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            • 1.
              TODAY,Friday,November 12
              JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms.Upper Richmond Road West,Sheen.
              DISCO Satin Sounds Disco.Free at The Lord Napier,Mort lake High St.,from 8a.m.to 8p.m..Tel:682-1158.
              SATURDAY,November 13
              JAZZ Lysis at The Bull's Head,Barnes.Admission 60p.
              MUSICAL HALL at The Star and Garter,Lower Richmond Road,Putney,provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall company.Good food and entertainment fair price.Tel:789-6749.
              FAMILY night out?Join the sing-along at The Black Horse.Sheen Road,Richmond.
              JAZZ The John Bennett Big Band at The Bull's Head,Barnes.Admission 80p.
              THE DERBY ARMS,Upper Richmond Road West,give you Joe on the electric accordion (手风琴).Tel:789-4536.
              SUNDAY,November 14
              DISCO Satin Sounds Disco,free at The Lord Napier,Mort Lake High Street,from 8a.m.to 8p.m..
              FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms.The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio.Non-remembers 70p.Tel:688-4626.
              HEAVY MUSIC with Tony Simon at The Bull,Upper Richmond Road West,East Sheen.
              THE DERBY ARMS,Upper Richmond Road West,give you Joe on the electric accordion.

              (1) Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio? ______
              A. At The Bull's Head on Sunday.
              B. At The Derby Arms on Sunday.
              C. At The Bull on Saturday.
              D. At The Black Horse on Saturday.
              (2) Where and when can you hear the Mike Thomas Jazz Band? ______
              A. At The Derby Arms on Friday.
              B. At The Black House on Friday.
              C. At The Star and Garter on Saturday.
              D. At The Derby Arms on Sunday.
              (3) You want to enjoy the electric accordion on Saturday.Which telephone number do you have to ring to find out what time it starts? ______
              A. 789-6749  B. 789-4536  C. 682-1158  D. 688-4626
              (4) You want to spend the Saturday by joining the entertainment with your family.Where should you go? ______
              A. Disco at The Lord Napier.
              B. The sing-along at The Black Horse.
              C. The electric accordion at The Derby Arms.
              D. Jazz at The Bull's Head.
              (5) You want to spend the same day at two different places and don't want to cross any street.Which of the following is your best choice? ______
              A. The sing-along at The Black Horse and Jazz at The Bull's Head.
              B. The sing-along at The Black Horse and Folk Music at The Derby Arms.
              C. Folk Music at The Derby Arms and Heavy Music with Tony Simon at The Bull.
              D. Musical Hal lat The Star & Garter and Disco at The Lord Napier.
            • 2.
              Dear Arizona,
              I just found out I have to wear glasses in the new school year.I'm afraid people will laugh at me.What should I do?
              --Ryan in GettysburgDear Ryan,
              When I read your letter,I thought of Tito.When we were playing indoor soccer in gym class and Tito kept messing up(搞糟),I knew there was something unusual.Tito told others that he couldn't see because he had something in his eye.
              Later that day,I went over to Tito and asked if his eye was feeling better.At that moment,an eyeglasses case dropped out of his backpack.I didn't know Tito wore glasses.I encouraged him to put them on,but he refused and asked me not to tell anyone about the secret.
              Then one day,this other kid named Tyler in my class showed up wearing a pair of glasses.He looked really cool.Some students even wished they had a pair.
              The next day,Tito came in wearing his glasses.Maybe there were a few little jokes at first,but for the most part,people hardly seemed to notice.What people did notice,though,was that Tito went right back to being the best athlete around.He wears special sports glasses and has no problem keeping his eye on the ball!
              So,dear Ryan,I hope you'll stop worrying.If kids in your school laugh at you about your new glasses,just try to ignore(忽视)them.Remember that the kids deserve to play with are the ones who like you for who you are,not what you wear.
              (1) What's Ryan's problem? ______
              A. He is unable to see clearly.
              B. He looks strange with glasses.
              C. He can't get along well with other kids.
              D. He may be laughed at for wearing glasses.
              (2) According to the text,in that gym class Tito ______ .
              A. played badly
              B. hurt his eye
              C. broke his glasses
              D. made his team lose
              (3) Tito began to wear glasses probably because ______ .
              A. he wanted to be a cool player
              B. he accepted Arizona's advice
              C. others found out his secret
              D. Tyler's glasses were liked by others
              (4) Ryan wrote the letter to ______ .
              A. share his story
              B. ask for help
              C. show his idea
              D. thank Arizona.
            • 3.
              A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you.Eating the right kind of food is very important.It can keep your body strong,so take care of what you eat.
              There are four main food groups altogether.The dairy products group has food like milk,cheese and sour milk.The other three groups are the meat and fish group,the fruit and vegetable group,and the bread and rice group.Each meal should have at least one food from all the four main groups.With all these food together you will be given enough energy during the day.
              It is easy to get into bad eating habits.You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time.Or you may not have time for a good lunch.It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time.But you will find yourself tired during these days and you can not think quickly.
              Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong.It is also good to take some exercise.It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

