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            • 1.

              A rejection letter is one of those letters that are not very easy to write.   (1)  . For example, organizations usually have to send rejection letters to applicants they cannot hire. So how to write a rejection letter?

              Make the words professional and proper.

              What matters most in a rejection letter is the professional tone and wording.   (2)  .Instead, your choice of words should make the reader feel that he or she would do the same thing if they were in your place.

              Keep it clear and simple.

                (3)  . Nobody likes to read a long, winding rejection letter. Therefore, it is better to deliver the message of rejection in the beginning itself. Clearly state that you have decided to reject the request or application. Don’t beat about the bush and don’t try to give the impression that your decision could change.   (4)  . Explain why your decision id good for everyone.


              Conclude with a statement of goodwill. You may have rejected this application, but if you intend to consider this person for another job in the future, you may express that as well. However, that isn’t always necessary. In some situations such endings might offend the reader.

              (1) A. End on a positive note.

              B. Make your decision as soon as possible.

              C. Never give away what you are going to do.

              D. Briefly state how you came to your decision.

              E. A rejection letter doesn’t have to be unnecessarily long.

              F. Don’t write anything that may make the reader feel bad.

              G. Although writing a rejection letter can be difficult, there are situations when it’s absolutely necessary.

              (2) A. End on a positive note.

              B. Make your decision as soon as possible.

              C. Never give away what you are going to do.

              D. Briefly state how you came to your decision.

              E. A rejection letter doesn’t have to be unnecessarily long.

              F. Don’t write anything that may make the reader feel bad.

              G. Although writing a rejection letter can be difficult, there are situations when it’s absolutely necessary.

              (3) A. End on a positive note.

              B. Make your decision as soon as possible.

              C. Never give away what you are going to do.

              D. Briefly state how you came to your decision.

              E. A rejection letter doesn’t have to be unnecessarily long.

              F. Don’t write anything that may make the reader feel bad.

              G. Although writing a rejection letter can be difficult, there are situations when it’s absolutely necessary.

              (4) A. End on a positive note.

              B. Make your decision as soon as possible.

              C. Never give away what you are going to do.

              D. Briefly state how you came to your decision.

              E. A rejection letter doesn’t have to be unnecessarily long.

              F. Don’t write anything that may make the reader feel bad.

              G. Although writing a rejection letter can be difficult, there are situations when it’s absolutely necessary.

              (5) A. End on a positive note.

              B. Make your decision as soon as possible.

              C. Never give away what you are going to do.

              D. Briefly state how you came to your decision.

              E. A rejection letter doesn’t have to be unnecessarily long.

              F. Don’t write anything that may make the reader feel bad.

              G. Although writing a rejection letter can be difficult, there are situations when it’s absolutely necessary.

            • 2.

              How to Love Your Parents

              Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part, a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents. 

                (1)  . A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.

              Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them, preparing yourself for when you’re off on your own. It’s OK to get angry but angry actions don’t help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, write down your feelings, or talk to a friend.   (2)  

                 Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it’s cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.   (3)   Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

              Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them.   (4)   Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

              Some people simply may not be able to love their parents.   (5)   Seek help if you are being abused in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

              (1) A. Forgiveness is the key.
              B. Parents will in turn express their love to you.
              C. Tell them you love them every morning.
              D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.
              E. Please remember parents are as important as friends.
              F. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
              G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.
              (2) A. Forgiveness is the key.
              B. Parents will in turn express their love to you.
              C. Tell them you love them every morning.
              D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.
              E. Please remember parents are as important as friends.
              F. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
              G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.
              (3) A. Forgiveness is the key.
              B. Parents will in turn express their love to you.
              C. Tell them you love them every morning.
              D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.
              E. Please remember parents are as important as friends.
              F. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
              G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.
              (4) A. Forgiveness is the key.
              B. Parents will in turn express their love to you.
              C. Tell them you love them every morning.
              D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.
              E. Please remember parents are as important as friends.
              F. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
              G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.
              (5) A. Forgiveness is the key.
              B. Parents will in turn express their love to you.
              C. Tell them you love them every morning.
              D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.
              E. Please remember parents are as important as friends.
              F. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.
              G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.
            • 3.

