优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. The new stadium built for the next Asian Games is _____ _____ ____ ____ ____(三倍大)the previous one.
            • 2. We have produced _______ this year as we did ten years ago.
              A.as twice much cotton
              B.as twice cotton
              C.twice more cotton
              D.twice as much cotton
            • 3. Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost ____ his.
              A.as much twice as
              B.twice as much as
              C.much as twice as
              D.as twice much as
            • 4.

              As western countries encourage fertility (生育),the world’s population has grown by _________in 1800.

              A.three times it was
              B.three times what it was
              C.what it was three times
              D.it was three times
            • 5. Thanks to the applications of new methods, output is now _______ it was before the year 2010.
              A.six times what
              B.more than six times that
              C.six times large than
              D.as large six times as
            • 6. Smokers are about _____________to get the lung infection and die from it as non-smokers.


              A.more than likely
              B.twice likely


              C.twice more likely
              D.twice as likely
            • 7.



              我们极力要求图书馆假期也开放。(urge that…)



              现在人们更加关注他们的生活环境。(be concerned about)



              她正忙着把要做的所有工作列一个清单。(employ oneself with/in doing sth)



              政府呼吁人们少用塑料袋,有益于我们的环境。(appeal to…)



              对于演讲者来说把他的想法向所有参会的人表达清楚非常重要。(get sth across to sb)



              这个周末你想不想和我一起外出野餐?(fancy doing sth)



              当我们和工人们在一起劳动时,我们从他们那儿学到了很多。(when working…)



              决心要通过这次考试,他比以前更加努力学习。(be determined to do)



              由于严重的洪水灾害,这地区三分之二的建筑物需要修理。(as a result of….)



              下一步就是确保,你真正明白需要什么。(the next step is to…)


            • 8. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ________ the present one.


              A.as three times big as
              B.three times as big as


              C.as big as three time
              D.as big three times as
            • 9. To our delight, we got            workers to do the work as we expected.


              A.as twice many
              B.twice as many
              C.twice many as
              D.as many twice
            • 10.

              ________of the money belongs to my parents.

              A.Two fifth
              B.Two five
              C.Second fifths
              D.Two fifths