              (1) How many main food groups are mentioned in the passage? ______
              A. 2
              B. 3
              C. 4
              D. 5
              (2) Which of the following diets do you think is the best one? ______
              A. Eggs,tomatoes and chicken.
              B. Milk,bread,cabbages and beef.
              C. Corn,fish,cream and pork.
              D. Rice,bean curd,apples,fish and chicken.
              (3) Which of the following is a good eating habit? ______
              A. Going to school without any breakfast.
              B. Eating fish and chips for supper all the time.
              C. Finishing your lunch in a very short time.
              D. Having at least one food from all the four groups each meal.
              (4) In this passage the writer mainly tells us that ______ .
              A. every person needs food to grow well
              B. taking exercise can keep your body strong
              C. right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy
              D. enough energy helps people think more quickly
              (5) According to the passage,which is NOT TRUE? ______
              A. Each meal should have at least one food from each main group.
              B. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.
              C. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is very important for your health.
              D. It is good to finish your breakfast in a very short time.
            • 4.
              As many as 10of the 17kinds of penguins(企鹅)may be in danger of disappearing.The number of penguins have decreased by 30% since 1987.
              Penguins are black and white birds that live in the southern part of the world.They are common in South America,New Zealand,Australia and South Africa.Many live near cold waters.But some live near warm waters in Galapagos Islands.Penguins cannot fly,but they are fine swimmers.Penguins eat fish and krill(磷虾).
              The warming of the earth is the reason for the decrease in the number of penguins.The heating of the air has caused ocean waters to become warmer.Higher water temperatures have reduced the supply of fish and krill.Some years later these birds are completely unable to reproduce(繁殖).Besides,many adult penguins die of hunger.
              Widespread(广泛的) fishing,exploration for oil and oil leaks(漏) also make penguins be in danger.Poisonous things in ocean waters are another danger.Penguins also have their enemies,including wild dogs,sharks,seals and sea lions.
              News about penguins is not all bad,however.Several years ago,oil leaking from a ship hurt 40% of the penguins in South Africa.The penguins became covered with oil.But thousands of people helped clean and treat the birds well.Then they returned the penguins to the wild.Now these South African penguins are reproducing in higher numbers than before the oil leaking.

              (1) The first paragraph tells us that ______ .
              A. some new kinds of penguins appear
              B. all the penguins are in danger of disappearing
              C. for more than 20years,the number of penguins has decreased by 30%
              D. there are twentyseven kinds of penguins in all
              (2) What colours are penguins? ______
              A. They are black.
              B. They are white.
              C. They are black or white.
              D. They are black and white.
              (3) We can learn from the passage that penguins ______ .
              A. can swim better than fly
              B. can be found near Oceania(大洋洲)
              C. eat fish only
              D. live only in cold waters
              (4) Which of the following is NOT the cause(原因)of penguins'decrease in numbers? ______
              A. Oil leaking.
              B. Widespread fishing.
              C. Human's killing.
              D. Warming of the oceans.
            • 5.
              English Ivy is Taking Over Stanley Park!
              Join our Fine DeVine team on the second Saturday of every month to help remove alien(外来的)invasive English ivy from the forest floor of Stanley Park.
              Ivy Busters Volunteers removing English ivy
              Where:Meet at the Stanley Park Dining Pavilion(2nd floor)
              When:Next events-The second Saturday of each month
              (Free oneday parking passes are available)
              When an invasive plant such as English ivy(Hedera helix)is introduced to a new ecosystem,it spreads rapidly,smothers(扼杀)native vegetation and compromises(危及)natural shelter and food sources for wildlife.It has been estimated that up to 4
              0% of the forested area in Stanley Park has already been invaded with English ivy.Our studies show that ivy is currently growing at a rate of one metre per year,and without further intervention it will one day take over all of the vegetation in Stanley Park!
              There is hope however…with concerned volunteers like yourself willing to fight for the natural diversity of such a unique urban forest,we can make a difference and stop this disaster before it happens.
              Ivy Busters Volunteers showing off their success after an Ivy Pull Spread the word…bring your friends,family and EVERYONE else who would enjoy a beautifully rewarding morning outside in Stanley Park.Please wear sturdy(结实的)footwear and bring plenty of water.Refreshments and coupons for our Discovery Walks will be available for all participants.
              Don't let any showers dissuade(阻止) you,we'll be there rain or shine!

