优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I remember my first home was a small apartment on the second floor with a lovely and spacious balcony(阳台). When my mom was busy in the kitchen she let me stay on the balcony watching the kids playing in the street. On that balcony I played sometimes with my elder sister, Maria. She was seven years old and when my mom was absent she was like a mother to me. The balcony was a great hobby place for my father. After his work he used to grow carnations (康乃馨) in flower boxes. His carnations were red, pink and white, and everyone appreciated them for their beauty.

              He took care of them with so much love and devotion. He dealt carefully with his flowers like a mother taking care of her baby. Many times I sat on the floor of the balcony for hours observing him and his lovely flowers with patience. He was always doing something on that balcony. He was watering them every day, cleaning the balcony floor, changing the potting soil and when the stems (茎) were thick, strong and high enough, he started his improvement operation like a doctor.

              My dad took a tiny knife and with his left hand he held the stem of the carnation and measured the height. Then he made a small mark on the stem with his finger. Afterwards he made a sharp cut with the knife, just enough to fit in a grain of barley (插穗的芽). Then he bandaged the stem with a small bandage. His job was then to water the plants and to take care of them. “No one should touch them”, he said to mom. Every day, when he came home from work he went straight to the balcony.

              Mom used to tell us: “Do not touch daddy’s flowers.” For us it was a fascinating experience to watch how the small stems were growing and making flowers. When the carnations had grown big enough, my dad enjoyed watching them every day. We the kids did too.






              (1) Paragraph 1:

              One day, my elder sister, who loved dad very much, had a great idea.________________







              (2) Paragraph 2:

              When my dad arrived, he went as usual, straight to the balcony and saw his flowers lying on the floor like dead animals.








            • 2.

              In 1952, my daddy traveled with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This meant he would  (1)  a lot of time away from home.

              As  (2)  came near,he called my mother and   (3)   why he would not be celebrating the holiday with us. Money was tight and he didn't have a way to get back to his  (4)   Though she was   (5)  , Mother knew he was right. When she told us the news, it really  (6)   me, and I went to bed on Christmas Eve with a  (7)   heart.

              When we  (8)   up on Christmas morning, Santa had conic. I still remember what gift we   (9)   that year. We were all happy with our gifts, so we went outside to play. As we were   (10)   I looked up and thought I saw my daddy in the distance I ran inside to tell Mother. She did not  (11)  me and told me not to make up stories. My mother  (12)  it just wasn't possible.  (13)   I was sure it was Daddy!I turned to go back outside when I heard familiar footsteps. Daddy was home!As I   (14)   into his arms, Daddy explained that he had tried   (15)   to get home for Christmas, but without success. At last, a group of the workers had decided to drive. But the  (16)   guy lived miles away. So Daddy started   (17)   on Christmas Eve until he arrived home. He had walked all night!

              Though the  (18)  that year were wonderful, tile best gift was not found under the  (19)  . Daddy's special surprise made this my most  (20)   Christmas.

              (1) A. save B. spend C. waste D. lose

              (2) A. Thanksgiving B. Easter C. Christmas D. New Year

              (3) A. wondered B. explained C. argued D. discussed

              (4) A. office B. Army C. church D. family

              (5) A. excited B. frightened C. surprised D. unhappy

              (6) A. puzzled B. calmed C. interested D. hit

              (7) A. light   B. warm C. heavy D. strong

              (8) A. picked B. woke C. blew D. turned

              (9) A. received B. bought C. made D. sent

              (10) A. playing B. debating C. studying D. eating

              (11) A. recognize B. believe C. ignore D. understand

              (12) A. agreed B. warned C. realized D. added

              (13) A. But B. So C. And D. Or

              (14) A. sank B. rushed C. stepped D. escaped

              (15) A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

              (16) A. nearest B. farthest C. earliest D. latest

              (17) A. running B. driving C. walking D. cycling

              (18) A. presents B. programs C. plans D. styles

              (19) A. stairs B. tree C. table D. shelf

              (20) A. unforgettable B. comfortable C. reasonable D. terrible

            • 3.

              Next month, about 30,000 runners will take to the streets of Boston, Massachusetts, for one of the world’s oldest and most famous races, the Boston Marathon. Nearly half the competitors in the 26.2-mile race will be women. But for most of the race’s 119-year history, only men were officially allowed to compete.

