优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              —Are you a football player?    — _____.

              A.Yes, I used to.
              B.No, but I am.
              C.Yes, but I used to be.
              D.No, but I used to be
            • 2.

              In the exam ,John got better marks than _________(expect).

            • 3. —Have you been to the Great Wall?

               —Perhaps not in my dormitory. ________, it might have been during my early childhood.


              A.If any
              B.If ever
              C.If once
              D.If not
            • 4. The girls reach an island separated from the outside world, which is seldom, ________, visited by ships.


              A.if any
              B.if ever
              C.if possible
              D.if so
            • 5. The teacher told us to remain silent unless _______.
              A.to be asked
              C.being asked
              D.you asked
            • 6.



              She saw on a table an album ________ (contain) pictures of Edward at ages.


              Throughout her life, she ________ (devote) to charities, which made her a noble woman.


              Environmental protection companies ________ (experience) great difficulties in collecting money since they had the idea to set up green banks.


              It’s strongly suggested that a car ________(arrange) for to pick up the speaker for the school art festival.


              _________(attend) today’s ceremony of our school’s10.0th anniversary are our honored alumni from home and abroad with success in all walks.


              When Zhou Zhen long reported _________(see) South China tigers, which are said to be dying out, some zoologists started to apply themselves to finding and protecting them.


              _______(bury) in doing his research work, he had little time to reflect on his the fame and benefit.


              The position Yang applied for_______(prove) suitable for him, as a result of which he was looked up to as a model who lived his dream by his own efforts.


              Scientific research shows that proper amounts of exercise, if________ (carry ) out regularly, can improve out health.


              How did you rule out the possibility of the candidate’s application ________ (turn) down?

            • 7. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him_____.
              A.not to do
              B.not to
              C.not did it
              D.don’t do it
            • 8. —What has made him upset recently?

              —________ alone to face the troublesome case.

              B.Being left
              C.Having left
              D.To leave
            • 9.       regularlyaccording to the instructions, the medicine is sure to work.


              A.It is taken
              C.Ifit taking
              D.If is taken
            • 10.

               —Did you get a ticket?

              —No,      , but there wasn't any left.

                 A.I tried                 B.I tried to             C.I try                    D.l try to


