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            • 1. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要.
                  Getting rid of dirt,in the opinion of most people,is a good thing.However,there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt.
                  In the early 16th century,people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease,as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in.A particular danger was,thought to lie in public baths.By 1538,the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom.So did the king of England in 1546.Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a friendly way.Henry IV,King of France,was famously dirty.Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath,the king ordered that,to avoid the attack of disease,the nobleman should not go out.
                  Though the belief in the merit of dirt was long-lived,dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18th century.Scientifically speaking,cleaning away dirt is good to health.Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing disease.Yet,it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War II.Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea:clothes need to be whiter than white,cloths ever softer,surfaces to shine.Has the hate for dirt,however,gone too far?
                  Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays.Many first time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt,which might be responsible for the spread of disease.On the contrary,Mary Ruebush,an American immunologist,encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system.And the latter position is gaining some ground.(302 words)
            • 2.
              Many people often lose their chance to live life to the fullest because of procrastination, which means that they always delay doing something that must be done at once. Moreover, because they often put off their plans till “tomorrow”, they are less likely to achieve their goals and will give up their dreams and goals finally. As a result, we can say that procrastination is the enemy of a progressive lifestyle.
              Now that we know procrastination is something bad, why do some people not take immediate action? Well, there are some things that result in procrastination. Depending on someone else rather than doing by oneself is one of the things. Whenever you wait for something to happen before you act, you make it easier to delay your goals and dreams until “someday”. Another cause of procrastination is that people do not value each moment in their day. Actually, it’s surprising how much you can do if you just decide to do little things with the little time you have. Also those who often procrastinate can always find a good reason for something they refuse to do at once.
              If you are one of those who often delay, then it’s time for you to make a decision to act now because things happen only when we decide to act. Get down to doing something like losing weight, saving money or spending more time with family. Don’t let these things continue to be a desire for you to do “someday”, but make a decision to do it now.
              Once you have made your decision, write down the plan and take action immediately. Making plans can help you think carefully about how you are going to do what you need to do. After understanding how to do what you want to do, get doing with the plan. It doesn’t matter how small the move you make is as the little things you do accumulate over time and move you to be closer to your goals. So, don’t wait until tomorrow; instead, start now! Just make use of every moment you have to do something that is helpful in realizing your dreams and goals.
              Here is a challenge that will also move you to be closer to your dreams and goals if taken seriously. Make a list of ten things you have been putting off. It could be anything from getting a health examination, calling a friend or family member, to getting the car fixed and cleaning up the garbage, etc. And then try to develop the habit of doing them immediately!
              Stay away from procrastination
              Paragraph outline Supporting details
                (1)  with procrastination Procrastination can make one  (2)  to live life to the fullest.
              Procrastination can prevent one from achieving his goals.
              Some people don’t make progress just because of procrastination.
                (3)  why people procrastinate People who delay doing things are usually not73.
                (4)  because they always ask for help from others.
              People don’t realize that each  (5)  in a day is very valuable.
              Procrastination also has something to do with making   (6)   .
              Ways to stop procrastination Make a decision. If you want to do something, do it  (7)  and never just desire it.
              Plan and act. Make a plan and have it  (8)  out after understanding how to do what you need to do.
              Make the best of your time to do things that is helpful in turning your dream into a  (9)  .
              Make a list. List ten things you like to delay.
              Make it a  (10)  to finish them on time.
              (1) ______
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              (10) ______
            • 3.

               Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how.

              1).Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

              2).Find a good place of to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

              3) Make good use of your time in class. Listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

              4). Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

              5). Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

              There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

              How to become a better student

              General methods

              How to


              Plan your time carefully

              Make a list

              Force you to realize  (1)  is happening to your time

              Make a   (2)  

              Find a good place to study

              Free of everything but

              Study  (3)  

              You can  (4)  on the subject

              Make good use of your

              time in class

              Listen to everything the

              teachers say

              Really listening in class means  (5)  work later.

              Taking   (6)  

              Study regularly

                (7)  your notes

              Help you  (8)  it better, remember it longer

              Read the new material

              Develop a good attitude

              about test

              Don’t   be   (9)  worried

              Remember your new  (10)  

              (1) ______
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              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 4.