              A woman named Roberta “Bobbi” Gibb helped change that in 1966, when she secretly ran the marathon and finished ahead of most of the men. “Word went out around the world that a woman had done the impossible,” says Gibb. “It changed the way men thought about women.”

              Gibb saw her first Boston Marathon in 1964, while running through her neighborhood. She was inspired to run the race herself. For nearly two years, Gibb trained to build the energy and strength she’d need to finish. But when she sent in an application for the 1966 race, it was turned down.

              At the time, the longest official races for women were only 1.5 miles. Many people didn’t think women were physically capable of running longer distances. Running a marathon was also seen as “unladylike”.

              But the 23-year-old Gibb refused to let go of her dream. She came up with a plan to run the race anyway. On April 19, she showed up at the marathon wearing her brother’s shorts and a sweatshirt to hide the fact that she was a woman.

              Gibb hid in the bushes near the starting line. When the race began, she jumped into the pack. Shortly into the race, Gibb took off her sweatshirt. To her surprise, the crowd cheered when they realized she was a woman. Gibb finished the race in 3 hours and 21 minutes- faster than two thirds of the male runners.

              Gibb opened the door for future female long-distance runners. In the years that followed, she and other women ran in the Boston Marathon, even though the rules still prohibited women from running in the race. Finally, in 1972, the marathon was officially opened to women.

              (1) The underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably refers to the thoughts that women couldn’t _________.

              A. win a long-distance race     
              B. take the place of men

              C. complete a marathon        
              D. compete with men

              (2) What happened to Gibb when she was found running the 1966 Boston Marathon?

              A. She ran back to the starting line.       
              B. She got support from the crowd.

              C. She was driven away from the race.
              D. She took off her brother’s sweatshirt.

              (3) Which of the following can best describe Gibb?

              A. Easy-going. B. Soft-hearted.
              C. Strong-willed. D. Open-minded.

              (4) What’s probably the best title for the text?

              A. Leading a new life            
              B. Running into history

              C. Long-distance runners         
              D. The world’s oldest race

            • 4.

              Author Norman Mailer published an essay in which he declared the graffiti(涂鸦) of the New York subway to be "The Great Art of the 70s". But what happened to the artists and why is there no subway graffiti anymore?

              "It started with someone just writing their name - someone saw that, and added on to it," recalls New York graffiti artist Nicer, born Hector Nazario."Letters going in front of letters, coming back through a letter, behind a letter, going across a letter... the subways became our playground," adds Riff170.

              New York in 1974 was a city in crisis. The Mayor, Abe Beame, slashed the city's budget in a bid to stave off bankruptcy(破产), which meant laying off school teachers, police officers and subway staff.

              "They were taking the money from the schools, there was a lot of corruption here, in this community, and so they took the after-school programmes away, and there was no outlets for this. So the outlet became our city," says Bronx-born designer Eric Orr.

              "It was like an explosion. The graffiti explosion. All of a sudden it took over the whole city. I don't know what happened, but overnight in the early 70s it was from no graffiti to all graffiti," says another former artist, Flint Gennari.

              Eric Felisbret, author and former graffiti artist, says graffiti culture was in a way a product of the civil rights movement. "It was never political," he says, "but many people were brought up with that, and to express yourself by breaking the law became a natural process for them."

              The graffiti pioneers came from all races, however. "There were writers that were African American, Latino - Puerto Rico, Dominican, Cuban - Jewish, Asian, and it became one unit - one family," says another graffiti pioneer, Roberto Gualtieri.

              Prof Gregory Snyder, sociologist and author of Graffiti Lives, says: "For lots of people, graffiti is ugly, vandalistic, and I'm not denying that. It's vandalism... now, oftentimes it's very clever vandalism. It can be written on a dumpster, like a garbage bin, and if someone's attempting to make a garbage bin look a little prettier maybe that's not the worst thing in the world."Although Mailer was not alone in welcoming the flowering of creativity, the authorities hated it, as did many passengers.

              So when Mayor Ed Koch took office, he was determined to clean up the city and set about targeting graffiti.

              "I remember in 1982 he brought everyone out to a train yard and there was a single train painted white," says former New York Daily News reporter Salvatore Arena. Trains were taken out of service and cleaned as soon as graffiti was spotted. Carriages were protected at night and the city agreed to ban the sale of spray cans.

