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            • 1.

              In the United States the most popular form of folk dancing has been square-dancing since the earlier days. In those days, men and women worked in groups to build a house or harvest crops. When the work was done, they usually danced merrily and happily in a store or in a farm kitchen.

                  Nowadays square-dancing is still performed. A square, which has four sides, is formed by four couples. Each couple stands on one side of the square, the man on the left and the woman on the right. That is to say, one square has eight people and they stand facing the center of the square.

                  Large or small numbers of people can dance together. Sometimes as many as 800 or 1,000 people may be dancing all at the same time. 

              Costumesare worn by those who do the square-dancing. This makes the dancing more colorful to watch. Men may have colored shirts and western trousers they wear only on special days. Women often wear full skirts of different colors with a pretty blouse. In some country areas, everyone wears their best clothes.

                  Today in all parts of the US you will find some schools, clubs, or other groups that are square-dancing for fun. They enjoy it very much.

              (1) In the earlier days, when did people do square-dancing?
              (2) How many people are square-dancing if there are 100 squares? 
              (3) What does the underlined word “costumes” mean in Paragraph 4?
              (4) What do people in some country areas wear in square-dancing?
              (5) How do people of the US like square-dancing today?
            • 2.

              Most people think that making a film is exciting. In fact, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. Earlier this year, I worked in a new film. It was about a bomb threat on a big British ship. Two hundred people were needed to act as the passengers in the film. I was one of them.

                   Before we left, we were required to bring some warm clothes. These were necessary because the ship was going to spend the whole 16 days sailing in bad weather.

                   Then the day came and we sailed out of Dover. The boat had on board the film crew, the director, the actors and actresses including Brinksley Meers, who acted the leading role, and us-200 amateur extras.

                  People came for different purposes. Some wanted to meet Brinksley Meers in person. Others were curious to see how a film was made. A housewife with her three children came for free holiday and a bit of adventure.

                   During the voyage, a lot of people were very seasick. And although the work was very interesting, it was also very hard. We often worked all day on one scene, performing it again and again under the hot lights. In the evenings, there were drinks in the bar, but most people were so tired that they went to bed early. The next day often began at 6:30 in the moming, sometimes with breakfast being filmed.

                   When the ship finally returned to port, most people had enjoyed the trip, but were also so tired that they at least needed a week's holiday.

                   Answer the following questions:

              (1) Which role did the author act in the film?


              (2) Why were the film crew asked to bring some warm clothes?


              (3) Who acted the leading role?


              (4) Why did the author say "they at least needed a week's holiday"?


              (5) Can you infer the author's purpose of writing this article?


            • 3.

              Reading can be fun, but it can also be time-consuming (taking a long time) if your speed is not as fast as you'd like it to be. An average reading speed can range from 200 to 350 words per minute, but that rate can vary depending on the material and your reading experience. Here are a few tips to help you improve your reading speed.

                  Preview(预览) the material you're going to read. Look at main headings, chapters divisions , and other related parts - to develop clues about the structure of the work.

                  Adjust(调整) your reading speed as you read the material. Slow down when you need to be sure that you comprehend one section(部分) of the material. Speed up if you are already familiar with or don't need to know other sections,

                  Readers can greatly improve their reading speed by taking in several words in the line of text at one time (instead of sounding out each word, or focusing on each letter of the word),    Another way to improve your reading speed is to pay more attention to the key words in the sentences. A significant amount of reading time is wasted on conjunctions, prepositions, or articles (i.e a, an, the, but, and, or, nor, but, etc.).

                 Talk about what you've read. Some readers find that by talking about their reading with friends of  fellow students, they are able to effectively synthesize(综合理解) the material. Find a reading spot, where nothing or nobody will disturb your reading.

                  Don't reread right away; it will slow you down. If you absolutely don't understand part of the reading selection, go back and review the material later.

              Practice. Practice. Practice. The best way to improve your reading speed is to practice reading. Try out some of these techniques(技巧), and then perfect the strategies (策略)that work best for you.