              Michael’s birthday was coming soon, so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he wouldn’t have to walk to school anymore.    (1)   Michael got a book instead but he did not complain.

                 One bright and sunny day while Michael was walking past a bookstore on his way to school, he saw a big boy on a bike. The bike was too small for the boy.      (2)    

              The boy was a student in Michael’s school. Michael recognized him. The boy’s name was William. His leg seemed to have broken. Michael picked up William’s bike which was not damaged and rode to the nearby hospital to get help.      (3)      Michael rode William’s bike to school so he would not be late for class.

              After school, Michael quickly rode the bicycle to William’s house with a book for him.        (4)     But he had to put some medicine on his leg and stay in bed for some time.

              To Michael’ s surprise, William was getting a new bike for his birthday in two months so he let Michael have his old bike. Michael was overjoyed.

                  (5)      Michael visited William every day until Williams’s leg was better.

              (1) A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.
              B. Michael found it interesting and couldn’t help laughing.
              C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends
              D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.
              E. However, Michael’ s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.
              F. As the boy was turning around a corner, the bike crashed into a tree.
              G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车) came and took William to the hospital.
              (2) A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.
              B. Michael found it interesting and couldn’t help laughing.
              C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends
              D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.
              E. However, Michael’ s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.
              F. As the boy was turning around a corner, the bike crashed into a tree.
              G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车) came and took William to the hospital.
              (3) A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.
              B. Michael found it interesting and couldn’t help laughing.
              C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends
              D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.
              E. However, Michael’ s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.
              F. As the boy was turning around a corner, the bike crashed into a tree.
              G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车) came and took William to the hospital.
              (4) A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.
              B. Michael found it interesting and couldn’t help laughing.
              C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends
              D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.
              E. However, Michael’ s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.
              F. As the boy was turning around a corner, the bike crashed into a tree.
              G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车) came and took William to the hospital.
              (5) A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.
              B. Michael found it interesting and couldn’t help laughing.
              C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends
              D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.
              E. However, Michael’ s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.
              F. As the boy was turning around a corner, the bike crashed into a tree.
              G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车) came and took William to the hospital.
            • 4.

              Question: I have been learning English for about 7 years.     (1)   And I still can’t make myself understood in English. However, I love learning English. How can I learn English well? Please help me.

              Answer: Many people have asked me this question.    (2)   Here I will give you several tips for learning English.

              ●   (3)  

              First of all, you must want to learn. If you are not interested in learning English, no class will help you and no book will help you. So you have to be honest with yourself. Ask yourself, “Do I really want to learn English?” If you can’t answer “yes” to this question, it is better for you to set English aside until you’re ready and willing to learn.

              ● Set goals (目标).

              To learn English well, you must set some goals.    (4)     It will also help you to see your progress. Ask yourself, “What are my goals? What areas would I like to improve?” Think about what your goals are, and review once in a while to see that you are making progress toward your goals.

              ● Practice, practice, and practice.

              After you have set your goals, you have a better idea of what you need to practice. Just like the athlete whose goal is the Olympics must train daily, you as a language learner must practice language every day to make progress toward your goal.   (5)  

              (1) A. Want to learn.
              B. I think it is not easy to learn it well.
              C. Make friends with some Americans online.
              D. Reading is a very good way to learn new words.
              E. The answers are as different as the people asking the question.
              F. The more you practice, the more progress you will make.
              G. Having goals will help you remember what areas you want to work on.
              (2) A. Want to learn.
              B. I think it is not easy to learn it well.
              C. Make friends with some Americans online.
              D. Reading is a very good way to learn new words.
              E. The answers are as different as the people asking the question.
              F. The more you practice, the more progress you will make.
              G. Having goals will help you remember what areas you want to work on.
              (3) A. Want to learn.
              B. I think it is not easy to learn it well.
              C. Make friends with some Americans online.
              D. Reading is a very good way to learn new words.
              E. The answers are as different as the people asking the question.
              F. The more you practice, the more progress you will make.
              G. Having goals will help you remember what areas you want to work on.
              (4) A. Want to learn.
              B. I think it is not easy to learn it well.
              C. Make friends with some Americans online.
              D. Reading is a very good way to learn new words.
              E. The answers are as different as the people asking the question.
              F. The more you practice, the more progress you will make.
              G. Having goals will help you remember what areas you want to work on.
              (5) A. Want to learn.
              B. I think it is not easy to learn it well.
              C. Make friends with some Americans online.
              D. Reading is a very good way to learn new words.
              E. The answers are as different as the people asking the question.
              F. The more you practice, the more progress you will make.
              G. Having goals will help you remember what areas you want to work on.
            • 5.