              If in 1984 80% of subway carriages contained graffiti by May 1989 the network was graffiti-free. “Graffiti has gone through an evolution, and it will continue to evolve. It’s now socially accepted in places where 20-30 years ago that would have been impossible. It’s now showcased(展示)in certain museums –and let’s say in another 30 years from now it may be hanging in the White House,” says Nicer.

              Nowadays painted graffiti is largely gone from the New York subway trains themselves and is seen instead on the walls and tunnels of the city. It has been replaced by scratchiti(刮擦艺术) created onto carriage windows using keys, knives. Unlike the vivid images of 40 years ago, these ghostly patterns are somehow easy to ignore. After all, graffiti has faded quietly into the background.

              (1) What caused the graffiti’s sudden appearance in New York in the 1970s?

              A. It is a product of the civil rights movement..

              B. The worse economy in New York then

              C. The support and encouragement of the Mayor.

              D. Publishment of Norman Mailer’s essay on graffiti.

              (2) In the 1970s, New York’s graffiti artists ________.

              A. could only do graffiti on trains

              B. organized a political movement

              C. realized they were actually against the laws

              D. often left their own names on their works

              (3) The main reason why Mayor Ed Koch took measures to stop graffiti may be that_______.

              A. all passengers were against graffiti

              B. it wasn’t the art that Ed Koch was fond of

              C. it didn’t benefit most subway passengers

              D. it became out of date because of scratchiti

            • 5.

              I’m Emily Barr, a British journalist. One day, an idea of travelling around the world came into my mind. I was so scared at first that I thought about canceling the whole plan at least twice a day. But I finally made up my mind and left.

              Travelling around the world is the most exciting thing I have ever done. During the first few months I saw the beautiful view of Miami’s South Beach. I crossed the United States by train and walked on a Fijian beach, and I was happy to visit New Zealand. Then I spent about a month in Australia.

              When I arrived in China, I carefully copied the Chinese characters for the hotel I wanted to stay in onto a piece of paper, and handed it to a taxi driver. He frowned(皱眉), and then laughed at my ugly writing. In Chengdu, I rode out of town to see pandas at their reserve(保护区).One evening when I spent my time in a bar, I met James, another tourist, who is my husband now by the way. We flew to Tibet together the next day.

              James and I walked around in Lhasa, travelled on Indian trains, wandered around the Taj Mahal and slept on the floor at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Then a year after I began my trip, I went back home.

              Now James and I live in France with our two young sons and often make plans to travel with the boys. Once you have done it, anything seems possible.

              (1) The underlined word “canceling” is closest in meaning to “________”.

              A. giving up B. caring about C. advancing D. following

              (2) What is the CORRECT time order of the following events?

                a. Travelling to China.    b. Crossing the United States.

                 c. Visiting New Zealand.        d. Going to India.         e. Going on a trip to Australia.

              A. a-b-e-c-d B. b-c-a-e-d C. b-c-e-a-d D. b-e-c-a-d

              (3) We can learn from the passage that________.

              A. Emily began her around-the-world trip with her husband

              B. there are three people in Emily’s family

              C. Emily doesn’t want to travel any more after her around-the-world trip

              D. it took Emily a year to go on her around-the-world trip

              (4) The passage mainly tells us________.

              A. the family’s love to Emily
              B. Emily’s travelling around the world

              C. the marriage life of Emily and her husband
              D. what Emily did when she prepared her travel

            • 6.

              I went out to breakfast this morning to meet a friend. It was lovely. But what wasnˈt so lovely was the lady who took our_(1)__.She spoke in a way that was frustrated, unhappy, _(2)__not friendly, and sort of rude.

              When it came to my___(3)___to approach her and order, I thought to myself, “What can I do here to make her day, to__(4)___her, and to make her smile?”

              I had nothing. Surely there must be something I can__(5)__praise her. Then there it was and I knew immediately. It was her__(6)__.She had the most extremely well spoken and clear voice. It was so good. Professionally good. I had it. That was it. That was what I would__(7)___her up.

              So after she took my order and gave me the same unfriendly___(8)_, I told her, “I must say you have the most___(9)__voice. Itˈs so clear, well spoken and sounds so___(10)__.”I told her how she honestly had one of those voices that would be perfect for announcements or__(11)___radio broadcasts.

              I saw her whole face__(12)__, she smiled(the first time I had seen her do so)and as I__(13)__and walked away, I noticed her whole attitude change.The__(14)__behind me received a totally___(15)__kind of service. A happier one. And all was ___(16)___ what I did. Something so simple!