              (1) What is the main idea of this passage? (No more than 10 words)
              (2) What parts of a reading material help you to get the structure of it ?(No more than 10 words)
              (3) What way helps readers effectively understand the material? (No more than 10 words)
              (4) Please list at least three aspects that influence one's reading speed. (No more than 15 words)
              (5) Please explain the underlined word ¨perfect" in the last paragraph in English. (Only l word)
            • 4.

              第四部分  书面表达(共两节,满分45分)

              第一节  阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


                  I ordered a new consumer product on New Year's Day.The order was so exciting that I felt it was going to enable me to stay organized and stylish.Then I went to the store and made the purchase.They made it pretty difficult because of a new process that had just been put in place.I went to the store with my cash in hand hoping to just give it to someone to get my new product,but I had to work pretty hard to get someone to let me buy it.

                  Two weeks later,a new accessory(附件) became available for my product.I decided to go and procure this new accessory on my birthday.However,they didn't have any and nobody could answer my questions,and they only had a number system before you could talk to anyone.So I spent an hour of my birthday sitting around waiting to be told that I couldn't be helped.I'm a customer that just wanted to buy the product,and then when I wanted to keep giving them money for my shiny new product,they still weren't interested.

                  The only way I was told to get what I needed was to call someone and they could help.

                  I knew it would be an experience that would require much patience,so I waited a week and a half to make that call.Today was the day.I was also reminded today that sometimes things would just be comically bad from beginning to end.

                  After two specialists and one hour and twelve minutes,I got the information I needed.

                  This terrible experience isn't quite over yet,but it's definitely reached the comical stage.So I'm laughing and thinking about what lesson I should learn from this situation.

              (1) Why did the purchase become hard for the writer?(within 8 words)

              (2) What does the underlined word “procure” mean?(1 word)


              (3) What did the writer have to do to get the accessory?(within 10 words)


              (4) How did the writer find his experience?(1 word)


              (5) What would you do if you were in the writer's situation?(within 20 words)


            • 5.
              A crow lived in a thick forest filled with many birds.The crow was very content with his carefree life until he saw a swan one day.The swan was flying over a lake."This swan is so white,"he thought,"and I am so black.It must be the happiest bird in the world."
              He shared his thoughts with the swan."Actually,"the swan replied,"I thought so too until I met a parrot.It had brilliant colors of red and blue.No other bird could be happier than the parrot."
              The crow went in search for the parrot,and found it rested on the top of an old rain tree.The parrot explained,"I too was very happy until I chanced upon a peacock. My colors paled in comparison to the peacock's. Its rich colors put my coat to shame."
              Curiosity defeated the crow,who was determined to look for the beautiful peacock.He finally found the peacock at the zoo.Hundreds of people gathered round to watch the peacock and its beautiful wings.After the crowd left,the crow rested itself onto a rock and said,"Dear peacock,"the crow said,"You are so beautiful.Every day,people come just to see you.People either drive me away or avoid me when they see me.You must be the happiest bird on the planet."
              The peacock replied,"My beauty had me kept in this zoo.In the years I spent here,I often thought to myself that if I were a crow,I could be enjoying a carefree life outside.Then after many months of internal struggles,I come to realize that I need to learn to be happy in what I have instead of expecting what I do not have.I am happy because I'm satisfied with my life here."
              (1) How did the crow feel about his life at the beginning?( no more than 8 words) ______
              (2) What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3?(no more than 15 words) ______
              (3) What do people usually do when they see a crow?( no more than 10 words) ______
              (4) Why did the peacock often wish to be a crow?(no more than 15 words) ______
              (5) What do you learn from the story?(no more than 20 words) ______ .
            • 6.
              In the years of my growing up,Dad was strict with me.He made sure I made my bed and did my homework.He would call in advance to make sure there was no alcohol at the party.I got so angry with him for laying down the law.I would scream,"I hate you!"Dad would yell back,"Good!I don't care!"Deep down I knew he did.
              One time at a party,I drank too much alcohol and got so sick.I said,"Call my dad."Next thing,Dad was carrying me to the car.I woke up the next morning,thinking I would definitely be criticized.As expected, I got a roasting,but I now understand why I need discipline.
              Dad was 29 when he got his big roles in films.I had an early start at the age of nine with a role in a 1990s TV series,but it wasn't until I finished film studies that I pursued my career as an actress.Like those early days for Dad,I faced lots of rejections.Working in such a competitive industry,I've sometimes thought,"I can't do this any more."
              Once,after a trip to Hollywood,I returned to Australia so depressed and spent months in my bedroom painting,listening to Eckhart Tolle's music and trying to find myself again.Dad sat me down and said,"Alice,I know it's hard,but it's all about persistence(坚持不懈)."
              Now I get to work with Dad a lot,which I love.We both passionate about acting,which comes from us being so interested in people.If it weren't for Dad,I wouldn't be where I am today.He's my biggest fan,and when you have that in your life you can go a long way.