              How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

                    Eyes are important for everybody. You must take care and try everything in your hand to keep them in good condition. Here are some of the tips to improve your eyesight naturally.


                   Strain is known to be a factor in many health conditions and eyestrain is no exception. Try meditation, yoga or other methods of stress relief to improve your vision and overall health.

                  Try palming.

                  Sit upright in a comfortable chair.    (2)  Cup your hands so that there is no pressure on your eyes. Let your fingers rest across your forehead. There should be no light entering your eyes. Palming should be done for a period of 5 to 10 minutes to start. Palming should be relaxing. It may help to do palming in a darkened room.

                  Avoid sugar as much as possible.

                    (3)  It will unpleasantly affect your eyesight, which affects the eyes by producing a larger amount of insulin (胰岛素) in the blood. Therefore you shouldn’t be having much fruit juice or something that contains a lot of sugar.

                  Exercise your eyes.

                  The only exercise most eyes get is that daily rubbing we give them when we're tired or suffering from eyestrain. But eye exercises are actually good for your eyes and can improve your vision.   (4)  Blink as fast as you can for a few seconds then close your eyes tightly, open and repeat. Do this exercise 3 to 4 times daily.

                  Eat healthy.

                  You probably hear that statement all the time but eating the right foods are necessary to good health.   (5)  Foods that are high in fiber, vitamin C, D and beta carotene as well as other vitamins and minerals can help improve your vision. Here are a few foods that can be beneficial to good vision: carrots, eggs, blueberries, spinach, kale, grapes, and fresh garlic.

              (1) A. Keep your eyes moist.
              B. Reduce eyestrain(眼睛疲劳).
              C. Give your eyes a workout with the following exercise.
              D. Sugar is your eye’s worst enemy.
              E. Close eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands.
              F. You may not be aware that your diet affects your vision but it does.
              G. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so your eyes don’t strain to stay open during the day.
              (2) A. Keep your eyes moist.
              B. Reduce eyestrain(眼睛疲劳).
              C. Give your eyes a workout with the following exercise.
              D. Sugar is your eye’s worst enemy.
              E. Close eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands.
              F. You may not be aware that your diet affects your vision but it does.
              G. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so your eyes don’t strain to stay open during the day.
              (3) A. Keep your eyes moist.
              B. Reduce eyestrain(眼睛疲劳).
              C. Give your eyes a workout with the following exercise.
              D. Sugar is your eye’s worst enemy.
              E. Close eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands.
              F. You may not be aware that your diet affects your vision but it does.
              G. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so your eyes don’t strain to stay open during the day.
              (4) A. Keep your eyes moist.
              B. Reduce eyestrain(眼睛疲劳).
              C. Give your eyes a workout with the following exercise.
              D. Sugar is your eye’s worst enemy.
              E. Close eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands.
              F. You may not be aware that your diet affects your vision but it does.
              G. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so your eyes don’t strain to stay open during the day.
              (5) A. Keep your eyes moist.
              B. Reduce eyestrain(眼睛疲劳).
              C. Give your eyes a workout with the following exercise.
              D. Sugar is your eye’s worst enemy.
              E. Close eyes and cover them with the palms of your hands.
              F. You may not be aware that your diet affects your vision but it does.
              G. Be sure to get plenty of sleep so your eyes don’t strain to stay open during the day.
            • 6.

                  (1)   . There are two pens which can write this book. One is writing growth, the other is writing caducity(衰老). One is describing success, the other is presenting failure. In others words, one is drawing happiness and the other is showing sorrow as well.