              There was a time when this sort of thing would have__(17)__me. Or Iˈd have been shy and___(18)_to say such a thing. Not now. Now I must!Why?Because I have the power. The power to___(19)_change someoneˈs day by something as simple as a few kind__(20)__and being kind. And you have this power too. We all do.

              (1) A. position

              B. order

              C. request

              D. attention

              (2) A. certainly

              B. proudly

              C. patiently

              D. quietly

              (3) A. chance

              B. way

              C. duty

              D. turn

              (4) A. blame

              B. excuse

              C. appreciate

              D. defeat

              (5) A. sincerely

              B. slightly

              C. carefully

              D. quickly

              (6) A. skin

              B. appearance

              C. shape

              D. voice

              (7) A. pick

              B. cheer

              C. warm

              D. dress

              (8) A. attitude

              B. compromise

              C. value

              D. proof

              (9) A. astonishing

              B. moving

              C. amazing

              D. tiring

              (10) A. common

              B. popular

              C. professional

              D. loud

              (11) A. ever

              B. even

              C. still

              D. never

              (12) A. turned white

              B. pulled down

              C. lit up

              D. calmed down

              (13) A. left

              B. watched

              C. fled

              D. remained

              (14) A. friend

              B. manager

              C. worker

              D. customer

              (15) A. stubborn

              B. different

              C. reliable

              D. active

              (16) A. except for

              B. opposite to

              C. because of

              D. free from

              (17) A. embarrassed

              B. encouraged

              C. frightened

              D. confused

              (18) A. polite

              B. eager

              C. grateful

              D. uncomfortable

              (19) A. hardly

              B. completely

              C. exactly

              D. properly

              (20) A. greetings

              B. actions

              C. thanks

              D. words

            • 7.
              My grandfather came from Hungary(匈牙利) and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States.The rest of his family remained in Europe.When World War I broke out,he seemed to have become another man,downhearted.Such obvious change was not born out of concern for his welfare(福利),but out of fear:if his only son,my uncle,had to go to war, it would be cousin fighting against cousin.
                  One day in 1918,my Uncle Milton received his draft notice.My grandparents were very upset.But my mother,at the age of 10,felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war.Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends,my uncle bought them all service pins(别针),which meant that they had a loved one in the service.All the little girls were delighted.
                  The moment came when my uncle and the other soldiers,without any training but all in uniforms,boarded the train."The band played and the crowd cheered.Although no one noticed, Iˈm sure my grandmother had a tear in her eye for the only son.The train slowly pulled out,but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly stopped.Everyone stared in wonder as the train slowly returned to the station.There was a dead silence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. Someone shouted,"The war is over! "For a moment,nobody moved,but then the people heard someone bark orders(下命令)at the soldiers.The men lined up in two lines,walked down the steps,and with the band playing,marched(前进)down the street, as returning heroes,to be welcomed home.My mother said it was a great day,but she was just a little disappointed that it didnˈt last a tiny bit longer.

              (1) What the grandfather was most worried about was ______ .

              A. the spread of the world war
              B. the safety of his two cousins
              C. a drop in his living standards
              D. his relatives killing each other

              (2) The underlined phrase "draft notice" means " ______ ".

              A. order for army service

              B. train ticket for Europe

              C. letter of rejection (拒绝)

              D. note of warning

              (3) Which of the following words can best describe the ending of the story? ______

              A. Disappointing.                               
              B. Unexpected.
              C. Uncertain.                                      
              D. Inspiring.
            • 8.

              Life in the Slow Lane

              I always seemed to be rushing through my life. I’d  (1)   my seat belt and slam(猛踩)the accelerator to get where I wanted to go. Or, at the mall, I’d  (2)  the stores like a runner in the hundred-meter dash. There just weren’t enough hours in the day and I was afraid I might  (3)  something if I didn’t hurry up.

              And then one day, as fate would have it, I ran out of  (4)  . As my car coasted off the road, I looked at my watch and hit the steering wheel  (5)  . I had a meeting in fifteen minutes and I hadn’t even finished  (6)  for it.

              But as I got out of my car, a(n)  (7)  thing happened. I looked out towards the east, and the  (8)  was just beginning to shine over the horizon. There was a low misty  (9)  hanging over the river, and some ducks were cutting thick, smooth trails(痕迹)across the otherwise glass-like surface of the water. A few sailboats  (10)  at anchor, their mirror images extending out before them.

