优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              What do the two speakers think has kept Ted from finding work?
              A.His poor education.   
              B.His appearance.   
              C.His lack of experience.
            • 2.
              Where are the speakers?()
              A.In a car.                       
              B.On a plane.                            
              C.On a train.
            • 3.
              What did the man do?()


              A.He got some money.
              B.He checked on something.              
              C.He stopped at a traffic light.
            • 4.
              What does the number refer to?()


              A.A telephone number.       
              B.A room number.                                   
              C.A ticket number.
            • 5.
              What does the woman mean?()


              A.She agrees with the man.


              B.She doesn’t know Kim.


              C.Kim doesn’t deserve to be on the committee.
            • 6.


              (1) What is the relationship between the speakers?()
              (2) How will the woman get home?()


              A.Teacher and student.           
              B.Doctor and patient.    
              C.Director and actor.
            • 7.


              (1) Why was the woman upset at first?()


              (2) What is safe to use according to the man?()


              (3) What is the man’s attitude in the end?()


              A.The cat threw up on her floor.


              B.The man forgot to do the cooking.


              C.The man didn’t wash her floor properly.
            • 8.
              What colour does the woman prefer?
            • 9.
              What is the manˈs suggestion?
              A.Eating out.  
              B.Trying out the design.   
              C.Going home
            • 10.
              What does the woman mean?
              A.The winter has just begun.
              B.The ground is very dirty.
              C.Hit has been snowing for some time.