                    Life is like a heavy truck, so happiness and sorrow are like the wheels. No cross,no crown. No pain, no joy.  (2)   One is that to live a day is to leave a day. The other is that to live a day is to enjoy a day. Just one word difference, it has reflected the complete reverse(相反的) state of psychology. Life is like the course which is investing(投资) all the time.   (3)   .

                     When you have it, you should use it well and make it develop great actions. Please remember, the active attitude creates wonderful life, or the negative attitude waste lifetime.

                     (4)   . When she was about to knock at the door, she heard someone speaking in the room. A little girl said," Would you like some braised(炖熟的) pork today" Another girl said, "No. I would like some toasted chicken." Following the words, the lady knocked at the door and went into the room.   (5)   . To her surprise, there were only some pieces of thin and dry bread, two cold potatoes and a jar of water on the table. The lady asked them what was the matter . They said that they imagined that, so poor food was turned into many kinds of delicious food.

              (1) A. She saw them sitting at a table.
              B. Everybody wishes to live a happy life.
              C. There are two different minds.
              D. Life is like a book.
              E. One day , a rich lady went to visit a poor, but happy family. 
              F. Happy life exists everywhere.
              G. Therefore, for one sense, life is the capital
              (2) A. She saw them sitting at a table.
              B. Everybody wishes to live a happy life.
              C. There are two different minds.
              D. Life is like a book.
              E. One day , a rich lady went to visit a poor, but happy family. 
              F. Happy life exists everywhere.
              G. Therefore, for one sense, life is the capital
              (3) A. She saw them sitting at a table.
              B. Everybody wishes to live a happy life.
              C. There are two different minds.
              D. Life is like a book.
              E. One day , a rich lady went to visit a poor, but happy family. 
              F. Happy life exists everywhere.
              G. Therefore, for one sense, life is the capital
              (4) A. She saw them sitting at a table.
              B. Everybody wishes to live a happy life.
              C. There are two different minds.
              D. Life is like a book.
              E. One day , a rich lady went to visit a poor, but happy family. 
              F. Happy life exists everywhere.
              G. Therefore, for one sense, life is the capital
              (5) A. She saw them sitting at a table.
              B. Everybody wishes to live a happy life.
              C. There are two different minds.
              D. Life is like a book.
              E. One day , a rich lady went to visit a poor, but happy family. 
              F. Happy life exists everywhere.
              G. Therefore, for one sense, life is the capital
            • 7.

              Symbol of friendship

              Friendship is a wonderful thing to have no matter how old you are. However, it is important  for teens and young adults to provide conversation, support and so much more as friends.  (1)  Actually, there are a few things that symbolize a friendly relationship.

                (2)  One of the symbols of a wonderful relationship between friends is easy conversation. When  you can talk about almost anything, you are sure to be true friends. When the conversation flows  easily from one topic to another, this can be a symbol of friendship as well.  Able to have fun   (3)   No matter what you are doing, you can have a fun experience so long as you are with  your friend. This is one of the best parts of friendship.  Support all the time  If your friends know they can call you anytime and you will be there for them, then this  symbolizes friendship.  Attentive (专心的) listening by both individuals  If you find that you listen closely to what your friend says and they do the same for you,  this is another symbol of friendship.  (4)   Share laughter and tears  Another symbol of friendship is the ability to share both laughter and tears. A friend is  someone with whom you can laugh and cry over anything.  (5)  

              (1) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (2) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (3) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (4) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (5) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
            • 8.

              We all know that we have to eat to live, so it is important for us to develop healthy eating habits. The following tips may help you.

              ____31_____Take a hard look at your eating habits. Do you eat more when you feel stressed? Do you withhold food from yourself in order to feel like you’re in control? Carefully think about whether you have an unhealthy emotional attachment to food.

              Drink plenty of water___32____ Drink water during and after meals to aid digestion (消化), and try to drink between 2 and 3 liters (升) per day.

              ____33____Ideally, you should eat three meals per day, with two snacks in-between. Doing this allows you to eat slightly less at your meals, giving your body a more manageable amount of food to digest.

              Don’t skip breakfast.___34____ Research shows that people who skip breakfast are usually fatter than those who eat a well-balanced breakfast.