              I was shocked. This  (11)  scene had been going on right outside my car every morning and I had never  (12)  time appreciating it. I had been rushing around in such a  (13)  that I had been missing everything!

              I was quietly,   (14)  , patiently watching as the sun painted a brand new day when a co-worker finally  (15)  my car and stopped for me. I had somehow been transformed. Life went from a fast break dance into a slow waltz. I began taking long, slow walks  (16)  my yard and neighborhood, noticing for the first time all the neighbors, mysteries and wonders  (17)  were right there for me to see all the time. Not only were there sights that I had been missing, but I began to hear entire  (18)  all around me:birds singing, wind blowing and leaves rustling.

                (19)  one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass,it becomes a mysterious, beautiful and indescribably magnificent  (20)  in itself.

              (1) A. harden                                                      
              B. loosen

              C. tighten                                                                  
              D. widen

              (2) A. race through                                                       
              B. pass by

              C. come across                                                          
              D. look into

              (3) A. waste                                                                 
              B. miss

              C. meet                                                                     
              D. cost

              (4) A. money                                                               
              B. water

              C. time                                                                     
              D. gas

              (5) A. delightfully                                                        
              B. in depression

              C. bravely                                                                 
              D. in astonishment

              (6) A. waiting                                                              
              B. calling

              C. caring                                                                   
              D. preparing

              (7) A. confusing                                                           
              B. amusing

              C. amazing                                                                
              D. embarrassing

              (8) A. star                                                                   
              B. light

              C. moon                                                                   
              D. sun

              (9) A. ice                                                                    
              B. wind

              C. smoke                                                                  
              D. fog

              (10) A. sat                                                                   
              B. went

              C. seated                                                                   
              D. reached

              (11) A. disastrous                                                         
              B. accidental

              C. glorious                                                                
              D. necessary

              (12) A. brought                                                            
              B. spent

              C. taught                                                                   
              D. founded

              (13) A. hurry                                                               
              B. case

              C. position                                                                
              D. mess

              (14) A. regretfully                                                        
              B. joyfully

              C. obviously                                                              
              D. carelessly

              (15) A. memorized                                                       
              B. borrowed

              C. recognized                                                            
              D. opened

              (16) A. around                                                             
              B. with

              C. for                                                                       
              D. from

              (17) A. which                                                              
              B. that

              C. who                                                                     
              D. what

              (18) A. symphonies                                                      
              B. fantasies

              C. noises                                                                   
              D. cultures

              (19) A. Until                                                               
              B. Although

              C. The moment                                                          
              D. The present

              (20) A. space                                                               
              B. village

              C. city                                                                      
              D. world

            • 9.

              The family had just moved. The young woman was feeling a little   (1)  . It was Mother’s Day--and 800 miles separated her from her parents.

              She had called them that morning, and her mother had   (2)   how colorful their backyard was   (3)   spring had arrived. Later, she told her husband how she   (4)   those lilacs (丁香花) in her parents’ yard. “I know where we can find some,” he said. “Get the   (5)   and come on.” So off they went.

              Some time later, they stopped at a hill and there were lilacs all round. The young woman rushed up to the nearest   (6)   and buried her face in the flowers. Carefully, she   (7)   some. Finally, they returned to their car for the   (8)   home. The woman sat smiling, surrounded by her   (9)  .

              When they were near home, she shouted “Stop,” got out quickly and   (10)   to a nearby nursing home. She went to the end of the porch (门廊), where a(n)   (11)   patient was sitting in her wheelchair, and put the flowers into her lap. The two   (12)  , bursting into laughter now and then. Later the young woman turned and ran back to her   (13)  . As the car pulled away, the woman in the wheelchair   (14)   with a smile, and held the lilacs   (15)  .

              “Mom,” the kids asked, “  (16)   did you give her our flowers?” “It is Mother’s Day, and she seems so   (17)  while I have all of you. And anyone would be  (18)   by flowers.”

              This satisfied the kids, but not the husband. The next day he   (19)   some young lilacs around their yard. I was the husband. Now, every May, our yard is full of lilacs. Every Mother’s Day our kids   (20)   purple lilacs. And every year I remember that smile of the lonely old woman. And that has become a lasting touching memory of my life.