              Things adults should learn from kids

              Children can teach adults a lot. In other words, there are many things adults can learn from children. For example, kids tend to show love. Every action they do for parents, friends, pets, and people they like, is filled with love. They don’t think twice before loving, and they just love. So adults can learn this: the best way to receive love is to first give it. Unfortunately, most of us have developed the habit of questioning everything. We often try too hard with love, and connect it with weakness. Actually, the only way to experience love is to have the smallest expectations, and love your dear ones unconditionally(无条件地).

              Kids never hide feelings. They cry when they hurt themselves, and express displeasure when things don’t go their way. On the contrary, we adults always try to hide our feelings, and never express ourselves sincerely. We often feel happy for others with negative thoughts in our hearts. Crying or expressing oneself is what normal people do. Never hold back tears or happiness. If you want to cry, cry your eyes out, and if you are happy or pleased about something, don’t be afraid to show or share it.

              Kids are curious (好奇的) little beings, who always try to understand their surroundings by completely involving themselves in every task they do. They have a huge appetite for knowledge, and ask lots of questions every day. This curious nature guides their life, and often leads them to simple yet wonderful discoveries. Are adults as curious as kids? Well, most of us aren’t. Also, they no longer have the thirst for knowledge, and don’t even ask questions if they don’t understand something. Adults often forget that it isn’t talent or skill but our curiosity and a huge appetite for knowledge that makes us worthy.

              Kids live in the present, and give 100% to any task they are doing. They never worry about the future, and since they are so busy enjoying their present, life is great today. However, with a job, money, and relationships, it does get hard for an adult to enjoy life. The best thing to do here is to change oneself, and if that isn’t possible, we can live like a child. Just don’t be worried about the future, because it isn’t in your control. The only thing you can control is your present, so work hard toward it.

              As kids treat everyone equally, they make friends soon and also play a lot with them. Through playing, they make a lot of astonishing discoveries about their friends and surroundings. They also learn a lot about life, because they are out in the open and are playing with all their hearts. So how long has it been since you played outdoors for fun as an adult? Not some serious sporting event or activity, just kicking a ball, running in the park, or any other silly game! Playing doesn’t mean that you have to achieve a purpose. Sometimes, it is healthy to just have some fun.

              Paragraph outlines

              Main points

              Show love.

              Adults should learn to give love first instead of   (1)   love.

              In order to experience love, adults should  (2)   less and love others unconditionally.

              Never hide emotions.

              Children aren’t afraid to display their emotions while adults always    (3)   to express themselves sincerely.

              It’s normal to express oneself, so try to show or share your emotions,  (4)  you are happy or sad.

              Be curious.

              Kids are curious and are  (5)  for knowledge, so they ask questions every day.

              Most adults don’t ask questions even if they feel  (6)  about something.

              Actually, our  (7)   depends on our curiosity and desire for knowledge.

              Live in the present.

              Kids live in the present happily, while adults have  (8)   in enjoying life with many things to consider.

              Change yourself, or enjoy your present without worrying about the future that can’t be  (9)  .

              Play more.

              Children  (10)   and learn a lot through playing.

              Adults should also play outdoors for fun just like kids.

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              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 5.

              Once upon a time, a poor traveler stopped under a tree. From his bag he took out a bowl of   (1)  _ (boil) rice and started to eat. Nearby was a small shop,   (2)  _ a woman was selling fried fish to travelers able to pay for it. When the man finished eating and got up to leave, she shouted, “You have not paid me for your meal!”

              “But I ordered  (3)  _ from you!” he said.

                (4)  _ everyone sees, you enjoyed the smell of my fried fish with your rice,” argued the woman. “If you hadn’t smelt the fish, your meal would not have been so  (5)  __ (please)!”

              Soon a crowd gathered,   (6)  _ supported the traveler, but also agreed that the wind was blowing from the shop to the place where he had eaten,   (7)  _ (carry) the smell of the fried fish to him.

              At last, the woman took him to a judge and after  (8)  __ (tell) the judge the story, she insisted that   (9)  _ the man had enjoyed her fish smell, he should pay 25 cents. After hearing the evidence, the judge asked the man to drop a 25-cent coin on the ground. “Here is your payment, the sound of 25 cents   (10)  __ the smell of the fried fish.”