              (1) What is the purpose of the passage? ______
              A. To inform the danger from English ivy.
              B. To invite visitors to Stanley Park.
              C. To ask people to join in volunteer work.
              D. To introduce the present ecosystem at Stanley Park.
              (2) English ivy should be removed because ______ .
              A. it is an invasive plant that can destroy the ecosystem at Stanley Park
              B. it can affect the growth of other plants at Stanley Park
              C. it is an alien plant that is not suitable to grow in Stanley Park
              D. it is an alien plant that can't coexist with other plants in Stanley Park
              (3) Volunteers who help remove English ivy can get ______ .
              A. coupons for all events at Stanley Park
              B. some reward
              C. free water and shoes
              D. a discount for the Discovery Walks
              (4) Where will the event take place? ______
              A. Outside the park.
              B. In a forest in the country.
              C. Along the walk path through the park.
              D. In the forest in Stanley Park.
              (5) What can we learn from the passage? ______
              A. Stanley Park is in England.
              B. English ivy needs to be removed regularly.
              C. English ivy doesn't grow fast.
              D. If there is rain,the event will be put off.
            • 6.
              You probably know who Marie Curie was,but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson.Of the outstanding ladies listed below,who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100years?
              Jane Addams(1860-1935)
              Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank.Addans helped the poor and worked for peace.She encouraged a sense of community(社区)by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need.In 1931,Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
              Rachel Carson(1907-1964)
              If it weren't for Rachel Carson,the environmental movement might not exist today.Her popular 1962book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world's lakes and oceans.
              Sandra Day O'Connor(1930-present)
              When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School,in 1952,she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman.She became an Arizona state senator(参议员) and,in 1981,the first woman to join the U.S.Supreme Court.O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24years on the top court.
              Rosa Parks(1913-2005)
              On December 1,1955,in Montgomery,Alabama,Rasa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a passenger.Her simple act landed Parks in prison.But it also set off the Montgmery bus boycott.It lasted for more than a year,and kicked off the civil-rights movement."The only tired I was,was tired of giving in,"said Parks.

              (1) What is Jane Addams noted for in history? ______
              A. Her social work.
              B. Her teaching skills.
              C. Her efforts to win a prize.
              D. Her community background.
              (2) What is the reason for O'Connor's being rejected by the law firm? ______
              A. Her lack of proper training in law.
              B. Her little work experience in court.
              C. The discrimination against women.
              D. The poor financial conditions.
              (3) Who made a great contribution to the civil-rights movement in the US? ______
              A. Jane Addams.
              B. Rachel Carson.
              C. Sandra Day O'Connor.
              D. Rosa Parks
              (4) What can we infer about the women mentioned in the text? ______
              A. They are highly educated.
              B. They are truly creative.
              C. They are pioneers.
              D. They are peace-lovers.
            • 7.
              We are seeking for qualified and experienced candidates to join our fast growing team for the following positions at Ratchathewi (Head Office),Pracha-Uthit (site),Pantai Norasing (site),Thepharak (site),and a few other incoming projects in Bangkok.
              ●Project Managers
              -Degree in Civil/Structural Engineering
              -Minimum 7years'working experience in similar capacity,preferably in building construction.
              -Ability to plan and execute works,keep deadlines,control cost and implement continual quality improvement
              -Possess leadership attributes,good interpersonal and follow-up skill to motivate subordinates and develop team spirit
              -Possess a valid driving license
              ●Accounting Officer
              -Degree in Accounting
              -Minimum 1~2years accounting experience
              -Knowledge of accounting packages & spreadsheets
              ●Account Executive/Finance Executive
              -Degree in Accounting
              -Preferably 3years'accounting experience VAT,Withholding tax compliance & submission
              -Knowledge of accounting packages & spreadsheets
              -Expert at English and Thai (泰国语) spoken or written
              -Ability to handle full set accounts
              ●Senior Admin.Asst.
              -Minimum 5years experience in Building Construction company is preferable
              -Computer literate with knowledge in Microsoft Office
              -Good command of both written and oral English compulsory
              -Female preferred
              ●Site Supervisor
              -Diploma/Certificate in Building or Civil Engineering
              -Minimum 5years'working experience in building construction or precast (预制的) concrete manufacturing
              -Able to work independently and co-ordinate work effectively
              All positions mention above requires candidates with good command of both written and oral English.Interested candidate,please send your application stating full qualification,work experience and expected salary together with a copy of transcript and a recent photograph to the address below:
              ASCE Construction Limited.
              503/19E K.S.L.Tower (11TH Floor),Sri-Ayudthaya Rd.,Thanon Phayathai,
              Ratchathewi,Bangkok 10400