              (1) What rules did Alice's father set for her when she was growing up?(no more than 15words) ______
              (2) What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?(no more than 5words) ______
              (3) What did Alice's father do when she felt depressed?(no more than 5words) ______
              (4) According to the last paragraph,what do Alice and her father have in common?(no more than 10words) ______
              (5) What do you think of Alice's father?Please explain.(no more than 20words) ______ .
            • 7.
              At Manhattan's PS 140 students in Tony Paulino's middle school Spanish classes are exploring the geography,economics,and culture of South America,all without leaving their classroom.
              They're using the Internet to follow the One Road South team of adventures on a 14-month bicycle trip around the continent.Through a program called Reach the World,kids at 60 of the city's elementary and middle schools are getting a taste of global citizenship by following the One Road South bikers,a family traveling in Europe,a bike trek(艰苦跋涉) in Africa,and a Harlem teacher working with scientists in Antarctica through online videos,journals,and field notes.
              Sometimes,students even get to meet the travelers they are following online.Three of the four One Road South bicyclists recently visited Paulino's classes present a slide show about the places they plan to visit.
              The students jumped in with questions,asking if the travelers were afraid of wild animals,running out of food,or going for 14months without having a girlfriend.
              But Reach the World isn't just for fun.The program aims to integrate(使融入) technology into the classroom,to bring subjects like science and social studies to life,and to encourage students to think of themselves as global citizens,according to administrators.
              Their teacher,Tony Paulino,said his students are beside themselves with excitement about following the One Road South bikers."I believe it speaks to the core desire we all share,to dream,to travel and to explore,"he said.

              (1) What is the best title for this passage?(No more than 7 words) ______
              (2) How are the students in Tony Paulino's class exploring the South America?( No more than 4 words)
              (3) What can students do through Reach the world program?( No more than 20 words) ______
              (4) Please explain the underlined words"beside themselves with excitement"in English.( No more than 2words)
              (5) What do you think of Reach the World program?Please give your reasons.( No more than 20 words)
              ______ .
            • 8.
              Given that motivation is so central to our lives,what do we truly understand about how it operates and about its role in our lives?The assumption is that it's driven by a positive,external (外部的)reward.Do this,get that.But the story is much more complex.
              One of the most striking aspects of motivation is that it often drives us to achievements that are difficult,challenging and even painflil.You may think that you would be happy to spend all your time sitting on a white-sand beach drinking and that as long as you get to fill your days this way,you would be happy forever.But while a few days of enjoyment might be fun from time to time,I can′t imagine that you would be satisfied by spending your days,weeks,months,years and even your life this way.
              Research that examines the differences between meaning and happiness finds that the things which give us a sense of meaning don't necessarily make us happy.Moreover,people who report having meaningful lives are often more interested in doing things for others,while those who focus mostly on doing things for themselves report being only superficially happy,in other words,just externally and apparently delighted.The essential quality of"meaning"has to do with having a sense of being involved in something bigger than the self.
              We all know people obtain a great sense of meaning even in the most unpleasant of circumstances.Many volunteers spend portions of their lives working in dangerous,war-tom areas,trying to keep disease and death from innocent civilians or teaching orphans to read.Their pain is real; their sense of doing something truly meaningfiil is substantial(丰富的).They show how our deep-rooted desire to believe that our lives have purpose beyond our lifespan drives us to work extra hard,even to the point of our own personal suffering,in order to gain more meaning.
              The point is that these seemingly unusual and irrational (不合理的)motivations get us to do things that are complex,difficult and unpleasant.But they go beyond helping people in need.They motivate us in every aspect of our lives-whether in our personal relationships,in our individual pursuits or in the workplace.