              Eat slowly. Have you ever gorged (狼吞虎咽) on a huge meal and felt fine immediately after, but suddenly felt like exploding 15 minutes later? This happens because it takes some time for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s full. ____35___That way, by the time you get the message and start feeling satisfied, you haven’t eaten too much extra food.

              (1) A. Have a healthy attitude towards food.
              B. Choose the right food to eat.
              C. Eat 5 times per day.
              D. Eating less meat can have several benefits.
              E. You should eat your food more slowly.
              F. It can improve your sense of healthiness and help you feel full.
              G. Many people do because they don’t feel hungry in the morning.
              (2) A. Have a healthy attitude towards food.
              B. Choose the right food to eat.
              C. Eat 5 times per day.
              D. Eating less meat can have several benefits.
              E. You should eat your food more slowly.
              F. It can improve your sense of healthiness and help you feel full.
              G. Many people do because they don’t feel hungry in the morning.
              (3) A. Have a healthy attitude towards food.
              B. Choose the right food to eat.
              C. Eat 5 times per day.
              D. Eating less meat can have several benefits.
              E. You should eat your food more slowly.
              F. It can improve your sense of healthiness and help you feel full.
              G. Many people do because they don’t feel hungry in the morning.
              (4) A. Have a healthy attitude towards food.
              B. Choose the right food to eat.
              C. Eat 5 times per day.
              D. Eating less meat can have several benefits.
              E. You should eat your food more slowly.
              F. It can improve your sense of healthiness and help you feel full.
              G. Many people do because they don’t feel hungry in the morning.
              (5) A. Have a healthy attitude towards food.
              B. Choose the right food to eat.
              C. Eat 5 times per day.
              D. Eating less meat can have several benefits.
              E. You should eat your food more slowly.
              F. It can improve your sense of healthiness and help you feel full.
              G. Many people do because they don’t feel hungry in the morning.
            • 9.

              Symbol of friendship

                   Friendship is a wonderful thing to have no matter how old you are. However, it is important  for teens and young adults to provide conversation, support and so much more as friends.  (1)  Actually, there are a few things that symbolize a friendly relationship.


                   One of the symbols of a wonderful relationship between friends is easy conversation. When  you can talk about almost anything, you are sure to be true friends. When the conversation flows   easily from one topic to another, this can be a symbol of friendship as well.

              Able to have fun

                      (3)  No matter what you are doing, you can have a fun experience so long as you are with  your friend. This is one of the best parts of friendship.

              Support all the time

                    If your friends know they can call you anytime and you will be there for them, then this    symbolizes friendship.

              Attentive (专心的) listening by both individuals

                   If you find that you listen closely to what your friend says and they do the same for you,  this is another symbol of friendship.   (4)  

              Share laughter and tears

                    Another symbol of friendship is the ability to share both laughter and tears. A friend is    someone with whom you can laugh and cry over anything.  (5)  

              (1) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (2) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (3) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (4) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
              (5) A. Get together
              B. Easy conversation
              C. Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.
              D. A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.
              E. You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.
              F. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
              G. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is sa ying.
            • 10.


              To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

              ________  (1)  _______ Try the following steps:

                  Calm yourself. ________  (2)  _______ You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.

                  Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. _______  (3)  _______ Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

                  Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about you hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain. Instead of focusing on your mounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

                  ________  (4)  ______ If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

                  Don’t forget to forgive yourself. _______  (5)  _______ But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.

              (1) ________
              A. Why should you forgive?                      
              B. How should you start to forgive?
              C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.
              D. Try to see things from you offender’s angle.
              E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
              F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.
              G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.
              (2) ________
              A. Why should you forgive?                      
              B. How should you start to forgive?
              C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.
              D. Try to see things from you offender’s angle.
              E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
              F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.
              G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.
              (3) ________
              A. Why should you forgive?                      
              B. How should you start to forgive?
              C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.
              D. Try to see things from you offender’s angle.
              E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
              F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.
              G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.
              (4) ________
              A. Why should you forgive?                      
              B. How should you start to forgive?
              C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.
              D. Try to see things from you offender’s angle.
              E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
              F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.
              G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.
              (5) ________
              A. Why should you forgive?                      
              B. How should you start to forgive?
              C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.
              D. Try to see things from you offender’s angle.
              E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
              F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.
              G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.