              (1) A. moved            B. worried               
              C. angry                   D. depressed

              (2) A. learned                 B. imagined           
              C. mentioned         D. realized

              (3) A. now that         B. so that                 
              C. as if                      D. even if

              (4) A. missed            B. grew                  
              C. watered               D. showed

              (5) A. cars                 B. kids                     
              C. clothes                 D. lilacs

              (6) A. bush                B. hill                      
              C. yard                            D. door

              (7) A. bought            B. picked                 
              C. sent                      D. raised

              (8) A. break              B. holiday               
              C. trip                       D. dinner

              (9) A. friends            B. memory              
              C. flowers                D. honor

              (10) A. responded      B. pointed               
              C. drove                   D. hurried

              (11) A. loving             B. elderly                
              C. serious                 D. sensitive

              (12) A. hesitated         B. waited                
              C. sat                        D. chatted

              (13) A. family             B. mother                
              C. path                     D. home    

              (14) A. nodded           B. waved                 
              C. left                       D. continued    

              (15) A. sadly          B. politely              
              C. quickly                D. tightly

              (16) A. why                B. when                   
              C. how                     D. where   

              (17) A. quiet               B. confused             
              C. alone                    D. patient

              (18) A. calmed            B. persuaded           
              C. disappointed        D. cheered 

              (19) A. arranged         B. dried                   
              C. planted                D. hid 

              (20) A. find                B. gather                 
              C. receive                 D. sell

            • 10.

              I am so grateful for the 21-Day Eco challenge hosted by Kindspring. Taking care of our sweet Mother Earth has always been __(1)____ to me in my life and I have taken __(2)____  in my everyday life to recycle, reuse, think about ways to protect our Mother Earth, etc. However, this __(3)____  awoke me even more.

              Our Scholars Together community has taken on more than we have before __(4)____  recycling ,using our own china cups and metal water bottles when we go out ,not buying things in __(5)____  containers and having green lunches more consistently, not__(6)____  ,but the biggest change we made was setting a goal of Zero Waste.

              We set up more boxes and bins for paper that we could __(7)____  again, recycled every sheet of use-on-both-side paper, plastics, cans ,etc. We also __(8)____  all of our food we cooked or bought ,instead of throwing some away. We really __(9)____  it a challenge. Each day we all saw how little __(10)____ could be in our dustbins. I realized that I had been throwing paper away that could be used on the other __(11)____ or could be recycled, and now I am looking everywhere for __(12)____  that can be used more __(13)____  until recycling time.

              The videos offered by Kindspring have been so__(14)____  and useful to us all that I don’t want the Eco challenge to __(15)____ . We will continue to do our part and __(16)____  the news to our family and friends. Next week we are trying some __(17)____  in our local sandwich and sub shops where the kids like to go to see that we can bring our own __(18)____  in, rather than having them put in bags. It is cool to see how the __(19)____  spreads. Thank you Kindspring for __(20)____  the community with daily support and great researched videos and information.

              (1) A. abstract

              B. vital

              C. obvious

              D. curious

              (2) A. notes

              B. action

              C. steps

              D. risks

              (3) A. lifestyle

              B. journey

              C. adventure

              D. challenge

              (4) A. in terms of

              B. in need of

              C. regardless of

              D. apart from

              (5) A. glass

              B. metal

              C. plastic

              D. china

              (6) A. smoothly

              B. occasionally

              C. formally

              D. regularly

              (7) A. create

              B. find

              C. use

              D. put

              (8) A. put away

              B. sold out

              C. rid of

              D. ate up

              (9) A. saw

              B. made

              C. described

              D. debated

              (10) A. rubbish

              B. paper

              C. money

              D. sandwich

              (11) A. end

              B. sheet

              C. top

              D. side

              (12) A. things

              B. inventions

              C. stories

              D. reasons

              (13) A. easily

              B. passively

              C. conveniently

              D. effectively

              (14) A. meaningless

              B. instructive

              C. brief

              D. funny

              (15) A. exist

              B. occur

              C. end

              D. last

              (16) A. hide

              B. delete

              C. enjoy

              D. spread

              (17) A. dreams

              B. wonders

              C. experiments

              D. hopes

              (18) A. food

              B. drinks

              C. containers

              D. videos

              (19) A. awareness

              B. donations

              C. mottoes

              D. fantasy

              (20) A. charging

              B. decorating

              C. bothering

              D. providing

