
              D. the prices of four most exciting adventure trips next year
              (2) A trip across Patagonia starts ______ .
              A. on Feb.17
              B. on March 5
              C. on Nov.17
              D. in January
              (3) Which trip costs the least? ______
              A. Tribal India.
              B. Crossing Patagonia.
              C. Sahara.
              D. Dalmatian Coast Biking.
            • 8.
              BLUEFIELD-The teachers and students of Bluefield State College (BSC) celebrated the opening of a technology lab on April 5,2016 in Weston,Massachusetts.
              "We're here for you and we're here for the students,"Dr.Marsha Krotseng,BSC president,said to the community (社区) and college leaders in the Rad Tech classroom."We're here tonight celebrating our partnership with the community."
              Shortly after the opening introduction,Krotseng continued talking about the many ways that the college and the community work together as partners.
              The technology equipment (设备) in the lab is an unusual sight in a small college,but the opportunities for students go far beyond that.David Gilmore,a graduate of BSC,and Melissa Haye,BSC Rad Tech program director,worked together to provide BSC students with an opportunity to study in Massachusetts at some of the top teaching hospitals in New England.
              Gilmore was visiting family in the area and was able to join in the ceremony (典礼)."I never miss the opportunity to tell people about Bluefield State,"Gilmore said."When I was in Copenhagen and was sitting beside the Queen of Denmark,I was thinking:‘I'm from Bluefield,West Virginia."
              "This is a great day!"said Marc Meachum,president of the Greater Bluefield Chamber of Commerce,which is the host of the event.
              Sheila Johnson,an officer of BSC,said that the Rad Tech lab is part of a﹩2.9 million program in the engineering,health sciences and science programs at the college."The completion of the project finishes the work at Dickason Hall,"Johnson said."Now we move to the Basic Sciences Building where we'll make﹩1.8 million in improvements.It's a big improvement to the programs here."
              Krotseng said that BSC touches about every part of the community and the community is part of the college."People see our students working in the community,"she said."It's a partnership worth celebrating."

              (1) What's the good of setting up the Rad Tech lab to the BSC students? ______
              A. It will help them study out of England.
              B. It will help them get jobs in top hospitals.
              C. They will receive valuable practical training.
              D. They will have a chance to meet the Queen of Denmark.
              (2) We can infer from the text that David Gilmore ______ .
              A. was born in Massachusetts
              B. opened a lab in Copenhagen
              C. is very fond of his hometown
              D. taught BSC students about technology
              (3) How did Marsha Krotseng like the program? ______
              A. She thought highly of it.
              B. She didn't think it worth the money.
              C. She thought it needs further improvement.
              D. She thought it promises students a bright future.
              (4) The text is mainly written to ______ .
              A. discuss the importance of technology
              B. describe how Rad Tech works
              C. introduce a small college
              D. report a recent event.
            • 9.
              MusicOpera at Music Hall:1243Elm Street.The season runs June through August,with additional performances in March and September.The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts.Phone:241-2742./://www.cityopera.com.
              Chamber Orchestra:The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406Elm Street,which offers several concerts from March through June.Call 723-1182for more information./://www.chamberorch.com.
              Symphony Orchestra:At Music Hall and Riverbend.For ticket sales,call 381-3300.Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall and in summer at Riverbend./://www.symphony.org/home.asp.
              College Conservatory of Music (CCM):Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university,usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater.CCM organizes a variety of events,including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet,CCM's Philharmonic Orchestra,and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music.Students with I.D.cards can attend the events for free.A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556-4183./://www.ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar.
              Riverbend Music Theater:6295Kellogg Ave.Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference).Big name shows all summer long!Phone:232-6220./://www.riverbendmusic.com.

              (1) Which number should you call if you want to see an opera? ______
              A. 241-2742.
              B. 723-1182.
              C. 381-3300.
              D. 232-6220.
              (2) When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra? ______
              A. February.
              B. May.
              C. August.
              D. November.
              (3) Where can students go for free performances with their I.D.cards? ______
              A. Music Hall.
              B. Memorial Hall.
              C. Patricia Cobbett Theater.
              D. Riverbend Music Theater.
              (4) How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places? ______
              A. It has seats in the open air.
              B. It gives shows all year round.
              C. It offers membership discounts.
              D. It presents famous musical works.
            • 10.
              The majority of astronauts(宇航员)from America have been men.At the (1) of the space programme there was strong (2) from some people against having women in space.However,some women were very keen to become astronauts and in the end they were (3) ..In 1978,NASA began the first training programme for women astronauts.Judy Resnick and Christa McAuliffe were both astronauts and they were both women,but in many other ways they were very (4) .Both of them were on Flight STS5LL.
              Judy Resnick was a member of the first group of women (5) for astronaut training in 1978,and in 1984,she became the second woman in space.She was,in many ways,a (6) astronaut whose whole life was (7) to space travel.Christa McAuliffe was an astronaut almost by (8) .In 1984,NASA decided to find a teacher who could (9) astronauts into space.They hoped that she would be able to communicate with students from space and encourage every one of them to be (10) in space travel.Christa was a (11) teacher and she was selected from over 11,000 (12) to go on flight STS5LL.Thousands of (13)
              in schools and universities all around the country were looking forward to (14) with Christa in space.Millions of people were watching her (15) with great interest.
              (1) A. start B. end C. process D. period
              (2) A. support B. belief C. thought D. resistance
              (3) A. luckily B. sorry C. successful D. anxious
              (4) A. different B. successful C. happy D. similar
              (5) A. asked B. selected C. ordered D. found
              (6) A. amateur B. parttime C. professional D. famous
              (7) A. given B. sent C. lost D. devoted
              (8) A. fortune B. accident C. hardwork D. effort
              (9) A. brought B. accompany C. carry D. fetch
              (10) A. interested B. satisfied C. surprised D. content
              (11) A. hardworking B. responsible C. gifted D. enthusiastic
              (12) A. teachers B. workers C. employees D. applicants
              (13) A. workers B. students C. teachers D. professors
              (14) A. following B. traveling C. communicating D. accompanying
              (15) A. flight B. appearance C. walk D. position