              (1) If you want to apply for the position of a project manager,you must have ______ .
              A. the ability to work independently
              B. a degree in accounting
              C. six years of experience at least
              D. the qualification to drive
              (2) Most of the positions require the following EXCEPT ______ .
              A. a suitable degree
              B. certain working experience
              C. professional computer knowledge
              D. a good command of English
              (3) What can we infer from the passage? ______
              A. Candidates can only apply by mail.
              B. More companies will be founded in Bangkok.
              C. Candidates must be able to speak both English and Thai.
              D. You will benefit from your work experience.
            • 8.
              Looking for a great summer read?Kid reporters from Time For Kids have reviewed the season's hottest new books.They have recommended a list of kid-approved page-turners(令人爱不释手的书) to our readers.Whether you're fond of mysterious,fantastic or realistic fictions,there's always one that suits you.
              Three Bird Summer
              By Sara St.Antoine
              Reviewed by Camryn Garrett
              Genre:Realistic Fiction
              Number of pages:256
              What's the basic story line?
              For his entire life,12-year-old Adam has spent summers at his grandma's cabin in Minnesota.But this year things are different.His parents have divorced.On top of that,Adam's cousins won't be vacationing at the cabin with him.Also,Grandma seems to be acting differently.At first,she's just a bit more forgetful than usual.But after spending more time with her,Adam realizes Grandma is"slipping."
              There are new neighbors at the cabin this summer,including a girl at Adam's age named Alice.At first,Adam isn't interested in spending time with her.But as time goes by,their friendship flourishes(繁荣).Throughout this unusual summer,Adam searches for hidden treasure with his new friend and begins to uncover family secrets as well.
              Are the characters believable?
              The characters are believable because they don't have cookie-cutter(千篇一律的) personalities.Adam is quiet and shy and finds girls difficult to understand.Alice is adventurous and unlike any girl he has ever met.Readers will likely see aspects of their personalities in the characters and recognize their friendship too.
              Who would like this book?
              Anyone who appreciates memories of family vacations or summertime in general will enjoy the vivid imagination that fills Three Bird Summer.Readers will fall into the story,almost as if they're actually spending the summer exploring Three Bird Lake with Adam and Alice.

