优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              To my ___________(满意), she got all the answers right in the final math test.

            • 2.

              The young man with great ____________(雄心) planned to build a school in the poor village.

            • 3.
              He gave his son some money for the ___________(购买) of his school books.
            • 4.


              (1)Both English and French are o__________ languages of Canada.

              (2)Our school is a non-smoking one. So smoking is b_________ in our school.

              (3)Water is the c__________ of oxygen and hydrogen.

              (4)The organization needs more v__________ to do the work for free.

              (5)My key is n__________ to be found. I don’t know where on earth I have left it.

            • 5.

              The blanket will provide additional warmth and _____________(舒适) in bed.

            • 6.

              He likes music very much and takes d_______ in listening to music.

            • 7.

              He studied the German market to find the _________________(潜在性,可能性)there for profitable investment.

            • 8.


              (1).The crowd in the supermarket p____________ at the sound of the gun. 

              (2).We want some v____________ to help clean the classroom。

              (3). When Lucy went out, I had a g______ at my watch. It was 7:30 in the morning.

              (4).The figures i______ that it is getting more and more difficult for new graduates to find jobs.

              (5).We were very happy to go to see the film with my parents, but u__________, our car broke down on the way. 

              (6). I thought the party would be a great success but it just turned out to be the _______ (相反).

              (7). The government has taken effective action to prevent the __________(传播)of the disease. 

              (8). It is known to us that plastic is a  ________(材料) used all around the world. 

              (9).It was through his  ________(影响) that she became interested is American culture.

              (10). As you know, such things are not allowed to happen in a  _________(文明的) society.

            • 9.
              It was his a_________ of mind during driving that resulted in a terrible accident.
