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            • 1.

              My dear husband,                                            

                         I am sending you this letter by e-mail so that you will be sure to read it. Please forgive us for leaving, but I think you should know   (1)   has happened at home since your computer entered our lives two years ago. You just spend all day playing games or   (2)   (chat) online. After all, both the kids and I need a normal life so we chose to leave. The children are doing well. Tommy is seven now and he is a bright and handsome boy. He has developed   (3)   great interest in arts. You should be very proud   (4)   him. Little Jennifer turned five in September.   (5)   is an attractive child and quite smart. She still remembers the day   (6)   you spent the whole afternoon with us on her birthday. Now we   (7)   (take) a trip and I have to do the packing. I have hired a housekeeper to take care of things while we are away. I believe she can put things   (8)   order, fill your coffee cup and bring your meals to your desk, just the way you like it. I hope you and the computer will have a   (9)   (love) time while we are not at home. Tommy, Jennifer and I will miss you often. Try to remember us while your computer is booting, or call me on condition   (10)   you think we are more important than the computer.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Your wife

            • 2. For the writers in Western cultures, autumn is a difficult season to describe. On one hand, it is the end of the summer, and therefore a little sad. Winter is   61.   the corner. As Ernest Hemingway   62.   (write), you expected to be sad in the fall. On the   63.   hand, autumn has its good side. French writer Albert Camus even thought autumn was a second spring: “ Autumn is a second spring   64.   every leaf is a flower.” Another autumn theme is wisdom. The   65.   (arrive) of the season is thought to be similar to a person   66.   (become) mature. The great Irish poet W.B. Yeats conveyed this theme in his poem The Wild Swans at Coole.   67.   (inspire) by the swans, he is moved to think about them and life in the reality. He doubts 68._________ he can still love like the lover swans do. Of course, many other   69.  (theme) can play a part in the literature of autumn. But autumn writing usually focuses on the changes in nature, which writers often compare   70.  changes in human life.
            • 3.

              When I was 10, Mom and I went shopping at the Central Market. As usual, she parked the car on the second floor. I followed her down the stairs and entered the department store. I was excited   (1)   there were not only a lot of people, but also many colorful   (2)   ( display) of goods. We shopped for 2 hours,    (3)    what we bought were only Mom’s high heels and my pen. It was about 4 pm, and we were on the fifth floor.

              “Mama, my leg hurt, I want to go home,” I said and walked   (4)   (quick) to an elevator. Mom followed me into the elevator,   (5)    (press) button 3 absent-mindedly. The elevator slowly stopped. We walked out to the   (6)   (park) space. Mom went straight to block 2 that she felt familiar with, and I followed her.

              “Oh, my God!” Mom shouted. “Where ’s my car? It has disappeared. Our car has been stolen!” Immediately, a guard came and asked us    (7)    had happened.

              “My car has disappeared! I always park here,” Mom cried   (8)   (anxiety) .

              “Are you sure you parked on the third floor?” the guard asked     (9)   (patience).

              At the words, Mom was so embarrassed that she ran to the stairs as quickly as possible,   (10)   (leave) her completely confused son behind.

            • 4.

              It is reported that more than 630,000 South Korean students took the university  61    (enter) examination on Nov.12 this year. Many people consider success on this test the first step toward   62    good life. South Korean students say they feel stressed from the pressure.

               South Korean high school students spend years on their study for the examination. The test is multiple choice, meaning that the students may choose several possible answers    63      a question.

              A government study has found that South Korean children are    64    (little) happy compared to children in developed countries. Many South Koreans owe this     65    (happy) to the educational pressure.

              South Korean President Park Geun-hye     66     (promise) to reform her country’s educational system twice by now. She urges the system to increase     67     (create) thinking and reduce student pressure.

              Still,    68    (get) South Korean parents to reduce pressure on their children might not be so easy. A mother says she is     69     (will) to put so much pressure on her son. However the fierce competition makes it impossible for parents not to do so.For now,    70    the parents can expect is that the pressure brings good results.