              (1) While spending his summer at his grandma's cabin this year,Adam ______ .
              A. became friends with his cousins
              B. developed a friendship with a little girl
              C. annoyed his grandma occasionally
              D. played with Alice in the fields nearby
              (2) The book is likely to appeal to kids because ______ .
              A. it describes country life
              B. it talks about school life
              C. it relates to their experience
              D. it is written in simple words
              (3) The text is written to ______ .
              A. praise a writer for his great work
              B. recommend a good book to readers
              C. encourage readers to do more reading
              D. discuss how to spend summer holidays.
            • 9.
              It seems school children all over the world complain about their school food.Cherie Blair,the wife of previous Prime Minister Tony Blair,said that she would prepare a packed lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve.So wha t do students of your age eat for lunch at school?
              High schools have canteens(食堂),which serve everything from noodles to rice,but not burgers and chips.Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls,meat or fish,pickles(泡菜)and vegetables.
              Students take home a menu for the coming month containing notes on nutrition(营养)value.Twice a year parents are invited to have a taste of the food.The class with the fewest leftovers(剩饭)at the end of the month receives a prize.
              United States
              A typical menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken,lettuce and pickles,fruit and cookies.School lunches must also provide at least onethird of the daily dietary allowances(定量)of protein,vitamin A,vitamin C,iron,calcium,and calories.
              Meat pies,sausage rolls and hotdogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops.But as the nation pays more attention to children's health,healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.
              Many schools have used a traffic light system.The sale of redlabelled foods,including pastries,chocolate and soft drinks,is served only twice a week.Healthier greenlabelled foods such as sushi(寿司),sandwiches,co rn and watermelon,however,are available every day.
              In some schools,students have a choice of up to 89 foods to choose from,including popcorn and rice.
              South Africa
              Most of South Africa's schools do not serve m eals at all.Classes end at 1:30 pm and students get their own lunches.Many students bring food from home,usually sandwiches.
              Fast food and fried food sell the best among students,which has led to a rise in obesity among children.But as more people began to realize the fact that being too fat may cause different diseases,some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition.Now students a t these schools are provided with lunches of porridge with vegetables,such as cabbages,onions,beans,carrots and tomatoes.

              (1) What does the underlined word"obesi ty"in the last paragraph probably mean? ______
              A. Nutrition.
              B. Addiction.
              C. Food shortage.
              D. Overweight.
              (2) We can infer from the passage that ______ .
              A. a typi cal menu from a US school consists of enough nutrition
              B. most students in South Africa eat their lunch at home
              C. many schools in Australia have traffic lights outside their school
              D. you can have whatever you like in school canteens in Japan
              (3) What is the main idea of the passage? ______
              A. Schools should try to satisfy the needs of students
              B. Schools serve different foods from country to country
              C. Food served in the US is the best of all
              D. Schoolchildren all over the world dislike their school food.
            • 10.
              Virginia is the hometown of George Washington,the first president of the United States.And it is also a place where you can explore nature and history and learn about America and its beginnings.
              Mount Vernon,Virginia
              The perfect place to begin your trip is at George Washington's beloved home,Mount Vernon,Virginia.His home has been operated as a museum since 1858and it is kept the way it was when he lived here.Visit the museums and learn things about George Washington beyond his military (军事的) and political life,such as the fact that he opened the first distillery (酿酒厂) in the country.
              Fort Hunt Park,Virginia
              Fort Hunt Park is a great place to have a picnic lunch today,but in the past it has played an important part in the military history of the country.In World WarⅡit was the site of very secret meetings.
              Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve,Virginia
              Wetlands are an important part of the ecosystem and are beautiful,a joy to explore because of all of the plants and animals that live there.You can explore over 300acres on foot or by canoe (独木舟),or both.
              Jones Point Lighthouse,Virginia
              The lighthouses (灯塔) along Chesapeake Bay are not like others that you may be familiar with,and for that reason alone,this one is well worth a visit.It was first used in 1856and was almost torn down.Today it is a 50acre park with bike trails and picnic tables.Come at night and see the light shine once again.

              (1) What can we learn from the text about George Washington's home? ______
              A. It was the site of very secret meetings in World WarⅡ.
              B. It has been used as a distillery since 1858.
              C. It remains the same as when George Washington lived there.
              D. There are a lot of animals and plants there.
              (2) If you want to go for a picnic,you can go to ______ .
              A. Mount Vernon or Fort Hunt Park
              B. Fort Hunt Park or Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve
              C. Jones Point Lighthouse or Mount Vernon
              D. Jones Point Lighthouse or Fort Hunt Park
              (3) Which of the following statements is TRUE? ______
              A. You can explore Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve on foot or by car.
              B. Jones Point Lighthouse played an important part in the military history of the country.
              C. George Washington opened the first distillery in the world.
              D. If you go to Jones Point Lighthouse at night,you can see the light shine once again.
              (4) In which column (专栏) of a website might this text appear? ______
              A. Nature.
              B. Travel.
              C. Medicine.
              D. Health.
