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            • 1. ___________
            • 2.

              I believe doing good deeds can bring me happiness. I"ve been making breastpins (胸针) and gifting them to everyone possible and if you ask me why I do it, it"s because   (1)   the joy which just bursts forth from my inner heart. The smile that lights up at the sight of the breastpin is worth anything you"d wish for and it goes much   (2)   (far). From that moment on, there"s a   (3)   (connect) between gifting breastpins and happiness.

              We exchange warm hugs, smiles and a million "thank you". This hobby that has so at-traded me has opened my heart and brought me out of my cocoon (茧). Now, I don"t mind   (4)   (start) a conversation with a stranger, wishing him or her well and gifting a breastpin because I know that this little piece of art will do   (5)   (it) magic of breaking all barriers. We unite and share many   (6)  (story). And next time our paths cross, we greet   (7)   smile, which is enough   (8)   (brighten) the day.

              This morning, I received   (9)   heart-warming post on Instagram (照片墙) from a friend who I   (10)   (give) a blue and white spotted breastpin before. She shared it along with the shells collected from the beach. She loved sea shells and the colors blue and white. So, here"s why I make breastpins.

            • 3.           
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              There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)    (1)    a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side     (2)     (effect) such as overweight and heart disease-the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.

              Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required     (3)     (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt     (4)    (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. As     (5)    result, people will eat more food to try to make up for something missing. Even     (6)     (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food    (7)    (be) full of fat and salt; by     (8)     (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.

              Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack (吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be    (9)    (care) not to go to extremes. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both,     (10)     is not good for the health.


            • 5.

                A mouse, because of an  (1)   (luck) chance, made close friends with an evil frog. One day,   (2)   frog played a trick on the mouse by   (3)   (fie) a foot of the mouse to his own. At first, both of them joined together and the frog   (4)   (lead) his friend toward the pool in which he lived, and didn't stop   (5)   he reached the side of the water. Then the frog suddenly jumped into the water and the mouse was pulled in with   (6)   (he). The frog enjoyed the water and swam in it around, happily crying   (7)   if he had done a great deed. The unhappy mouse died soon in the water, and his dead body floated around on the surface,   (8)   (fasten) to the foot of the frog. A hawk saw the dead mouse, suddenly flew down towards it, caught it and flew away. The frog, still tied to the leg of the mouse, was also carried off as a  (9)   (prison), and it   (10)   (eat) by the hawk. Harm hatch, harm catch.

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              (10) _____
            • 6.

              My doorbell rings at 11 am. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady holding the hand of a littleboy. In her other hand   (1)  (be) a paper bag. She is the little boy’s grandmother, and her daughter, Nicole, bought  (2)   house next door last October. Nicole has  (3)  (obvious) told her mother that I am having a heart operation shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided   (4)  (supply) me with meals.

              I knowwhatis inside the paper bag — a bottle of hot soup and a  (5)  ( contain) with a mealof rice, vegetables and meat. It’s become a daily occurrence.

              Communication   (6)   us is somewhat difficult because she doesn’t speak English and all I can say inChineseis hello. Once, she brought an iPad as well as the food. She pointed to the screen,  (7)   showed at message from her daughter telling me that her mother wanted to know   (8)   the food wasallright for me.

              So here we are, two grandmothers, neither of  (9)  (we) able to speak the other’s language but communicating one way or another ( with some help from technology). The doorbell keeps  (10)   (ring) and there is the familiar brown paper bag, handed smilingly to me.

            • 7.

              I have recently returned from   (1)    extended 26-day trip to China. I made two earlier trips to China in 2012. On my previous visits my travel   (2)  (limit) to the three major cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing. This time I, together with my family, was able to visit some of the more remote cities and holiday destinations    (3)  (miss) on the previous trips and revisit Beijing and Shanghai to observe the great changes there in just four short years.

              The many contradictions and   (4)   (struggle) within China today are very impressive. No one can ignore the rich culture    (5)   (date) back to ancient times changing into the modern age at a speed and scale that has never been witnessed.   (6)   happens in China, the third    (7)  (large) country in the world with 20 percent of the world’s population, will   (8)  (certain) shape the immediate and distant futures of   (9)  (we) all.

              On this blog(博客) I will be posting a travel journal   (10)   photographs and drawings. Marked on the map are the cities and villages I visited while in China.

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              (9) _________
              (10) _________
            • 8.

              For you, the“Clear and Bright”day that falls in every April might be no more than just another holiday—the fact that it comes with three days off school matters to most students  (1)   (much) than the fact that it is part of the 24 solar terms (二十四节气).

              But this ancient system that Chinese people have used   (2)   (keep) track of the time of year was added to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity(人类非物质文化遗产)on Nov. 30.

              To be fair, the terms do sound old; they   (3)   (invent) thousands of years ago to offer weather information for agricultural   (4)   (activity). But the truth is  (5)   they still have an influence on our lives today, even if we don’t realize it most of the time. For example, people from  (6)   (north) China are in the habit of eating dumplings   (7)   the day of Winter Solstice (冬至). And on Start of Autumn, some treat   (8)   (they) to a big feast, especially of meat, something they call“putting on autumn weight”, or tieqiubiao. According to Chinese writer and academic Yu Shicun, the system is a philosophy of time,   (9)   applies to everything. And this means they are   (10)   (likely) to die out.

            • 9.

              Throughout history,the Chinese nation has constructed   (1)   (thousand) of magnificent bridges,  (2)  , of course.have become one of the marks of ancient Chinese civilization.

                  The Guangji Bridge,  (3)   (know) as the first opening bridge in the world,is one good example of them.It   (4)   (lie)in the eastern suburb of Chao zhou, China across the Hang River for over 800 years,which at first was   (5)   (simple)a boat bridge built in 1170 AD in Southern Song Dynasty with the   (6)   (long) of 518 meters.Later construction of piers and framework started from both banks of the river on which it was fixed,and it took a total of 200 years   (7)   (complete) the Guangji Bridge with a floating section of 18 supporting wooden boats in between the two beamed sections. When necessary the floating section can be unloked for the passage of big boats.which is really   (8)   imaginative invention in bridge-building history. There ale two iron cows standing at both ends of the bridge,  (9)   the hope of protecting the bridge from the flood damage.  (10)   makes the bridge particularly outstanding is that its two beamed sections resemble waterside streets with 24 different

              styles' pavilions and towers for doing business,which become a special view on the bridge.

            • 10.

              A long time ago, there was a British king. One day, the king asked his three daughters how much they loved him, two of 61.________ said they loved him more than anything on the earth.  The third daughter chose not to flatter (奉承) her father with dishonest claims and told him she loved him only as much as her duty as 62.________ daughter required. The king believed the two dishonest daughters and gave them 63.________ kingdom. He told the honest daughter that she was ungrateful and made her leave his kingdom so she travelled 64. ________ the sea to France.

              The king then went to live with his eldest daughter, 65. ________(bring) a hundred soldiers to look after him. But the eldest 66. ________(demand) that he should reduce the number of soldiers to fifty. The king was angry and went to live with his second daughter instead. But the second daughter was no different, and even 67. ________(far) reduced his soldiers to twenty-five. The king then went backwards and forwards between the two daughters 68. ________ he had no soldiers at all.

              The youngest daughter, hearing 69. ________ had happened to her father, gathered an army and defeated her two sisters. She then put the old king back on his throne. When the king died 70. ________ (peaceful) in his sleep, the honest daughter became crowned queen.