            • 5. A rich land owner decided to leave possessions to one of his two sons. As he lay on the deathbed, he called the two young men to him before      46    break of dawn and even before the cock could crow.  He then said, “I will leave all my earth to the one     47    can best fill this room. It was in this room    48   I made plans on how to build up my fortune. Not an inch must     49    (leave) uncovered. As I am getting    50    (weak) by the hour you both must come back by midnight.” He handed them a small piece of silver and an empty bag to put their purchases in. They both went out and   51   (hurry) came back with their purchases.     52     (bring) the straw, the elder began to spread it around the floor,     53    far from filling the room. It did not even cover half the space. “This is no use, son,” said the father, “and let me see how        54    brother fills the room.” The younger son took     55    his bag a large candle, set it on the table in the center of the room and lit it. A brilliant bright light filled up the whole room. The father was delighted and exclaimed, “Son, I am sure you will use the wealth well.”
            • 6.

              I seldom thought I had a passion. I would sit before the TV all day, thinking    61    nothing but the next shadow. It was not long ago that I first learned how important having a passion is to life.

              One day I went with Mum to drop my sister off at the gym. Then,     62   Mum stopped at a red light, someone on the roadside caught my eyes. It was a man      63    (dress) in rags, homeless. That didn’t interest me, for I      64       (see) many like him before.

              But the man wasn’t sitting down with a sad      65     (express). He had a radio in his hand and was dancing      66      (merry) to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious thing ____67_    he had.

              “Mum, why does that man have a radio even though he’s homeless?” I asked.

              “He bought     68    ,” she replied.

              “But if he’s homeless, why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes? He wasted it on something he doesn’t need.”

              “Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren’t     69   only important things. We need happiness, too.”

              “I see.” The man must care too much about music, so he bought a radio instead of food and clothes. I realized that happiness is the key to life.    70    it, there’s nothing to look forward to. A passion gives a person the happiness they need to keep going!

            • 7.

                Gandhi, an Indian national hero, was honored (61) ____ the father of the Indian nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians. He was born in India in 1869. Following the local custom, he got (62) ____(marry)at the age of 13. In 1888 he sailed to England,

              (63) _____ he studied law for three years and became a lawyer. On his return to India, he was sent to South Africa to work on a law case. In South Africa he was (64) _____ (surprise)to find that the problem of racial discrimination (种族歧视)was serious. There he formed an organization and started a magazine to fight (65) ______equal rights. Gandhi returned to India in 1915, (66) ______ India was controlled by the British. He led the Indians to fight for an end to the British rule and  independence for his country. In the political movement many Indians (67) _________(include) Gandhi were put in prison. (68) _______, the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give (69) ______and India won its independence in 1947. (70) ______(fortunate)Gandhi was shot by an Indian who opposed his views and died on January 30th, 1948.

            • 8.

              My friend Herbert has always been fat, but things got so bad recently   (61)   he decided to go   (62)   a diet. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods that were forbidden. The list included most of the things Herbert loves: butter, potatoes, beer, milk, chocolate and sweets. Yesterday I paid him   (63)   visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat   (64)   ever. He   (65)  (lead) me into his room and   (66)  (hurry) hid a large parcel under his desk.   (67)   was obvious that he was very embarrassed. When   (68)  (ask) what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk. His   (69)  (explain) was that his diet was so strict that he had to reward   (70)   occasionally. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!

            • 9.

              When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets __41__ the traffic goes on the left. Before you cross a street you must look to the right first __42__ then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from __43__, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most _____44____ (danger) then.
                  When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, __45__. Always remember the traffic___46___ (move) on the left. So you must be careful. ___47__(have) a look first, or you will go the wrong way.
                  In many English cities, there are big buses __48__ two floors. You can sit on the __49__ (two) floor. From __50___ you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.

            • 10.

              Every year, approximately 1,6 million tons of soil flows into Yellow River, China’s second  41   (long) river.The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area.Over time, a lot of soil  42   (remove),which has caused serious erosion of the land   43   the River.In some areas in Shanxi Province, this has destroyed almost all the land, and has forced many local farmers  44  (move) to other areas.

              45  is a huge job to control Yellow River erosion.Many people believe this kind of work is best done by government or international 46   (organize).You may agree with this point of view.If 47  , it is time for you to think again.

              In fact, it is you   48   have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion.Did you know the importance of your 5 yuan? For a start, it can buy you a tree,   49   will help make soil stay on the land.On land with rich soil, local farmers can grow crops to make  50    living, with the money they earn from their crops, farmers buy goods or services.This helps to develop local economies.