              (1) Whafs the main idea of the passage?(No more than 10 words)
              (2) Why is motivation so significant to our life?(No more than 15 words)
              (3) What is the meaning of the underlined word"superficially"in Paragraph 3?(No more than 1 word)
              (4) What can volunteers obtain working in dangerous,war-tom areas?(No more than 10 words)
              (5) Do you agree with the opinion that motivation is driven by a positive,external reward?Why or why not?(No more than 20 words)
            • 9.

              There are a number of special days of the year that are celebrated in different countries. One of the most popular of these, even though it is fairly recent, is Mother’s Day. Mothers have always been highly regarded in all cultures. The Ancient Romans had a festival known as Hilaria, during which children took presents to the temple of the “Mother of the Gods”. The Christian Church adopted this idea and called it Mothering Sunday. However, over the years the custom was gradually forgotten and almost disappeared by the end of the 19th century.

              Born in 1864 in Virginia, USA, Anna Jarvis was a school teacher and believed children should show gratitude to their mothers for all their love and care. Encouraged by a friend, she wrote to thousands of important people---politicians, churchmen, doctors, city officials---and asked them to support her ideas: a special day of the year for thanking mothers.

              In 1910 the Governor of West Virginia introduced Mother’s Day into the state. The date chosen was May 10---the second Sunday in May, which is still observed in America today. This date was chosen because May 10 was the date on which in 1908 Anna Jarvis’s mother died. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made May 10 the official date for Mother’s Day throughout the United States.

              Soon there was a Mother’s Day International Association and the custom began to be adopted in many countries of the world.

              Anna Jarvis, a sad and disillusioned woman died in 1948. The custom she had worked so hard to establish and which had become almost universal had lost its original purpose. It had been taken over by business. As with Christmas, the giving of presents and the sending of cards had become a multi-million-dollar industry. (296words)

              (1) What is the story about?


              (2) In which country was Hilaria celebrated as a festival?


              (3) What did Anna Jarvis want to do for mothers?


              (4) Why was May 10 the date for Mother’s Day?


              (5) Why was Anna Jarvis not happy with Mother’s Day when she died?


            • 10.



              People around us, especially our friends, have a strong influence on our lives. We all want to believe that they are the best but sometimes it is not so. As you change over the years, people and your friends change, too. If you are following a path of growth, then you must be prepared to grow new friendships too.

              Be open to meeting new people. No matter whether your life has changed or not, always be open to letting new people into your life. They are like a fresh wind on a hot day. They can inspire you. They can give you new ideas. They can become your new best friends. Don’t limit yourself to the circle of people you already know, or you will limit your own ways to grow.

              Make sure that you are a friend that you would like to have. Are you always there for your friends? Do you help them? Do you actually listen to them? Can you accept and understand the changes that happened or are happening in their lives? Do you enjoy giving as much as receiving? Answer these questions for yourself first and see if you are the one who needs to grow to the level of your friends.

              Explore new ways to make friends. New people won’t just suddenly appear in your life. If you want to meet somebody then you need to start exploring the world. You can make friends online. You can start a new hobby. You can just start talking to a stranger who seems interesting to you. Be the one who starts the relationship, not the one who is waiting for something to happen.

              (1) What does the passage mainly talk about? (No more than 5 words) (2) What does the underlined word “inspire” in the Paragraph 2 probably mean? (1 word) (3) What is the bad side of limiting ourselves to the circle of old friends? (No more than 10 words) (4) What should you do according to the third paragraph? (No more than 15 words) (5) What do you think of new friends? (No more than 20 words)
